
 2022-11-27 14:03:26

A General Specification for Scene Animation


Department of Computer Science University of British Columbia Vancouver, BC Canada V6T 1Z4 gslee@cs.ubc.ca j gslee@alum.mit.edu

Abstract: This paper presents the foundations of IBAL, a general specification for scene animation. IBAL regulates interactions among graphical elements, such as geometric models and behavioral algorithms, to describe animated scenes. Interactions among graphical elements are managed by primitives which are arranged into three graphs. The three graphs logically partitionan animation into “who,” “what,” and “when.” IBALrsquo;s unique design permits applications to represent, save, and restore a wide variety of complex scenes. A short summary of existing formats for scene modeling and scene animation is presented to distinguishand to assess the utility of IBALrsquo;s design.

Keywords: Scene Animation, General Specification, Software Interaction

1 Introduction

Computer animation is the development and production of computer animated scenes. Animatedscenes consistof many graphical elements interacting over time. Graphical elements are geometric models, algorithms, and data structures that define the state of an animationand control its gradual evolution from one state to the next.

Many tools exist to display, store, and edit quickly various graphical elements. File formats are one type of tool that are essential and very popular. File formats adhere to specifications to store information onto data files. They establish a means for applications to store and to share thegraphical elements of a scene. Applicationsthat use established specifications are bound to read and write information according to specific guidelines, but they are free to represent and manipulate the information using their own means and data structures.

Many types of specifications for computer graphics exist. However, only specifications that store and represent geometric models, such as 3DMF[3], IGES[13], and DXF[4], experience widespread success. Specifications for animation are many, but few are popular or standardized. Those that are popular, such as Quicktime[12] and MPEG[9], simply store the resultant frames of animations. They neither describe nor control the contents of the animations. From the images alone, it is arduous to obtain or identify all the graphical elements that define the animations.

Of the many specifications for animation that do describe thecontents and behaviors of animated scenes, few are popular. For most specifications, such as VRML[5], rapid development, not reuse or portability,is theprimary goal. Thus, the specifications are often difficult to partition into logical parts and arduous to use as scene complexity grows.

It is not always easy to identify, extract, or replace the parts of animation that define “who,” “what,” and “when.”[20] Ideally, a robust specification manages complexity, accomodates numerous means to animate, and localizes control structures. These key features are essential for widespread acceptance and easy use. It is the aim of this paper to present the foundations of IBAL, an Interaction-Based Animation Language. IBAL is a general, implementation-freespecification for scene animation. It relies upon first-class primitives to organize and control the interactions of graphical elements. As graphical elements interact, they exchange information and update state. The specification consists of three graphs. The first graph describes scene elements; the second graph describes dynamic behaviors; and the third graph describes temporal properties. The three graphs readily separate animations intological parts and reduce complex scenes to a hierarchy of interactions. With IBAL, a wide variety of scenes and animation techniques can be shared and reused.

This paper consists of six sections. Section two presents an overview of various specifications for computer animation. It briefly discusses several issues that determine the success of popular specifications for modeling and uses these issues to assess the quality of existingspecifications foranimation. Sectionthreepresentsan overview of IBAL and describes the basic design of its three graphs. Section four demonstrates IBALrsquo;s utilityby providinganexample andcomparing itwithotherspecifications. Sections five and six analyze IBALrsquo;s design and summarize the results of this work.

2 Background

The graphics industryabounds withmany proposed specifications for graphics and animation. It is common for applications to support many specifications for scene modeling and only one or two specifications for scene animation. It is relatively easy for applications to share descriptions of models, but not descriptions of animated scenes. Many of the issues that influence the success of modeling specifications are not satisfied by existingspecifications for animation. This section describes these issues and uses them as a basis for analysis of and comparison with various types of specification for scene animation.

2.1 Specifications for Scene Modeling

Specifications for scene modeling, such as Inventor[26] and OBJ[1], describe the shape and physical characteristics of static scenes. They are popular and standardized for five reasons:There is a great need to share information among many applications and to form archives of scene information.

Sharing and archiving scene information is important. Not all applications provide the same features and interfaces to construct and interact with static scenes. Applications that share reap the benefits offered by others. Archives emphasize scene integration over scene development. Scenes are produced by browsing libraries of data, such as those provided by Viewpoint Datalabs, Inc.[27] andNew WorldGraphics, Inc.[23], andby adapting acceptable elements.There is a commonly accepted set of low-level (




不列颠哥伦比亚大学计算机科学系 加拿大 温哥华 V6T 1Z4

摘要:本文介绍了IBAL的基础,这是场景动画的一般规范。IBAL规定图形元素之间的交互作用来描述动画场景。图形元素之间的相互作用由排列成三个图形的基元管理。这三张图从逻辑上将动画分为“谁”,“什么”和“何时”。IBAL的独特设计允许应用程序表示,保存和恢复各种复杂的场景。 简要概述提供现场场景建模和场景动画现有格式,以区分和评估IBAL设计的实用性。





