
 2023-02-07 09:10:55

Nanjing Tech University


Translation of the English Documents for Graduation Design


Scientific Journal of Latvia University of Agriculture

Landscape Architecture and Art, Volume 11, Number 11

New perspectives

for landscape architecture in Russia –

Park Zaryadye in Moscow

Nickolay Vladimirovich Kasyanov, Scientific Research Institute of Theory of Architecture and Urban Planning (NIITIAG), Moscow, Russia


The article considers a recent large-scale landscape-architectural experiment in the historical centre of Moscow. Zaryadye district, mentioned since the XII century, has a rich history, and the most dynamic changes occurred in the XX century, when historical buildings were demolished and several architectural projects of Soviet gigantomania were subsequently tried to realize in this area. By 2010 this territory in the centre of the Moscow turned into a wasteland. By September 2017 a landscape-architectural park was created here according to the project of the American firm Diller Scofidio Renfro, which won the competition. The park implements an artificial relief, in which a miniature display of different Russian landscapes is integrated with buildings of various cultural purposes. As a result, the sudden transformation of a considerable territory near the Kremlin appeared, and new unexpected and interesting visual landscapes opened. One of the goals is to present a new park to landscape architects and researchers.

Keywords: landscape architecture, urban landscape, landscape change, multifunctional park, Moscow, park 'Zaryadye'


The work was carried out to explore a new landscape architectural artifact in the centre of Moscow. It should be noted that the work of the Diller Scofidio Renfro bureau is quite original and innovative, for example, the popular New York High Line park, which was created on the site of the former railway line in Manhattan in 2009 [8]. Park 'Zaryadye' (Парк laquo;Зарядьеraquo;) is the first such large object of urban land-scape design in Russia. There are no direct analogs to such a park, but its elements can be compared with some projects of recent years, for example, underground or semi-underground architectural landscape structures, which are quite popular in Eur-ope. So, many buildings can recall works of the architect Peter Vetsch (the Vetsch Architektur bureau), of the architect Friedensreich Regentag Dunkelbunt Hundertwa-ser or 'House of Spiritual Retreat' (Casa de Retiro Espiritual, 2005) [11] of Emilio A-mbasch [3], and many others. Trends of sustainable developm-ent, ecologization a-nd attempts to humanize the environment on the background of globalization and u-rbanization are developing, landscape parks integrated into the megacities in differe-nt regions from America to South-East Asia are emerging.

Landscape architecture is a dynamic, multidisciplinary field, incorporating archi-tecture, construction, engineering, ecology, garden art and efficiently enhancing the quality of life for the people, protecting the natural environment and saving landscape resources. John Ormsbee Simonds was one of the most influential and wellknow-figures in landscape architecture in XX century. He was an environmentalist, profe-ssor, and an author of numerous scientific works including the classic “Landscape Architecture” [6], which successfully withstands the test of time, remaining the basic resource for landscape designers. Following books written by M. Laurie, 1975 [5], Alexander et al., 1977 [1], Thompson and Sorvig, 2008 [9] provided data on landsca-pe architecture, environmental design, ecological planning, buildings and construc-tion. Alexander et al., 1977 [1] considered the variety of designs as the realization of a pattern language. Thompson and Sorvig, 2008 [9] argue that the sustainability of ecosystems is a central theme in landscape architecture. J. Steele in his book (1977) [7] interpreted sustainable architecture as the connection between ecological 'green' design and sustainable development in countries.

Material and Methods

The author fulfilled field surveys, photographic fixation, study of different data including printed scientific publications and electronic resources addressing landscape architecture and related topics; descriptive and comparative analysis of the obtained results, using a number of graphic programs and computer tools to create an original schematic map of the park spaces based on cartographic services as well as information materials of the park. The methods used in the construction of the park in Zaryade are partially considered in the main text.

Results and discussions

This project implemented an attempt to create an islet of nature in the middle of a metropolis, which corresponds to global trends. The very possibility of its appearance allows us to hope for the emergence of other landscape-architectural parks in the urbanized environment.

In the fall of 2017, an unusual landscape architectural park, 'Zaryadye' (Парк laquo;Зарядьеraquo;) was opened in the historical centre of Russian capital. The idea of this object, like its current virtual reality, emerged almost suddenly and was realized relatively quickly. Even at the stage of its project, there was a certain excitement in the society and the media, which reached its apogee after the o


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