
 2023-01-09 10:34:24


原文作者 Melvin J.LeBaron

Center for Training and Development, University of Southern California


关键词:关键词1; 关键词2; 关键词3;关键词4














  1. 要客观。通常,教学是基于长期持有的假设进行的,这些假设通常更多地与个人观点相关,而不是与既定事实相关。不是客观地分析我们收集到的关于个人需求的所有信息,然后把我们自己放在他人的位置上,而是人类倾向于快速、简单和肤浅地做出似乎有正确“感觉”的结论。客观是解决边缘学生问题的第一步。
  2. 为隐藏的潜力提供挑战。没有什么比发现一个学生比他想的更好或者比别人想的更好更让他感到高兴的了。每个人都有一个隐藏的潜力的深水库,可以通过寻找具有挑战性的经验来发现。正如跳高运动员在每次成功的尝试后继续向上移动杆一样,学生需要在每次征服后看到更大的挑战。学生们在连续得分较高的情况下尽其所能。









外文文献出处:Improving College and University Teaching, Vol. 22, No. 1, Students: Focus of Teaching (Winter, 1974), pp. 24-26


The Marginal Student: Development or Decay?

In this dynamic age of rapid change and increasing obsolescence there are none who can escape the chas tisement of being marginal in some degree. The infor mation revolution has accelerated every aspect of learn ing until it is impossible to achieve the ultimate of our potential. There is no such thing as complete maximiza tion of effort. Most of us find ourselves 'in-between' that which we know can be learned and our resourceful ness to do it. Obviously, to describe a marginal student within this broad context would be meaningless. The more definite issue is with those who rather than being 'in-between' relative development and ultimate achieve ment are nearer the 'outskirts' of capacity. The area of greatest concern and challenge is with those who for one reason or another are found at the negative end of the continuum, who are marginal in their very attitude to ward learning, whose lack of learning is a symptom of indifference, the nonmotivated individuals who seem to feel passed up in the race for self-development, who seem to labor against a barrier of undue limitation.

Frank Baum in his 'The Wizard of Oz' presents an interesting case study of problem solving and the mar ginal student. We are all familiar with the crisis filled experiences of Dorothy and her companions as they made their way along the yellow-brick road. Yet, have we ever compared these experiences to life in our learn ing institutions? Although Baum presents some imagi nary characters facing imaginary situations, there is nev ertheless a display of behavior patterns which has a lot of relevance to learning situations of today. O


The Marginal Student: Development or Decay?

In this dynamic age of rapid change and increasing obsolescence there are none who can escape the chas tisement of being marginal in some degree. The infor mation revolution has accelerated every aspect of learn ing until it is impossible to achieve the ultimate of our potential. There is no such thing as complete maximiza tion of effort. Most of us find ourselves 'in-between' that which we know can be learned and our resourceful ness to do it. Obviously, to describe a marginal student within this broad context would be meaningless. The more definite issue is with those who rather than being 'in-between' relative development and ultimate achieve ment are nearer the 'outskirts' of capacity. The area of greatest concern and challenge is with those who for one reason or another are found at the negative end of the continuum, who are marginal in their very attitude to ward learning, whose lack of learning is a symptom of indifference, the nonmotivated individuals who seem to feel passed up in the race for self-development, who seem to labor against a barrier of undue limitation.

Frank Baum in his 'The Wizard of Oz' presents an interesting case study of problem solving and the mar ginal student. We are all familiar with the crisis filled experiences of Dorothy and her companions as they made their way along the yellow-brick road. Yet, have we ever compared these experiences to life in our learn ing institutions? Although Baum presents some imagi nary characters facing imaginary situations, there is nev ertheless a display of behavior patterns which has a lot of relevance to learning situations of today. Of particular interest is the leadership of Dorothy and her attention to the developmental needs of those for whom she felt resposible.

Dorothy, as leader of the group, is a gentle, perhaps innocent, but determined individual who goes from crisis to crisis in her search for the Emerald City, an end of the rainbow sort of place, where she thinks she will find the solution to all her problems. Her main frustration comes from her efforts to motivate, direct, and support three dependent followers. She might very well be com pared with a teacher responsible for marginal students.

Lets say Dorothy, instead of being the mythical darling we remember, is the 'teacher' of a class. She has received the responsibility of achieving a certain objec tive, in this case the Emerald City. Her class, consisting of a tin woodman, a scarecrow, and a lion, is inadequate. Their learning, awareness, performance, and attention to duty are marginal. Dorothy as 'teacher' is caught by the dilemma of her own drive for goal accomplishment con flicting with the realization that those with whom she is involved do not seem to be making much contribution toward that goal.

Like most teachers, she is constantly harassed by the wants, needs, and desires of her 'students.' The tin woodman wants a heart and uses this deficiency as an excuse for not being more capable. The scarecrow wants a brain and blames all of his weaknesses on this need. The lion wants courage, the lack of which he believes is the deterrent to his development. Interestingly enough, neither of the three is aware of the others problem; and each feels the other should be able to do anything be cause they have what he hasnt.

In the end, Dorothy manages to become the real ma gician of this story by changing the lives of these inse cure and inadequate associates. By taking a develop mental, or problem solving, approach she saved the tin woodman from rusting in the forest, she enabled the scarecrow to escape from a life in the farmers cornfield, and she instilled dignity in the lion who was being dis graced in the jungle. The inspiration from this fairy tale comes from the manner in which Dorothy solves this problem.

How did she so effectively mediate between the needs of the individuals and her own 'institutional' goals ? She used a very simple but risk-taking process. As problem situations arose, she turned to the scarecrow for advice and he in turn used his brain. Whenever emotional con flicts occurred she prevailed upon the tin woodman who utilized his heart. The cowardly lion, of course, was al ways called on for protection during moments of danger. As a result, he found the courage he had not realized he possessed.

Dorothys magic was not accomplished by dominating the situation against the likes of others, but rather by creating an environment for participative learning and self-development. She never attacked her problem with an authoritative list of 'dos' or 'donts,' nor did she attempt to control or even structure the efforts of those she was leading. Her system of growth was through trust and interdependence.

Who, then, are the scarecrows, tin woodmen, and cowardly lions in learning institutions today? And what does the Dorothy-type leadership tell us about developing these people beyond their marginal status ?

Maslow tells us that people behave in relationship to their wants and desires. These wants and desires become'needs' which become integral to the well-being of the individual. Maslow classifies these needs or wants in hierarchial order, beginning with a persons physiologi cal and safety needs and extending up through the need for belonging and acceptance to the highest need for self fulfillment. This highest need is seen as an expression of the individuals desire to be creative, his reach for self development and realization of his maximum potential.

The secret of Dorothys success was removing fear from individuals, thus allowing them the freedom to approach problem situations with unrestrained determin ation. This development from fear to trust is the dy namics of problem solving with marginal students. Fear controls the accuracy of communication in a classroom. In conditions of fear we give others



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