
 2022-12-12 16:46:42

A Counterbalanced Approach to Content-based Language Teaching

Abstract: Content-based language teaching ( CBLT) has come to be know n as an effective and motivating w ay to develop higher levels of communicative ability than more traditional grammar-based approaches. Whereas traditional methods isolate the target language from any substantive content except for the mechanical workings of the language itself,CBLT enriches classroom discourse in a way that provides both a cognitive basis for language learning and a motivational basis for purposeful communication. CBLT,how ever,does not preclude language instruction but instead promotes its integration through a counterbalanced approach that entails a dynamic interplay between language and content. Drawing on classroom -based research,this paper illustrates the feasibility and effectiveness of a counterbalanced approach to CBLT w hose flexibility has the potential to accommodate a range of instructional settings.

Key Words: counterbalanced approach; content-based language teaching( CBLT) ; feasibility and effectiveness

1. Introduction

The purpose of this paper is to provide a rationale for integrating language and content in foreign language teaching and to provide examples of how to do so. Although the examples derive for the most part from research conducted outside of China,the relevance to the Chinese context is derived from Geneseersquo;s( 1991) assertion that second/foreign language instruction inany setting can increase its effectiveness by ( a) integrating content other than only language( b) incorporating opportunities for interaction,and ( c) planning systematically for language development. This paper does not aim to advocate a specific type of instructional program but will instead paint a portrait of effective instructional strategies from an SLA perspective by drawing on years of empirical research in content-based classrooms.

The driving force underpinning the arguments presented in this paper is the notion of counterbalance,defined as “a power or influence that balances the effect of a contrary one”( Brown,1993) . The term “counterbalance”will be used in this sense to emphasize the complementarity of both form -oriented and meaning-oriented approaches in second and foreign language teaching,as research has long suggested. Without counterbalance,we are left,on the one hand,with traditional grammar-translation approaches focusing exclusively on language form ,which are known for preparing language users with high scores on discrete-point grammar tests and problems communicating fluently in interactional contexts. On the other hand,communicative and content-based approaches focusing exclusively on meaning are know n for preparing language users with high levels of communicative ability and shortcomings in grammatical accuracy. Overall,therefore,there is a need for change. Specifically,there is need to develop more effective second / foreign language programs to meet the changing needs of todayrsquo;s students.

2. Content-based Language Teaching

To achieve greater efficacy in second / foreign language programs,there are many good reasons for integrating language and content instruction through content-based language teaching( CBLT) . CBLT is an instructional approach in which non-linguistic content such as geography,history,or science is taught to students through the medium of a language that they are learning as an additional language. CBLT has proven to be a more effective and motivating w ay of developing communicative ability than traditional grammar-based approaches. Its success is attributed to its capacity to enrich classroom discourse through substantive content,which provides both a cognitive basis for language learning and a motivational basis for purposeful communication.CBLT encompasses many types of programs that cross arrange of instructional settings from content-driven programs to language-driven program ( Met,1998 ) ,as illustrated in Figure1. At one end of the continuum ,content-driven programs promote language and literacy development through subject-matter learning ,and assess both content know ledge and language development. These include school-based language immersion pro-grams in which at least 50% of the curriculum is taught through( a) a second official language ( e. g. ,French immersion in Canada,Swedish immersion in Finland,Basque immersion in Spain,Irish immersion in Ireland) ,( b) a foreign language ( e.g. ,Mandarin and French immersion in the US,English immersion in Japan and Hong Kong) ,( c) a regional language ( e. g. ,Breton and Occitan in France) ,or ( d) an indigenous language( e. g. ,Cherokee and Hawaiian in the U. S. states of Oklahomaand Hawaii,respectively,and Maori in New Zealand) . At the other end of the continuum ,language-driven programs promote the development of target language proficiency,and entail no high-stakes assessment of content know ledge. These include language classes either based on thematic units or with frequent use of content to provide a context for language practice.

Towards the middle of the continuum are program models in which students study one or two subjects in the target language,usually in tandem with a foreign language class. An example of the latter would be the English-medium CBLT program in Xirsquo;an,China,in which subjects that are not part of the formal curriculum such as “nature and society ”and “science and life” are taught usually for two lessons per week ( Cheng,Li,Kirby,Qiang,& Wade-Woolley,2010; Hoare,2010) . Also in the middle of the continuum are many content-and-language integrated learning ( CLIL ) programs in Europe and else where.These usually offer a subject-matter course in English in addition to an EFL course,most commonly at the secondary level.Another example is the adjunct format adopted at the University of Ottawa in Canada which integrates students into a content course offered for native




