2023-04-04 17:14:58
附录C 英文原文
Principle and application of single chip microcomputer
Overview of single chip microcomputer
Hardware and software system are two parts of a complete computer system. The electronic equipment we can see around us is the hardware system. The hardware system is the physical carrier of a small computing system. Generally speaking, it is composed of ALU, controller, I / O equipment, I / O interface circuit, memory, system bus, etc. Hardware makes our computer have the ability of computing, but to make the computer work, it also needs to be driven by software system. Software system is to edit the program artificially so that it can operate automatically and at high speed according to the wishes of users.
According to the bit classification of microprocessor, it can be divided into: the first 4-bit machine launched by Hoff of Intel company in 1971, the 8-bit machine also developed by Hoff, the 16 bit machine appeared in the process improvement, and the 32-bit machine and 64 bit machine still widely used today.
The structural form of single chip microcomputer and its semiconductor technology make single chip microcomputer have many characteristics, such as high cost performance, high integration, small volume, good reliability, long service life, strong control function, low energy consumption, low voltage, convenient for production and portability, easy to form application systems of various scales and so on.
Early microcontrollers were 8-bit or 4-bit. Among them, the most successful is Intel 8031, which has won great praise for its simplicity, reliability and good performance. Since then, MCS51 series single chip microcomputer system has been developed on 8031. The single chip microcomputer system based on this system is still widely used until now. With the improvement of the requirements in the field of industrial control, 16 bit single chip microcomputer began to appear, but it has not been widely used because of its poor cost performance. After the 1990s, with the great development of consumer electronic products, single chip microcomputer technology has been greatly improved. With the wide application of Intel i960 series, especially the later arm series, 32-bit MCU quickly replaced the high-end position of 16 bit MCU and entered the mainstream market. The performance of the traditional 8-bit MCU has also been rapidly improved, and the processing capacity has been hundreds of times higher than that in the 1980s. At present, the main frequency of the high-end 32-bit single chip microcomputer has exceeded 300MHz, and its performance has caught up with the special processor in the mid-1990s. The ex factory price of the ordinary model has dropped to $1, and the most high-end [1] model is only $10. It is no longer widely used in the whole series of embedded single-chip microcomputer and special-purpose single-chip microcomputer operating system. As the core processing of handheld computers and mobile phones, high-end MCU can even directly use special windows and Linux operating systems.
Single chip microcomputer is more suitable for embedded system than special processor, so it has been used most. In fact, MCU is the largest number of computers in the world. Almost every electronic and mechanical product used in modern human life will be integrated with single chip microcomputer. Mobile phones, telephones, calculators, household appliances, electronic toys, handheld computers, mice and other computer accessories are equipped with 1-2 single-chip computers. There will also be a large number of single chip computers working in personal computers. Cars are generally equipped with more than 40 single-chip computers. There may even be hundreds of single-chip computers working at the same time in complex industrial control systems. The number of single-chip computers is not only far more than the sum of PC and other calculations, but even more than the number of human beings.
The MCU also uses modules with similar functions to the computer, such as CPU, memory, parallel bus, and storage devices with the same function as the hard disk. The difference is that the performance of these components is much weaker than our home computer, but the price is also low. Generally, it can be used to do some less complex work such as controlling electrical appliances for no more than 10 yuan. It can be seen in the fully automatic drum washing machine, smoke hood, VCD and other household appliances we use now. It is mainly used as the core component of the control part.
Principle of single chip microcomputer
Single chip microcomputer is a circuit chip that integrates the CPU, memory, I/O equipment, I/O interface circuit and other components of microcomputer. Is a complete microcomputer. Based on the hardware equipment, the program is written manually to make it run. When the user needs to make the single chip microcomputer complete a certain operation independently according to his will, first write a series of programs that can make it run. The operation of single chip microcomputer is executed according to the instruction program written by the user. Among them, the instruction is a program command written according to the users wishes, which drives the single chip microcomputer to independently perform the corresponding operation according to the users requirements. Generally speaking, an operation needs an instruction to control.
