
 2022-12-29 10:59:24


原文作者: ManeeratJanthaluck

摘要:民间文化包含许多传播的民间故事,这些故事是重要的文化遗产。民间故事往往通过暗示,提出道德箴言来指导社区的人们,从而形成一种社区文化。如今,讲故事的娱乐已经被电视,收音机,VCD播放器等媒体取代,这些媒体被认为比故事更有趣,因此故事逐渐从家庭中消失。另一种消失是故事旁边的家庭中的讨论空间,这成为家庭分开的差距。当这种差距扩大了家庭乃至整个社区的沟通和理解时,地方智慧就不会被传递,老年人的作用无疑会减弱。这项研究的领域有一个关于不同年龄段人群之间差距的问题。家庭没有机会教他们的孩子,所以孩子有不正当的行为,缺乏公众意识,老年人的社会角色也被削弱了,从而社区缺少文化的凝聚力,人们对社区的归属感也随之减弱了。 2008年,研究人员在进行民间文学研究时认识到民间文学艺术的价值和力量,因此有兴趣用它来指导人们并在社区建立良好的关系。

关键词:社区文化; 民俗;社区活动;归属感







这是一项使用参与式行动研究的定性研究。 它是研究者与研究领域的社区,组织和机构之间的研究和合作。 研究领域是特别选定的;研究人群还特别选自/ BY /领导,老年人和组织代表,以及随机选自/ BY管理人员。总样本群体由78人组成,根据社区背景和情况灵活。 研究程序安排如下:





















(一) 民俗学在当代地方语境中的价值与意义

为了检验民间文学艺术的价值和意义,研究者既研究了历史也研究了民间文艺,以便根据不同时期的社区变化来评估村民的态度。在研究的135个家庭中,有51个家庭的讲故事活动每月少于一次,12个家庭每月讲故事3-5次,每月有9个家庭讲故事,63个家庭根本没有讲故事的活动。与过去相比(约50年)之前),发现从事讲故事活动的家庭数量没有那么不同;该不同的是,过去人们比人们有更多的机会倾听这些故事如今。从数据收集中,发现班康桑昌村有民间传说总共可以写下74个故事,根据民间传说分为10类理论Siraporn Na Thalang。如下:1、隐含教学点的民间故事-16层;2、民间传说与笑话 - 14层;3、关于动物的民俗 - 11个故事; 4、有原因的民间故事解释 - 10个故事;5、神话 - 9个故事; 6、关于生活的民俗 - 6个故事。有41人有天赋在讲故事的家庭中讲故事。他们中的大多数人表示他们继续讲故事是因为这些故事很有趣,并且在内容上有很好的戒律。他们也有讲述故事时的美好回忆,因为他们记得过去曾有过讨论空间他们的家人,他们错过了周围聚集在一起听的氛围和他们的朋友那些故事。这些家庭拥有对民间传说的印象,因为它是令人愉快的,并且这些家庭的人们都是由他们抚养的父母谁使用民间传说来教他们。他们因此认识到民间传说的重要性现在也可以用于教孩子们。而且,民间传说是创造的东西记忆,并告诉有关传统和仪式的历史。通过恢复民间文学艺术,形成了一个讨论空间并且社区的人们能够更频繁地见面和交谈。在这里的人们社区也认识到他们的能力,能够相互合作,接受意见的老年人,并帮助筹集资金,成功建设新的布道大厅,以取代旧的。




民间传说为社区中的人们带来了关系的恢复。有讨论空间让人们更常见面并帮助恢复记忆。部分原因是因为他们分享了过去的回忆,尤其是那些回忆民间传说的人。这表明能够束缚社会的事情是团体活动,它应该形成共同的意识,情感,利益和利益。另外,民间传说也反映了一种生活方式,通过将民间传说作为一种手段从教科书中学习之外,还能够学习其他的东西。这可以安排为听、说、内容分析和民间文学艺术的恢复过程,这是社会资本。由于生活方式的变化,很难让人们像过去一样聚集和讲故事。为了让民间传说回归现代社会,它必须根据格式进行修改应用和辅助活动,必须定期在学校和社区提供。关于民间文艺传承的过程,老年人应该重新在社会中发挥作用。这将恢复社会资本和社区文化,并导致合作。社区中的人们将互相信任并成为团结的人际关系。这项研究为社区创造了一个无个人利益的合作新层面,这将有助于社区解决未来可能面临的问题。此外,这项研究还恢复了社区的历史,使人们可以审查他们的角色,并认识到他们原有文化的价值,并为社区创造一个身份。这与Suriya Smutkup和Pattana Kiti-asa提到的叙事和记忆的力量,社会越发困难越多社会中的人们将有被认为是重要内容的叙述和记忆。可以说,民间传说的恢复让老年人成为了社会的主要资本社区,重新获得在社区中的宝贵作用。孩子们也喜欢,而且一直通过讲故事活动来教导。人们能够了解社区的历史和他们的历史通过讲故事的根源,他们也很自豪并能够改变他们的思维方式听取这些故事的行为。失踪的传统和当地的戏剧被恢复和社区空间让人们相互见面和互动,形成了合作关系在社区进行活动,成为后来解决社区问题的权力。

