
 2023-02-10 09:20:33
Nanjing Tech University 毕业设计英文资料翻译 Translation of the English Documents for Graduation Design 英文原文: A Research of Ecological Design of Suzhou Urban Green Space Landscape Huirong Zhao Keywords: Ecological Design, Green Space, landscape design Abstract:'Let the urban green space alive,' Suzhou Garden Design Institute is currently being adjusted, 'Suzhou urban green space system planning', with this sentence a new planning ideas. The latest green overall layout has been determined through the center of protected areas, perimeter protection and ecological corridors, and build a system of ecological green space in the city. Investigation and analysis of systematic planning of Suzhou urban green space landscape and current ecological statu According to the urban master planning of Suzhou (2006-2020) outline, the latest planning objective is: implementing the urban development goal proposed in this planning 'Green Hill and Clean Water, New Paradise', realizing the urban landscape features of 'Green Hill and Clean Water' and 'Yangtze River Delta'. The central urban area green space system framework proposed in the planning includes suburb green space and urban green space and forms the structure of 'two belts, three rings and five wedges' as well as the landscape pattern of 'green mountains entering the city, green surrounding the city, water chains weaving the city and beautiful gardens decorating the city'. The systematic planning ideology of this green space landscape system advocates, carries forward and strengthens green space landscape features with the characteristic water culture of Suzhou, the combination of dots, lines and faces, the construction of green gallery system as well as healthy and orderly green ecological network. Analysis of the ecological recent development of Suzhou urban green space. Suzhou government has made great efforts in the construction of urban green land, and its resolution in protection and reconstruction of urban ecology is determined. However, from the recent development of urban green space ecological landscape, it is not hard to find out the following problems: According to the materials and data of Suzhou urban ecological landscape pattern from landscape ecology, the most significant characteristics of the landscape pattern of Suzhou in recent decades are the miniaturization of average plaque area and the rise of fragmentation of landscape patch. The overall shape of urban landscape pattern is becoming increasingly complicated. Major reason leading to this is that human beingsrsquo; various construction activities are becoming increasingly fierce; urban green space, farmland and other landscape types are embezzled or divided by constructions or other types of land; their previous patterns are divided increasingly more complicated and fragmented, so the integral shape of the landscape also becomes more complicated. Problems and misunderstandings of Suzhou urban green space landscape ecological design. At present, Suzhou has entered ecological construction period and partial ecological profit period. Ecologicalization is still at the beginning period. Some 'pseudo-ecological landscapes' that violate 868 natural rules and exceed ecological bearing capacity and environment capacity construction come out. The author summarizes problems found during the investigation and analysis as follows: Misunderstandings in ecological design. The misunderstandings are mainly concentrated in the layer of planning and decision. Some decision-makers believe that 'ecological design' is nothing but afforestation, planning trees, building 'ecological parks' and 'livable city'; under conditions of low landscape recognition ability or low appreciation standards, while some follow the general trend blindly, pursing 'face-saving projects' such as 'square fever', 'lawn fever', 'waterscape fever' and so on that violate ecological construction; while some are inclined to build 'ecological city' with high cost. These misunderstandings also result from the rare participation of ecological experts and lack of professional guidance during green space landscape development planning. Therefore, during planning and designing stage, some decisions went against the original intention of ecological civilization construction. Improvement of the overall standard of landscape design industry. The integrity of landscape design major is strong. It not only requires engineering technology, but also art design and aesthetics. In the meantime, it should give consideration to responsibility of ecology, environmental protection and beautification. Shi Kuang, director of Suzhou Industrial Park and well-known senior architect, said that the artistic standard of Suzhou in environmental construction was high and advanced; however, most of the design was overseas and very few local designers participated in it; it was mainly because it started quite late and the standard was low. He felt it quite a pity that landscape design talents were in shortage. The design did not observe site characteristics; the style became apparent and lacked local features. After the author visited and investigated several urban green spaces of Suzhou, he found that the design of some green space landscape pursued some fashion elements blindly; the landscape was excessively 'stylish' and the design was 'superficial'.


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