
 2022-11-27 14:12:57


Claire Campbell Pima Community College, Claire Campbell, 'Appropriation, Transformation and Contemporary Fiber Art:. Textile Society of America Symposium Proceedings.

In art and design 'the use of color is very important'. At the same time, the performance of color is infinite, it has the meaning of existence, at the same time, a mysterious hidden charm, how to use color expressive force, to create new works, to attract the masses.

Color because of its physical properties, namely, different colors have different wave lengths, therefore, will directly or indirectly affect peoples emotional, mental and psychological activities .Different color through the reflection of peoples vision to the brain, but can cause people to feel the dark, cold, weight, distance, can generate excitement, depression, tension, irritability, stability, ease the psychological effect. Such as cream makes people feel lovable, naive, simple; yellow, orange, red and relaxing; exciting, give a person with bold, strong feeling; pink romantic breath is romantic; rose, lavender is full of elegant, mysterious, beautiful mood; green, vibrant, moral of youth and hope, the symbol of new life in the spring; the deep color, Coffee olive steady, calm; blue can play relaxed, cool effect; white is a solemn, stately, pure artistic conception.

Art design is a creative activity -- perceptual art design combined with rational is an art and science and technology, technology, science, aesthetics, style, color, design solutions. Is the design of a comprehensive, such as the activities of daily living appearance design, with water as an example, except the design of pure beauty, but also meet the fitness of human body engineering, to study what kind of grip handle is comfortable, what kind of the cup is convenient for people drinking problems, and so art design is not just sentimental, still need to analyze the argument, do a lot of experiments. In addition, art design and simple artistic creation is different, we should consider not only the creators preferences, but also to consider the needs of consumers and the cost of production, creation faster. At the same time, need to learn a lot of knowledge science.

Through the above analysis we can see that the scope of the design art design is very wide, and the use of color is also very important, In the University, the design direction of the courses are open to the basic course of the color.

Graphic design is a direction of the art design, however a print ad design success factor is the color of the ingenious use, color for the graphic design work, its importance is obvious. 'Color' and advertising designers, like the crowning touch is an important force to decide an advertisement works wonderful, moving and not. The color does not exist in isolation, should not only reflect the product texture, characteristics and to decorate and beautify the advertising space; at the same time to adapt to the environment, climate, and appreciate the customs, but also considered far, near, large and small visual changes, make advertisement is rich in aesthetic sense.

First, the physiological function of color.

Humans will have different physiological responses to different color, which has been proved. Red, orange, yellow and other colors to give people the feeling of fire, we call it warm; blue, green and other colors will be reminiscent of the sea, the sky and the river, which we call the cool.

We are in the color design, color hue, lightness, purity is not the same in the mutual collocation use should pay attention to the following points:

1 .the intensity of the color sense. Generally speaking, more warm color visual effect and high color purity and brightness is lower than cool color and brightness. In addition, hue, lightness and purity is more big, the color contrast is stronger.

2. colors of the advance and retreat. Warm color and higher color purity and brightness is forward, cool and low purity and green colors give people retreat feeling.

3 color sense the severity of. High brightness color than low lightness feels lighter, more deep color to feel more heavy.

The above example is some physiological functions of color, in the packaging design, flexible use of these will get beat all the magical effect. For example, large area as a background color should try to avoid moving and strong sense of color, you avoid the relationship between primary and secondary disorders, prevent consumers to quickly understand the commodity information.

Two, color and psychology

Psychological function of colors is due to physiological function in the brain are formed, it was affected by age, gender, nationality, environment, education and other factors. Such as grey system most older people like lightness and purity are relatively low, but children are like bright and vibrant colors.

Color design in packaging needs to consider the color to the viewers physiological and psychological factors, but also consider the nature and characteristics of the product packaging. As mentioned above Coffee and chocolate packaging are mostly brown. Packaging the color as far as possible to be able to properly reflect the products personality.

Color influence on peoples psychology, it can produce different feeling, it can lead to mood, imagination. This is because people feel about things often have the association, the color also initiates the emotion. Design is very important in advertising color this association and emotional effect. Effects of advertising colors on peoples psychological, as a result of peoples life experience, personality, age, gender, occupation, hobbies, habits and customs, religious beliefs, social consciousness and so on are not the same and the formation of. Different psychological feelings also raises d





艺术设计 ——是感性与理性相结合的创造性活动 艺术设计是美术与科技、技术、科学、审美、造型、色彩、设计融汇的一门艺术。进行的是一种综合的设计,比如对生活日用品的外观设计,以水杯为例,除进行纯美观的设计以外,还要符合人体工学的适合度,如要研究什么样的把手握起来舒服,什么样的杯口便于人们饮用等方面的问题,所以艺术设计不仅仅是感性的,还需要分析论证,做大量的实验。另外,艺术设计与单纯的进行艺术创作不同的是,不仅要考虑创作者的喜好,更要考虑消费者的需要以及生产成本,创作速度要快。同时,需要学习很多理科的知识。











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