
 2023-08-24 17:03:11

Does listening to music increase your ability

to discriminate musical sounds?


Music listening plays an important role in the daily lives of many. It remains unclear what explains variation in how much time people spend listening to music and whether music listening improves musical auditory discrimination skills. In 10,780 Swedish twin individuals, data were available on hours of music listening, musical engagement and musical auditory discrimination. Genetic and shared environmental factors together explain half of the variation in music listening in both sexes. Hours of music listening was positively associated with musical auditory discrimination in both sexes and this effect was independent of whether individuals played a musical instrument. However, the effect disappeared when applying a co-twin control analysis to control for genetic and shared environmental confounding. These findings suggest that music listening may not causally improve musical auditory discrimination skills, but rather that the association is likely due to shared familial factors.

  1. Introduction

There is large variation in how much time people spend listening to music. While some listen to music daily (e.g., while commuting, exercising or even during work), others easily get through the day without listening to music. Research shows that while the intensity of music listening increases with age up to adolescence and then decreases in later adulthood (Schauml;fer amp; Sedlmeier, 2010), personality and sex have little effect on the amount people listen to music, although small differences in genre preferences between the sexes have been reported (North amp; Hargreaves, 2008; Schauml;fer amp; Mehlhorn, 2017). In a recent meta-analysis, Schauml;fer and Mehlhorn (2017) proposed that underlying reasons for why individuals listen to music explain individual differences in listening to music, namely 1) to regulate arousal and mood, 2) to achieve self-awareness and/or 3) as an expression of social relatedness.

Although many studies investigated the effect of music listening on behavioral outcomes, such as stress, anxiety or pain (see for review: Kim amp; Stegemann, 2016) and cognitive abilities and IQ (Jaschke, Honing, amp; Scherder, 2018; Schellenberg amp; Weiss, 2013), little is known about whether there is a beneficial influence of music listening on musical auditory discrimination skills, possibly caused by implicit learning processes (Frensch amp; Ruuml;nger, 2003). To our knowledge, only one study investigated effects of exposure to music on musical competence, finding that expressive timing judgments are more likely to be enhanced by active listening than by formal musical training (Honing amp; Ladinig, 2009). However, this study was based on non-genetically informative data and another explanation for the finding could be that individuals with higher musical competence may enjoy listening to music more.

In this study, we examine in a large cohort of Swedish twins, using classical twin modelling, the relative importance of genetic and environmental influence on the hours individuals listen to music (Verweij, Mosing, Zietsch, amp; Medland, 2012). Secondly, we test whether music listening has an effect on musical auditory discrimination, and, if so, whether this effect remains significant while adjusting for genetic and shared familial confounding (co-twin control modelling (McGue, Osler, amp; Christensen, 2010)), in line with a causal hypothesis (e.g., an implicit learning effect).

  1. Methods
    1. Participants

Data on music listening and musical auditory discrimination were collected in 11,543 twin individuals in the Study of Twin Adults: Genes and Environment (STAGE) cohort of the Swedish Twin Registry (STR) in 2012–2013 (Lichtenstein et al., 2002; Lichtenstein et al., 2006). Of those, 10,780 individuals reported on hours of music listening, of which 6700 also completed the musical auditory discrimination test. Furthermore, of the 10,780 individuals that reported on their music listening behavior, 7784 reported to have played music at some point in their life, while 2990 were never involved in music. For the genetic analyses we had data on music listening available for 2571 complete twin pairs: 430 monozygotic male (MZm), 781 monozygotic female (MZf), 280 dizygotic male (DZm), 440 dizygotic female (DZf) and 640 dizygotic opposite-sex (DOS) pairs and 5299 single twins without the co-twin participating. Data from singletons contribute to the estimation of means, variances and covariances. The participants were aged between 27 and 54 years (M = 40.7, SD = 7.7). See Mosing, Madison, Pedersen, Kuja-Halkola, and Ullen (2014) for a more detailed description of the data collection. The study “Den musicerande mauml;nniskan - kultur och arv i samspel” was approved by the Regional Ethics Review Board in Stockholm (Dnr 2011/570-31/5, with Dnr 2012/1107/32 being an amendment to that project).

