
 2023-03-17 10:57:19


作者:Aurelio Agliolo Gallitto,Onoftio Rosario Battaglia and Claudio Fazio


出处:Physics Education





1. 简介








Phyphox应用程序以大约0.01秒的固定时间间隔报告智能手机加速度的三个方向分量。如图1所示,振荡发生在垂直Y轴上,而且沿x轴和z轴的加速度值仍非常接近于零。该应用程序还允许人们将输出的原始实验数据保存到一个文件中,后续可用于进一步分析。我们通过智能手机的技术特点可以估计实验中加速度和时间测量的不确定性,分别是delta;a = 0.010 m s -2和delta;t = 0.02 s。

图1. 实验装置:智能手机被悬挂在一个垂直轴上的螺旋形弹簧上。轴相对于智能手机的方向在图中也显示了出来。而系统的总质量可以通过增加砝码来改变。

4. 谐波震荡和数据分析


图2. Phyphox应用程序的截图细节,其中显示了谐波振荡期间物体时间的加速度。由于振荡是沿Y轴进行的,所以在实验过程中,沿X轴和Z轴的加速度值仍然非常接近于零。


y(t) = A sin(omega;t ϕ), (1)






由于在谐波运动中,加速度随时间周期性变化,人们可以通过a(t)测量振荡周期T。若通过测量不同的质量获得一系列T和omega;的值,便可以利用动态法轻松地确定弹簧常数。人们可以通过方程(2)线性化,绘制omega;2与1/M的关系,从而得到一个斜率等于弹簧常数的线性图。其中弹簧常数可以通过实验数据拟合直线来确定。而在本科阶段,将omega;对M绘制成对数图也可能很有趣。值得注意的是对数图中的两个轴都应使用对数刻度。当一个变量以y = Cxn的形式变化时,对数图将这种关系显示为一条直线,如log(C)是常数,n是斜率。等价地,线性函数是log(y)=log(C) nlog(x)。因此,可以从图中确定C和n。图3显示了omega;对M的对数图的数值。它遵循幂律,n=0.5,如公式(2)所示。

图3. omega;与M的对数图。红色实线是由方程(2)做的图,固定斜率为-0.5,k = kmin = 19.15 Nm -1。蓝色虚线是由方程(2)做的图,固定斜率为-0.5,k = kmax = 19.55 Nm -1。从这些值可以得到k = (19.4 plusmn; 0.2) Nm -1

如图3所示,通过画两条固定斜率为-0.5的直线通过数据点来确定弹簧的弹性常数值。k的最佳值及其不确定性是通过考虑最大和最小常数的极端值(分别为kmax和kmin)来估计的,可想而知是符合实验数据的。图3中的红色实线的固定斜率为-0.5,kmin = 19.15 Nm -1。蓝色虚线的固定斜率为-0.5,kmax = 19.55 Nm -1。从这些数值中可以得到k = (19.4 plusmn; 0.2) Nm -1,相对不确定性约为1%。

我们还采用静态法对弹簧的弹性常数进行了单独的测量,通过将不同的质量挂在弹簧上,按照胡克定律测量其平衡长度。施加的力通过样品质量乘以重力加速度g(g的本地值为9.801 m s -2)来确定。被测量的弹簧长度为从轴上的弹簧固定端到弹簧另一端的距离,不确定性约为2毫米。在这种情况下,弹簧的未拉伸长度l0是未知的,其是由数据分析来最终确定的。图4显示了力与弹簧长度的数据关系图。从图中绘制的直线的斜率可以得到kmin = 18.8 Nm -1和kmax = 20.2 Nm -1,从而得出k = (19.5 plusmn; 0.7) Nm -1,相对不确定性约为3.6%。在图中,未拉伸弹簧的长度与外力为零时的长度值相对应,结果为l0=(128plusmn;4)mm。

图4. 力与弹簧长度的关系。红色实线是一条斜率为 kmin = 18.8 Nm-1的直线。蓝色虚线是一条斜率为kmax = 20.2 Nm-1的直线。从这些数值可以得到k = (19.5 plusmn; 0.7) Nm-1


5. 讨论





图5. 加速度与时间的关系。y轴表示垂直方向,而x轴和z轴位于水平面上。曲线ax(t)和ay(t)被垂直移动,以便图像更清晰。

在这种情况下,我们可以观察到两种振荡模式。如同在轻微耦合振荡器中的一样,能量最初储存在压缩弹簧中,随着时间的推移,在垂直和水平振荡中来回交换。在图5中,报告了一个这种振荡的例子。这些结果是用弹性常数kasymp;20Nm-1的弹簧获得的。弹簧上挂着一个总质量约为225g的物体,形成了一个有效长度约为0.45m的钟摆。图6显示了在较窄时间间隔内的振荡,约为23到27秒。Tx asymp; Tz asymp; 2Ty asymp; 1.3 s,对应的角频率为omega;x asymp; omega;z asymp; 0.5 omega;y asymp; 4.8 rad s-1。因为超出了本文的范畴,我们将不再讨论弹簧摆或耦合振荡器。

图6. 从图中可以定性地得到三个振荡模式的周期和相位的值。Tx asymp; Tz asymp; 2Ty asymp; 1.3 s,这时对应的角频率omega;x asymp; omega;z asymp; 0.5omega;y asymp; 4.8 rad s-1


6. 总结




We describe an educational activity that can be done by using smartphones to collect data in physics experiments aimed to measure the oscillating period of a spring-mass system and the elastic constant of the helicoidal spring by the dynamic method. Results for the oscillating period and for the elastic constant of the spring agree very well with measurements obtained by different methods.We also discuss the error analysis that can be done in an introductory physics laboratory at undergraduate level.

