
 2023-01-06 11:07:42


Satoko Ezoe


关键词:手机依赖; 孤独感; 网络成瘾;

在“精神疾病诊断和统计手册”[2]中,两个概念被用来定义药物滥用的依赖方面:行为和身体。在行为依赖中,物质寻求活动和病理使用模式的相关证据被强调,而物理依赖是指多次使用物质的物理效应。在强调身体依赖的定义中,容忍或退出的概念出现在分类标准[2,3]中,成瘾一词与依赖一词几乎是同一概念。Griffiths报告了网络成瘾的一些因素,如耐受性、戒断症状和复发[4],而对信息技术的心理依赖(成瘾),如互联网和移动电话--也称为习惯化--的特点是过度使用和间歇性地渴望与信息技术有关的活动。 杨认为,网络成瘾的定义是:在与网络相关的活动上花费过多的时间,对上网的影响越来越宽容,离线时的不愉快情绪,以及否认相关的问题行为[5]。先前的研究表明,网络成瘾与孤独[6-20]、抑郁[10、11、19-25]、自卑[7、10、26]、羞怯[27]和低生活满意度[15,16]有关。然而,很少有多因素的研究来调查网络成瘾与孤独、健康相关的生活方式因素、行为模式、抑郁状态和手机依赖之间的关系。



2.2 采用由20个项目组成的自评问卷“杨氏网络成瘾测验”(IAT)对网络成瘾进行评价。每一项反应都以Likert评分(1,2,3,4,5)为标准,然后将分数相加,得出一个量化的总体网瘾评分,从20到100不等。分数越高,成瘾程度越高。根据Young的标准,得分大于40分的受访者被归类为瘾君子(包括可能的瘾君子)。

2.3 采用UCLA孤独量表(第3版)[32]对孤独感进行评估。这是一份20项的自我报告清单,使用Likert量表(1,2,3,4)进行测量,总分在20到80之间,得分高,表明有很高的孤独感。

2.4 抑郁状态,抑郁状态采用Beck抑郁量表II评估(BDI-II)[ 33 ],自评问卷,包括21项总成绩从0到63。分数越高,抑郁程度越高。可靠性和BDI-II的日本版的实用性已被证实[ 34 ]。我们的受试者被归类为无或最小,或轻度或更大的抑郁症基于这个分数(截止点13/14)[ 33 ]。
2.5 行为模式A型行为模式因文化和国籍而异[ 35 ]。因此,我们评估了使用东海大学型格局规模[ 35,36 ]的行为模式,这是专为日本的人口。该表由11个项目组成,总分从0.25到98.75不等。我们的受试者被归类为A型或B型行为模式,得分高于A类(36)的43.1分。
2.6 在美国进行的Alameda国家研究与健康相关的生活方式,7健康的做法被证明是对身体健康状况显著相关,随后,病死率[ 37 ]。基于这些研究,并考虑到文化背景的考虑差异后,我们修订7实践8项日本受访者[38 ]列表。对于健康生活方式的选择,我们提出了更高的分数,每个受访者都有8种生活方式项目,吸烟习惯,饮酒习惯,每天的早餐消费,每天适当的睡眠和工作时间,正常的体力活动,适当程度的压力,和营养均衡的饮食。每个项目都有多个答案(2 - 6),而答案被分为“好”或“不好”的健康实践[ 30 ]。从8个“好”的项目是为提供个人健康实践累积指数得分,或卫生实践指数(HPI)。6 - 8分的受访者分为好的和那些0 - 5分贫困类[ 40 ]。
2.7 使用手机依赖问卷评价手机依赖(2)[ 41 ],自评问卷,共20个项目。每一个反应是在一个李克特量表得分(0, 1, 2,3)。Likert评分每项然后总结提供定量的整体手机依赖的得分范围从0到60。更高的分数被认为代表更大的依赖性。
2.8 统计分析单变量和随后的多元logistic回归分析,以确定可能的网络成瘾与每个因素(人口特征,孤独,抑郁状态,健康相关的生活方式,行为模式,手机依赖)之间可能存在的关联。单变量分析中p值<0.2的所有变量在年龄调整后均采用正向逐步多元分析(似然比)。统计学意义为p<0.05,可信区间为95%。


外文文献出处:Shimane University, Health Service Center Izumo, Shimane, Japan; * Corresponding Author: satoezoe@med.shimane-u.ac.jp 2 Department of Pharmacology, Osaka Dental University, Osaka, Japan Received 25 July 2013; revised 12 August 2013; accepted 19 August 2013


Relationships of loneliness and mobile phone dependence with Internet addiction in Japanese medical students


We investigated factors contributing to Internet addiction in 105 Japanese medical students. The subjects were administered by a self-reporting questionnaire designed to evaluate demographic factors, Internet addiction, loneliness, health related lifestyle factors, depressive state, patterns of behavior, and mobile phone dependence. Results of multivariate logistic regression analysis indicated that loneliness and mobile phone dependence were positively related to degree of addiction. Our findings suggest that Internet addiction is associated with loneliness and mobile phone dependence in Japanese students.

