
 2023-03-11 10:09:39



Linda Baker 马里兰大学,巴尔的摩县,美国

Allan Wigfield 美国马里兰大学帕克学院

摘要:本研究旨在评估阅读动机的维度,并研究这些维度如何与学生的阅读活动和成就相关。五年级和六年级儿童的异质城市样本完成了阅读动机调查问卷(MRQ; Wigfield&Guthrie,1997),这是一份旨在评估阅读动机的11个可能维度的问卷,包括自我效能,几种类型的内在和外在阅读动机,阅读的社会方面,以及避免阅读的欲望。学生们还完成了几种不同的阅读活动和阅读成绩。验证性因素分析表明,儿童阅读动机的建议维度可以被可靠地识别和测量。基于不同维度的量表与另一个维度呈正相关,与避免阅读的欲望呈负相关。在性别和种族不同的大多数维度上,平均分数都有所不同,女孩和非裔美国人的动机更强。五年级和六年级学生以及低收入和中等收入学生在大多数维度上的平均分数相似。所有量表均与儿童阅读活动报告相关,个别量表与阅读成绩相关。女孩和白人学生的阅读动机和阅读成绩之间的关系更强。聚类分析揭示了七组不同的儿童,根据他们的动机档案,与阅读活动,并在较小的程度上,与阅读成绩有关。研究表明,阅读动机是多维的,在研究和实践中都应重视阅读动机。


许多关于儿童阅读的研究都集中在认知方面,如单词识别和理解。20世纪80年代和90年代发表的Major syntheses对阅读中的认知过程给予了相当大的关注(Barr, Kamil, Mosenthal, amp; Pearson, 1991;Pearson, Barr, Kamil, amp; Mosenthal, 1984;Ruddell, Ruddell, amp; Singer, 1994)。然而,因为阅读是一种费力的活动,孩子们经常可以选择做或不做,它也需要动机。在阅读文学作品时,许多与读者动机相关的工作都是以对阅读的态度为框架的。阅读态度通常被定义为读者对阅读的影响(Alexander amp; Filler, 1976;马修森,1994;麦凯纳、基尔和埃尔斯沃斯,1995年)。阅读态度的动机性结果是,拥有更积极态度的孩子更有动力去阅读。关于阅读兴趣也有大量的研究,定义为一个人或文本的特征(Renninger, Hidi, amp; Krapp, 1992;Schiefele, 1996)。兴趣与文本理解和其他重要的阅读结果有关。

我们研究阅读动机的方法不同于研究阅读态度或阅读兴趣的研究者。该方法基于两个理论立场,即敬业度视角和成就动机理论。阅读的参与视角整合了阅读的认知、动机和社会方面(Baker, Afflerbach, amp; Reinking, 1996;Guthrie amp; Alvermann, 1999;Guthrie, McGough, Bennett, amp; Rice, 1996;Oldfather amp; Wigfield, 1996)。如Baker et al.(1996)所述,“参与视角将读者视为有动机的、有策略的、有知识的和有社交互动的”(p. xv)。参与的读者被激励着为不同的目的阅读,利用以前经验中获得的知识来产生新的理解,并参与到围绕阅读的有意义的社会互动中。

在概念化阅读动机时,我们采用了成就动机领域研究人员定义和发展的概念。目前,许多动机理论家提出,个人的能力和效能信念,内在和外在动机,以及成就的目的,在他们决定做什么活动、做多长时间、投入多少努力等方面起着至关重要的作用(Bandura, 1997;Eccles, Wigfield, amp; Schiefele, 1998;Pintrich amp; Schunk, 1996;威格菲尔德,Eccles, amp; Rodriguez, 1998)。因此,积极的读者会更多地参与阅读(Guthrie, Van Meter, et al., 1996;and will have positive attitudes towards reading (Athey, 1982;Greaney amp; Hegarty, 1987;马修森,1994;McKenna等人,1995)。