Keywords: smartphone, accelerometer sensor, laboratory experiments, harmonic oscillations

1. Introduction

In the recent literature, an increasing number of papers are devoted to the use of smartphones as laboratory tools for school physics experiments , since they are usually equipped with several sensors that, controlled by appropriate software (app), allows one to perform accurate measurements. In this article, we describe an educational activity that can be carried out by using smartphones to collect data in physics experiments aimed to measure the oscillating period of a spring-mass system and the elastic constant of the helicoidal spring by the dynamic method. For the estimation of these parameters, we perform a graphical analysis of the experimental data. This allows one to discuss a simple error analysis that can be carried out in an introductory physics laboratory at undergraduate level.

2. Use of smartphones in physics experiments

To explore physical phenomena, considering the difficulties to perform experiments in physics laboratories, one may resort to the new technologies and in particular to the use of smartphones, which are equipped with several different sensors and then can be used to perform different measurements of physical quantities. This opens the possibility of designing and developing versatile low-cost laboratories, where expensive devices can be replaced by smartphones.

The measurement of the spring constant by using a vertical spring-mass oscillator is a standard school-laboratory activity. Traditionally, the period of oscillations of the spring-mass system is measured with a stopwatch by hand. In the present work, we use the smartphone accelerometer sensor (accelerometer) controlled by the free Phyphox app .

The accelerometer housed in the smartphone is usually a micro-electro-mechanical system (MEMS), which processes the mechanical system into electrical information. A more detailed description of the accelerometer, from an educational point of view, is given in [8]. The accelerometer measures the gravitational acceleration as a force acting on a sample mass, therefore it will report the values of the gravity acceleration g while the smartphone is at rest. Actually, the acceleration is zero when the smartphone is at rest (or moving at a constant speed). To report an acceleration of zero value while the smartphone is not accelerated, the Phyphox app has a specific function called lsquo;Acceleration without grsquo;, which uses a virtual sensor that subtracts the constant acceleration g (usually by taking into account the data from other sensors as well). Furthermore, this app allows one also to remotely control and observe real-time experimental data from any second network-connected device.

3. Experimental setup

In the experiments we propose here, to collect experimental data we use a smartphone with the Phyphox app for the measurement of the period of oscillation of the spring-mass system with different masses, from which we determine the elastic constant of the helicoidal spring. A photo of the experimental setup is shown in figure 1. The smartphone is hanged to a helicoidal spring that can oscillate vertically almost freely. The smartphone is fixed to home-made expanded-PVC support, having a total mass of 175 g. The mass of the oscillator can be changed by adding weights, thus changing the frequency of oscillation.

The Phyphox app reports the three components of the smartphonersquo;s acceleration at regularly spaced time intervals of about 0.01 s. As shown in figure 1, the oscillations take place along the vertical y-axis. Moreover, the values of the acceleration along the x- and z-axis remains very close to zero. The app also allows one to save the output raw data into a file, from which the data can be used for further analysis. The technical characteristics of the smartphone used in the experiment provide us with an estimation of the uncertainty of measurements of the acceleration and time delta;a = 0.010 m s -2 and delta;t = 0.02 s,respectively.

Figure 1. Experimental setup: the smartphone is hanged to an helicoidal spring on a vertical shaft. In the figure, the orientation of axes with respect to the smartphone is shown. The total mass of the system can be changed by adding weights.

4. Harmonic oscillations and data analysis

Figure 2 shows a detail of the screenshot of the Phyphox app during a nearly-free harmonic motion, with negligible friction. The value of the oscillation period, T, is determined by measuring the time of ten oscillations and dividing it by ten, in order to reduce the instrumental uncertainty. One could repeat the measurements several times in order to collect enough data to conduct a reliable statistical analysis.

Figure 2. A detail of the screenshot of the Phyphox app, which shows the acceleration of the mass against time, during the harmonic oscillations. Since the oscillations take place along the y-axis, the values of the acceleration along the x- and z-axis, during the experiment, remain very close to zero.

In the free harmonic motion of a spring-mass system of elastic constant k and mass M, the position of the mass varies as a function of time as a sinusoidal function

y(t) = A sin(omega;t ϕ),

where A is the amplitude of the oscillations, ϕ the phase constant, and omega; the angular frequency that depends on k and M as:lt;



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