
 2023-01-18 10:47:25


of Project Management

for the Extended Project

in the pre-reserved Area


AMD Technologies (China)

Co. Ltd

1 Introduction of the Project

1.1 Civil Works

A new equipment plant, about 750m2, will be extended in the north of the present equipment plant. At the same time the smooth transportation of the goods passing in and out of the end product workshop should be guaranteed. The roof of the equipment plant will be used for the placement of the cooling water-tower, water tank, etc.

Other civil works relating to the project.

1.2 Internal Decoration

The present pre-reserved 3,000m2 area will be changed into production plant with the same decoration standard with the present production plant.

The decoration standard of the new equipment plant is the same as the present equipment plant.

1.3 HVAC System

The temperature requirement for the production plant is from 18℃ to 28℃, and the humidity requirement is from 35% to 65%. The contractor should design the configuration of the air-conditioning system based on these requirements and the general standard criterion to meet the ownerrsquo;s requirements.

The temperature requirement for the machine room and power distribution room is below 30℃.

The newly added technological wind-exhausting amount is about 700m3/hr.

1.4 Mechanical and Electrical Installation

Refrigeration equipment and affiliated equipment will be installed according to the requirements.

Air-conditioner and affiliated equipment will be installed according to the requirements.

Heat-transforming station of technological cooling water will be installed according to the requirements. The amount of technological cooling water being added 5,300KW.

Installing pipes from the present air-compression system to the pre-reserved area and the places where the compressed air is needed.

1.5 IT System

DDC system

IT cable tray

1.6 Fire System

The design of the fire prevention system should meet the requirements of the related national regulations and FM.

The control of the present fire prevention system and the fire prevention system of the pre-reserved area should be integrated into a centralized controlling system.

The design of the fire prevention system should be compatible with the present fire prevention system.

1.7 Electrical System

The transforming station will be enlarged with 8,000KVA.

Power distribution will be added for the power facilities.

The power distribution for the technological equipments (to the power distribution cabinet on site).

Lighting system.

The installation of other related electrical system.

All the design should meet the requirements of the related national regulations and international general standards of the related industry.

1.8 General Introduction of all the Power Facilities

4times;2000KVA air-compression equipment.

3times;450 (refrigeration quantity) refrigerator.

3times;18.7m.3/hr air-compression equipment.

2times;25,600m3/hr new wind equipment.

3 Project management plan

3.1 Project management organization structure

The project management team will carry out the management of the extended project in pre-reserved area of AMD technologies (China) Co. Ltd. on solely behalf of the company. We will carry out the employerrsquo;s directives and instructions with our manager being responsible for the project implementation. The organization structure is given below:



Exploration and designing

Project management team

Government approval

Tender deputizing

Civil works

HVAC system

Electrical installation

Equipment system



3.2 General Schedule of the Project

(1) exploration and designing: 2006.1-2006.2.15

(2) Government approval at the early stage of the project 2006.3.15

Including departments of planning, environment protection, civil air defense, fire prevention, thunder and lightning prevention, white ants and quality supervision department, etc.

(3) The tender of contractor, supervising company and equipment suppliers: 2006.1-2006.3

(4) The power enlargement for the transforming station: 2006.1-2006.3

(5) Each contractor entering the site for construction

The extended equipment plant 2006.3.1-2006.5.15

The alteration of the pre-reserved area 2006.3.1-2006.4.30

Decoration and installation of the extended equipment plant


Project integrated testing and trying 2006.5.16-2006.5.31

The completion of the project 2006.5.31

3.3 Project Cost Management

(1) The controlling of the project cost will be carried out strictly following the “Procedure of the Cost Management of the Project”.

(2) Design stage is the most important and effective stage for cost control including cost estimating, examining and implementing of the design plan, and controlling the design standards, etc.

(3) At the tendering stage, trying to select the tenderer with lower offer, outstanding achievements and good credit as the contractor to control the cost with the requirements of the contract and construction drawings being met.

(4) At the construction stage, contro



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