
 2022-12-29 11:02:38



关键词:新课程; 高考; 改革; 多样化; 思政科目

由于发行“国务院决定改革和发展小学教育” 2001、教育部颁布的“教育部的公告推出试点新课程在普通高中”[关于开展普通高中新课程教育部实验工作的同志]和“教育部的指导方针,进一步完善试点方案新课程的普通高中“[教育部关于进一步加强普通高中新课程的实验工作的指导意见],根据普通高中新课程高考方案在全国范围内稳步推广。新一轮的高考改革是一个系统的、复杂的工程项目,其中“一根弦牵动整个结构”,高考科目和内容的相关改革是高考改革的重点和难点。改革方案不仅影响到高等教育人才培养的质量,而且制约着学校管理的方式,影响着基层的教育改革。在对中国的课程改革地区高考设计科目的课程改革的特点分析的基础上,本文将进行理论探究大学入学考试的全球趋势。


  1. 山东、宁夏、广东、海南四省率先启动全国高中课程改革试点地区。2005年12月中旬,教育部召开专家会议,对四省招生考试改革方案进行了审查和评价。一个综合的四个省份实验新的课程,新的高考方案综合体检后,2006年4月,教育部正式宣布,高考新方案是在2007。2006年9月,教育部已根据新课程颁布了2007入学考试大纲。2007,教育部批准了江苏省的改革计划,以确定入学考试科目。到2009次高考时,已有十多个省、地级市实施了新一轮的高考招生计划。新入学考试计划的主要内容如下。

广东省实施“3 人文基础/科学基础 X”计划。“3”指汉语、数学和外语。“人文基金会”和“科学基金会”的考试部分只包括新课程必修课所教的教材。目标是降低前负荷,“X”指的是专业选修课程,包括物理、化学、生物、政治、历史、地理、音乐课程、艺术课程和体育课程。


在海南省实施了“3 3 初等综合考试”计划。“3”指中文、数学(分为人文科学和科学轨道)和英语;另一个“3”指的是政治、历史和地理,这些科目是对人文学科的测试,也包括物理、化学和生物学,这些都是对科学轨道的测试。对于“初等综合考试”,人文学科的学生将接受物理、化学和生物以及当前的技术和信息技术的测试。理科学生将接受政治、历史和地理测试,以及当前的技术和信息技术。

宁夏省实施“3 综合人文/综合科学”计划。“3”是指语文、数学(分为人文和科学的轨道),而外语片。综合人文学科包括政治、历史、地理三个学科,综合科学轨道由物理、化学、生物学三个学科组成。






  1. 加强选择科目的机会



  1. 既统一又多样


  1. 保持一定程度的科目覆盖率

中国为了改善学生的知识结构的狭窄让他们通过“3 X”改革方案的受试者自由选择。然而,随着升学考试的竞争日益激烈,这项计划也开始出错了。学生和学校偏爱某些课程而忽视其他课程的现象变得更为严重。高考科目和内容的设计要适应社会和经济的发展,适应信息社会发展的需要,适应知识经济时代对人才知识结构的要求。因此,在设计入学考试科目时,科目的数量不应下降太低,考试应保持一定的科目覆盖率。





回顾在中国高考科目改革的设计过程中,在数量方面,在入学考试科目不断地旅行”的道路走向简化。”对测试对象从原来的六或七减到“3 2”或“3 1”,最后改为三门科目(如江苏省入学考试)。入学考试改革从入学考试中减去大量的科目,以减轻学生的负担,不仅降低了入学考试的有效性和歧视性,而且对公平性有显著的影响。例如,江苏省高考方案只测试三个核心课程语文、数学、外语ICS。由于城市和农村地区的不平等,严重和不严重的高中,在外国的数量方面的语言教师和电化教学设施和资源,有相当大的差距。此外,由于在文化资本方面城市学生的优势,使他们表现出较强的广告在中国语言的优势,中国的语言和外国的入学考试程序语言和重要的得分功率分配这些科目更突出了从城市地区的学生在入学考试的优势入选,由于在考试测试的重点科目,对高考公平性的影响。城市化趋势对高考科目设计违反考试公平原则。这就导致高考科目的设计客观地延续或再现了社会不平等。入学考试最理想、最公平、最准确的性质是自相矛盾的:有时提高考试的准确性会影响公平,有时考试的公平性也会影响考试的准确性。高考科目设计的当前价值目标应是追求准确与公平的平衡。




Houxiong Wang

A Commentary on Chinarsquo;s New Curriculum and the Programs to Design Subjects for the College Entrance Examination

Abstract: Designing and reforming the subjects on the College Entrance Ex- amination, based on the new curriculum, are the focal point and also the most difficult aspect of entrance exam reform. The entrance exam subject programs instituted in more than ten “subject reform” regions in China, including the provinces of Shandong, Ningxia, Guangdong, Hainan, and Jiangsu, each possess unique characteristics. Each has also given rise to a number of is- sues that urgently require resolution. In examining the present trend toward the entrance exam subject reforms characteristic of a developed country, the value orientation and the new pursuit of Chinarsquo;s programs to design subjects for the e