根据这项工作,Wigfield和Guthrie(1997)概念化了阅读动机的11个不同维度,Wigfield(1997)创建了一个包含三个类别的理论分类(类别、维度和样本项目的列表见附录)。其中一类维度是基于能力和效能信念构念的。这一类包括自我效能感,即一个人可以成功阅读的信念,以及挑战,即愿意接受困难的阅读材料。当一个人认为他们在某项活动中取得了成功,他们就更有可能参与其中(Bandura, 1997;(Schunk amp; Zimmerman, 1997)这一类别的第三个维度是工作回避,或避免阅读活动的愿望。当学生缺乏效能感时,他们可能希望避免具有挑战性的阅读活动。

第二类是关于儿童阅读的目的。这一类别的特定维度包括动机领域的几个构念,包括内在动机和外在动机、成就目标导向和成就价值。内在动机是指对一项活动本身而不是为了获得奖励或分数等外在原因而产生的动机、好奇和兴趣(Deci amp; Ryan, 1985)。以学习目标为导向意味着个人专注于掌握和提高,而不是超越他人(Ames, 1992;Nicholls,张,Lauer, amp; Patashnick, 1989)。好奇心被定义为对孩子感兴趣的特定主题的阅读欲望,因此与前面提到的关于阅读兴趣的文献密切相关(例如,Renninger et al., 1992)。涉入是指阅读某种文学或信息文本时的享受;这一结构基于Schallert和Reed(1997)的阅读参与概念,以及内在动机的概念。阅读的重要性是威格菲尔德和埃克尔斯(1992)研究主观任务价值的一个维度。

这一范畴的三个维度,反映了外部激励和绩效目标导向的构念。绩效目标导向意味着主要是在别人的眼中表现良好(Ames, 1992;Nicholls等人,1989)。获取这些构念的维度包括:认可,在阅读上获得成功的有形认可的喜悦,在成绩上的认可,得到老师良好评价的渴望,以及在阅读上超越他人的渴望。这些不同的动机维度,反映了这样一个事实:孩子们在学校里做了很多阅读,在那里他们的阅读表现被评估,并与他人的表现进行比较。因此,认可、分数和竞争可能是他们阅读动机的重要因素。

第三类是针对阅读的社会目的,基于参与视角的前提,即阅读本质上是一种社会活动(Baker et al., 1996;Guthrie, McGough等人,1996)以及教室的社会方面对学生的成就有重要的影响(Wentzel, 1996)。一方面是阅读的社会原因,或者是与朋友和家人一起构建和分享阅读的意义的过程。第二个方面是遵从性,即阅读以满足他人的期望。


其他研究人员最近开发了评估相关构造的工具。Gambrell, Palmer, co, and Mazzoni(1996)发展了阅读Profile的动机,供小学生使用。这个由20个项目组成的工具利用了阅读动机、儿童对其阅读能力的感知(Gambrell等人称之为“作为读者的自我概念”)和阅读价值这两个维度,其中包含了衡量儿童阅读兴趣的项目。这些维度与Wigfield和Guthrie(1997)定义的阅读动机的自我效能感、好奇心和参与维度相似。



除了评估阅读动机的维度外,Wigfield和Guthrie(1997)还考察了这些维度与儿童阅读活动的关系。他们使用阅读活动量表(Guthrie, McGough, amp; Wigfield, 1994)来评估儿童的阅读量和广度,该量表要求儿童列出他们最近读过的不同种类书籍的书名,并表明他们阅读不同种类书籍的频率。他们还测量了一个鼓励孩子读书的学校项目的阅读频率。与阅读活动密切相关的阅读动机维度有社会维度、自我效能维度、好奇心维度、参与维度、认知维度、成绩维度和重要性维度。因此,阅读的内因和外因都与儿童的阅读活动有关,尽管总体而言,阅读的内因比外因的关联性更强。