    1. Measures

Hours of music listening. Individuals were asked how many hours per week they listened to music on average during four age intervals (ages 0–5, 6–11, 12–17 and 18 years until time of measurement). We calculated the mean of these answers representing a proxy of the number of hours people listened to music weekly throughout their life.

Musical engagement. Participants were asked whether they ever played an instrument (or sang) to differentiate between those individuals who (ever) actively engaged with music versus those who only engaged passively (i.e. listening only).

Musical auditory discrimination. Musical auditory discrimination was measured using the Swedish Musical Discrimination Test (SMDT) (Ulleacute;n, Mosing, Holm, Eriksson, amp; Madison, 2014). The SMDT measures three components of musical auditory discrimination, namely pitch, melody and











在2012-2013年瑞典双胞胎登记处(STR)的基因与环境(STAGE)队列研究中,对11543对双胞胎个体收集了有关音乐听力和音乐听觉辨别的数据(Lichtenstein等人,2002;Lichtenstein等人,2006)。其中,10780人报告了音乐听时数,其中6700人还完成了音乐听觉辨别测试。此外,在10780名报告其音乐聆听行为的人中,7784人报告说他们在生活中的某个时刻演奏过音乐,而2990人从未参与过音乐。在基因分析中,我们有2571对完整的双胞胎的音乐听力数据:430对单卵男性(MZm),781对单卵女性(MZf),280对双卵男性(DZm),440对双卵女性(DZf),640对双卵异性(DOS)和5299对单卵双胞胎(没有共同双胞胎参与)。来自单子的数据有助于估计均值、方差和协方差。参与者年龄在27-54岁之间(M=40.7,SD=7.7)。有关数据收集的更详细描述,请参见Mosing、Madison、Pedersen、Kuja Halkola和Ullen(2014)。“Den musicerande mauml;nniskan-kultur och arv i samspel”的研究得到了斯德哥尔摩地区道德审查委员会的批准(Dnr 2011/570-31/5,其中Dnr 2012/1107/32是该项目的修正案)。









对同卵双胞胎进行同卵双生子对照分析,以跟踪回归分析,并探讨在控制共同基因和共同环境因素(如丰富的儿童音乐环境)时,音乐听时数与音乐听觉辨别之间的关联是否仍然显著。单卵双胞胎在基因上是相同的,并且共享他们的家庭环境,因此,探索同卵双胞胎的对内效应表明这种关联没有家庭混淆(McGue等人,2010)。如果更多的听音乐时间会导致更高水平的音乐听觉辨别力,我们会期望听音乐时间更长的MZ双胞胎在音乐听觉辨别力上得分显著更高。在成对线性回归分析中,允许我们调整同卵双胞胎共有的所有因素(遗传学和共有环境),以听音乐的时间为独立变量,以音乐听觉辨别为因变量,使用STATA中的xtreg-fe语句进行,该函数提供了以双胞胎为单位分层。只有在听音乐的时间内不一致的完整MZ孪生对和它们的音乐听觉辨别水平有助于成对分析(McGue et al.,2010)。校正性别和年龄是不必要的,因为每个MZ双胞胎都是匹配的,他或她的共同双胞胎谁共享相同的性别和年龄。



男性每周平均听音乐时间为4.87plusmn;1.56(平均值plusmn;标准差),女性为5.25plusmn;1.62。音乐听力与音乐听觉辨别的原始相关系数,男性为r=0.14,女性为r=0.08(均plt;0.001,性别差异不显著,为2 0.23(2),p=0.89)。表1显示了男性和女性MZ、DZ和DOS双胞胎的双生子对内相关,以及从ACE模型中获得的基因和环境对男性和女性听音乐的影响。















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Frensch, P. A., amp; Ruuml;nger, D. (2003). Implicit learning. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 12(1), 13–18. https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-8721.01213.

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