
 2022-11-29 11:42:19

1、Scene Reconstruction and Process Reappearance of Car-pedestrian Collision Traffic Accidents

The car-pedestrian impact accident scene investigation has a low precision ,long time of occupying road, and big information acquisition error. As a result, the process reappearance does not match the real accident process .The use of the digital reconstruction and computer simulation technology carries out the traffic accident scene reconstruction and the process reappearance ,which rebuilds the important parameters and the process of the significant traffic accident. It can provide a scientific basis to identify accident and authenticate responsibility for the traffic police department. The scene reconstruction and simulation result of the actual traffic accident case show that :Actual cases through the accident scene reconstruction and simulation results that: it is more than 95 percent that the reconstruction result of the scene coincides with the accident scene, the deviation of the accident reconstruction result does not exceed 10 percent, and the reappearance result is a nice match for the accident scene investigation data. That provides a new way for the accident scene reconstruction and process reappearance.

2、On the Video Communication of the History Analysis on the Scene Reappearance of 'Lmperial Palace'

This article takes 'the scene reappearance' as the entrance of study ,and from the aspects of using the fixedlens, so on; this artiele analyzes 'Imperial Palace'. And it attempts to discuss the development direction of 'the scene reappearance' in the documentary film.

A documentary is a nonfiction film or video recording of social and natural events. The basic narrative technique is to interview photography, that is, in the course of the development of the event, the photography method of selecting, waiting and snatching is used to record the real life events happening in real environment and real time. The birth of scenario reproduction technique greatly broaden the field of the documentaries, part of the documentary subjects for specific out of the material shortage, auxiliary documentary creator with lens language conveying the documentary scenes, plot, character, enhancing the narrative documentary and appreciation. Scene reproduction is not an end but a means. Its representation is fiction and simulation, but its essence is to realize the real possibility. In the premise of not affecting the scientific nature and authenticity of the documentary, it is the fundamental starting point of the scene reproduction technique to fulfill the needs of the director by the way of playing, reproduction and special effects. According to different content, different styles and different intentions, the creator can choose the way he wants, to reflect the nature of things as real and objective as possible and to attract the audience.

The methods of scene reproduction used in the current documentary can be roughly divided into: character playing, special effects synthesis, repetition, historical sound drawing data and virtual scene combination. Usually a documentary contains multiple scenarios, which can enhance the drama and character of the documentary, and give a complete story clue for the whole film.

The scene reappearance is achieved through character role-playing or digital stunt synthesis. There are countless documentaries on the history and culture at home and abroad. The BBC documentary series produced by the 'walking with dinosaurs' and so on, in the form of feature films, according to the plot set up different roles, they have their own name, lively personality, their different backgrounds.

The use of repetition or historical sound drawing data combined with virtual scene to realize the scene reappearance. It has an irreplaceable role to widen the scope of the documentary selection, enrich the content of the program, satisfy the audiences viewing psychology and enhance the enjoyment of the program.

The method of scene reproduction is the test of the responsibility of documentary creators. Reality is the life of the documentary, and the creation of documentary can not be false. Scene reappearance technique in the documentary film creation has the key to life, is that it is based on strict respect on the basis of history and logic of life, not life to dismembered arbitrarily, the history and the reality is this scene reappearance and the essential difference between false imaginations. The documentary creators should consider the documentary value, the literature value and the influence on the later generations, but not the convenience of creating false facts by means of scene reproduction, which is contrary to the historical truth. Documentary should be adept skills and the height of the historical sense of responsibility, focus more on the story, to attract the audience into the story, such a documentary to be called is a documentary of success.

The creators should make innovative use of the method of scene reproduction in the documentary. Documentary film is a portrayal of the reality of objective things, whether it is documentary shooting or scene reappearance. The abstract was founded by the famous Spanish painter pablo Picasso. Many of Picassos paintings broke the law of traditional modeling. He observed things in all directions, and overlapped things from different angles on one screen, which made a real difference between the real and the ordinary. As a documentary work reflecting the real dynamic, the documentary can be drawn from abstract ideas. Scene reappearance technique can be through the use of advanced technology, give full play to the advantages of modelling, the montage deconstruct the space and time, our eyes cant see the different side of things at the same time, show on the picture at the same time, the seemingly simple structure, lines, movement to the audience in a different way to analyze,




2、浅谈“Lmperial Palace”场景再现历史分析的视频传播



  通过人物角色扮演或数字特技合成实现情景再现。国内外历史文化题材的纪录片不计其数。BBC 制作的系列纪录片《与恐龙同行》等以故事片的形式,根据故事情节设立了不同的角色,他们有自己的名字、鲜活的性格、各自不同的背景等。





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