Keywords: Internet Addiction; Mobile Phone Dependence; Loneliness; Depression; Medical Students


The Internet rapidly developed and came into widespread use in Japan in the mid-1990s, and has since become an established part of daily life. In 2011, there were 96 million users, which correspond to a penetration rate of about 80% [1]. While this new information and communication technology resource is convenient and popular, various social issues have arisen, including changes in interpersonal relationships, leaks of private information, Internet swindles, excessive use, and even dependence.
In the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) [2], two concepts are used to define aspects of dependence in regard to substance abuse; behavioral and physical. In behavioral dependence, substance-seeking activities and related evidence of pathological use patterns are emphasized, whereas physical dependence refers to the physical effects of multiple episodes of substance use. In definitions stressing physical dependence, ideas of tolerance or withdrawa


Relationships of loneliness and mobile phone dependence with Internet addiction in Japanese medical students


We investigated factors contributing to Internet addiction in 105 Japanese medical students. The subjects were administered by a self-reporting questionnaire designed to evaluate demographic factors, Internet addiction, loneliness, health related lifestyle factors, depressive state, patterns of behavior, and mobile phone dependence. Results of multivariate logistic regression analysis indicated that loneliness and mobile phone dependence were positively related to degree of addiction. Our findings suggest that Internet addiction is associated with loneliness and mobile phone dependence in Japanese students.

Keywords: Internet Addiction; Mobile Phone Dependence; Loneliness; Depression; Medical Students


The Internet rapidly developed and came into widespread use in Japan in the mid-1990s, and has since become an established part of daily life. In 2011, there were 96 million users, which correspond to a penetration rate of about 80% [1]. While this new information and communication technology resource is convenient and popular, various social issues have arisen, including changes in interpersonal relationships, leaks of private information, Internet swindles, excessive use, and even dependence.
In the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) [2], two concepts are used to define aspects of dependence in regard to substance abuse; behavioral and physical. In behavioral dependence, substance-seeking activities and related evidence of pathological use patterns are emphasized, whereas physical dependence refers to the physical effects of multiple episodes of substance use. In definitions stressing physical dependence, ideas of tolerance or withdrawal appear in the classification criteria [2,3], and the term addiction is nearly the same concept as dependence. Griffiths reported elements of Internet addiction, such as tolerance, withdrawal symptoms, and recurrence [4], while psychological dependence (addiction) on information technology (IT), such as the Internet and mobile phones— also referred to as habituation—is characterized by excessive use and an intermittent craving for IT-related activities.
According to Young, Internet addiction is defined as excessive time spent on Internet-related activities, an increasing tolerance to the effects of being online, unpleasant feelings when off-line, and denial of associated problematic behaviors [5]. Previous studies showed that Internet addiction is associated with loneliness [6-20], depression [10,11,19-25], poor self-esteem [7,10,26], shyness [27], and low life satisfaction [15,16]. However, few multivariate studies have been conducted to investigate the correlation of Internet addiction with loneliness, health-related lifestyle factors, patterns of behavior, depressive state, and mobile phone dependence.

In particular, because mobile phone use for IT purposes has become widespread in Japan, it is considered necessary to examine the relationship between Internet addiction and mobile phone dependence. In previous studies, we found that mobile phone dependence is associated with unhealthy lifestyle factors [28-30], extrovert or neurotic personality traits [29], maternal affectionate constraint in childhood [31], Type A behavior traits [30], and depression [30], which might be related to Internet addiction. On the other hand, few reports have been presented regarding the relationship between Internet addiction with personal computer use and mobile phone dependence. In the present study, we utilized multivariate logistic regression analysis to examine the association of demographic characteristics, loneliness, health-related lifestyle factors, depressive state, patterns of behavior, and mobile phone dependence with Internet addiction.


2.1. Subjects We recruited 139 freshmen university students from the Faculty of Medicine at Shimane University in Japan. After the protocol received the approval of the institutersquo;s review board and informed consent was obtained from each participant, the subjects filled out a set of self-reporting questionnaires designed to evaluate Internet addiction, health-related lifestyle factors, loneliness, depressive state, behavior patterns, and mobile phone dependence. Answers from 105 of the respondents (40 males, 65 females) who accessed the Internet with a personal computer and properly completed all the questionnaire items were statistically analyzed. The mean (plusmn;SD) ages for the males were 19.3 plusmn; 2.0 and for the females were 18.7 plusmn; 1.0 years.

2.2. Internet Addiction Internet addiction was evaluated using Youngrsquo;s Internet Addiction Test (IAT) [5], a self-rating questionnaire that consists of 20 items. Each response was scored on a Likert scale (1, 2, 3, 4, 5), with the scores then summed to provide a quantitative overall Internet addiction score ranging from 20 to 100. Higher scores indicated a greater level of addiction. According to Youngrsquo;s criteria, respondents with scores greater than 40 were categorized as addict (including probable addict).

2.3. Loneliness Loneliness was evaluated using the UCLA Loneliness Scale (Version 3) [32]. This is a 20-item self-report inventory measured using a Likert scale (1, 2, 3, 4) with a total score ranging from 20 to 80 and high scores indicating a high level of loneliness.

2.4. Depressive State Depressive state was assessed using the Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II) [33], a self-rating questionnaire that consists of 21 items with a total score ranging from 0 to 63. Higher scores indicate greater levels of depression. The reliability and usefulness of the Japanese version of the BDI-II have been confirmed [34]. Our



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