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    英语原文共 8 页, RFID技术安全的演变 随着RFID技术的进步,安全和隐私威胁也在发展。通过回顾RFID技术的历史,我们能从过去的错误中学习,重新发现成功的解决方案,并鼓舞未来的研究。 自从上个世纪40年代被发明以来,RFID就被贴上了滥用的标签。无线识别是一个非常强大的功能,而RFID技术能够显示一个物体的特征和位置。每个人都能轻而易举地获得未经授权的RFID数据,因为他们不需要看到这个物体就可以获得。例如,在最原始的RFID的应用--敌我识别系统—安全漏洞导致盟军的飞机被打了下来。临时观察员可能认为情况并没有改善,因为虽然担心RFID系统被滥用,但是现在这项技术已经实现了更广泛的应用。RFID正作为媒介在数不清的任务中起着作用,包括供应链、跟踪牲畜、防止造假、控制建筑接驳、自动检测支持、发展


    英语原文共 7 页, RFID与其他技术的结合 摘要:射频识别(RFID)已被不断运用,令各种各样的建造生产过程变得更加简单和自动化。 然而,RFID具有一些局限性,但如果与其他传感器和技术相结合则可以大大降低它的局限性。 本文回顾了最近和RFID结合使用的最流行的技术和应用。本文表明,整合使整个控制系统更加准确高效,并增加了RFID在建设中的应用的可能性。 关键词: RFID; 建造; 智能技术;定位 1.介绍 无线非接触式系统中最广泛和最有前途的系统之一是射频识别系统[47]; [8]。该技术基于通过电磁信号交换信息[16]。由于RFID能够识别和跟踪物体,从而广泛应用于各种应用。 不同的作者提出了在建造领域使用RFID技术的各种实际和潜在应用。大多数这些方法旨在控制不同的过程,如混凝土处理,劳动编码,设备或材料


    RFID-Based Equipment Monitoring System Mohd Helmy Abd Wahab, Herdawatie Abdul Kadir, Zarina Tukiran, Norrsquo;aisah Sudin, Mohd Hafiz A. Jalil and Ayob Johari Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia Malaysia Introduction Automated monitoring systems are becoming trends, creating easier method to identify item, tracking, monitoring and add on security values. In places where there are lots of items accessed by many users, the tendency of loss is high due to weakness in items monitoring. Here, we briefly describe our research on the universityrsquo;s laboratory perspectives. The main aim of the research is to work out a generic approach of monitoring items in a place with several rooms. For example, there are laboratories with expensive equipments are available in a university to support teaching and learning session. Conventional approach of checking items for every session is difficult for lab administrator as most libraries are being used by more than 20 students per


    英语原文共 9 页, 基于RFID的图书查找器 作者:Karl F. Warnick,Lasse Toivanen, Mikko Heino,Aapo Oksman, Aapo Vienamo,Jari Holopainen,Ville Viikari 编者的话 在本期“IEEE天线和传播杂志”的“教育角”文章中,由阿尔托大学的Lasse Toivanen,Mikko Heino,Aapo Oksman,Aapo Vienamo,Jari Holopainen和Ville Viikari报告了一种基于射频识别的书本寻找系统,这是2014年IEEE天线和传播协会学生设计大赛的第二名获奖作品。祝贺这些学生在上面做的工作!他鼓励社会成员在未来考虑指导学生设计大赛小组。 快速准确地定位物品已成为我们现代社会和工业的重要组成部分。准确的定位不仅节省了时间和金钱,而且减少了浪费,因为产品不会随着供应链的流失而消失。通过射频识别(RFID)技术提供了一个有前景的室内跟踪方法。RFID技术的主要优点是能够同时快速地对


    Monitoring Cold Chain Logistics by Means of RFID 1. Introduction Every day, millions of tons of temperature sensitive goods are produced, transported, stored or distributed worldwide. For all these products the control of temperature is essential. The term “cold chain” describes the series of interdependent equipment and processes employed to ensure the temperature preservation of perishables and other temperature-controlled products from the production to the consumption end in a safe, wholesome, and good quality state (Zhang, 2007). In other words, it is a supply chain of temperature sensitive products. So temperature-control is the key point in cold chain operation and the most important factor when prolonging the practical shelf life of produce. Thus, the major challenge is to ensure a continuous lsquo;cold chainrsquo; from producer to consumer in order to guaranty prime condition of goods (Ruiz-Garcia et al., 2007).These products can be perishable items like fruit,


