
 2022-12-20 18:48:33


Extracted from Key Terms in Second Language Acquisition written by Alessandro G. Benati and Bill VanPatten. The book includes definitions of key terms within second language acquisition as well as some significant relevant theories, and also provides accessible summaries of the key issues within this complex area of study. The excerpt is from the 11th page to the 21st page.

The 11th page to the 21st page:


The concept of initial state refers to the starting point for L2 learners; namely, what they bring to the task of acquiring another language. There are two basic positions on the initial state of SLA: (1) the learner transfers all proper ties of the first language at the outset (the L1 = initial state hypothesis); (2) the learner begins with “universals of language” and does not transfer L1 proper ties at the outset. All other positions are some variation of these two (e.g., there might be partial transfer). Under no scenario does any theory or framework believe that the learner comes to the task of acquisition as a “blank slate.” Everyone believes something is there at the beginning of SLA; the question is what.

L1 = Initial state

A number of scholars believe that from the very beginning, all the properties of the L1 are transferred into SLA (e.g., Schwartz amp; Sprouse, 1996). Under this scenario, the learner assumes (unconsciously) that the L2 is just like the L1. This is commonly referred to as full transfer. The job of the learner subsequently is to replace L1 properties with appropriate L2 properties. Within one theory (Universal Grammar) this is often called “parameter resetting” (see, for example, White, 2003). We will illustrate with a simple example from English and Spanish.

Spanish is what linguists call a null subject language. Null subject languages allow free omission of subject pronouns in finite sentences or clauses (sentences that have tense). Thus, Habla mucho lsquo;He talks a lotrsquo; is a perfectly fine sentence as is Eacute;l habla mucho (eacute;l = the overt subject pronoun lsquo;hersquo;). English is a non-null-subject language, and thus lsquo;Talks a lotrsquo; is not normally permitted; the subject pronoun lsquo;hersquo; is required as in lsquo;He talks a lot.rsquo; Compare (an asterisk indicates a sentence is not well formed):


Mariacute;a: iquest;Conoces a Juan? lsquo;Do you know John?rsquo;

Julieta: Siacute;. Habla mucho. lsquo;Yes. He talks a lot.rsquo;


Mary: Do you know John?

Juliet: Yes. *Talks a lot.

At the same time, there are sentences in Spanish in which a null subject is actually required and an overt pronoun is prohibited. These include weather and time expressions: Estaacute; lloviendo lsquo;Itrsquo;s raining,rsquo; Es la una lsquo;Itrsquo;s one orsquo;clockrsquo;; impersonal expressions with “itrsquo;s”: es imposible lsquo;itrsquo;s impossible,rsquo; es difiacute;cil lsquo;itrsquo;s difficultrsquo;; and existential statements such as iquest;Hay cafeacute;? lsquo;Is there coffee?rsquo; That is, in these kinds of sentences, an overt subject pronoun is not allowed (e.g., *Ello es la una). In English, these kinds of expressions require the dummy subject lsquo;itrsquo; or lsquo;therersquo; (in existential sentences): Itrsquo;s one orsquo;clock/*Is one orsquo;clock and Therersquo;s lots of food/*Is lots of food. We would say that Spanish has the parameter set to null subject while English has it set to –null subject.

Proponents of the L1 = initial state position would claim that speakers of Spanish begin acquisition by unconsciously assuming that English is null subject, and thus it has all the same null subject properties as Spanish. At the beginning, these learners would believe that Is raining is a perfectly fine sentence in English. Researchers would also claim that speakers of English would begin acquisition assuming that Spanish is –null subject, again with all the properties associated with this parameter. These learners would initially believe that Ello estaacute; lloviendo is fine. In each case, it would be the job of the learners to reset to the appropriate parameter during acquisition.

Various theories would talk about the properties of the L1 in different ways; that is, not all would talk about parameters. Some would talk about form-function relationships and meaning (e.g., as in functional approaches or connectionism); others might refer to processing and parsing routines (how learners compute syntactic relationships in real time while listening or reading), claiming that L1 processing routines are transferred in SLA. Still, other theories might claim that something different is transferred. The point here is that regardless of the theory, they would all agree that the L1 is the starting point and that learners must “overwrite” the properties (or processing routines or whatever) to create a new system. Errors that learners make should reveal influence from the L1. In addition, researchers could administer certain kinds of tests (e.g., grammaticality judgment tests, truth value tests) to probe the underlying competence of learners for L1 influence.

