
 2022-11-30 16:07:49

The growth in online education over the last few years has been marked by a competitive academic environment . Moreover, a new concept that has emerged from the World Wide Web is eLearning . The phenomenal growth of eLearning can be attributed to the fact that it is a financially viable venture for institutions. In fact, according to a new report by The Global Industry Analyst ,the eLearning market is projected to reach $107.3 billion by 2015. Computer technology has proven itself to be generally useful in the field of education, in particular, as teaching and learning tools. In terms of the evaluative phase of the teaching-learning process, online examination is an increasingly important component of online courses. Generally, an examination or a test is a tool that evaluates knowledge or skills learned in a particular subject.Accordingly, along with the growth of eLearning, online tests . Largely, however,online course examinations are used to evaluate the students knowledge using computer technology without causing undue effects on the traditional university course examinationd that is, tests taken with pens, papers, and invigilators while the traditional examination system using pen and paper requires more effort on the part of students and invigilators, a growing concern of educational institutions is improving the standards of online tests. Considering the increasing use of online examinations, the development of network technology policies has opened avenues on the conduct of online tests. Doubtless, university students can benefit from these services. Of late, experts have noted the need for a more efficient and convenient system of conducting online examinations

by directing attention to all the elements of online examination,including the online test environment. Largely, efforts to streamline online examinations focused either on ensuring the credibility of test results by improving security and user authentication techniques, or by trying to improve the online test display and design

features for a more efficient, convenient, and usable interface. However, a majority of prior literature on eLearning examinations focuses largely on security concerns, and has proposed the best user authentication systems to prevent online examination threats such as cheating and impersonation . On the other hand, according to our knowledge, hardly any research focuses on the online examination design features. Hence, this study proposes to identify the specific design features of online examinations, which will facilitate the efficient and convenient process of taking online tests. Accordingly, a literature review was conducted to determine the potential elements or design features that make up online examination interface design and the possible

values that could be used with those features. In addition, an experiment was conducted to identify the most common values selected by students for each design feature.

Recent developments in information and computer technology and the use of the Internet worldwide underscore the importance of user interfaces .New technologies are emerging for the comfort and convenience of the user and thus, user interfaces are becoming the key discriminator for many products .Interface design is a part of the field of study called Human-computer interaction (HCI) where Human-computer interaction is the study of how humans interact with computer systems . Hence,user interface refers to the part of a computer and its software that people can see, hear, touch, talk to, or otherwise understand or direct. In recent years, technology and tools have given us the motivation to create really effective and usable interface .defines user interface as follows: The user interface is an essential part of any software application, one that often determines how well end-users accept, learn, and efficiently work with entire systems .Whatever the underlying technology is, users can contact the system through the user interface .For instance, a student taking an online exam deals with the interface that is made up of many elements that are used in the question display and should help the student to perform the examination comfortably and efficiently. User characteristics have a direct effect on many types of interface designs . Michael and

Mills stated that there is a relationship between a users characteristics and his/her choice of font type . Meanwhile, Karsvall concluded that personality factors influence

a users interface design preferences . Besides that, Evers et al. indicated that design preferences do affect interface acceptance . Therefore, online exam interface design must take into account the characteristics of a user. According to the literature , the user characteristics that could have impact on the user interface design can be classified into: Physical, Psychomotor, Cognitive, Psychological, Demographics and Experience, as shown with an example of each in Fig .This study posed the following research questions: Question 1: What are the possible design features that may affect

online examination interface design? Question 2: What are the appropriate values for each feature of online examination design? A review was performed on several scientific digital libraries and databases in English and it focused on articles identified with

online exam design features and its possible values. All other insignificant articles were excluded. Several scientific digital libraries and databases were searched such as Scopus, Springer link, IEEEXplore, Science Direct, ACM, and Google Scholar. Table 1 displays the search keywords used in the above-mentioned digital Libraries. After the students had undergone training on utilising the online exam preferences page, they were tasked with choosing their favourite online exam design .postgraduate students to investigate the most common interface design values that could be applied in online