本研究的第二个目的是通过考察阅读成就和阅读量之间的联系来扩展阅读动机与阅读行为之间关系的研究。我们希望复制Wigfield和Guthrie(1997)报道的激励-活动联系。有了理论基础的MRQ,我们有机会确定动机的某些方面是否比其他方面对阅读成绩有更强的影响。收集了三个阅读表现的测量值,以及一个阅读活动的测量值。与阅读动机的关系进行了相关的研究,包括完整的样本以及基于性别和种族的子群体。进行亚组分析是因为有证据表明,阅读动机和阅读成绩之间的关系在不同文化群体中并不一致(Graham, 1994;史蒂文森,陈,和Uttal, 1990)。

本研究的第三个目标是检验学生在不同维度上的动机是否因性别、年级、种族和家庭收入而不同。我们研究了性别差异,因为之前的研究人员发现,女孩通常比男孩更有阅读能力信念,而且她们更重视这一点(例如,Eccles, Wigfield, Harold, amp; Blumenfeld, 1993;沼泽,1989;Wigfield等人,1997)。Wigfield和Guthrie(1997)还发现,在阅读动机(自我效能感和重要性)这两个维度上,以及阅读的社会原因上,性别差异都有利于女孩。男生在竞争维度上的平均分数更高。研究阅读态度相关问题的研究人员一致报告说,女孩比男孩持有更多的积极观点(Greaney amp; Hegarty, 1987;库什和沃特金斯,1996年;McKenna等人,1995)。因此,我们希望发现,至少在阅读动机的某些方面,女生比男生更积极。

我们研究了年级差异,因为之前的研究表明,孩子们在小学阶段的学习动机会变得不那么积极(见Eccles等人,1998年;威格菲尔德等人,1998年,为审查)。Wigfield和Guthrie(1997)发现四年级和五年级学生在三个动机量表(自我效能、认知和社会)上对四年级学生有显著的年级差异,而在春季的问卷调查中则没有差异。由于目前的样本由五年级和六年级学生组成,我们有机会测试年龄稍大的学生在学习动机上是否存在年龄差异。阅读态度文献的结果显示,与年龄相关,学生对阅读的态度有所下降(Chapman amp; Tunmer, 1995;库什和沃特金斯,1996年;McKenna等人,1995)。

我们调查了种族和家庭收入在阅读动机方面的差异,因为对来自不同种族和收入群体的儿童的阅读动机的研究仍然有限(Graham, 1994;奥克斯,1990)。公众普遍认为,历史上少数民族学生成绩不佳与积极性低有关,但这一观点没有得到实践的支持。事实上,研究表明,非裔美国儿童对阅读和阅读能力的看法比白人儿童更积极(如McKenna et al., 1995;史蒂文森等人,1990)。此外,格雷厄姆还批评了对种族和社会经济地位的频繁混淆,这使得很难确定哪个因素可能与任何观察到的差异有关。因为这项研究的样本包括来自不同社会经济背景的城市非裔美国人和白人儿童,我们能够看到这两个因素是如何与儿童的阅读动机相关的。因此,这项研究填补了我们对来自不同背景的儿童阅读动机知识的一个重要空白。









Linda Baker 马里兰大学,巴尔的摩县,美国

Allan Wigfield 美国马里兰大学帕克学院

摘要:本研究旨在评估阅读动机的维度,并研究这些维度如何与学生的阅读活动和成就相关。五年级和六年级儿童的异质城市样本完成了阅读动机调查问卷(MRQ; Wigfield&Guthrie,1997),这是一份旨在评估阅读动机的11个可能维度的问卷,包括自我效能,几种类型的内在和外在阅读动机,阅读的社会方面,以及避免阅读的欲望。学生们还完成了几种不同的阅读活动和阅读成绩。验证性因素分析表明,儿童阅读动机的建议维度可以被可靠地识别和测量。基于不同维度的量表与另一个维度呈正相关,与避免阅读的欲望呈负相关。在性别和种族不同的大多数维度上,平均分数都有所不同,女孩和非裔美国人的动机更强。五年级和六年级学生以及低收入和中等收入学生在大多数维度上的平均分数相似。所有量表均与儿童阅读活动报告相关,个别量表与阅读成绩相关。女孩和白人学生的阅读动机和阅读成绩之间的关系更强。聚类分析揭示了七组不同的儿童,根据他们的动机档案,与阅读活动,并在较小的程度上,与阅读成绩有关。研究表明,阅读动机是多维的,在研究和实践中都应重视阅读动机。


