
 2023-01-10 14:37:02


Study on the factors of badminton motivation and influence the choice of Hangzhou Normal University Students

Abstract:In this paper, the use of questionnaire, documents and information collection method and mathematical statistics method, of Hangzhou Normal University, Institute of physical education students choose badminton special motivation and influencing factors investigation and analysis, when a student because of social need to choose professional badminton, then the purpose is to improve their level of badminton special, to gain a more favorable competitive society, in order to lay the foundation for future employment. Of course, there are some students was not a very good self understanding and self employment planning lead to blindly choose this professional. Therefore, the Research Institute of physical education student in our school badminton special motivation and influencing factors, on the one hand can make teachers more clearly understand the students psychology so as to better instruction, in order to achieve the teaching effect and improve teachers professional level. In the teaching process more targeted to implement. On the one hand, this study is conducive to help those who blindly choose this professional students to see the impact of internal and external factors, a clear career direction, optimize the professional level, so as to better conduct career planning. It provides theoretical support for the cultivation of excellent Badminton Coaches or teachers, which is conducive to the promotion and development of badminton. This study will be of great significance in the selection of teaching objectives, teaching content and teaching methods and the implementation of the teaching plan. Therefore, understanding the students learning motivation of badminton can promote the teaching of badminton. Through the investigation and analysis of the Badminton Class Motivation of Hangzhou Normal University, Institute of physical education students selection to for the reform and development of badminton as an elective course, establish dominant position of Badminton Class in the school sports teaching to achieve sustainable development, provide certain reference.

Key words: Hangzhou Normal University; badminton major course; motivation; influencing factors.






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