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文献出处: Alessandrini P. The Post-production and Editing of Film and Television Video [J]. Review of Film Video, 2014, 15(2): 261-307.

The Post-production and Editing of Film and Television Video

Author: Alessandrini P


In the process of film and television production, the production and editing of the late is as important as the prophase work. Pre-production is the film and television planning and preparation, and as the film and television post-production be finished before the end of the procedure, it is combined with sounds, words and images such as a variety of audio-visual methods in the integration of professional high comprehensive creation. A good film and television works or not, depends largely on the later production and editing, according to the requirements of the film and television production, to choose the right means of post-processing, society. with for film and television program. In this paper, from the understanding of the film and television post-production and editing, video post-processing technology is analysed and the correct selection method.

Keywords: knowledge; Technology; choose

Film and television production is divided into three stages, namely the preparation, the actual filming and post-production. Preparation of film and television works planning and preparation; The actual filming scenes, film and television works in the recording process; And post-production is on the basis of the previous good pictures, according to the requirement of the film and television works expressive force, etc, to a certain animation and synthesis technology to make special effect lens, then each set of lens splicing clip together, made into a full and theres a very rich visual and sound effects. As a result, the film and television late work directly affects the whole quality of film and television works.

1 The understanding of film and television post-production and editing

Both the audience and producer of the film and television works, more and more people begin to pay attention to the film and television works in scope, therefore the post-production and editing of the film and television works work also gradually improve requirements, through long-term exploration is gradually perfect. In the process of film and television post-production, more traditional methods were taken editor based on good material to choose the appropriate lens, will be extra footage off, then the joining together of lens, completed the film and television works. Generally in the filming of a film and television work, editors to choose from a large amount of material the best represents material characteristics and theme film and television works, and then organize, and the number of the original material tend to reach several times or even dozens of times the length of the film and television works. It should be pointed out that, 'clips' is not equal to simple to work 'cutting' of theoriginal material, clip a technique, which is including splicing, more emphasis on is the creation of the creator consciousness, and is not a simple 'cut' and 'pick up', but rather to visual and sound effects on the camera and editing. From the perspective of the development of digital technology, enhance its quality and properties of film and television works, to a large extent depends on the development of digital technology. And from the point of development prospect, post-processing, film and television works mainly in order to strengthen the expressive force of work. Mainly in the development of linear editing system gradually to stall, and nonlinear editing system has a good development situation, this makes the film and television production more convenient and quick. The integrated use of various software, or a fantastic visual and sound effects to the film and television works, also brought a great visual impact to the audience. At the same time because of the rapid development of the PC platform, prices are lower, film and television post-production is from the previous professional hardware gradually shift to the PC platform, the application of film and television production has not only confined to the movie and TV is made, but more to the games and the Internet, multimedia, entertainment, family, and more areas. Film and television post-production and clips, in the process of development of modern media is playing a very important role.

2 Post-production and cutting technology

In todays digital technology rapid development, the film and television post-production and editing process technology has developed to the point of very mature, also all kinds of software and hardware development and development, in particular, more film and television post-production provided convenient conditions, let the audience to appreciate more dazzling audio-visual feast. Based on the purposes of the hardware and software can be roughly divided into the high school low-end, and each level has different requirements and the hardware configuration, in general, the more high-end products for hardware requirements will be high, the corresponding output video quality is relatively higher. So according to the theme of the film and television works and asked to choose the appropriate level of software and hardware, nature can achieve twice the result with half the effort. Tell from the processing techniques, the film and television post-production can be divided into linear editing and nonlinear editing, both in todays post production and editing work supplement each other, at the same time have their own advantages and disadvantages.

2.1 Linear editing

The so-called linear editing is recorded at the early stages of the film and television works, after completing a job editor for material selecting, editing, and then new lens together. Connect the new lens method generally used combination of editing, if you want to replace a part of the lens is w


文献出处: Alessandrini P. The Post-production and Editing of Film and Television Video [J]. Review of Film Video, 2014, 15(2): 261-307.






  1. 影视后期制作与剪辑的认识


  1. 后期制作及剪辑技术






  1. 选择合适的剪辑和制作方法

所有从事影像创作的人,都要按自己所从事工作的方向,进行创造性地节奏处理,发挥想象,竭尽所能,正如编剧写出来的节奏,摄影在前期要拍摄出的节奏,美术当然还要画出并布置出的节奏,音乐还要写出来的节奏,演员更要表演出一定的节奏,最后剪辑一定要剪出它的节奏。所有这些部门通力合作,才会提高影片的质量,升华节奏感。在我所从事剪辑工作一来,我认为,缔造节奏有三个环节特别重要,那就是导演、表演和剪辑。因为导演是整部影片的把握者和制定者,他不但要把握前期拍摄节奏,还要控制好后期剪辑的节奏。表演这部分涉及到剧本中的人物,人物的动作、心里、情绪、语言的节奏等,完全需要演员来体现。其次再说到剪辑这部分,它是我们在完成影片时的最后一道工序了,它的作用在于定位影片的最终节奏。 剪辑中的主要手段可用镜头的长短,镜头的数量和安排结构顺序来归纳。而这些都恰恰是决定影片节奏的主要因素,因此,我们要很会合乎逻辑和规律地,也就是镜头的内容,人物的动作特点来把握节奏。

3.1 整体风格明确









影视作品节奏的快慢决定了其整体风格,有的作品甚至完全依靠 节奏来感染观众的情绪和感情。剪辑节奏能够将影视作品中各种艺术元素有效的组织起来,刻画主人公形象、营造特殊的意境、有效地推动情节向前发展。因此,影视作品的整体节奏对于塑造整体艺术氛围、提升作品品位有着不可忽视的作用,甚至决定作品的成败,节奏把握的准确与否是判断一部影视作品优劣的重要因素之一.





  1. 后期制作的艺术特色












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