过去几年网络教育的增长,标志着竞争激烈的学术环境。此外,从万维网出现的一个新概念是电子学习。电子学习的显着增长可归因于它是一个财务上可行的机构的事业。事实上,根据全球行业分析师的新报告,到2015年,电子学习市场预计将达到1073亿美元。计算机技术已被证明在教育领域尤为有用,尤其是教学和学习工具。在教学过程的评估阶段,在线考试是网络课程中日益重要的一环。一般来说,考试或测试是评估特定学科知识或技能的工具。因此,随着在线学习的增长,在线考试。然而,很大程度上,在线课程考试用于使用计算机技术来评估学生的知识,而不会对传统的大学课程考试造成不必要的影响,即使用笔,纸和调查员进行的测试,而传统的使用笔和纸的考试系统需要更多学生和调查员的努力越来越受到教育机构的关注,正在提高在线测试的标准。考虑到网络考试越来越多的使用,网络技术政策的发展开辟了在线考试的途径。无疑,大学生可以从这些服务中受益。最近,专家们注意到需要一个更有效和便利的网络考试系统引导关注在线考试的所有元素,包括在线考试环境。大部分简化在线考试的工作重点是通过改进安全性和用户认证技术来确保测试结果的可信度,或者通过尝试改进在线测试显示和设计功能更加高效,方便,可用的界面。然而,电子学习考试的大多数先前文献主要侧重于安全性问题,并提出了最佳的用户认证系统来防止在线检查威胁,如作弊和冒充。另一方面,根据我们的知识,几乎没有任何关于在线考试设计特征的研究。因此,本研究提出确定在线考试的具体设计特点,有利于在线考试的高效便捷过程。因此,进行了文献综述,以确定构成在线考试界面设计的潜在要素或设计特征以及可能可以与这些功能一起使用的值。此外,进行了一个实验,以确定学生为每个设计功能选择的最常见的值。信息和计算机技术的最新发展以及全球互联网的使用都突显了用户界面的重要性,为用户的舒适和便利而出现了新的技术,因此用户界面正在成为许多产品的关键标识符。人机交互领域的一部分称为人机互动(HCI),人机互动是人类与计算机系统的互动关系的研究。因此,用户界面是指人们可以看到,听到,触摸,交谈或以其他方式理解或指导的计算机及其软件的一部分。近年来,技术和工具给了我们创造真正有效和可用的界面的动机。定义用户界面如下:用户界面是任何软件应用程序的关键部分,通常决定终端用户接受的程度,学习,并有效地与整个系统协同工作。无论基础技术如何,用户都可以通过用户界面联系系统。例如,在线考试的学生处理由问题中使用的许多元素组成的界面显示并且应该帮助学生舒适有效地进行考试。用户特征对许多类型的界面设计有直接的影响。迈克尔和米尔斯表示,用户的特征与他/她的字体类型选择之间存在着一种关系。同时,卡尔斯瓦尔认为人格因素的影响用户的界面设计偏好。此外,Evers等表示设计偏好确实影响界面接受度。因此,在线考试界面设计必须考虑用户的特点。根据文献,可能对用户界面设计有影响的用户特征可以分为:身体,心理,认知,心理,人口统计学和经验,如图所示。本研究提出以下研究问题:问题1:可能影响的可能的设计特征是什么?在线考试界面设计?问题2:在线考试设计的每个功能的适当值是多少?对几个科学数字图书馆和英文数据库进行了审查,重点是文章在线考试设计功能及其可能的价值。所有其他不重要的文章被排除在外。搜索了几个科学数字图书馆和数据库,如Scopus,Springer链接,IEEEXplore,Science Direct,ACM和Google Scholar。表1显示了上述数字图书馆中使用的搜索关键字。在学生接受了使用在线考试偏好页面的培训之后,他们被要求选择最喜欢的在线考试设计.postgraduate学生来调查在线考试中可以应用的最常见的界面设计值。选择了三个不同国家的四所不同的大学来应用这一实验。他们是Salaman Bin Abdel Aziz大学/沙特阿拉伯王国,阿卜杜勒·阿齐兹国王大学/沙特阿拉伯王国,Patra Privet大学/约旦和马来西亚国立大学(UKM)/马来西亚。为了便于此调查,建议可以用于设计在线考试界面的最常见,合适和可接受的值。 Awebitewas基于收集的界面设计功能设计,这是在在线考试偏好网页中选择的九个设计功能。使用的特征是字体(即,类型,大小,颜色和样式),背景颜色,声音警报,问题组,时间计数器和每页的问题数量。的主要目的这个实验是为了调查每个设计特征的最常见和接受的值。



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