
 2023-03-17 11:17:39


作者:Mustafa Cevikbas、Gabriele Kaiser


出处:ZDM – Mathematics Education





数字技术有可能改变学校数学的内容,并促进数学知识和理解的发展(Heid 2005; Olive et al. 2009)。新技术提供了不同的方式来解释沟通、协作和社会互动(Beatty and Geiger 2009),并鼓励数学知识和实践之间的紧密联系(Olive et al,2009)。教育工作者试图创造和熟悉技术人工制品以加强数学教育。然这些尝试有能力改变教室,但对如何实现这种变化及其实际实施的研究往往落后于数字化发展的速度(Goos et al. 2020)。至少在Covid-19技术在数学教学和学习中仍处于相当边缘地位之前,社会中技术使用的快速传播尚未完全达到教育(Lavicza 2010)。因此,数学教师越来越希望使用技术丰富的教学方法,将技术的使用视为教学活动的一部分,获取资源,并与同事分享知识和经验(Hooks 2015 ; Joubert et al. 2020)。

甚至在Covid-19大流行所迫使的变革进入公众讨论之前,在数学教学中采用技术支持的以改革为导向的方法已成为21世纪的必要条件。我们可以将改革一词定义为“为了改进系统或组织而对其进行的更改或更改”(Longman 2020)。翻转课堂(FC)是一种以改革为导向的方法,可以加速数学教学的数字化转型,促进技术融入数学教育,并让学生参与数学。FC被描述为借助技术改变教学理念、教学目标、教学时间、教学模式的教学改革(He 2020)以这样一种方式,即在FC内,教师在课堂上教学生(Jian 2020),而学习者在家中自己做作业(He 2020)。FC 在首次访问时被定义为“在家中的学校作业和在学校的作业”(Bergmann and Sams 2012)。讲座视频、笔记、幻灯片和文章在课堂外与学生分享,教师有机会通过在线学习管理系统(LMS)与学生进行交流和互动,然后通过面对面的方式支持深度学习、面对课堂活动。翻转教学为课堂上的主动学习和解决问题的活动提供了更多时间(Lo and Hew 2017)。McGivney-Burelle 和薛(2013)将FC的主要原则描述如下:(1)应合理安排课外时间,让学习者为上课时间做好准备(2)教师评估学习者的课前活动(3)课堂时间由协作和合作解决问题的活动和讨论,以及(4)结构良好且高度组织的学习环境的实施是基于教师的脚手架和反馈。从本质上讲,FC方法具有改进数学教学和学习并使用技术来实现这些目标的潜力。教师应战略性地使用技术,使所有学生都能接触数学(National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 2011)。翻转课堂可以提供这种技术的战略性使用,并具有改善数学教学的潜力。

然而,目前似乎只有少数研究考察了(中学)数学教师的教学经验及其在FC框架内的作用(Fredriksen 2020)。翻转课堂背景下的绝大多数研究都侧重于学生及其学习,而不是(中学)数学课堂中的教师和教学。在本研究中,我们从教师的角度分析了翻转课堂对数学课堂的变化。此外,我们还确定了在翻转课堂中教授数学的利弊。总体而言,该研究从教师的角度解决了以下研究问题:





迄今已提出了各种各样的翻转课堂的名字,例如,倒教室(Lage et al. 2000),课堂翻转(Baker 2000),翻转课堂(Bergmann and Sams 2012)。此外,翻转课堂已经以不同的方式定义,例如,由 Lage 等人定义作为“翻转课堂意味着传统上发生在课堂内的事件现在发生在课堂外,反之亦然”(第 32 页),尽管其他定义指出翻转课堂正在超越这种方法。Bishop 和 Verleger(2013 年)) 为翻转课堂提供了一个定义,它由两部分组成,即课堂上的互动小组工作和课堂外的基于计算机的教学,包括讲座视频。翻转学习网络(FLN)开发了一种更当前和更全面的翻转课堂的定义。根据这个定义:

翻转课堂是一种教学方法,在这种方法中,直接教学从小组学习空间转移到个人学习空间,由此产生的小组空间转变为一个动态的、互动的学习环境,教育者在其中指导学生应用概念并创造性地参与主题事情。(FLN 2014 年)。



(2)L:学习文化:在翻转课堂中,课堂时间应该用于探究,更深入地学习科目和特定内容的概念,并产生学习机会。FC 的教师利用脚手架使他们的学生能够通过在他们的最近发展区彻底实施以学生为中心的方法来找到特定主题(Vygotsky 1978)。



虽然 FC 有不同的定义,但人们一致认为翻转课堂是一种以学生为中心的教学法,让教师有更多时间实施主动学习活动,促进社会互动和协作,根据差异化学习创造技术丰富的环境,以及为学生提供穿越最近发展区的机会(for details see Cevikbas 和 Arguuml;n 2017)。在翻转课堂中,学与教的过程不仅限于课堂;学生可以在课堂内外以互动方式按照自己的节奏进步(Davies et al. 2013)教师可以为学生提供有效的指导,而不是直接传递信息。在本研究中,考虑到讲课视频是翻转课堂的重要组成部分,使用FLN提供的翻转课堂定义(2014)。