Universals = initial state

Proponents of the universals = initial state hypothesis believe that L2 learners begin acquisition much like children learning their first language. That is, they come to the task of SLA with whatever internal mechanisms guiding language acquisition that L1 learners have and little else in terms of “linguistic baggage.” This can be called the no transfer position. Depending on the theory the researcher uses, these internal mechanisms can be linguistic or cognitive in nature. Returning to the example of null subjects from above, proponents of the universals = initial state hypothesis would say that the learner begins acquisition without making any assumptions; that is, the learner is “open” to the language being either null subject or –null subject. Rather than “reset” the parameter, learners would simply “set” it based on the evidence they receive. Errors made by the learners would not








许多学者认为,第一语言的所有属性从一开始就被转移到二语习得中(如Schwartz & Sprouse,1996)。在这种情况下,二语学习者会(无意识地)假设一语和二语完全相同,这通常被称为“完全迁移”。该理论认为,二语学习者的任务就是用适当的第二语言属性代替第一语言属性。普遍语法理论通常称之为“参数重置”(参见White,2003)。我们将用英语和西班牙语简单举例。

西班牙语是语言学家所说的空主语语言。空主语语言在非限定句或从句中(具有时态的句子)中可自由省略主语代词。因此,“Habla mucho”(英语中意为“He talks a lot”)在西班牙语中是一个完整的句子,因为它就相当于“Eacute;l habla mucho”(“eacute;l”是原句被省略的主语代词)。英语是一种非空主语语言。在英语中 “talks a lot”通常不能作句子,因为主语人称代词“he”在 “he talks a lot'中是必需的。比较(*表示句子形式不正确):


玛丽亚:iquest;Conoces a Juan? (你认识约翰吗)

朱莉叶:Siacute;. Habla mucho.(是的。他很健谈)


玛丽亚:Do you know John? (你认识约翰吗)

朱丽叶:Yes. *Talks a lot (是的。*谈了很多)。

同时,西班牙语中某些句子实际需要空主语,并且禁止使用代词。这些句子包括有关天气和时间的表达:“Estaacute; lloviendo”—“Itrsquo;s raining”, “Es la una”—“Itrsquo;s one orsquo;clock”;“Itrsquo;s”引导的无人称句:“Itrsquo;s es imposible”—“Itrsquo;s impossible”, “Itrsquo;s es difiacute;cil”—“Itrsquo;s difficult”;存在句:“iquest;Hay cafeacute;?”—“Is there coffee?”。也就是说,在这些句子中,不允许出现主语代词(例如,* Ello es la una)。在英语中,这些句子需要形式主语“it”或存在句中的“there”作主语。例如,Itrsquo;s one orsquo;clock/*Is one orsquo;clock and Therersquo;s lots of food/*Is lots of food。可以说西班牙语的参数设置为“空主语”,而英语则是“非空主语”。

一语为初始状态的支持者认为西班牙为母语的英语学习者会无意识地假设英语是空主语语言,英语因此具有与西班牙语相同的空主语属性。一开始,学习者会认为“Is raining”是完全正确的英语句子。研究人员还会相信,以英语为母语的人开始学习西班牙语是也会假设西班牙语是非空主语语言,且它还具有所有英语参数属性。这些学习者起初会认为“Ello estaacute; lloviendo”是正确的。每种情况下,二语学习者的目标都是在二语习得期间重置适当的参数。




对于那些不认同普遍语法的研究者来说,普遍语法可能是其他类型的。例如,它可能是与计算复杂度相关的语言加工共性。计算复杂度是指语言结构复杂度。一个句子中“句子成分移动得越多”且在句法上离初始位置较远,它就越难处加工和习得。例如,英语特殊疑问句中作主语和宾语的特殊疑问词Wh-的移位。英语疑问词(如“who”、“what”、“when”、“where”)在句子中可以从原来的位置移动到在句法树中较高的位置。 实际上,这意味着特殊疑问词移到句首。例如,原本位于动词前的主语特殊疑问词“who”在英语特殊疑问句中需要像这样移到句首:Who [S ____ [VP met Mary]]? 下标“s”代表句子,“vp”代表动词短语,“____”代表初始位置(注意,语法学家不会这样注释句子,这里是为了方便举例)。这与源于动词后和动词短语中的宾语“who'完全相反: Who [ s did Mary [ vp see ]]?宾语“who”的句法距离较长.它需要穿过一个动词短语和一个主语节点到达它所在的位置。然而,主语“who”只能穿过主语节点。因此,在习得时更容易测量句法结构。 第一语言和第二语言习得的研究中都存在这种情况(参见 OGrady,2003),且口语中主语“who”出现在宾语“who”之前。因此,语言加工更关注学习者在理解二语过程中如何计算句法关系及其如何影响二语习得(记住,二语习得依赖输入且学习者必须在真正习得前加工输入的语言)。在普遍语法的影响下,计算复杂性不再流行。根据普遍语法,无论二语学习者的第一语言是哪种,二语复杂性对学习者来说都是一样的。也就是说,所有学习者,不管他们第一语言是哪种,在计算跨越多个句法边界的语法信息时,与那些只跨越一个的相比,都会面对更多的困难。


