
 2023-05-17 09:54:44

The evolution of the worldrsquo;s moral vision the Chinese Moral Education in Schools

In any country, region, school moral education, can not be a simple educational activities are often subject to their total, the region-specific political and economic forms of constraints, but also will inevitably be national, regional traditions impact. In this way, all peoples, nations and regions, often showing the moral difference, which is the difference on the performance of the agricultural civilization was quite obvious. With the pipeline era - industrial civilization, especially in the information age - the advent of civilization, a computer, this difference is narrowing. Because mankind is faced with a growing number of common social and moral issues, in order to solve these problems, it makes increasing emphasis on moral education in countries around the world, but the basic objective of moral education has become increasingly close. In this paper, the contemporary world, the evolution of moral theory and practice of the background to try to recall the path taken by the Chinese school moral education, summed up in recent years, Chinarsquo;s Moral researchers, workers, and theoretical study to explore the practice and looking toward the next century China and the face of moral education problems. Background: The international communityrsquo;s ethical problems and moral point Contemporary China is in a period of great change, the whole breadth and depth of social change and its faster than any country. This triggered a number of social and moral problems: some people into a moral nihilist, unscrupulous, quick success and altruistic behavior weakened, fraud increased; some government workers became morally degenerate and so on. The West is being extreme egoism and moral decadent style confused frustrated. A global expert pointed out: lsquo;industrialization led to a growing number of people have been driven by selfish motives, for the social services and foster a sense of responsibility to the interests of the community are increasingly not interested. lsquo;Report of the United States, an education reform revealed that:rsquo; since World War II, the expansion of individualism has become more and more powerful ... ... society has lost the common sense of cohesion lsquo;,rsquo; todayrsquo;s students has been called lsquo;self-generationrsquo;, only takes care of the individual the purpose of ... ... the pursuit of personal interests and give up the temptation of political and social responsibility are also hit with them lsquo;. Japanrsquo;s lsquo;Sankei Shimbunrsquo; The article commented that: lsquo;Individualism is a negative effect, which allows family and social relationships become increasingly weakrsquo;. The face of rapid social change triggered by a series of ethical questions, in order to ensure social and economic stability, to enhance the moral education of young peoplersquo;s voices higher and higher, for the importance of moral education have gone beyond national boundaries, to become a common concern of all mankind Focus: lsquo;Law of the United States in 2000 the aims of educationrsquo; (1994.3.31, President Clinton signed) the personal qualities of the students of education, eight national education goals set at the important content; Japan in the lsquo;21-century education goals lsquo;thatrsquo; Only pay attention to ideological quality of training, in order to guarantee the healthy development lsquo;; the UK National Curriculum Committee Chairman David Bo Sika said:rsquo; Schools can not be divorced from morality, moral education of students is incumbent on the school lsquo;; in China since 1994, the CPC Central Committee issued a series of lsquo;on Strengthening and Improving Moral Education in Schools of the number of observationsrsquo; (hereinafter referred to as lsquo;a number of observationsrsquo;) lsquo;patriotic education in the implementation of the Platformrsquo; and other documents, stressing the cultivation of ideals, morality, culture and and discipline of the modern new school of moral education as a fundamental task. With todayrsquo;s economic and technological development, with the introduction of the various disciplines of academic achievements, the worldrsquo;s moral education from the target, content, educational methods, approaches generally reveals the characteristics of modernity. (A) Globalization and Nationalization co-exist. As the global economic regionalization and integration accelerated pace of new scientific and technological knowledge and multi-media world marked by lsquo;third waversquo; is taking shape, peace and development have become the subject of a global, cross-border, cross-national, cross-cultural In co-operation is essential, and the World Cultural showing a lsquo;comprehensive trendrsquo;. As a result, East and West, moral objectives and content of both showing a look at the global, increasingly the same basic trend, but also showed great importance to tradition and roots Reviewing the situation. That is: on the one hand focus on commonalities, to absorb the spirit of the times, focusing on promoting common development of mankind in the formation of values, and morality. UNESCO United Nations in 1993, held in Beijingrsquo;s lsquo;education in the 21st centuryrsquo; International Symposium on the personrsquo;s moral, ethical, and values as the 21st century, the first challenge facing humanity, clearly pointed out: ideals, beliefs and sense of responsibility, self-reliance spirit, strong will and good environmental adaptability, mental capacity, are the main features of the 21st century talents. UNESCO Asia-Pacific region, suggests the 12 countries recognized core values and the values of five tools: ① care about others, including family and community members; care for the community, national and human well-being; concerned about the environment; concerned about the cultural traditions; self-esteem and self-reliance ; social responsibility; the spirit or soul; peaceful settlement of conflicts; equality; justice; truth; free. ② indomitable; courage; cooperation; a sense of right and wrong; generous and tolera


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