存在许多类型的计算机图形规范。然而,只有存储和表示几何模型的规范(如3DMF,IGES和DXF)才能获得广泛的成功。动画的规格很多,但很少流行或标准化。那些流行的,如Quicktime 和MPEG ,只是存储结果的动画帧。他们既不描述也不控制动画的内容。仅从图像中获取或识别定义动画的所有图形元素都很困难。

在描述动画场景的内容和行为的许多动画规范中,很少有流行的。 对于大多数speci fi cations,如VRML ,快速开发,而不是重用或便携性,是最初的目标。因此,随着场景复杂度的增加,这些规范往往难以划分为逻辑部分,并且难以使用。识别,提取或替换定义“谁”,“什么”和“何时”的动画部分并不总是很容易。理想情况下,强大的规范可以管理复杂性,容纳多种动画和本地化方法 控制结构。这些关键特性对于广泛接受和易于使用至关重要。

本文旨在介绍基于互动的动画语言IBAL的基础。IBAL是场景动画的通用实现免费规范。 它依赖于第一类基元来组织和控制图形元素的交互。当图形元素相互作用时,它们交换信息并更新状态。 该规范由三个图组成。 第一个图形描述场景元素;第二个图形描述动态行为; 第三个图形描述了时间属性。这三张图很容易区分动画内部的部分,并将复杂的场景缩减为交互层次。借助IBAL,可以共享和重复使用各种场景和动画技术。





场景建模的规范如Inventor 和OBJ 描述了静态场景的形状和物理特征。他们流行和标准化。

共享和存档场景信息非常重要。并不是所有的应用程序都提供相同的功能和接口来构建静态场景并与之交互。共享的应用程序可以获得其他人提供的好处。档案强调现场整合场景的发展。场景是通过浏览数据库产生的,例如由Viewpoint Datalabs,Inc.提供的数据库和New WorldGraphics,Inc.,并通过调整可接受的元素。


许多speci fi cations通常将场景分为多个逻辑部分,例如点集,法线,面和颜色。从零件构建的场景很容易重建,整合和剖析。加载场景的应用程序可以快速选择并丢弃不需要的部分。

许多speci fi cations采用逻辑运算符或分层方案来组合复杂的场景从较简单的模型。 组成场景更容易更新,并且更容易存储。




场景动画的规范由外观格式和内容格式组成。 外观格式存储场景的图像,而内容格式存储场景的描述。 每种主要类型进一步分解成几个子类型。 所有这些类型共同构成一个类层次结构。

外观格式分为两个相关的子类型,顺序电影和非顺序电影。前者存储图像的线性进展,而后者则存储图像拼贴。这两种类型都不适合存储或获取有关动画场景内容的信息。 内容格式也分为两个子类型:关键帧和脚本。关键帧speci fi cations存储键值明确建立状态信息的序列,而脚本存储计算状态信息的表达式序列。

脚本进一步分为基于状态和基于交互的格式。 基于状态的格式由动画类型和通用格式组成,明确地处理场景元素的状态。表达式将场景元素的参数与特殊运算符相互混合,以管理状态值的演变。基于交互的格式,包括消息传递和活动链接格式,识别场景元素之间的关系。相关场景元素在交换信息时改变状态。




与关键帧文件类似,基于交互的脚本文件将分区动画分成三部分:代表状态和修改状态的部分。软件交互(如函数调用或方法调用)可以缓和两部分之间的信息流。这两种文件类型都易于拆分并分离到各个文件中。但是,基于交互的脚本可以模拟更多种类的场景。它们提供更多种类的抽象和更多的零件映射。不幸的是,他们缺乏程序开发(和重用)的规则和模式。 目前很少有结构来组织许多软件交互,并且随着时间的推移控制交互的进化。 用户必须使用自己的方式或其他脚本语言来管理交互。因此,许多基于交互的脚本,如VRML ,都遇到了与基于状态脚本相似的问题。随着场景复杂度的增加,将动画分割成部分变得非常艰难。




IBAL将动画分成三个动画图形:场景图形,动作图形和时间图形。这三个图分别标识动画的“谁”,“什么”和“何时”。 场景图形标识动画的图形元素。它描述场景元素及其属性,如形状,表面特征和查看参数。动作图定义图形元素之间的交互。它组织交互的集合形成行为,产生状态变化的行为。时间图定义了行为的时间顺序。它表明行为如何相互关联并随时间推移而执行。


IMVCD建模框架将计算机动画(和其他视觉模拟)抽象地分解为五个关键组成部分:线人,模型,观众,控制者和决策者。告密者定义观看者可视化和控制器控制的模型的属性。代表们决定控制器何时起作用以及控制器命令的模型和查看器。像流行的框架,如MVC [17]和访谈[21],IMVCD重点关注程序的体系结构,而不是重用实现。它强调组件之间的通信路径,而不是它们之间的数据流。IMVCD不定义其他组件的抽象组件来派生函数和属性。IMVCD是一个免实现的框架,用于识别软件组件之间的关系,而不是评估软件组件之间的关系。




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