
 2022-11-10 14:31:09


Extracted from An Introduction to Functional Grammar, which is written by M.A.K.Halliday, who is a student of J.R. Firth and a major member of the London School. Halliday is a scholar who attaches importance to both systematic and functional concepts. An Introduction to Functional Grammar expounds Hallidayrsquo;s thought of functional grammar. The excerpt is from the 37th page to the 42ndpage.

The 37th page to the 42ndpage:

3.1 Theme and Rheme

In Section 2.6 we introduced the notion of a clause as a unit in which meanings of three different kinds are combined. Three distinct structures, each expressing one kind of semantic organization, are mapped on to one another to produce a single wording.

Of the various structures which, when mapped on to each other, make up a clause, we will consider first the one which gives the clause its character as a message. This is known as thematic structure.

We may assume that in all languages the clause has the character of a message: it has some form of organization giving it the status of a communicative event. But there are different ways in which this may be achieved. In English, as in many other languages, the clause is organized as a message by having a special status assigned to one part of it. One element in the clause is enunciated as the theme; this then combines with the remainder so that the two parts together constitute a message.

In some languages which have a pattern of this kind, the theme is announced by means of a particle: in Japanese, for example, there is a special postposition -wa, which signifies that whatever immediately precedes it is thematic. In other languages, of which English is one, the theme is indicated by position in the clause. In speaking or writing English we signal that an item has thematic status by putting it first. No other signal is necessary, although it is not unusual in spoken English for the theme to be marked off also by the intonation pattern (see below).

Following the terminology of the Prague school of linguists, we shall use the term Theme as the label for this function. (Like all other functions it will be written with an initial capital.) The Theme is the element which serves as the point of departure of the message; it is that with which the clause is concerned. The remainder of the message, the part in which the Theme is developed, is called in Prague school terminology the Rheme. As a message structure, therefore, a clause consists of a Theme accompanied by a Rheme; and the structure is expressed by the order — whatever is chosen as the Theme is put first. For examples of this Theme -h Rheme structure see Figure 3-1.

In the following example, which is the first sentence of the Introduction to Rogetrsquo;s Thesaurusy the Theme is the present Work:

the duke

my aunt

that teapot

has given my aunt that teapot

has been given that teapot by the duke

Ihe duke has given to my aunt



Fig. 3-1 Theme-Rheme structure

The present Work is intended to supply, with respect to the English language, a desideratum hitherto unsupplied in any language;...

Some grammarians have used the terms Topic and Comment instead of Theme and Rheme. But the Topic - Comment terminology carries rather different connotations. The label lsquo;Topicrsquo; usually refers to only one particular kind of Theme (see Section 3.5 below); and it tends to be used as a cover term for two concepts that are functionally distinct, one being that of Theme and the other being that of Given (see Chapter 8). For these reasons the terms Theme - Rheme are considered more appropriate in the present framework.

As a general guide, the Theme can be identified as that element which comes in first position in the clause. We have already indicated that this is not how the category of Theme is defined. The definition is functional,as it is with all the elements in this interpretation of grammatical structure. The Theme is one element in a particular structural configuration which, taken as a whole, organizes the clause as a message; this is the configuration Theme Rheme. A message consists of a Theme combined with a Rheme.

Within that configuration, the Theme is the starting-point for the message; it is the ground from which the clause is taking off. So part of the meaning of any clause lies in which element is chosen as its Theme. There is a difference in meaning between a halfpenny is the smallest English coin, where a half penny is Theme (lsquo;Irsquo;ll tell you about a halfpennyrsquo;),and the smallest English coin is a halfpenny, where the smallest English coin is Theme (Til tell you about the smallest English coinrsquo;). The difference may be characterized as lsquo;thematicrsquo;;the two clauses differ in their choice of theme. By glossing them in this way, as *Irsquo;ll tell you about we can feel that they are two different messages.

First position in the clause is not what defines the Theme; it is the means whereby the function of Theme is realized, in the grammar of English. There is no automatic reason why the Theme function should be realized in this way; as remarked above, there are languages which have a category of Theme functionally similar to that of English but which nevertheless express it in quite a different way. But if in any given language the message is organized as a Theme - Rheme structure, and if this structure is expressed by the sequence in which the elements occur in the clause, then it seems natural that the position for the Theme should be at the beginning, rather than at the end or at some other specific point.

The Theme is not necessarily a nominal group, like those above. It may also be an adverbial group or prepositional phrase, suc












lsquo;主位 述位rsquo;的结构见图3-1所示:

the duke


my aunt


that teapot


has given my aunt that teapot


has been given that teapot by the duke


The duke has given to my aunt


Theme 主位

Rheme 述位


下面这个例子是《罗杰特类义词词典》(Thesaurus)前言的第一句话, 它的主位是the present Work:

The present Work is intended to supply, with respect to the English language, a desideratum hitherto unsupplied in any language;...