摘要:基于内容的语言教学(CBLT)在开发更高水平的交际能力上已经成为众所周知的比传统的基于语法的教学方法更有效的方法。然而传统的方法是使目的语与除了语言本身的机械运作之外的任何实质性的内容相分离。基于内容的语言教学则通过提供语言学习的认知基础以及有目的的交流的动机基础,使课堂教学更加丰富。然而,基于内容的语言教学并不妨碍语言教学,反而通过平衡的方法促进其一体化,包括语言和内容之间动态的相互作用。通过基于课堂的研究,本文阐述了一种基于内容的语言教学的平衡方法的可行性和有效性, 同时它也有适应各种教学环境的潜力。








对于连续的程序模型中间,学生在目标语言中学习一个或两个科目,通常与外语课程相串联。后者的一个例子就是在中国西安进行的基于内容的语言教学的英语项目中,英语教学不是如“自然与社会”和“科学与生活”等通常每周两节课的正式课程的一部分(郑,李,柯比,强,&韦德伍利,2010;霍尔,2010)。而是如同在欧洲以及其他地方那样,将内容与语言相结合的学习。这些通常提供主题英语课程,以补充通常处于中学水平的将英语作为外国语的课程。另一个例子是加拿大渥太华大学采用的辅助版式:即使学生融入到为母语使用者提供的内容课程中,“但保护作为一个群体在一个各自的学分与语言课程相关的内容课程”(伯格&基田,2001,p. 85),美国的大专水平的意大利地理课程旨在促进学生过渡到意大利语言和文学上的更进一步的课程,他们在意大利语方面而不是地理方面获得学分(穆苏梅西,1996;罗杰斯,2006)。

在这里用这个术语“基于内容的语言教学”,而不是更常见的术语“内容教学法(CBI)”,是强调将周密计划的语言成分与教学内容整合的需要,即使在确定的内容驱动比语言驱动更多的计划中也一样。数年前,基于法语浸入式教学的效果,斯温(1988)提出,基于内容本身的内容教学不必然是好的语言教学,它需要通过最大化目的语学习的方式来被操作和补充。否则,她认为,就语言展现给学生们的形式和功能范围来说,使用目标语言来教授内容是有限制的。它有一个强有力的例证就是法语浸入式教师教授动词时态的使用范围。哈雷艾伦、康明斯、和斯温(1987)报告了他们对80年代的安大略省19位法语浸入式教师的超过28小时的观测的结果发现,利斯特(2007)之后做了类似的调查研究:对上世纪90年代蒙特利尔学校的6位法语浸入式教师观察28小时。在两次研究中,所有动词中74%到75%的使用都被限制于现在时态或祈使句中,而只有14-15%有过去时态,6-8%的有将来时,和3% 有条件式。这些数据说明具体的语法形式在基于内容的输入中可用性受限。关于内容教学本身涉及到的另一点是它可以呈现一种演讲的形式而不提供互动和学生产出以足够的机会。例如,森吉(2010)针对日本高等教育中CBLT课堂进行了两项观察性研究:用英语教地理课和社会学课。除了分析过7个半小时以上的录像观察,76个参与调查的学生也要填写问卷调查,两个英语为母语的教师在接受采访的同时,也完成了问卷调查。结果显示,教师给学生提供大量的可理解输入,专注于内容,尤其是词汇,而学生产出语言的机会有限。在课堂中产出的所有语言中,老师发言占93%,而学生仅占7 %,所有的教学时间中,68%是致力于讲学,17%看录像,10%完成在课堂上的任务,只有2%的互动,教师和学生都认为CBLT课程是积极的,然而,考虑到他们在提高听力技巧和内容知识方面确实是有效的。

Wesche and Skehan(2002):227)总结了CBLT 的好处:“为语言学习,一项自然主义的学习语境包括社交和其他语用维度提供刺激性的目的,以及形式主义活动的可能性”他们推断,这些可能共同促进在教室里能营造与第二语言发展尽可能接近的综合环境。然而,他们也做出警告,CBLT不是在无论什么情况下都能保证成功的万能药。他们提出要想CBLT是有效的,它必须是被小心引进并施行的,要有经过合适的训练的老师,也要与当地的条件相适应。

一个人到底是一个教课程内容的老师还是一个语言老师,这两个选项就像摆在CBLT语境长长的光谱的两端。在光谱一端,一个一年级的法语浸入式老师说“从9点到3点半,我教的不是法语而是课程主题,法语只是通过这一课题在被学习。”( Salomone,1992: 22) .而在光谱的另一端,在瑞典大学用英语教物理的讲师则说“我不教语言,我只教物理”( Airey,2012: 74)。然而这些观点都与教育学上的公理背道而驰:所有的老师都是语言教师。






4. 结论




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