
 2023-04-19 18:23:52

The Construction and Development of Online Resources

The quality of teaching resources has an important influence on the effect of online teaching. Therefore, in addition to online teaching platforms, the development and integration of online teaching resources had also attracted the attention of researchers.

The construction of online teaching resources was not an overnight effort. Some scholars had done research on the basis of online teaching resources in China this time. According to the data of the Ministry of Educationrsquo;s Cyber Security and Informatization Leading Group in 2020 quoted by Longjun Zhou, as of 2019, the national system has launched a comprehensive collection of high-quality basic education resources for the entire society, bringing 290 units together and a total of 457 teaching applications. Through the activity of “One Teacher One Excellent Class, One Excellent Teacher One Class”, it attracted more than 2.28 million teachers to participate, collected

3.14 million online courses, recommended 17,312 provincial excellent courses, and selected 1,005 ministerial excellent courses, and generated 8 million resources. There- fore, the article claimed that the achievements of the construction of digital teaching resources from the beginning of this century have provided strong resource support for the large-scale online teaching activities during the pandemic (Zhou, et al, 2020).

Researchers have also seen that during the pandemic, the large-scale online teaching has benefited from the interaction of various parties in the society. In order to provide rich online teaching resources, the state, local governments and enterprises had made efforts.

As reported in the 11th edition of the Peoplersquo;s Daily on February 3, the Chinese government has, since February 17, opened the national elementary and middle school network cloud platform and online courses for free to students from elementary to high school.

On the other hand, China Education Television provided to nationwide elementary students, 8th and 12th grade students with free “New Education Elementary School Edition Textbook Synchronization Class”, “Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry courses”. At the same time, for some rural areas and remote poverty-stricken areas where there is no Internet or slow Internet speed, courses and resources will be broadcast through TV channels to ensure that the essence and effect of online and offline teaching are the same (Zhao, 2020).

In addition, local governments have also organized teaching and research teams to study teaching methods and learning resources suitable for the region. For example, Tianjin Municipality organized kindergarten teachers and researchers in response to the needs of young childrenrsquo;s family education, based on “Guidelines to Learning and Development for Children Aged 3-6”; they recorded 10 video games for young children (Tianjin Education Commission, 2020). For the 8th and 12th grading student, Fujian Province organized teaching and research teams to develop suitable teaching methods and learning resources, and sent the course content to students as “curriculum” to en- sure that those students can successfully pass the End of Grade test (Fujian Education Department, 2020).

In addition to national and local governments, educational information-based enterprises such as Bytedance, Yuanfudao, Zhibozuoyebang, VipKid and other companies provided free online live teaching systems to all elementary and middle students. The provision of a large number of high-quality online teaching resources provided a solid foundation for this large-scale online teaching activity (Zhao, 2020).

The Selection Strategy of Online Teaching Resources

High-quality and rich learning resources were not equivalent to effective learning. They need to be closely related to the teaching object and content, and match the physical and mental characteristics of the learner. Therefore, how to choose appropriate online teach- ing resources was also one of the major focuses.

Regarding how to select appropriate online teaching resources, Huang et al. (2020) believed that the following points should be considered:

      1. Appropriate content, that is, the learning resources must be highly related to the learning object and content and can arise the interest of the students, or they are necessary to solve the problems;
      2. Appropriate difficulty, that is, the content is moderate in difficulty and moderate in size, and will not make students overloaded;
      3. Appropriate structure, that is, the structure of the learning content is clear and the organization is reasonable, and it will not make students confused;
      4. Appropriate media, the presentation form of the media is easily accepted by students to prevent visual fatigue, especially for young students;
      5. Proper resource organization. That is to effectively organize the selected learning resources (such as video, animation, text, electronic textbooks, virtual reality, etc.) to ensure that the navigation layout is clear and the depth is moderate, and the students will not lose their way.

In the specific implementation process, different schools have integrated and enriched online resources according to their own conditions. For example, the Zhen- jiang Experimental School in Jiangsu Province digitized the textbook guidance materials to form a digital guidance draft, which provided more targeted teaching materials (Xia, 2020); The No. 2 Daxie Elementary School in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province organized each teacher to design a guidance program (task list) based on the learning objects and the studentsrsquo; learning situation, which made the knowledge organized and system- atic (Xie amp; Yang, 2020); The Second Experimental Middle School of Henan Province independently developed online curriculum resources during the pandemic. The 16


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