
 2022-11-05 11:02:14

Marine Heavy Transport amp; Lift, London, UK


J M. BlmgwpJl, S L Free, H ID) Lawes, ill Lloyd, M J Palmer said J LidePalgP, Noble Denton Europe Ltd, UN SUMMARY

Purpose-built Heavy Transport Vessels have existed for many years. Modem vessels have greater capacity, and give better protection to sensitive cargoes. Greater power, manoeuvrability and propulsion system redundancy are contributors.

Many cargoes are designed with the end use in mind. They are often built, for commercial reasons, many thousands of miles from their destination. Transportation is sometimes not fully considered in the initial design. To maximise As potential of these vessels, a new approach was needed to the transportation design criteria.

Previous practice was to design for the worst case scenario, to assume that the vessel would encounter the extreme storm, and would be incapacitated in that storm. This is a prudent approach for towages, which have insufficient speed to avoid or outrun a storm. The ability of modem vessels to avoid severe weather, combined with current meteorology and communications, significantly lowers the risk. Conversely, reduced design criteria for structures and seafastenings can be allowed. If combined with careful voyage planning and procedures, this offers cost savings whilst still maintaining an acceptable level of risk. Some voyages can be achieved which would not have been considered possible a few years ago.

The paper will describe the latest criteria, and will illustrate their use with a case study of a significant transport.


The world-wide fleet of heavy life ships is a unique section of the shipping market for which there are no specific statutory design rules in place.

Various marine organisations have had marine transportation criteria for many years. The context of this paper is primarily oil-field related transportations.

Towages on their own buoyancy of, for instance, mobile drilling rigs and offshore platforms were slow and cumbersome, and the towed objects could be exposed to the foil force of the elements. Slow speed meant there was little opportunity to deviate round predicted bad weather. The structures themselves were vulnerable to wave motions and wave action, and were frequently prone to fatigue damage. The probability of a totally successful transportation, with zero damage, was sometimes unacceptably low.

Barge transportation solved some of the problems, once the equipment was available to load and discharge very large objects. The cargoes were transported higher above the wave action, and a barge towage is generally faster, giving slightly increased flexibility.

The advent of submersible heavy-lift transport vessels enabled cargoes that were previously transported on barges to be shipped. Some of the early vessels were essentially powered barges (rather low-powered at that), and some of them also relied on a tug as well as their own power.

It was realised that gains could be made by exploiting the speed and manoeuvrability of fully self-propelled vessels. If ike voyage could proceed much faster than a towed

barge, the risk of encountering severe weather, even with no special precautions, is proportionately reduced. Add modem weather forecasting techniques, modem communications, and the ability of a fast vessel to outran or deviate round bad weather, then both risks and costs can be further reduced.

The Noble Denton organisation acts as consultants, as designers and as Marine Warranty Surveyors. It became apparent that in whatever role we are employed, there was a need for consistent and up-to-date transportation criteria.

Previously, Noble Dentons criteria for marine transportation was written on an as-needed basis, and could be found in a variety of guideline documents. One was aimed primarily at barge transports, one at self- propelled vessels, and one at jack-up drilling rigs. In late 2003 a re-drafting exercise was begun to reflect the new technologies. There was common ground between the various documents, which would be better in one place. Therefore they were amalgamated into one document entitled “General guidelines for marine transportations' , first issued in 2004, and revised twice since then [1]. Our aim is to keep the document “live', and incorporate new sections as more experience is gained.

Transportation on ships and submersible heavy lift vessels is the prime concern of this paper. The document [1] also offers guidelines on:

o transportation of cargoes on towed barges o towage of ships, including demolition towages o towages of self-floating marine and oilfield equipment

o one-off towages of self-floating cfoi! engineering structures

copy; 2005: The Royal Institution of Naval Architects


Marine Heavy Transport Si Lift, London, UK

It should be emphasised that 'standard” cargoes are

excluded - the document is primarily aimed at specialised cargoes, mostly oil-industry related.

For each type of transportation, the dociiiiient [1] gives guidance, as relevant, on:

o required documentation

o design environmental conditions o motion response, loadings, design and strength o stability

o transport vessel selection o tug selection o towing equipment o voyage planning and departure o pumping and sounding o emergency anchors and mooring arrangements o manning of tows and transportations o multiple towages

^ There are special considerations' sections covering;

“ transport of jack-ups - towage of ships and FPSOs = towages in ice-covered waters

This paper discusses how allowances have been made for new technology. It is considered unreasonable, for instance, to apply the same criteria to a single tug barge towage capable of 6 knots, a single screw ship capable of 11 knots, and a ship capable of 14 knots








摘要 I

第一章 绪论 1

第二章 气象海洋 4

2.1 十年回顾 4

2.2 降低接触和风险级别 4

2.3 计算运输设计标准 4

2.4 热带气旋考虑 5

2.5 替代方法 5

2.6 设计标准的适用性 6

第三章 航行规划和管理 7

3.1 一般情况 7

3.2 计划 7

3.3 船舶航行路线 7

3.4 天气预报amp;天气路线建议 7

3.5 航线区域条件 8

3.6冲击器端口; 避难地区;控制区 8

3.7 燃烧 8

3.8 辅助用品 8

3.9 操舵 9

3.10 日志 9

3.11 在航行期间的检查 9

3.12 减少过度的动作或吃水 9

3.13 通知 9

3.14 分歧 9

3.15 责任 9

第四章 天气限制操作 10

4.1 有限期限内的航班 10

4.2 超过72小时的航班 10

4.3 控制设计 10

4.4 案例研究 11

第五章 结论 15

参考文献 15

第一章 绪论







Noble Denton组织担任顾问,设计师和海事保修测量师。显而易见的是,无论我们担任任何角色,担负任何职责,都需要一致和最新的交通标准。

以前,Noble Denton的海上运输标准是根据需要编写的,可以在各种指南性质的文件中找到。一个主要针对驳船运输,一个主要针对自走式船只,另一个在自升式钻机。在2003年底,海上运输标准开始了重新起草工作,以实时反映新兴的科学技术。在各种文件之间有一些共同点,这在一个地方更好的体现了出来。 因此,它们被合并成一份题为“海洋运输通用指南”的文件,首次于2004年发布,自那以后修订了两次。我们的目标是保持文件“活性”,并纳入更多已经获得的经验。


  1. 拖曳驳船上的货物运输;
  2. 船舶拖曳,包括拆卸拖船;
  3. 自浮式海运和油田设备拖曳;
  4. 自浮式土木工程结构的一次性拖船;



  1. 所需文件;
  2. 设计环境条件;
  3. 运动反应,负荷,设计和强度;
  4. 稳定性;
  5. 运输船舶选择拖轮选择;
  6. 牵引设备;
  7. 航行规划和离开;
  8. 泵送和探测;
  9. 紧急锚和系泊装置;
  10. 拖车和运输的管理;
  11. 多个拖船等。






第二章 气象海洋

2.1 十年回顾



2.2 降低接触和风险级别



15天暴露 - 概率是1/20

3天暴露 - 概率是1/100(大约)


2.3 计算运输设计标准











2.4 热带气旋考虑


在运行速度低于12海里的情况下,设计标准低于10年的热带气旋极端通常是不可接受的,因为不可能保证避免这种风暴,并且存在可能大大超过设计标准的风险 。


2.5 替代方法




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