许多关于儿童阅读的研究都集中在认知方面,如单词识别和理解。20世纪80年代和90年代发表的Major syntheses对阅读中的认知过程给予了相当大的关注(Barr, Kamil, Mosenthal, amp; Pearson, 1991;Pearson, Barr, Kamil, amp; Mosenthal, 1984;Ruddell, Ruddell, amp; Singer, 1994)。然而,因为阅读是一种费力的活动,孩子们经常可以选择做或不做,它也需要动机。在阅读文学作品时,许多与读者动机相关的工作都是以对阅读的态度为框架的。阅读态度通常被定义为读者对阅读的影响(Alexander amp; Filler, 1976;马修森,1994;麦凯纳、基尔和埃尔斯沃斯,1995年)。阅读态度的动机性结果是,拥有更积极态度的孩子更有动力去阅读。关于阅读兴趣也有大量的研究,定义为一个人或文本的特征(Renninger, Hidi, amp; Krapp, 1992;Schiefele, 1996)。兴趣与文本理解和其他重要的阅读结果有关。

我们研究阅读动机的方法不同于研究阅读态度或阅读兴趣的研究者。该方法基于两个理论立场,即敬业度视角和成就动机理论。阅读的参与视角整合了阅读的认知、动机和社会方面(Baker, Afflerbach, amp; Reinking, 1996;Guthrie amp; Alvermann, 1999;Guthrie, McGough, Bennett, amp; Rice, 1996;Oldfather amp; Wigfield, 1996)。如Baker et al.(1996)所述,“参与视角将读者视为有动机的、有策略的、有知识的和有社交互动的”(p. xv)。参与的读者被激励着为不同的目的阅读,利用以前经验中获得的知识来产生新的理解,并参与到围绕阅读的有意义的社会互动中。

在概念化阅读动机时,我们采用了成就动机领域研究人员定义和发展的概念。目前,许多动机理论家提出,个人的能力和效能信念,内在和外在动机,以及成就的目的,在他们决定做什么活动、做多长时间、投入多少努力等方面起着至关重要的作用(Bandura, 1997;Eccles, Wigfield, amp; Schiefele, 1998;Pintrich amp; Schunk, 1996;威格菲尔德,Eccles, amp; Rodriguez, 1998)。因此,积极的读者会更多地参与阅读(Guthrie, Van Meter, et al., 1996;and will have positive attitudes towards reading (Athey, 1982;Greaney amp; Hegarty, 1987;马修森,1994;McKenna等人,1995)。

根据这项工作,Wigfield和Guthrie(1997)概念化了阅读动机的11个不同维度,Wigfield(1997)创建了一个包含三个类别的理论分类(类别、维度和样本项目的列表见附录)。其中一类维度是基于能力和效能信念构念的。这一类包括自我效能感,即一个人可以成功阅读的信念,以及挑战,即愿意接受困难的阅读材料。当一个人认为他们在某项活动中取得了成功,他们就更有可能参与其中(Bandura, 1997;(Schunk amp; Zimmerman, 1997)这一类别的第三个维度是工作回避,或避免阅读活动的愿望。当学生缺乏效能感时,他们可能希望避免具有挑战性的阅读活动。

