
 2022-11-26 19:43:45

Chapter 1:

The Defamiliarization of Romantic Love in Mandarin Duck and Butterfly Fiction

While the fictional works and theoretical treaties on literary and social reform of the May Fourth writers are generally considered by western scholars to be the opening entries in the ledger of the modern Chinese literary canon,a similar position of legitimacy has continually eluded the body of popular fiction collectively known as Mandarin Duck and Butterfly literature produced by contemporaries of the May Fourth vanguard during the first three decades of the twentieth century. In the first decade of the Republican period,sentimental love stories,often,written in the classical style ,earned the pejorative “mandarin duck and butterfly” label due to a liberal use by Butterfly authors of poetic metaphors comparing pairs of mandarin ducks and butterflies to the tragic lovers in their texts. In the 1920rsquo;s, the parameters of his definition for Butterfly fiction were expanded by May Fourth critics to include other forms of popular old-style fictions such as “social” novels , “knight-errant” novels, “scandal “ novels,and “detective “ novels. The focus of this discussion is primarily on the sub-genre of sentimental love stories in Butterfly fiction.

Literary critics of modern Chinese fiction have long dismissed, Butterfly fiction as an inferior imitation of traditional romantic paradigms in favor of ostensibly more “progressive” explorations of the subjective . As i hope to demonstrate in this study, Mandarin duck and Butterfly literature offers a value alternative approach to the mimetic representation of desire. In many respects, Butterfly narratives echo works of traditional fiction in their ability to challenge established Confucian orthodoxy through the translation of passionate as Yingying ,Du Liniang, Lin Daiyu, and even the infamous Pan Jinlian, the Butterfly protagonists follow suit in their pursuit of romantic fulfillment over adherence to Confucian propriety which demands the regimentation of desire. As in the case of the premodern predecessors, the widespread appeal of the butterfly narratives suggests the considerable impact of their desire discourse upon the contemporary readership. But while traditional works of fiction affirm desire as an emblematic feature of our humanity even while depicting the tragic consequences of such transgressions, the “modern” transcription of the passionate experience in Mandarin Duck and Butterfly narratives strips love of all its redemptive potential. All characters in Butterfly works are without exception implicated by their desire. Ironically ,the ostensibly more “modern” . May Fourth entries of the Chinese literary canon resemble the very works of traditional fiction from which they claim to be divorced through the redemptive valve which they assign human passion. Lauded for its “progressive”themes, Ba Jinrsquo;s Family vilifies the Confucian establishment by revealing it as the constant nemesis to the “true love” pursuits of the youthful, more humanitarian protagonists. In contrast, Mandarin Duck and Butterfly works expose the decadent and often self destructive potential of love , freed from the shackles of Confucian morality. As an alternative to the desire discourses of both traditional fiction and modern Romanticism, the mimetic representation of desire by Mandarin Duck and Butterfly authors not only poses a challenge to the foundations of Confucian society, but moreover explores the discomfiting consequences of passion in a modern Republican context already one step removed from strict adherence to the dictates of Confucian morality.

Despite past attempts by May Fourth writers and their legacy to banish the popular fiction of the 1910rsquo;s and 1920rsquo;s to the margins of Chinese literary studies on the basis of its presumed adherence to feudal ideas and its apparent lack of commitment to the development of social progress, recent works of scholarship have endeavored both to revaluate and reintroduce Butterfly fiction into the dialogue on modern Chinese fiction and its historical development. In her chapter on Mandarin Duck and Butterfly literature in her work, Woman and Chinese Modernity:The Politics of Reading Between West and East 8Rey Chow presents a comprehensive overview and critical evaluation of contemporary “popular readings” of Butterfly fiction.Chow classifies contemporary readings of Butterfly fiction into two types of approaches: the “literary” and the “sociological.” Representative of the “literary” approach, C.T.Hsiarsquo;s essay , “Xu Zhenyarsquo;s Fate in Tears and Laughter: An Essay in Literary History and Criticism.” included in the Renditions special issue devoted to Chinese Middlebrow Fiction, views Fate in Tears and Laughter as “a culminating work” of the sentimental-erotic tradition in Chinese literature. “without which the tradition itself would have been felt wanting.” Hsiarsquo;s efforts to reinvest Middlebrow works such as Fate in Tears and Laughter with a value based on their status as developmental links in the sentimental-erotic tradition of Chinese literature is what prompts Chow to consider Hsiarsquo;s approach to Butterfly fiction as “literary.” . Like Hsiarsquo;s approach, E.Perry Linkrsquo;s work, Mandarin ducks and Butterflies, representative of what Chow refers to us the “sociological” approach, also seeks to reinvest Butterfly fiction with valve. Linkrsquo;s attempt at redemption, however, is based on his understanding of Butterfly fiction as, in essence, a corpus of sociological documents which reflects the ambivalence of a Republican readership towards modernization. Despite the apparent differences in their approaches to Butterfly fiction, chow sees a common flaw in the readings of both Hsia and Link:

The problem inherent in the powerful readings of Butterfly literature is that they often seek to assimilate it into tradition, either in the form of the Chinese literary canon, or in the form of the “Chinese people.”

















节选自:Maria Eleanor S. Lim-Midyett,《人类欲望的模拟再现: 对中国小说二十世纪的代表作品中情欲和浪漫激情的谱系研究》,美国耶鲁大学博士论文,1999。



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