全球化、妇女和贫穷 ——对盛可以《北妹》的跨文化解读外文翻译资料

 2022-12-29 10:57:38



原文作者:Kay Schaffer, Xianlin SONG





这一现象引起了国内外社会学家的关注,但少有涉及其中的性别维度。在《北妹》出版之前,还没有关于工人,尤其是关于女工的不幸经历的生活记叙,这部作品是从她们的个人经历和观点出发的,这样一个故事的出版本身就是一个独特的事件。主流传统文学是精英、男性和都市作家的领域,在当代中国很少听到这些女性的故事。即使在20世纪80年代,女性开始在出版业上留下印记的时候,农村妇女的声音也很少见。由于教育或社会资本不足,他们没有进入出版界所需的机会和联系。这并不是说“农民”在主流文学中被忽视了,他们的生活被一些精英作家以同情地姿态当作小说的主题,当铁凝、林白、孙惠芬、王安忆、严歌苓等作家在写作中把农民作为创作主体时,他们是代表着无声的人说话,仍然保持着作者自我与农民的区别,是受社会良知和人道主义精神的驱使,或出于政治目的写作,力图对工人剥削进行纠正,这就是盛可以在当代文学界占有如此独特的地位的原因,她打破了传统期待,不仅是没有受过高等教育、出身农村的女作家,而且是自编小说的主体。此外,尽管盛出生在偏远的乡村,以农民的身份出现,但她已成为当代最有前途和最成功的作家之一,创作了六部长篇小说和许多短篇小说。她不顾几个世纪以来的文学和文化传统以及偏见,与之进行斗争,挖掘未受过教育的农民和城市精英之间的贫瘠边界,克服种种困难后,她的移民叙事很快赢得了城市读者的青睐,成为中国最受欢迎、最成功的小说之一,被中国大众和文化精英读完后,又通过翻译,被英语世界接受,并获得2012年亚洲布克奖(Man Asia Booker Prize)提名。










外文文献出处:Front. Lit. Stud. China 2017, 11(4): 666-687 DOI 10.3868/S010-006-017-0036-0


Front. Lit. Stud. China 2017, 11(4): 666-687 DOI 10.3868/S010-006-017-0036-0


Kay Schaffer, Xianlin SONG

Globalization, Women, and Poverty:

A Transcultural Reading of Sheng Keyis Northern Girls

Abstract Chinas rise within a global economy has had diverse consequences for Chinese women. For the super rich and the rising middle class, it has offered opportunities for vast wealth. For the newly emergent underclass of migrant workers who have flooded to the cities, it has engendered exploitative states of vulnerability, especially for rural women. In this paper we locate our inquiry in the context of globalization and its impact on rural womens lives as witnessed through the medium of a unique and distinctive womens life narrative, Sheng Keyis Bei mei (Northern Girls). The text testifies to the underside of womens lives within the new market economy, documenting the cruelty of global capitalism. It presents an alternative version of the history of Chinas rise in the global economy and maps a trajectory of increasing inequality from a previously silenced female perspective. Sheng Keyis world speaks to the sordid world of women, the world of yin. It coexists with the dizzying ascent of the yang—as the powerful nation grapples with social inequality and fragmentation. In its international circulation, Northern Girls opens readers to the contradictions and ambivalent aspects of Chinas economic rise and its consequences specifically for migrant women.

Keywords rural migrant women, Chinese literature, suzhi


Front. Lit. Stud. China 2017, 11(4): 666-687 DOI 10.3868/S010-006-017-0036-0


Kay Schaffer, Xianlin SONG

Globalization, Women, and Poverty:

A Transcultural Reading of Sheng Keyis Northern Girls

Abstract Chinas rise within a global economy has had diverse consequences for Chinese women. For the super rich and the rising middle class, it has offered opportunities for vast wealth. For the newly emergent underclass of migrant workers who have flooded to the cities, it has engendered exploitative states of vulnerability, especially for rural women. In this paper we locate our inquiry in the context of globalization and its impact on rural womens lives as witnessed through the medium of a unique and distinctive womens life narrative, Sheng Keyis Bei mei (Northern Girls). The text testifies to the underside of womens lives within the new market economy, documenting the cruelty of global capitalism. It presents an alternative version of the history of Chinas rise in the global economy and maps a trajectory of increasing inequality from a previously silenced female perspective. Sheng Keyis world speaks to the sordid world of women, the world of yin. It coexists with the dizzying ascent of the yang—as the powerful nation grapples with social inequality and fragmentation. In its international circulation, Northern Girls opens readers to the contradictions and ambivalent aspects of Chinas economic rise and its consequences specifically for migrant women.

Keywords rural migrant women, Chinese literature, suzhi discourse, subaltern

Kay Schaffer (^)

Gender Studies, Napier Building, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, SA 5005, Australia E-mail: kay.schaffer@adelaide.edu.au

Xianlin SONG (网)

Department of Asian Studies, University of Western Australia Crawley, WA 6009, Australia E-mail: xianlin.song@uwa.edu.au

Sheng Keyi

Sheng Keyi (a pen name that translates as “can do”) was born a peasant in a remote rural village in 1973 in the northeastern part of Hunan Province. She left her isolated village near Yiyang in 1994, bound for Shenzhen, a newly established Special Economic Zone, a thousand kilometers south of her home. With this move she became part of Chinas rural surplus, one of the “floating population” of migrant workers who have experienced massive dislocation, disadvantage, and discrimination in their own lives while enabling Chinas economic boom at the cost of their own social and political exclusion. It would be difficult to imagine a more pronounced cultural transition than from a peasant village on the Lanxi River, cut off from the outside world for thousands of years, to the bustling southern industrial marketplace of Shenzhen, Hong Kongs neighbor, during the economic boom of the 1990s. And yet, Sheng is one of the 800 million peasants, more than 270 million of whom have effected, or will soon effect, a transformation from village to urban life—a massive and ongoing migration across a cultural gap that is “deep rooted and difficult to cross”; one that affects national and global macroeconomic and structural forces as well as micro social forces within China, shaping everything from family relationships to fashion trends and moral values.

This phenomenon has been of growing interest to sociologists both within and outside of China, although seldom with attention to its gendered dimensions. Until the publication of Northern Girls, no life narrative had been produced that followed the (misfortunes of the workers, and in particular the women workers, from the personal experience and perspective of one of their own. In fact, the publication of such a story is a unique occurrence in itself. In the mainstream literature, traditionally the domain of elite, male, urban-based writers, one hears little about these women in contemporary China. Even when women began to make a mark on the publishing industry in the 1980s, rural womens voices were largely absent. With little education or social capital, they had neither the opportunities nor the connections necessary to enter the world of publishing. This is not to say that “peasants” have been neglected in mainstream literature. Their lives have been taken up as the subject of fiction by some elite writers, often sympathetically. However, when those writers, like Tie Ning 铁凝,Lin Bai 林白,Sun Huifen 孙惠芬,Wang Anyi 王安忆,and Yan Geling 严歌苓,portray peasants as sympathetic subjects in their writing, they speak on behalf of the voiceless, maintaining self-other distinctions, even if they are motivated by a social conscience or humanitarian spirit, or, if they write with political intent, as a corrective to the workers exploitation. This is why Sheng Keyi occupies such a unique place in the contemporary literary scene. She confounds both tradition and expectation. Not only is she uneducated and of rural origin, she is also the subject of her self-styled novel. Further, although Sheng was born in a remote rural village and presents as a peasant, she has become one of the most promising and successful writers of her generation, with six novels and numerous short stories to her name. Even to become a writer, she had to defy centuries-old literary and cultural traditions and prejudices, negotiating a treacherous boundary between uneducated peasant and elite urban dweller. Defying the odds, her migrant narrative quickly won over an urban audience to become Chinas most popular, successful, and award-winning novel, read by the masses and the elite alike, before being translated, received, and welcomed into the English-speaking world and nominated for the Man Asia Booker Pri



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