
 2022-12-02 19:06:49

Analytical investigations on the Coronation Gospels manuscript


The Coronation Gospels or Krouml;nungsevangeliar is a manuscript kept in Vienna at the Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien, datable to the end of VIII century A.D. and produced at Charlemagne court. It is an example of a purple codex, i.e. its parchment is coloured in purple. It has to be considered as one of the most important medieval codices, according to its use to take oath in the coronation ceremony of kings and emperors of the Holy Roman Empire up to 1792. In order to gather information of the manufacture of the manuscript and its present conservation state, a diagnostic investigation campaign has been carried out in situ with totally non-invasive techniques. X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry (XRF), UV-visible diffuse reflectance spectrophotometry with optical fibres (FORS), spectrofluorimetry, optical microscopy and multispectral analysis have been applied in order to identify the colourants used in the decoration of the manuscript, with the main concern to the dye used to impart the purple hue to the parchment. The information collected was useful in order to address some of the questions raised by art historians concerning its history.


Graphical abstract

Purple codices are among the most prestigious artworks of Medieval age. In a VI century Italian codex, the Codex Brixianus, parchment was dyed with Tyrian purple mixed with other lesser value dyes such as folium or orchil.



  • Purple codices; XRF; FORS; Tyrian purple; Orchil; Lichen dyes



1. Introduction

The manuscript called Coronation Gospels or Krouml;nungsevangeliar, kept in Vienna at the Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien (KHM, Secular Treasury, inv. no. XIII 18), has to be regarded as one of the most important codices preserved from medieval times [1] ; [2]. The book consists of 236 parchment pages comprising the four Gospels plus 16 canon plates, prologues and short descriptions of the life of the Evangelists [3] ; [4]. The beginning of each Gospel is decorated with an image of the respective Evangelist as the author of the following text (Fig. S1). The text is written in gold and silver inks, using types which are following the model of late antique scripture: capitalis rustica, capitalis quadrata and uncialis. The parchment is coloured throughout in purple colour, showing many different shades from lilac to deep purple or brown and, in one case (the quire containing ff. 77 and 84) nearly black. Because of the colouring many traces remained visible on the pages that can be linked to the process of preparing the parchment [5].


The Vienna Coronation Gospels is the principal work within a small group of manuscripts that were written and decorated at the court of the Frankish king Charlemagne (reigned 768–814) at Aix-la-Chapelle [6]. In the context of the intense work that was pursued by theologians and scholars to provide Charlemagnes court with new and revised editions of biblical and ecclesiastical texts, it is possible to date the manuscript of the Coronation Gospels around 795/800. During these years, Charlemagne pursued his aim of reviving the former Roman Empire (renovatio Romani imperii) and to become the first emperor in the Latin West after antiquity. More than any other manuscript from his court, the Vienna Coronation Gospels with its specific features – the choice of a purple dye as a colourant for all of the pages, the use of late antique models for both the scripture and the images of the Evangelists – demonstrate Charlemagnes ambition to represent his reign in the tradition of the late Roman emperors. The images of the four Evangelists come as close to classical Hellenistic models as no other work of medieval art known today. It has been assumed that foreign artists – either from Byzantium or from Italy – had come to Aix-la-Chapelle around 795 to create this outstanding book for Charlemagne. Not a single work of art, however, has survived, neither from Constantinople nor from Italy, that would show a similar level of understanding and reviving classical art at that time.


A tradition that dates back at least to the 12th century links the Coronation Gospels with a book that was said to have been found in the tomb of Charlemagne when this was opened in the year 1000 by emperor Otto III [7]. Due to the fact that the images of the Evangelists from the actual manuscript have been used as a model by illuminators already in the 9th century, it is clear that the burial of the book in Charlemagnes tomb is a legend [8]. This context, however, provided the Gospel book with a special status as a relic linked to Charlemagne, who got canonised as a saint in 1165. Subsequently the book was used for the coronation ceremony of kings and emperors of the Holy Roman Empire to take their oath, up to 1792 [9]. In 1794, the manuscript was retrieved from Aix-la-Chapelle together with other parts of the insignia of the Holy Roman Empire and brought to Vienna subsequently.