第二类是关于儿童阅读的目的。这一类别的特定维度包括动机领域的几个构念,包括内在动机和外在动机、成就目标导向和成就价值。内在动机是指对一项活动本身而不是为了获得奖励或分数等外在原因而产生的动机、好奇和兴趣(Deci amp; Ryan, 1985)。以学习目标为导向意味着个人专注于掌握和提高,而不是超越他人(Ames, 1992;Nicholls,张,Lauer, amp; Patashnick, 1989)。好奇心被定义为对孩子感兴趣的特定主题的阅读欲望,因此与前面提到的关于阅读兴趣的文献密切相关(例如,Renninger et al., 1992)。涉入是指阅读某种文学或信息文本时的享受;这一结构基于Schallert和Reed(1997)的阅读参与概念,以及内在动机的概念。阅读的重要性是威格菲尔德和埃克尔斯(1992)研究主观任务价值的一个维度。

这一范畴的三个维度,反映了外部激励和绩效目标导向的构念。绩效目标导向意味着主要是在别人的眼中表现良好(Ames, 1992;Nicholls等人,1989)。获取这些构念的维度包括:认可,在阅读上获得成功的有形认可的喜悦,在成绩上的认可,得到老师良好评价的渴望,以及在阅读上超越他人的渴望。这些不同的动机维度,反映了这样一个事实:孩子们在学校里做了很多阅读,在那里他们的阅读表现被评估,并与他人的表现进行比较。因此,认可、分数和竞争可能是他们阅读动机的重要因素。

第三类是针对阅读的社会目的,基于参与视角的前提,即阅读本质上是一种社会活动(Baker et al., 1996;Guthrie, McGough等人,1996)以及教室的社会方面对学生的成就有重要的影响(Wentzel, 1996)。一方面是阅读的社会原因,或者是与朋友和家人一起构建和分享阅读的意义的过程。第二个方面是遵从性,即阅读以满足他人的期望。


其他研究人员最近开发了评估相关构造的工具。Gambrell, Palmer, co, and Mazzoni(1996)发展了阅读Profile的动机,供小学生使用。这个由20个项目组成的工具利用了阅读动机、儿童对其阅读能力的感知(Gambrell等人称之为“作为读者的自我概念”)和阅读价值这两个维度,其中包含了衡量儿童阅读兴趣的项目。这些维度与Wigfield和Guthrie(1997)定义的阅读动机的自我效能感、好奇心和参与维度相似。



除了评估阅读动机的维度外,Wigfield和Guthrie(1997)还考察了这些维度与儿童阅读活动的关系。他们使用阅读活动量表(Guthrie, McGough, amp; Wigfield, 1994)来评估儿童的阅读量和广度,该量表要求儿童列出他们最近读过的不同种类书籍的书名,并表明他们阅读不同种类书籍的频率。他们还测量了一个鼓励孩子读书的学校项目的阅读频率。与阅读活动密切相关的阅读动机维度有社会维度、自我效能维度、好奇心维度、参与维度、认知维度、成绩维度和重要性维度。因此,阅读的内因和外因都与儿童的阅读活动有关,尽管总体而言,阅读的内因比外因的关联性更强。

本研究的第二个目的是通过考察阅读成就和阅读量之间的联系来扩展阅读动机与阅读行为之间关系的研究。我们希望复制Wigfield和Guthrie(1997)报道的激励-活动联系。有了理论基础的MRQ,我们有机会确定动机的某些方面是否比其他方面对阅读成绩有更强的影响。收集了三个阅读表现的测量值,以及一个阅读活动的测量值。与阅读动机的关系进行了相关的研究,包括完整的样本以及基于性别和种族的子群体。进行亚组分析是因为有证据表明,阅读动机和阅读成绩之间的关系在不同文化群体中并不一致(Graham, 1994;史蒂文森,陈,和Uttal, 1990)。

本研究的第三个目标是检验学生在不同维度上的动机是否因性别、年级、种族和家庭收入而不同。我们研究了性别差异,因为之前的研究人员发现,女孩通常比男孩更有阅读能力信念,而且她们更重视这一点(例如,Eccles, Wigfield, Harold, amp; Blumenfeld, 1993;沼泽,1989;Wigfield等人,1997)。Wigfield和Guthrie(1997)还发现,在阅读动机(自我效能感和重要性)这两个维度上,以及阅读的社会原因上,性别差异都有利于女孩。男生在竞争维度上的平均分数更高。研究阅读态度相关问题的研究人员一致报告说,女孩比男孩持有更多的积极观点(Greaney amp; Hegarty, 1987;库什和沃特金斯,1996年;McKenna等人,1995)。因此,我们希望发现,至少在阅读动机的某些方面,女生比男生更积极。