作为一个一般原则,主位可以被认为是小句首位上的成分。我们已经指出,这不是主位这一概念的界定方式> 如同解释语法结构中的其他所有成分一样,主位概念是功能性的。主位是特定结构配置中的一个成分,作为一个整体,这个结构配置把小句组织成为一则消息。这就是lsquo;主位 述位rsquo;的配置。一则消息是由一个主位和一个述位构成的。

在上述配置中,主位是消息的出发点,是小句赖以展开的基础,所以小句的一部分意义取决于哪个成分被选作它的主位。以下两句的意义是有区别的:在 a halfpenny is the smallest English coin 中a halfpenny 是主位(我要告诉你有关 a halfpenny 的事),而在 the smallest English coin is a halfpenny 中, the smallest English coin 是主位(我要告诉你有关 the smallest English coin 的事)。这里的区别可由主位来确定。两个小句的区别在于主位选择的不同。 通过“我要告诉你关于hellip;hellip;”这种方法进行解释,我们可以感觉出它们是两则不同的消息。




once upon a time


very carefully


for want of a nail


with sobs and tears


there were three bears


she put him back on his feet again


the shoes were lost


he sorted out those of the largest size


Theme 主位

Rheme 述位


约翰bull;卡罗尔(John B.Carroll)为沃尔夫(Whorf)所著的《语言、思维和现实》一书写的序言,就是以副词词组once in a blue moon开始的:

Once in a blue moon a man comes along who grasps the relationship between events which have hitherto seemed quite separate, and gives mankind a new dimension of knowledge.

在英语中,主位有时是通过某些表达式,如as forhellip;, with regard to about...等来明确加以引介的,通常只有名词性主位才通过这种方式加以引介。于是,主位在小句后面的其他位置上由恰当的代词来提及——如下面两个例子中的her和it:

As for my aunt, the duke has given her that teapot. About that teapot—my aunt was given it by the duke.

这种通过代词来lsquo;提及rsquo;主位的方式,即使是在主位没有被明确引入、主位 又作主语的情况下也会发生,特别是在口语中。对比The Queen of Hearts she made some tarts.

小句的主位在口语中是不断由语调加以标记的,说话时被单独处理为一 个声调群,这一点在下面两种情况下可能性特别大:(1)主位是副词词组/介词短语;或者(2)主位是一个不作主语的名词词组——换句话说,此时的主位是人们很难意料到的(见下面的3.3节)。但在日常言语中,即使是普通的主语主位,也常常使用一个独立的声调群。一个声调群表达一个信息单位(详见第8章),如果一个小句被组织成两个信息单位,两部分之间的界限很有可能就是主位和述位之间的连接点。事实上,这是我们理解lsquo;主位 述位rsquo;结构的一个重要依据。


作为第一步,我们作了两个假设:第一,小句的主位只包括一个结构成分;第二,这个成分只由一个单位来表征——名词词组、副词词组或介词短语。就前面提供的例子看,这两个假设是成立的;同样,弗思(J.R. Firth)《1934—1951年语言学论文》序言的第一句话,其主位the first chair of General Linguistics in this country 仍然是一个单一的名词词组:

The first chair of General Linguistics in this country was established in the University of London in 1944, at the School of Oriental and African Studies hellip;




the Walrus and the Carpenter


Tom, Tom, the piperrsquo;s son


from house to house


on the ground or in the air


were walking close at hand


stole a pig and away did run


I wend my way


small creatures live and breathe


Theme 主位

Rheme 述位


这样的主位仍然属于lsquo;简单rsquo;(对应的是lsquo;多重rsquo;)主位的范畴。任何词组复合体或短语复合体在小句中都只是单一成分,例如,由and连接的两个名词词组,the Walrus and the Carpenter,构成一个名词词组的复合体。它在小句中只是一个成分,因此是简单主位。两个介词短语from house to house构成一个介词短语复合体,因此这仍然是一个简单主位。后面第7章将讨论这些lsquo;复合体rsquo;结构可能表达的各种不同关系。

叶尔姆斯列夫(Hjelmslev)所著的《语言理论绪论》由Whitfield翻译 成英文,第一句话的主位就是一个名词词组复合体language-human speech,由两个同位名词词组构成:

Language—human speech—is an inexhaustible abundance of manifold treasures.

下面是同位语作主位的另一个例子,引自汉特bull;戴维斯(Hunter Davies) 为乔治bull;史蒂芬森(George Stephenson)所作传记的内容简介:

One hundred and fifty years ago, on 15 September 1830, the worldrsquo;s first passenger railway—the Liverpool to Manchester—was opened, an event which was to change the face of civilization.


上述例子中,词组或短语复合体是小句的一个单一成分,它并不是由主位系统专门构建的。还有一种专门的主位资源,据此两个或更多独立的成分可以归在一起,从而形成一个由lsquo;主位 述位rsquo;的结构构成的单一成分。实例如下:

What the duke gave to my aunt was that teapot.

这里的主位是what the duke gave to my aunt。严格地说,这仍然是一个lsquo;单项rsquo;主位,因为它现在被处理成了一个单一的成分,位于一个特定类型的小句中。

这样的小句就是大家所了解的主位等价结构,因为它把lsquo;主位 述位rsquo;的结构确立为一个等式的形式,在这里lsquo;主位=述位rsquo;。我们把这种特定类 别的小句称为识别小句,这一点将在后面的第5章5.4节详细描述,但这里简单的介绍一下,以便解释为什么它在作为消息的小句的结构中发挥重要作用。




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