Due to the high symbolic value of this manuscript, an analytical investigation has been carried out, mainly with spectroscopic techniques, in order to have information useful for its thorough knowledge and its conservation. In particular, some issues were raised by art historians and conservators who inspected it:


identifying the palette of pigments used in its decoration, with main concern to the miniatures (the images of the four Evangelists and the initials), in order to appreciate the value of the materials used;


identifying the colourants used to impart the purple hue to parchment, verifying the peculiar appearance of the parchment of folios 77r, 77v, 8



Maurizio Aceto

Volume 171, 15 January 2017, Pages 213–221





被称为加冕福音的紫色手抄本,保存在维也纳艺术史博物馆(KHM, Secular Treasury, inv. no. XIII 18),从中世纪就被视为最重要的抄本之一。本书由236个羊皮纸页包含四福音书16宗教板、序言和福音书作者的生活的简短描述。每一个福音的开篇都装饰着各自的传道者即后文的作者的图像。文字使用在金、银墨,以继晚古经文的字体书写:capitalis rustica, capitalis quadrata和安色尔字体。羊皮纸被染成紫色的,从淡紫色到深紫色或棕色,呈现出许多不同的颜色,在一种情况下(77-84页)近乎黑色。页面上着色的许多痕迹仍然可见,这可以帮助人们重现制备羊皮纸的过程。

维也纳加冕福音是由法兰克国王查理(768–814)的宫廷内的一组人员完成的,他们的主要工作就是在亚琛进行手抄本的书写和装饰。这项紧张的工作扎根于神学家和学者为他们提供查理王朝新修订版圣经和教会的文本,加冕福音手抄本大约完成于795 / 800。在这些年里,查理曼追求他恢复前罗马帝国风貌的目标,后成为古代拉丁西方的第一个皇帝。区别于这一时期的其他手抄本,维也纳加冕福音拥有鲜明的特征—选择紫色染料为所有页面的着色剂,将古典文化和福音书作者的图像同时运用于对圣经的书写,展示了查理的野心,也代表了他后期的罗马皇帝统治和对古典文化的复兴。没有其他目前已知的中世纪作品在四本福音书的图像上比维也纳加冕福音更接近古典希腊模型。它已被认为是外国艺术家—可能来自于拜占庭或者从意大利—在公元795年左右在亚琛为查理创造了这部优秀的手抄本。然而在同一时期,无论是君士坦丁堡还是意大利都没有艺术作品幸存下来,这都显示了当时对古典艺术的理解和复兴都处在一个相似的水平。

至少可追溯到第十二世纪的使用加冕福音书进行加冕的传统,据说是在公元1000年奥托三世皇帝发现查理墓的时候开始的。由于加冕福音书手稿上的所出现的图像在九世纪时就被当作手抄本的模版,因此可以明确的是,查理墓中埋葬的这本书是一个传奇。就是在这种情况下,古老遗迹一样具有特殊地位的福音书与查理联系起来,并让他在公元1165被尊称为圣人。随后这本书被用来为神圣罗马帝国的国王和皇帝加冕典礼宣誓,直到公元1792 年。随后在1794年,这份手稿与神圣罗马帝国的徽章的其他部分一起被从亚琛带往维也纳。




3)评估油墨用金和银的纯度,比较油墨的金合金组成和金色细节;比较用于书写主要文本和 “Demetrius Presbyter”的118r金色油墨的组成(这个名字可能代表的手稿抄写员);