In short, the written program will be stored in the memory, which is divided into many storage units and given different unique and determined address numbers. What is stored in these storage units with different unique and determined address numbers is the artificially written program. When the MCU is running, find the corresponding instruction according to the address number, take it out for translation and execute the correspondi
早期的单片机都是8位或4位的。其中最成功的是INTEL的8031,因为简单可靠而性能不错获得了很大的好评。此后在8031上发展出了MCS51系列单片机系统。基于这一系统的单片机系统直到现在还在广泛使用。随着工业控制领域要求的提高,开始出现了16位单片机,但因为性价比不理想并未得到很广泛的应用。90年代后随着消费电子产品大发展,单片机技术得到了巨大提高。随着INTEL i960系列特别是后来的ARM系列的广泛应用,32位单片机迅速取代16位单片机的高端地位,并且进入主流市场。而传统的8位单片机的性能也得到了飞速提高,处理能力比起80年代提高了数百倍。目前,高端的32位单片机主频已经超过300MHz,性能直追90年代中期的专用处理器,而普通的型号出厂价格跌落至1美元,最高端[1]的型号也只有10美元。当代单片机系统已经不再只在裸机环境下开发和使用,大量专用的嵌入式操作系统被广泛应用在全系列的单片机上。而在作为掌上电脑和手机核心处理的高端单片机甚至可以直接使用专用的Windows和Linux操作系统。
由于单片机对成本是敏感的,所以目前占统治地位的软件还是最低级汇编语言,它是除了二进制机器码以上最低级的语言了,既然这么低级为什么还要用呢?很多高级的语言已经达到了可视化编程的水平为什么不用呢?原因很简单,就是单片机没有家用计算机那样的CPU,也没有像硬盘那样的海量存储设备。一个可视化高级语言编写的小程序里面即使只有一个按钮,也会达到几十K的尺寸!对于家用PC的硬盘来讲没什么,可是对于单片机来讲是不能接受的。 单片机在硬件资源方面的利用率必须很高才行,所以汇编虽然原始却还是在大量使用。一样的道理,如果把巨型计算机上的操作系统和应用软件拿到家用PC上来运行,家用PC的也是承受不了的。
1.SCM即单片微型计算机(Single Chip Microcomputer)阶段,主要是寻求最佳的单片形态嵌入式系统的最佳体系结构。“创新模式”获得成功,奠定了SCM与通用计算机完全不同的发展道路。在开创嵌入式系统独立发展道路上,Intel公司功不可没。
2.MCU即微控制器(Micro Controller Unit)阶段,主要的技术发展方向是:不断扩展满足嵌入式应用时,对象系统要求的各种外围电路与接口电路,突显其对象的智能化控制能力。它所涉及的领域都与对象系统相关,因此,发展MCU的重任不可避免地落在电气、电子技术厂家。从这一角度来看,Intel逐渐淡出MCU的发展也有其客观因素。在发展MCU方面,最著名的厂家当数Philips公司。
bull; 与MCS-51单片机产品兼容
bull; 8K字节在系统可编程Flash存储器
bull; 1000次擦写周期
bull; 全静态操作:0Hz~33Hz
bull; 三级加密程序存储器
bull; 32个可编程I/O口线
bull; 三个16位定时器/计数器
bull; 八个中断源
bull; 全双工UART串行通道
bull; 低功耗空闲和掉电模式
bull; 掉电后中断可唤醒
bull; 看门狗定时器
bull; 双数据指针
bull; 掉电标识符
AT89S52是一种低功耗、高性能CMOS8位微控制器,具有8K 在系统可编程Flash 存储器。使用Atmel 公司高密度非易失性存储器技术制造,与工业80C51 产品指令和引脚完全兼容。片上Flash允许程序存储器在系统可编程,亦适于常规编程器。在单芯片上,拥有灵巧的8 位CPU 和在系统可编程Flash,使得AT89S52为众多嵌入式控制应用系统提供高灵活、超有效的解决方案。AT89S52具有以下标准功能: 8k字节Flash,256字节RAM,32 位I/O 口线,看门狗定时器,2 个数据指针,三个16 位定时器/计数器,一个6向量2级中断结构,全双工串行口,片内晶振及时钟电路。另外,AT89S52 可降至0Hz 静态逻辑操作,支持2种软件可选择节电模式。空闲模式下,CPU停止工作,允许RAM、定时器/计数器、串口、中断继续工作。掉