原文作者:Bahri Aydin 单位:法提赫大学,教育学院,教育科学系
惩罚有两种:第一种是不愉快的刺激,例如打屁股或责骂;在第二种情况下,愉快的刺激被移除,比如拒绝给予孩子爱,拒绝给予休息时间特权,以及与朋友分离(Erden and Akman, 1995)。第一种惩罚与暴力的概念密切相关。根据Gozutok(2008)的研究,暴力是一个人对另一个人造成痛苦的原因,无论是有意还是无意。暴力行为的例子包括暴怒、殴打、踢、推、捏、打、打架、伤人、威胁、侮辱、喊叫、虐待、欺凌、限制自由、没收财产和扣留应给予的东西。暴力可以分为两种类型:情感暴力和心理暴力,以及身体暴力。第一类包括破坏人的情绪和心理状态的行为,如大喊大叫、恐吓、侮辱、羞辱、不赞成某人及其所做的事、进行侮辱性的恶作剧、羞辱、与他人比较、威胁和剥夺感情。第二种类型包括对人体造成伤害的行为,如拍打、踢、重击、殴打、粗暴对待、掐、扯头发和推搡。
Ozen(2001)将刑罚分类为以下几种惩戒方法:体罚,是用武力进行的惩罚或制裁,包括殴打、监禁在密闭的空间内或拘留;2. 言语消极管教成年人用来控制孩子行为的方法,如责骂、叫喊、威胁、咒骂、言语侮辱和否认爱。
在教育中使用惩罚有不同的观点。一些研究人员表示,惩罚可以用于教育,说它改变行为;而另一些人则表示不应该使用它,他们说惩罚不会改变行为,但会导致新问题的出现。在极端情况下,当一个孩子的行为变得危险或干扰了课程的进程,惩罚可能是必要的,以制止这种行为在短期内(Cooper, 1994)。类似地,斯金纳指出惩罚只能用于在极少数情况下改变行为,当一个人的学习变得非常困难(查尔斯,1996)。Ozyurek(2001)认为惩罚可以用来减少问题行为;然而,造成身体疼痛或包括言语侮辱的惩罚会在短时间内减少不受欢迎的行为,但不会导致采取适当的行为。
惩罚应按行为的比例实施,以抑制其发生;因此,学生有必要知道他/她为什么受到惩罚。这种惩罚的例子包括分配困难或不愉快的任务;不执行学生的要求;将学生与小组、游戏或课程分开;让他/她背对着朋友坐着;或拘留(Baar,1999)。根据应用行为分析方法,如果一个反应受到惩罚,它被重复的概率就会降低。当这一原则得到正确应用时,95%的儿童都能做到这一点,他们的行为很容易受到奖励和结果的影响。然而,临床曾经有过这样一个观点,即注意力障碍患儿的行为本质上是对立的,是目中无人的,他们的行为不受奖励和惩罚的系统应用的影响(Hall,2003)。在实施惩罚时,有必要考虑到儿童的年龄、性格和所处的环境。必须告诉孩子为什么他/她要受到惩罚,惩罚应该与不受欢迎的行为成比例,并基于合理的理由,这应该是最后的手段。应该避免否认对孩子的爱的惩罚,或者威胁要这样做,因为在孩子的教育中,一种极端压迫的态度会导致孩子受到恐吓,形成一个软弱的性格,并会导致情绪失衡(Koknel, 1999)。格拉瑟认为,在素质教育中,教师不会责骂、惩罚或压迫学生。相反,他们鼓励学生,并表示他们总是愿意帮助他们。吉诺特指出,惩罚从来不会纠正学生的行为;既然惩罚永远不应该用来控制不受欢迎的行为,就应该采用其他方法来控制。Gordon认为有效的纪律不能通过压力或奖惩来实现(Charles,1996)。
惩罚确实对学生有副作用;然而,这些影响在不同程度上取决于惩罚的类型,以及教师和学生的特点。惩罚的负面影响可以列举如下:焦虑(Fidan, 1985;Aydın, 2000);讨厌(Fidan, 1985;查尔斯,1996;Aydın, 2000);怨恨(Fidan, 1985;查尔斯,1996);攻击性(Fidan, 1985;Ginott,查尔斯,1996);反对(Fidan, 1985);复仇(查尔斯,1996);自我认同的损害(查尔斯,1996;Aydın, 2000);与教师关系的损害(Charles,1996);减少自我控制/自律的可能性(Charles,1996;Aydın, 