2. 材料与方法


XRF测量通过手持EDXRF(Waltham,美国)热氡仪xl3t-900 GOLDD模型,配有银管(最大50 kV,100mu;,2 W),大面积SDD探测器,在5.9 keV的约136电子伏特的能量分辨率。分析点的直径为3或8毫米,集中由工作距离为2毫米的CCD相机进行。分析的总时间为240 s,仪器固定位置与运动阶段仅允许1毫米的偏差,以达到所需的探针到样品的距离,这一阶段将通过一个三角架确保顺利进行。得到的光谱将由商业软件winaxil进行分析,这个软件由国际原子能机构的学术软件QXAS衍生。通过使用参考标准材料的便携式仪器的校准支持的定量分析,能够确定仪器的参数,并用De Jongh算法定义的相关系数。之后将运用更为广泛的基本参数法(卢梭算法),考虑到不同的实际情况,这些分析操作将在手抄本所在地进行。


X射线管:钼;励磁电压:40 kV,电流:0.6马;毛细管透镜聚焦的激发光束的光斑尺寸145mu;m在5.41 keV(CR Kalpha;);每个点的测量时间:100秒;使用硅漂移探测器。

通过上述的手持仪器对加冕福音羊皮纸进行了BR检测,一些比较测量是由国际原子能机构和塞伯斯多夫实验室进行的,同时利用了氡xl3t-900 GOLDD分析仪。

2.2. 光纤旋转传感器(FORS)

FORS测量分析与Avantes公司一同执行(阿珀尔多伦、荷兰),使用avaspec-uls2048xl-usb2型分光光度计和avalight-hal-s-ind卤钨光源;探测器和光源与光纤电缆连接到一个fcr-7uv200-2-1,5x100的探针。在这种配置中,入射角度和探测角度均为45°的表面法线,以不包括镜面反射率。检测器的光谱范围为200 - 1160纳米,根据单色器的功能(狭缝宽度为50mu;m,UA型与300行/毫米的光栅)和检测器(2048像素),最好的光谱分辨率为FWHM计算的2.4 nm。样品的漫反射光谱参照品是Avantes公司提供的WS-2,并保证在反射率98%或以上的光谱范围内进行研究。在样品上的调查区域的直径为1毫米,所有测量探针和样品之间的距离也恒定保持1毫米。可视化研究区的样本中,探测器包含一个配备了一组发光二极管照亮该地区的USB内窥镜。仪器参数如下:10毫秒积分时间,每个频谱扫描100次的总采集时间为1 秒。整个系统由8 AvaSoft专用软件的管理手段,在Windows 7下运行。

为了进行比较,使用了一个进一步的便携式仪器。它是由石英卤钨灯光源,Y组件是一套100mu;m光纤组成的设置源和接收器,以及凸窗光谱仪400T/mm边光栅,装配镜子且入射狭缝25mu;m宽的Czerny-Turner,。1024光电二极管探测器接收从有色表面反射的漫射光。MgO白色表面作为基准白,和玻璃表面的波长校准;通过凸窗的吸收光谱有0.6纳米的分辨率,并分别用自产的Visual Basic软件在Excel中的进行评估。

2.3. 荧光光谱测定(Spectrofluorimetry)

海洋光学(达尼丁,佛罗里达州)模型采用分光光度计测量分子荧光光谱。该仪器配备了一个365 nm的JAZ LED的内部光源;一个qf600-8-vis /近红外光纤荧光探针用于驱动激发光对样品和恢复发射的光。分光光度计工作在191~886 nm范围内,根据单色仪(mu;m狭缝宽度)和探测器(2048个元素)的特性,可用的光谱分辨率为FWHM为7.6 nm。在样品上的调查面积为1毫米直径。在所有的测量中的样品探测距离保持恒定到1毫米(对应于焦距)与援助的一个小的黑色圆柱体插入探头顶部,为了排除外部光的贡献。仪器参数如下:2 s的集成时间,3扫描的总采集时间为6 s的每一个频谱。本系统是在Windows 7下运行spectrasuite软件管理。



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