我们研究了年级差异,因为之前的研究表明,孩子们在小学阶段的学习动机会变得不那么积极(见Eccles等人,1998年;威格菲尔德等人,1998年,为审查)。Wigfield和Guthrie(1997)发现四年级和五年级学生在三个动机量表(自我效能、认知和社会)上对四年级学生有显著的年级差异,而在春季的问卷调查中则没有差异。由于目前的样本由五年级和六年级学生组成,我们有机会测试年龄稍大的学生在学习动机上是否存在年龄差异。阅读态度文献的结果显示,与年龄相关,学生对阅读的态度有所下降(Chapman amp; Tunmer, 1995;库什和沃特金斯,1996年;McKenna等人,1995)。

我们调查了种族和家庭收入在阅读动机方面的差异,因为对来自不同种族和收入群体的儿童的阅读动机的研究仍然有限(Graham, 1994;奥克斯,1990)。公众普遍认为,历史上少数民族学生成绩不佳与积极性低有关,但这一观点没有得到实践的支持。事实上,研究表明,非裔美国儿童对阅读和阅读能力的看法比白人儿童更积极(如McKenna et al., 1995;史蒂文森等人,1990)。此外,格雷厄姆还批评了对种族和社会经济地位的频繁混淆,这使得很难确定哪个因素可能与任何观察到的差异有关。因为这项研究的样本包括来自不同社会经济背景的城市非裔美国人和白人儿童,我们能够看到这两个因素是如何与儿童的阅读动机相关的。因此,这项研究填补了我们对来自不同背景的儿童阅读动机知识的一个重要空白。








Reading Research Quarterly Vol. 34, No. 4

copy;1999 International Reading Association (pp. 452–477)


Dimensions of Childrens Motivation for Reading and Their Relations to Reading Activity and Reading Achievement

Linda Baker University of Maryland, Baltimore County, USA

Allan Wigfield University of Maryland, College Park, USA

Abstract:This study was designed to assess dimensions of reading motivation and examine how these dimensions related to students reading activity and achievement. A heterogeneous urban sample of fifth‐ and sixth‐grade children completed the Motivation for Reading Questionnaire (MRQ; Wigfield amp; Guthrie, 1997), a questionnaire designed to assess 11 possible dimensions of reading motivation, including self‐efficacy, several types of intrinsic and extrinsic reading motives, social aspects of reading, and the desire to avoid reading. The students also completed several different measures of reading activity and reading achievement. Confirmatory factor analyses demonstrated that the proposed dimensions of childrens reading motivation could be identified and measured reliably. Scales based on the different dimensions related positively to one another and negatively to the desire to avoid reading. Mean scale scores on most of the dimensions differed by gender and ethnicity, with girls and African Americans reporting stronger motivation. Mean scale scores on most of the dimensions were similar for fifth‐ and sixth‐grade students and for low and middle income students. All of the scales related to childrens reports of their reading activity and several to their reading achievement. The strength of the relations between reading motivation and reading achievement was greater for girls and for white students. Cluster analyses revealed seven distinct groupings of children based on their motivational profiles that were related to reading activity and, to a lesser extent, to reading achievement. The study demonstrates that reading motivation is multidimensional and should be regarded as such in research and in practice.

