
 2022-11-28 14:11:51

An Analysis of the Enlightenment from Modern Chinese Architectures Traditional Architecture Structure

Analysis the inspiration of China traditional mortise and tenon structure to the modern design

Abstract: The emergence of the “sunmao” structure is the great wisdom of the Chinese people in the process of creation. Behind its amazing technology, it contains a richer structure and harmonious beauty. It is an extraordinary technique and art. Perfect combination, this is the deduction of modern design thought. Through further understanding of the skeleton structure, we can get a lot of enlightening thoughts.

Keywords: germanium structure; modern design; rationality; practicability; balance

Abstract:The emergence of mortise and tenon structure is big wisdom embodied in the creation process by the Chinese people. Behind the stunning technology, contains richer beauty about structure and harmony, this is a perfect combination of technology and art, this is the modern design Theory. Through the further understanding of the tenon and mortise the structure, we can get a lot of thought-provoking revelation.

Key words: mortise and tenon structure; modern design; reasonable; practicability;


Chinese traditional architecture occupies an extremely important position in the architectural history of China and even the whole world. The reason why traditional Chinese architecture is famous all over the world is that it is inseparable from its strict structure and strict structural features. This is also its essence. As one of the most prominent features of Chinese traditional architecture, the squat structure is the soul of Chinese ancient architecture for thousands of years. Its profound cultural connotation, scientific rationality of structure, superb processing technology, and introverted humanistic art Such aspects are all breathtaking. In the process of the study of the traditional architectural structure, the author sighs the great wisdom of the ancients in structural design, and at the same time comprehends the profound cultural connotation and promotion of the spirit of the Chinese nation, which inspires modern design. Thought has an important reference value.

1. Structure

The crucible structure is a joint method in which a concavo-convex process is usually applied to two connected members in a solid wood furniture [1]. As the essence of Chinese traditional structure, the “ sunmao” structure is the earliest language with scientific design meaning in China. This ancient structure can be traced back to the Hemudu period from 5000 to 3,000 BC. The ancestors created a detachable mechanism to create a wooden house. Because of its creativity, its structure is earlier than the origin of Chinese characters. In the history of the Chinese nation, the smashing structure, like the invention of Chinese characters, goes back to ancient times and is self-contained. It has undergone constant innovation by various generations of skilled craftsmen. There are nearly one hundred basic forms and many derivation. The traditional Chinese architecture has been able to maintain for hundreds of years and the structure is still solid, thanks to the clever design of the concrete structure.

A wide variety of concrete structures are classified into three categories according to their cooperation: one is mainly used to connect the surface to the surface, and it can also be the combination of two sides, and it can also be the interface between the surface and the edge. Combining, etc.; the other is as a 'point' structure method. Mainly used for vertical and vertical timber T-joint, angled combination, cross-bonding, and extension joint of straight material and curved material, such as 'Shoulder', 'Double', 'Double Clip', 'Hook' There are also three types of construction methods that combine components with one another. In addition to using some of the above joint structures, Some of the more complicated and special practices. For example, there are common horns, lengths, shoulders, and horns [2].

2. The design idea and enlightenment reflected in the concrete structure

First, design rationality

The skeleton structure of Chinese traditional architecture is different from other arts and crafts such as jade, wood carving and stone carving. The skeleton structure is not for decoration. Every bump of it, every piece of wood has its own rationality and necessity. . Architectural design is not only to meet the visual aesthetics, but also strong and durable. From the mechanics point of view, the ancients in the design of the building structure, the pursuit of the force will be evenly distributed to each piece of wood, in some complex defects. In the structure, a piece of wood is connected with wood in multiple directions and in multiple directions. This means that the piece of wood is subjected to forces from different directions. This requires the carpenters to grasp the structure very skillfully and accurately. Can be described as best use, no more than a lot of just right, so that not only can save materials, but also to ensure that the object is solid and reliable, fully reflects the ancient peoples understanding of green design and ecological design.

The same is true of modern design. Nowadays, both industrial design and art design put the rationality of design in a very important position. More and more designers and engineers realize that the appearance is not the structure of the vassal, the products The appearance and structure are inextricably linked. At the same time, the rationality of the design cannot be neglected simply for pursuing the formal beauty of the product. The appearance and structure need to complement each other. The combination of the two will optimize the rationality of the design.

In addition, from an aesthetic point of view, each concrete structure is designed in accordance with the shape of the buil



Analysis the inspiration of China traditional mortise and tenon structure to the modern design



Abstract:The emergence of mortise and tenon structure is big wisdom embodied in the creation process by the Chinese people. Behind the stunning technology, contains richer beauty about structure and harmony, this is a perfect combination of technology and art, this is the modern design theory. Through the further understanding of the tenon and mortise the structure, we can get a lot of thought-provoking revelation.

Key words: mortise and tenon structure; modern design; reasonable; practicability; balance




榫卯结构是实木家具中通常在相连接的两构件上采用一种凹凸处理的接合方式[1]。榫卯结构作为中国传统结构的精华,是中国最早具有科学设计意义的语言,这一古老的结构可以追溯到公元前5000-3000 年的河姆渡时期,先祖们为了造木房灵机一动而产生可拆卸的创意,因此榫卯结构比起汉字发源更早。在中华民族的历史上,榫卯结构如同汉字的发明源远流长、自成体系,经历了各代能工巧匠的不断创新,基本形制有近百种,且派生极多。中国传统建筑能够保持几百年而结构依然牢固,皆归功于榫卯结构的巧妙设计。








榫卯结构的一大特点就是实用性极强,采用榫卯结构的建筑结构合理,抗震性强,并且可以重复利用。榫卯结构充分利用木材本身的特性,少用胶不用钉,运用自然接合的方式,经过工匠的精心设计和制作,成就了它结实耐用的优点。一个方向的榫卯,由于木材水分变化,会不断地收缩和膨胀,用不了多少年就会自动松脱。而不同方向嵌接的榫卯,胀缩的作用力会互相抵消。当多个榫卯组合在一起时,就会在复杂微妙的变化中达到一种平衡与和谐。这与西方砖石结构建筑 “以刚克刚” 的设计理念就很不一样,中国传统的榫卯结构建筑采用“以柔克刚”的设计方式,在抵抗地震冲击力时,通过巧妙的结构设计,以最小的代价,将自然破坏力降低至最小程度。我国许多古代建筑都成功地经受住大地震的考验,如天津蓟县独乐寺观音阁、山西应县木塔等建筑,千百年来经历过多次地震仍然屹立不倒。地震时,当砖石建筑纷纷倒塌之际,木材却因其特有的柔韧性和延展性,使榫卯跟着地面的震动而变成绵延起伏的木浪,涟漪过后,又恢复平静。[3]与此同时,自然接合的方式也充分体现了古人对绿色设计、生态设计的追求。









[2]刘娜,周磊.浅谈中国明清家具的榫卯结构[J]. 美术大观,2012(5).





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