
 2022-12-12 16:51:05

English original

English original comes from Michele Gibney”Ono no Komachi: Love and Desire” 1 to 13 pages.

Ono no Komachi: Love and Desire

The poetry of Ono no Komachi can be read in many lights. The two ways in which I feel its message and context can be best appreciated are through feminine independence and masculine subjection. Ono no Komachi wrote poetry that was evocative of the feminine ideal of longing for a male, but she also wrote poetry which denigrated the need for a woman to rely on a male. Through a self-critical reader analysis of some of her poems, I will show that Komachirsquo;s poetry can be read a comprising a longing for the world of men, and men in particular, in the earlier part of her life, and a longing for meaning or purpose in the latter portion of her life.

The reason that I find Ono no Komachirsquo;s poetry to be effective in conveying her dual longings is because of her utilization of imagery. When she is writing about sexual longing she uses phrases which translate to:

From my yearning the embers of my love

Send sparks leaping in my breast,
Setting my heart aflame.

Komachi longs for her lover not only in the abstract poetical form, but in the intense bodily reactions to the lack of her lover in the bed. Passion is a tool in Komachirsquo;s poetry, both to rouse it in others as well as to document her own spiraling feelings. Her heart is not merely aflame, her entire poem/body pulses with the desire she feels, and you can sense that through the choice of associations. In each one of these lines there is a mention of fire and burning: “embers”, “sparks”, “aflame”. The culmination of the heat of embers sparking the tinder of her heart inflames her and makes of her very body a flame. Therefore, not only can Komachi be aflame, but a flame. In this translation Komachirsquo;s poetry provides context for her love and of her body as a beacon of light for wayward lovers to find her once again. In another translation of this very same poem, the final three lines are translated as follows:

I rise in longing—

My breast pounds, a leaping flame,

My heart is consumed in fire. (Keene, 78)

The choice of the word “consumed” here offers a very different version of Komachi. In this treatment it seems more as if her longing will not only create a fire in her, but it will destroy her. Lack of consummation will consume her, thus leaving her heart with nothing—it will be burned completely and be no more. A third translation expressed this even more concretely, “While within me my heart chars,”2 as the final line, or a final translation of the closing line, “My heart burns up.”

In a way, Komachirsquo;s love can be read as a danger to her self. Not so much her bodily self as her sense of self, being entirely engrossed in the quest to find and mate, she is missing out on many other things which the world might have to offer her. The percentage of her poetry which is spent in dream-time wanderings and imagining suggests that she spends more time in an illusionary world than the real one. One of the poems that best showcases her use dreams as both an escape and a solution is the following:

Since encountering

my beloved as I dozed,

I have come to feel

that it is dreams, not real life,

on which I can pin my hopes.

She has spent so much time thinking about this nebulous “beloved” that she begins to dream about him also, and to even purposefully set out to dream about him.5 In another translation of this poem, she claims that “It is dreams that / Have begun to comfort me.”6 She will “pin her hopes” on the dream and that will “comfort” her as the reality of her love is that she never sees the beloved in the flesh. Either this could mean that her life is secluded and she cannot physically see him, or it could also mean that her beloved is a fanciful image that she carries around with her and that he doesnrsquo;t really even exist.

Eventually, however, through her poetry you can begin to sense that even dreaming is not going to be able to fulfill the need for Komachi. She becomes morose and increasingly introspective in some of her other poems. The notable one, of course, is:

The flowers withered,

Their color faded away,

While meaninglessly

In this poem, Komachi expresses a fixation on her old age and coming death, which was a large part of the Japanese culture—a fixation on the in transient life. Admittedly, itrsquo;s a part of any culture wherein human beings all grow old and die, however in Heian Japan with nothing better to occupy their time, people could wax poetical on the subject of growing old and never tire of attempting to romanticize it. In this poem by Komachi she compares herself and her beauty to a flower that has withered, to colors which have faded as she has grown older and her youth has passed. A bit of self conceit is certainly involved in this high opinion of her former glory, but it was also an aspect of the Japanese cultural ideal at the time to be beautiful and attractive; as it was the only commodity that woman had to trade in the patriarchal court system where females were kept pampered and protected by powerful men. Also, legend has it that Komachi was one of the foremost beauties of her age, as can be seen in the Noh plays which were subsequently written about her. Komachi does however mock herself a little in this poem by saying that it is her own fault for letting time slip through her fingers in idle contemplation and meaningless, petty court activity, and perhaps pointless dreaming for a man that never comes. The rain, of course, is evocative of tears falling at this womanrsquo;s sorrow for a past that she will never see again. The poem could also be read as a complaint of loneliness from a woman who has grown old and lost her beauty; who



文献、资料题目:Ono no Komachi: Love and Desire

文献、资料来源:Michele Gibney.“Ono no Komachi: Love and Desire”http://works.bepress.com


外文原文出自Michele Gibney编著的《Ono no Komachi: Love and Desire》中1—13页。



Michele Gibney











































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