Much of the research on childrenrsquo;s reading has focused on cognitive aspects such as word recognition and comprehension. Major syntheses published in the1980s and 1990s devoted considerable attention to cognitive processes in reading (Barr, Kamil, Mosenthal, amp; Pearson, 1991; Pearson, Barr, Kamil, amp; Mosenthal, 1984; Ruddell, Ruddell, amp; Singer, 1994). Yet because reading is an effortful activity that children often can choose to do or not to do, it also requires motivation. In reading literature, much of the work relevant to readersrsquo; motivation has been framed in terms of attitudes toward reading. Reading attitudes typically are defined as readersrsquo; affect toward reading (Alexander amp; Filler, 1976; Mathewson, 1994; McKenna, Kear, amp; Ellsworth, 1995). The motivational consequences of reading attitudes are that children with more positive attitudes are more motivated to read. A substantial body of work also exists on reading interest, defined as either a characteristic of the person or of the text (Renninger, Hidi, amp; Krapp, 1992; Schiefele, 1996). Interest relates to text comprehension and other important reading outcomes.

Our approach to reading motivation differs from that of researchers studying reading attitudes or reading interest. The approach is grounded in two theoretical positions, the engagement perspective and achievement motivation theory. The engagement perspective on reading integrates cognitive, motivational, and social aspects of reading (Baker, Afflerbach, amp; Reinking, 1996; Guthrie amp; Alvermann, 1999; Guthrie, McGough, Bennett, amp; Rice, 1996; Oldfather amp; Wigfield, 1996). As Baker et al. (1996) put it, “the engagement perspective views readers as motivated, strategic, knowledgeable, and socially interactive” (p. xv). Engaged readers are motivated to read for different purposes, utilize knowledge gained from previous experience to generate new understandings, and participate in meaningful social interactions around reading.

In conceptualizing reading motivation, we adapted constructs defined and developed by researchers in the achievement motivation field. Currently, many motivation theorists propose that individualsrsquo; competence and efficacy beliefs, intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, and purposes for achievement play a crucial role in their decisions about which activities to do, how long to do them, and how much effort to put into them (Bandura, 1997; Eccles, Wigfield, amp; Schiefele, 1998; Pintrich amp; Schunk, 1996; Wigfield, Eccles, amp; Rodriguez, 1998). Motivated readers thus will engage more in reading (Guthrie, Van Meter, et al., 1996; Oldfather amp; Wigfield, 1996) and will have positive attitudes toward reading (Athey, 1982; Greaney amp; Hegarty, 1987; Mathewson, 1994; McKenna et al., 1995).

Drawing on this work, Wigfield and Guthrie (1997) conceptualized 11 different dimensions of reading motivation, and Wigfield (1997) created a theoretical taxonomy consisting of three categories (see the Appendix for a listing of the categories, dimensions, and sample items). One category of dimensions is based on the competence and efficacy belief constructs. This category includes selfefficacy, the belief that one can be successful at reading, and challenge, the willingness to take on difficult reading material. When individuals believe they are successful at an activity they are more likely to engage in it (Bandura, 1997; Schunk amp; Zimmerman, 1997) A third dimension in this category is work avoidance, or the desire to avoid reading activities. When students lack a sense of efficacy, they likely wish to avoid challenging reading activities.

The second category concerns the purposes children have for reading. The particular dimensions in this category comprise several constructs from the



Reading Research Quarterly Vol. 34, No. 4

copy;1999 International Reading Association (pp. 452–477)


Dimensions of Childrens Motivation for Reading and Their Relations to Reading Activity and Reading Achievement

Linda Baker University of Maryland, Baltimore County, USA

Allan Wigfield University of Maryland, College Park, USA

Abstract:This study was designed to assess dimensions of reading motivation and examine how these dimensions related to students reading activity and achievement. A heterogeneous urban sample of fifth‐ and sixth‐grade children completed the Motivation for Reading Questionnaire (MRQ; Wigfield amp; Guthrie, 1997), a questionnaire designed to assess 11 possible dimensions of reading motivation, including self‐efficacy, several types of intrinsic and extrinsic reading motives, social aspects of reading, and the desire to avoid reading. The students also completed several different measures of reading activity and reading achievement. Confirmatory factor analyses demonstrated that the proposed dimensions of childrens reading motivation could be identified and measured reliably. Scales based on the different dimensions related positively to one another and negatively to the desire to avoid reading. Mean scale scores on most of the dimensions differed by gender and ethnicity, with girls and African Americans reporting stronger motivation. Mean scale scores on most of the dimensions were similar for fifth‐ and sixth‐grade students and for low and middle income students. All of the scales related to childrens reports of their reading activity and several to their reading achievement. The strength of the relations between reading motivation and reading achievement was greater for girls and for white students. Cluster analyses revealed seven distinct groupings of children based on their motivational profiles that were related to reading activity and, to a lesser extent, to reading achievement. The study demonstrates that reading motivation is multidimensional and should be regarded as such in research and in practice.