外文文献出处:Procedia -Social and Behavioral Sciences Volume 65, 3 December 2012,Pages 218-224


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Folklore, Restoration of Social Capital and Community Culture


This is a qualitative research study using participatory action research and aimed to (1 Study the value and meaning of folklore in current local context, (2 study the correlation between folklore structure and northeastern social structure, and (3 promote the use of folklore as social capital for the formation of child learning process. The sample group consisted of students and teachers, the elderly, and parents totaling 102 persons. Among the people in the sample group were 52 students from Class 1 (Grade 1-3) from Ban Kham Sang Chang School, Namkham Subdistrict, Thai Charoe


Folklore, Restoration of Social Capital and Community Culture


This is a qualitative research study using participatory action research and aimed to (1 Study the value and meaning of folklore in current local context, (2 study the correlation between folklore structure and northeastern social structure, and (3 promote the use of folklore as social capital for the formation of child learning process. The sample group consisted of students and teachers, the elderly, and parents totaling 102 persons. Among the people in the sample group were 52 students from Class 1 (Grade 1-3) from Ban Kham Sang Chang School, Namkham Subdistrict, Thai Charoen District, Yasothon Province, and teachers and parents of the students in the community totaling 50 persons. The research findings revealed that folklore helped in creating community space for people in the community to meet and interact with each other. The elderly, who were the key social capital of the community, were able to play their valuable roles once again, which brought happiness to the community. Children and young people learnt about the history of the community, which was their root, through the storytelling activity and were able to change their ways of thinking and behaviors from listening to these stories. Missing traditions and playing activity were restored, resulting in cooperation in performing activities of the community.

1.Introduction to the Framework

Folklore consists of stories that have been passed on until they become an important cultural heritage. The purpose of storytelling is to bring enjoyment, pass on tradition and ritual and, by implication, present a moral precept to instruct people in the community so that they will become people of good quality. In the past, stories played the role of instructing people for them to properly be good people for their age and task by relying on the methods of forming arts and appreciation, building faith using entertainment and the rhythm of prose, and giving loving kindness in order to communicate to people who are being instructed Jaruwan Thammawat: 2005 . Nowadays, several kinds of entertainment have replaced stories e.g., television, radio, VCD players and other media, which are seen as more interesting than stories, and therefore stories are gradually disappearing from families. Another thing disappearing alongside stories is discussion space in family. This becomes a gap that sets families apart. When this gap widens communication and understanding decrease and teaching is quite difficult, local wisdom is not passed on, and the role of senior citizens is unquestioningly diminished. The area of this study had an issue about the gap between people of different ages. Families did not have opportunity to teach their children and so the children had improper behaviors, lacked public awareness, and the social roles of senior citizens were diminished. In 2008, the researcher realized the value and power of folklore while conducting a study investigating folklore, and was therefore interested in using it to instruct children and build good relationships in the community.

2. Objectives

( 1) To study value and meaning of folklore in the current local context

(2) To study the correlation between folklore structure and northeastern social structure

( 3) To promote the use of folklore as social capital for the formation of child learning processes 3. Conceptual Framework The researcher aimed to study and understand the following

3. Research Methodology

This is a participatory action research study (PAR). The researcher conducted the study using several study methods including document, interview, observation, group discussion, and participation in community activities. The sample group of this study consisted of 102 persons as follows:

1. Students in Class 1 (Grade 1-3 from Ban Kham Sang Chang School, Namkham Sub-district, Thai Charoen District, Yasothon Province (52 persons)

2. Teachers, the elderly, parents of students in the community (50 persons). The study was conducted according to the processes of participatory action research as follows:

Phase 1 preparation phase included studying and review, conceptual document, theory and related research (the concepts of social capital, community culture, social memory, and folklore theory have been applied to this research,) selection of area and target group, community survey, and relationship building with community;

Phase 2 Research Phase included determination of the problem with the community, research design and data collection, data analysis, and data presentation to the community. A research team meeting was held to prepare the research tools and to emphasize the importance of research team participation. The problems of children and youth were analyzed in discussion with community leaders and by interviewing stakeholders in order to gain different opinions on the problems, to ensure consistent information for all parties, to determine the guidelines for conducting the research collectively. Researchers and the related parties in the community later developed the research problem together, consulted on the data collecting form, making suitable adjustments, determined research plans and procedures, methods of data collection, types of data, data providers, and assigned roles and duties. The data group consisted of the following:

- Types of data to be collected consisted of data on community context, area changes, family situation and social capital

- Data collection: data collection for this research was carried out using in-depth interview, focus group discussion, observation, forum, tape recording, note taking and photo taking;

Phase 3 Summarizing and Assessment Phase included operation planning, plan implementation, knowledge enhancement training for research participants, follow-up and assessment, and presenta



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