Houxiong Wang

A Commentary on Chinarsquo;s New Curriculum and the Programs to Design Subjects for the College Entrance Examination

Abstract: Designing and reforming the subjects on the College Entrance Ex- amination, based on the new curriculum, are the focal point and also the most difficult aspect of entrance exam reform. The entrance exam subject programs instituted in more than ten “subject reform” regions in China, including the provinces of Shandong, Ningxia, Guangdong, Hainan, and Jiangsu, each possess unique characteristics. Each has also given rise to a number of is- sues that urgently require resolution. In examining the present trend toward the entrance exam subject reforms characteristic of a developed country, the value orientation and the new pursuit of Chinarsquo;s programs to design subjects for the entrance exam should be to reinforce opportunities to choose subjects, advocate both unification and diversification, maintain a certain level of subject coverage, emphasize overall quality appraisal, implement categorized and ranked tests, and pursue fairness and accuracy.

Since the issuance of the “Decision of the State Council on Reforming and Developing Elementary School Education” [Guowuyuan guanyu jichu ji- aoyu gaige yu fazhan de jueding] in 2001 and the Ministry of Educationrsquo;s promulgation of “The Ministry of Educationrsquo;s Bulletin on Launching the Pilot Program for the New Curriculum at Regular High Schools” [Jiaoyubu guanyu kaizhan putong gaozhong xin kecheng shiyan gongzuo de tongzhi] and “The Ministry of Educationrsquo;s Guidelines for Further Improving the Pilot Program for the New Curriculum of Regular High Schools” [Jiaoyubu guanyu jinyibu jiaqiang putong gaozhong xin kecheng shiyan gongzuo de zhidao yijian], the entrance exam program based on the new curriculum of regular high schools has steadily been promoted across the entire nation. The new curriculum entrance exam reforms constitute a systemic, complicated engineering project in which “the pulling of one string affects the entire structure.” Related reforms of the subjects and content of the entrance exam are the focal point and also the most difficult aspect of entrance exam reform. The reform program not only affects the quality of the pool of students for the fostering of talent in higher education but also restricts the way schools are managed and influences educational reform at the elementary level. On the foundation of an analysis of the characteristics of the reform programs to design the subjects on the entrance exam in Chinarsquo;s subject reform regions, this article will integrate and conduct a theoretical inquiry into the global trends of college admissions tests.

Subject Reform Programs for the Entrance Exam in the New Curriculum Experimental Regions

In 2004, the four provinces of Shandong, Ningxia, Guangdong, and Hainan were the first group of experimental regions to launch the pilot program for national high school curriculum reform. In mid-December 2005, the Ministry of Education convened a conference of experts to examine and comment on the entrance exam reform programs in the four provinces. After a compre- hensive examination of the new entrance exam programs in each of the four provinces experimenting with the new curriculum, in April 2006, the Ministry of Education officially announced that the new program for the entrance exam was to be implemented in 2007. In September 2006, the Ministry of Education had already issued an outline for the 2007 entrance exam based on the new curriculum. In 2007, the Ministry of Education ratified Jiangsu provincersquo;s reform program to establish subjects for the entrance exam. By the time of the 2009 entrance exam, more than ten provinces and prefecture-level cities had implemented the new curriculum entrance exam programs. The main content of the new entrance exam programs were as follows.

Guangdong province implemented the “3 humanities foundation/sciences foundation X” program. The “3” referred to Chinese language, mathematics, and foreign languages. “Humanities foundation” and “sciences foundation” portions of the exam consisted solely of the materials taught in the required courses of the new curriculum. The goal was to reduce the burden of ex- aminees. The “X” referred to specialist elective courses, including physics, chemistry, biology, politics, history, geography, music courses, art courses, and physical education courses.

Shandong province instituted the “3 X 1” program. The “3” referred to the three subjects of Chinese language, mathematics, and foreign languages; the “X” referred to comprehensive sciences tracks. The comprehensive hu- manities track included the content of the three required courses, politics, history, and geography, and a selection of materials from elective courses. The comprehensive sciences track included the content of the three required courses, physics, chemistry, and biology, and a selection of materials from elective courses. The “1” referred to basic skills: the content touched upon technology, sports and health, art, and overall practicum in the high school curriculum, as well as studentsrsquo; ability to apply the knowledge they had at- tained to solve practical life and social problems. All examinees participated in the basic skills portion of the exam.

In Hainan province, the “3 3 elementary general exam” program was implemented. The “3” referred to Chinese language, mathematics (divided into humanities and sciences tracks), and English; the other “3” referred either to politics, history and geography, which were tested for the humanities track, or physics, chemistry, and biology, which were tested for the sciences track. For the “elementary general exam,” humanities students would be tested on physics, chemistry, and biology as well as current technology and informa- tion technology. Sciences students would be



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