Much of the research on childrenrsquo;s reading has focused on cognitive aspects such as word recognition and comprehension. Major syntheses published in the1980s and 1990s devoted considerable attention to cognitive processes in reading (Barr, Kamil, Mosenthal, amp; Pearson, 1991; Pearson, Barr, Kamil, amp; Mosenthal, 1984; Ruddell, Ruddell, amp; Singer, 1994). Yet because reading is an effortful activity that children often can choose to do or not to do, it also requires motivation. In reading literature, much of the work relevant to readersrsquo; motivation has been framed in terms of attitudes toward reading. Reading attitudes typically are defined as readersrsquo; affect toward reading (Alexander amp; Filler, 1976; Mathewson, 1994; McKenna, Kear, amp; Ellsworth, 1995). The motivational consequences of reading attitudes are that children with more positive attitudes are more motivated to read. A substantial body of work also exists on reading interest, defined as either a characteristic of the person or of the text (Renninger, Hidi, amp; Krapp, 1992; Schiefele, 1996). Interest relates to text comprehension and other important reading outcomes.

Our approach to reading motivation differs from that of researchers studying reading attitudes or reading interest. The approach is grounded in two theoretical positions, the engagement perspective and achievement motivation theory. The engagement perspective on reading integrates cognitive, motivational, and social aspects of reading (Baker, Afflerbach, amp; Reinking, 1996; Guthrie amp; Alvermann, 1999; Guthrie, McGough, Bennett, amp; Rice, 1996; Oldfather amp; Wigfield, 1996). As Baker et al. (1996) put it, “the engagement perspective views readers as motivated, strategic, knowledgeable, and socially interactive” (p. xv). Engaged readers are motivated to read for different purposes, utilize knowledge gained from previous experience to generate new understandings, and participate in meaningful social interactions around reading.

In conceptualizing reading motivation, we adapted constructs defined and developed by researchers in the achievement motivation field. Currently, many motivation theorists propose that individualsrsquo; competence and efficacy beliefs, intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, and purposes for achievement play a crucial role in their decisions about which activities to do, how long to do them, and how much effort to put into them (Bandura, 1997; Eccles, Wigfield, amp; Schiefele, 1998; Pintrich amp; Schunk, 1996; Wigfield, Eccles, amp; Rodriguez, 1998). Motivated readers thus will engage more in reading (Guthrie, Van Meter, et al., 1996; Oldfather amp; Wigfield, 1996) and will have positive attitudes toward reading (Athey, 1982; Greaney amp; Hegarty, 1987; Mathewson, 1994; McKenna et al., 1995).

Drawing on this work, Wigfield and Guthrie (1997) conceptualized 11 different dimensions of reading motivation, and Wigfield (1997) created a theoretical taxonomy consisting of three categories (see the Appendix for a listing of the categories, dimensions, and sample items). One category of dimensions is based on the competence and efficacy belief constructs. This category includes selfefficacy, the belief that one can be successful at reading, and challenge, the willingness to take on difficult reading material. When individuals believe they are successful at an activity they are more likely to engage in it (Bandura, 1997; Schunk amp; Zimmerman, 1997) A third dimension in this category is work avoidance, or the desire to avoid reading activities. When students lack a sense of efficacy, they likely wish to avoid challenging reading activities.

The second category concerns the purposes children have for reading. The particular dimensions in this category comprise several constructs from the



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