2000);提供一个负模型(Charles,1996;Laslett博士,1992);恐惧(查尔斯,1996;Aydın, 2000);增加报复(查尔斯,1996;造成反社会行为,引起鄙视和仇恨情绪,与老师合作少(Charles, 1996);愤怒(查尔斯,1996;Aydın, 2000);躺(查尔斯,1996;Laslett博士,1992);由于惩罚成为常规,效果降低(Korkmaz, 2004;Aydın, 2000);导致永久性行为障碍的学生(Aydın, 2000);使学习更加困难(Aydın, 2000;Celep, 2000;麦肯齐,2004);造成情感上的伤害(Aydın, 2000);学校恐惧症的发展(Dokmen, 2000);反抗或屈服(Nelsen et al.,1999);无法承担责任(Mackenzie, 2004);教授如何不被抓住(Laslett, 1992);旷课,没有开始积极的行为(Laslett, 1992);不教授可接受行为(McLeod, 2003);愤怒、反叛和隐遁(Tauber, 1999);怨恨和合作意愿下降(Charles, 1996)。
为了纠正行为而实施体罚有以下负面影响:专注于认知活动的能力下降;以有害的习惯为避难所;离家出走;旷课、离校的;偏离真理的;为逃避惩罚而说谎,犯罪的;低层次的认同;缺乏勇气的;培养无效的性格;愤怒;怨恨情绪的形成;早期的身体刺激;为性功能障碍做准备;身体上的伤害;永久的丧失;导致丧失行为能力的神经障碍;自杀想法(Gozutok, 1993);懦弱(Gozutok, 1993);隐逸、恨师、与师斗、与友斗(Gozutok, 2008);杀死压迫者的欲望(布拉德利,1984;Gozutok, 2008);憎恨自己和他人,降低自尊(Gozutok, 2008);学术成就下降(Gozutok, 2008);学会不相信别人,而是害怕他们,成年后沉迷于报复那些施加惩罚的人,削弱友谊,行为得体,只是为了避免惩罚(Gozutok, 2008);远离老师和课堂,逃课,否认和害羞(Ozyurek, 2001);反叛,寻求报复的欲望,仇恨,恐惧,内疚(Gozutok, 2008)。
1. 学生们因何种不受欢迎的行为而受到惩罚?
2. 学生受到什么样的惩罚?
3. 这种惩罚使学生们产生了什么样的情绪?
4. 学生们对这种惩罚是否改变了他们的行为有什么看法?
5. 学生们认为怎样的反应才能有效地改变他们不想要的行为?
导致惩罚现象出现的学生行为分类 |
出现频率 |
在教室里说话 |
75 |
不完成家庭作业 |
57 |
迟到 |
22 |
不知道老师的提问 |
21 |
在课堂上做其他事 |
21 |
学生的发型不符合规定 |
18 |
学生的着装不符合规定 |
17 |
和同学打架 |
13 |
对老师有误解 |
12 |
在走廊或教室奔跑 |
12 |
不带学习用品 |
10 |
玩 |
6 |
其他 |
17 |
全部 |
301 |
1. 写出老师惩罚你的行为。
2. 你的这种行为受到了什么样的惩罚?
4. 这种惩罚改变你的行为了吗?
5. 如果你的答案是“不”,老师应该做些什么来改变你的行为?
外文文献出处:Bahri Aydin. Turkish primary school pupilsrsquo; views on punishment[J]. Educational Research and Review.2010.5(11):666.
Turkish primary school pupilsrsquo; views on punishment
Bahri Aydın
Fatih University, Faculty of Education, Department of Educational Sciences, Istanbul/Turkey. E-mail: bahriaydin@hotmail.com. Tel: 00905358182879.