一些语言学家认为母语迁移是存在的,但这种迁移是有限的。例如,Vainikka 和 Young-Scholten(1996)提出了部分转移概念。他们声称,学习者会迁移词汇及句法属性(例如,句子中的动词所需的论元要符合语法规,如“put”有三个论元--a putter, something put和the place it is put;而“die”只需一个论元--the entity experiencing the death),但不迁移与时态、人称、数、中项等相关的语言功能特征。他们预测受母语影响学习者会出现的错误,比如基本的语序错误。例如,以英语为母语、日语为二语的学习者会迁移英语的主-谓-宾句式,而日语却是主-宾-谓。但是,学习者不会迁移与英语动词一致性相关的属性,也不会迁移与英语动词过去式编码相关的属性。




读者应该意识到,二语初始状态的研究依赖自发口语数据及试图挖掘潜在语言能力的测试。 语言教师可能看到更多母语影响二语学习者的现象,因为他们往往对自发的数据处理较少,对学习者潜在语言能力的关注也较少。因为课堂二语学习者可能会被迫发展超出他们当前水平的语言能力,他们通常会依赖母语创造话语,并用母“包装”二语。然而,这不是本文所说的迁移。这种类型的语言输出应看作是没有准备好输出二语的学习者所使用的一种交流策略。

问题2: 第二语言能够达到母语水平吗?

大多数二语学习者都有某种明显的口音,所以在用非母语进行交流中,经常会有人问他们:“你来自哪里?”。二语习得的文献中,二语学习者能在多大程度上发展出像母语一样的二语能力被广泛研究。目前有三种观点: (1)第二语言学习者不能发展母语能力;(2)第二语言学习者能发展母语能力; (3)第二语言学习者能发展母语能力,即使不是所有语言领域都能发展母语能力,但潜在语言能力和语言输出相互影响。 这些观点与二语最终习得状态,即学习者在二语习得方面能走多远有关。二语最终习得状态还与关键期有关,我们在其他二语习得的重要问题将继续讨论它。




在音韵学方面,大量的研究表明,非母语人士的发音达不到母语水平。例如James Flege和他的同事已经证明,早期的二语学习者(即儿童)可以习得母语口音,而晚期的二语学习者(即青少年和成年人)则不能。可以肯定的是,Flege并不完全赞同二语学习者“不可能达到母语水平”。他的结论是,二语学习者年龄越大,二语越难近母语。


关于二语是否可以达到母语水平,一些研究人员找到可以证明二语学习者能够达到母语人士水平的证据。关于语言的音韵属性问题,Theo Bongaerts和他的同事们进行了大量的研究,证明第二语言学习者在发音上可以达到母语水平。也就是说,他们的发音一直被母语评判者归为“近母语”,根据Bongaerts使用的方法,那是可以标记为 “母语”。

David. Birdsong认为,第二语言学习者在语法和语言形态上可以像母语人士一样。他在1992年著名的研究中直接回应了Coppieter的研究。 他发现Coppieter研究中存在的问题,并在自己的研究中提出了那些问题。他也同样研究以法语为二语的学习者,结果,他的研究表明很多学习者的法语水平与母语人士没有区别。他的结论是,二语学习者可以达到母语水平。

另一个直接回应Johnson和Newport的著名研究是White和Genesee(1996)。他们对测试不同母语背景的二语学习者邻近原则错误并将他们的表现与母语人士进行比较。他们发现二语学习者可以获得像母语者一样的语言直觉。他们的研究与Johnson和Newport的研究的一个主要区别是,他们使用独立的测量方法来确定二语学习者在初始阶段是否接近母语人士的语言水平(如,母语者对其发音的评分)。 Johnson和Newport以在美居住年数和英语输入质量为标准,确定哪些二语学习者的语言水平接近母语人士。



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