    A Survey Paper on Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Trends Abstract: This paper provides a survey on radio frequency identification (RFID) technology. Initially RFID tags were developed to eventually replace barcodes in supply chains. Their advantages are that they can be read wirelessly and without line of sight, contain more information than barcodes, and are more robust. The paper describes the current technology, including the frequency ranges used and standards. With the increasing ubiquity of RFID tags, however, privacy became a concern. The paper outlines possible attacks that can violate ones privacy and it also describes counter measures. The RFID technology did not stop at item-level tagging. The paper also presents current research that focuses on locating and tracking labeled object that move. Since the uses for RFID tags are so widespread, there is a large interest in lowering the costs for producing them. It turns out that printing tags might become a viable al


    英语原文共 22 页, RFID防碰撞调查与指导协议 Dheeraj K. Klair, Kwan-Wu Chin, and Raad Raad 抽象RFID技术已经彻底改变了资产跟踪行业,应用范围从自动化检查监测老年人的药物摄取量。在所有这些应用,快速,在某些情况下节能,标签阅读是理想的,特别是随着标签数量的增加。实际上,标签阅读协议面临许多问题。一个关键的是标签冲突,当多个标签回复simul-抄写给读者。结果,RFID阅读器体验很低标签阅读表现,浪费宝贵的精力。因此,RFID应用程序开发人员很重要当前标签阅读协议。为此,本文进行了调查,分类和比较最先进的标签阅读协议。此外,它介绍了现有和未来的研究方向标签阅读协议。 索引术语 - RFID系统,防冲突协议,树形变体,Aloha变体,标签估计功能。 引言。 RFID系统将无处不在。 2005年,产生了


    英语原文共 4 页, RFID:学生出勤管理系统 Krenare R. Pireva, Jeton Siqeca,Shkelqim Berisha 摘要:RFID是一种新技术,它在使用信息通信技术的进步中变得流行起来,用于跟踪使用无线电频率的不同问题。这方面有广泛的研究和发展区域可以最大限度地利用这项技术,并在未来几年里将有很多新的应用研究领域继续出现。然而,这种技术在隐私方面带来了一些新的困扰,有人也在质疑那些试图在不同领域使用RFID的想法的安全性。 在本文中我们将提出一个新的想法,我们如何以自动化的方式跟踪学生的出席并统计出席率以及这项技术如何应用在教育机构环境中,我们也将提出一个系统的原型,这将基于实际的课堂条件和参数来解决我们的日常问题大学跟踪学生出勤。 关键词:RFID,学生考勤,跟踪,标签,控制系统 1.介绍 RFID代表


    SECURITY AND COMMUNICATION NETWORKS Security Comm. Networks 2015; 8:3826–3835 Published online 14 July 2015 in Wiley Online Library (wileyonlinelibrary.com). DOI: 10.1002/sec.1303 RESEARCH ARTICLE Risk adaptive hybrid RFID access control system Malek Al-Zewairi1, Jarsquo;far Alqatawna2* and Jalal Atoum1 1 King Hussein Faculty for Computing Sciences, Princess Sumaya University for Technology, Amman 11941, Jordan 2 King Abdulla II School for Information Technology, The University of Jordan, Amman 11942, Jordan ABSTRACT Dynamic environments pose a challenge for traditional access control models where permissions are granted or revoked merely based on predefined and static access policies making them incapable of dynamically adapting to changing conditions. Risk adaptive access control models have been gaining more attention in the research community as an alternative approach to overcome the limitations of traditional access control models.


    英语原文共 16 页, 基于RFID技术模型的智能港口 计算机科学与工程学院,上海交通大学,东川路800号,中国上海200240 摘要 全球的港口都面临着从工作效率到安全隐患的巨大挑战,面对这些挑战需要探索出以最小限度的人工干预和控制的革新方式。本文探讨智能港口模型的设计和构建,这个模型是以莫巴萨岛港口的优点、经验和运营为基础的。RFID(Radio Frequency Identification)技术是这个模型智能化的中心。嵌入式智能技术包括:实时监控正在进入或已进入港口的船舶以及在港货物、船舶,正在离开或已离港的船只和货物;正式授权和非法进出的信息汇报;货船是否的正常或损坏的状态。 该系统设置了监视违规或异常情况的补救方案,同时结合敏感的异常检测警报,当设置的临界阀值溢出时,异常信息都会被发送至负责该系