Accepted 21 October, 2010
Teachers meet with unwanted behavior when they are acting as facilitators of the learning process and they resort to certain tactics to deal with them. One of these tactics is punishment. This study aimed to identify the views held by Turkish primary school pupils on punishment. According to the results of the study, pupils were punished for different reasons by their teachers, who used different types of punishment in response to this unwanted behavior. Not being able to accept the situation, pupils experienced negative emotions toward the teacher and the lesson. Some of the punitive methods applied changed pupil behavior, some did not. Pupils expected different reactions in place of ineffective teacher punishments.
Key words: Punishment, unwanted behaviors, primary school pupils.
Teachers try to help their pupils to learn in the classroom; however, they can meet with a number of unwanted behaviors while doing so. They try out several methods to overcome this type of behavior, one of them being punishment. Punishment is defined in the MerriamWebster Online dictionary (2009) as “suffering pain or loss that serves as retribution”. While in everyday language, punishment is understood to mean shouting at a child, scolding or hitting; in the behavioral sciences, punishment is taken to be the reduction of the probability of the behavior being repeated in the future. It takes on many forms in schools: criticism, scolding, shouting, giving extra work, detention, slapping and beating. There are two types of punishment: in the first, an unpleasant stimulus, such as spanking or scolding, is given; in the second, a pleasant stimulus is removed, as in denying love to a child, denying break time privileges and separating from friends (Erden and Akman, 1995). The first type of punishment is closely related to the concept of violence. According to Gouml;zuuml;tok (2008), violence is the cause of pain by one individual to another, either knowingly or unknowingly. Examples of violent behavior include bursts of temper, hitting, kicking, pushing, pinching, slapping, fighting, wounding, threatening, insulting, shouting, abusing, bullying, limiting freedom, confiscating possessions and withholding what should be given. Violence can be divided into two types: emotional and psychological violence, and physical violence. The first type include actions that damage a human beingrsquo;s emotional and psychological state, such as shouting, frightening, insulting, humiliating, not approving of an individual and what he/she has done, making humiliating pranks, humiliation, comparing with others, threatening, and deprivation of affection. The second type, on the other hand, consists of actions that damage a human beingrsquo;s body, such as slapping, kicking, thumping, beating, treating roughly, pinching, pulling hair and pushing around. Ouml;zen (2001) classified punishments under the heading of the following disciplinary methods: 1.corporal punishment, which is punishments or sanctions given by force and includes beating, imprisonment in an enclosed space, or giving detention; 2.verbal negative discipline methods used by an adult to control a childrsquo;s behavior, such as scolding, shouting, threatening, cursing, verbal insults and denying affection. There are differing opinions on the use of punishment in education. Some researchers state the punishment can can be used in education, saying that it changes behavior; while others express that it should not be used, stating that punishment does not change behavior, but that it can lead to the emergence of new problems. In extreme cases, when a childrsquo;s behavior becomes dangerous or interferes with the course of the lesson, punishment may be necessary to put a stop to the behavior in the short term (Cooper, 1994). Similarly, Skinner states that punishment can only be used to change behavior in the rare situations where an individualrsquo;s learning is made very difficult (Charles, 1996). Ouml;zyuuml;rek (2001) states that punishment can be administered to reduce the problematic behavior; however, punishment causing bodily pain or including verbal insults reduces the unwanted behavior for a short period, but does not bring about the adoption of appropriate behavior. Punishment should be applied in proportion to the behavior in order to inhibit it; thus, it is necessary that the pupil knows why s/he is being punished. Examples of such punishment include assigning difficult or unpleasant tasks; not carrying out the pupilrsquo;s requests; separating the pupil from the group, game or lesson; making him/her sit with his/her back turned to his/her friends; or detention (Baar, 1999). According to the applied behavior analysis approach, if a reaction is punished, the probability of it being repeated is reduced. When this principle is applied correctly, it works in 95% of children, and their behavior is easily affected by reward and results. However, clinicians accept that the behavior of children with attention disorders who are oppositional and defiant by nature is not affected by the systematic application of reward and punishment (Hall, 2003). When administering a punishment, it is necessary to take into account the childrsquo;s age, personality and the context in which s/he is found. The child must be told why s/he is being punished, the punishment should be in proportion to the undesired behavior and based on valid reasons and it should be the final resort. Punishment by denying affection to a child, or threatening to do so