2.2 翻转课堂在数学教学中的作用

与几十年前的学生相比,当代学生具有截然不同的特征、期望和性格(Cevikbas and Arguuml;n 2017)。如今,学生更喜欢快速获取信息,尤其是通过使用各种数字技术渠道,他们希望在享受自我的过程中构建自己的知识体系(Cevikbas 2018; Engelbrecht et al.2020)。教学方法和学习环境必须适应这些变化。翻转课堂借助技术颠覆传统教学方法,为学生提供量身定制的学习环境。通过这种方式,翻转课堂有助于创建高质量的数学教学活动(Chen and


ZDM (2020) 52:1291–1305



Flipped classroom as a reform‑oriented approach to teaching mathematics

Mustafa Cevikbas1 · Gabriele Kaiser1,2

Accepted: 28 September 2020 / Published online: 7 October 2020

copy; The Author(s) 2020


Innovative methods can change the paradigm of teaching mathematics and inspire teachers to espouse new ideas and gain new experiences. The flipped classroom (FC) is currently an innovative pedagogical approach that has high potential to transform the teaching of mathematics. In the case study described in this paper, we investigated one mathematics teacherrsquo;s transfor- mation of teaching in two mathematics classrooms through implementing interventions based on FC methods; furthermore, we identified several key points of FC design as well as challenges and opportunities afforded by teaching mathematics in FCs. The results of the study showed that the tasks posed by the teacher, the implemented discourse, teacher feedback and scaffolding, and the teaching–learning environment were changed in FCs, although the approaches used by the teacher to analyze the tasks and studentsrsquo; learning were similar to those used in non-FCs, which points out the strengths of traditional teaching approaches. The study indicates that although teaching mathematics in FCs created some difficulties for teaching, well-designed FCs offered a great opportunity to promote studentsrsquo; mathematical thinking and understanding. Overall, the results highlight that through FC, teachers can develop studentsrsquo; mathematical potential with FCs.

Keywords Flipped classroom · Mathematics teaching · Reform in teaching mathematics · Teaching practices


Digital technologies have the potential to change the con- tent of school mathematics as well as to foster the develop- ment of mathematical knowledge and understanding (Heid 2005; Olive et al. 2009). New technologies present differ- ent ways to interpret communication, collaboration, and social interaction (Beatty and Geiger 2009), and encourage a strong connection between mathematical knowledge and practice (Olive et al. 2009). Educators have attempted to cre- ate and familiarize themselves with technological artefacts to enhance mathematics education (Lagrange and Kynigos 2014). While these attempts have the power to change class- rooms, research into how this change can be accomplished

and its actual implementation frequently lag behind the speed of the digital evolution (Goos et al. 2020). The rapid dissemination of technology use in society has not reached education fully, at least before Covid-19 technology had still a rather marginal status in mathematics teaching and learning (Lavicza 2010). Hence, there is an increasing desire among mathematics teachers to use technology-enriched teaching approaches, consider the use of technology as part of their teaching activities, access resources, and share knowledge and experience with their colleagues (Hooks 2015; Joubert et al. 2020).

Employing technology-supported reform-oriented approaches in mathematics teaching has become a necessity for the twenty-first century, even before the changes forced

by the pandemic Covid-19 came into the public discussion.

 Mustafa Cevikbas mustafa.cevikbas@uni-hamburg.de

Gabriele Kaiser gabriele.kaiser@uni-hamburg.de

1 Universitauml;t Hamburg, Faculty of Education, Von-Melle-Park 8, 20146 Hamburg, Germany

2 Australian Catholic University, Institute for Learning Sciences and Teacher Education, Brisbane, Australia

We can define the term of reform as “change or changes made to a system or organization in order to improve it” (Longman 2020). The flipped classroom (FC) is one of the reform-oriented approaches that can accelerate digital trans- formation in teaching mathematics, contribute to technology integration into mathematics education, and engage students in mathematics. FC is described as a teaching reform (He 2020) that changes teaching ideas, objectives of teaching,

teaching time, and teaching mode with the help of technol- ogy (Jian 2020) in such a way that within FC instructors teach students in-class, and learners do homework by them- selves at home (He 2020). FC is defined on first access as “school work at home and homework at school” (Bergmann and Sams 2012). Lecture videos, notes, slides, and articles are shared with students outside of the classroom, and teach- ers have an opportunity to communicate and interact with their students by means of online learning management sys- tems (LMSs), and then support deep learning through face- to-face classroom activities. Flipping the teaching provides more time for active learning and problem-solving activities in the classroom (Lo and Hew 2017). McGivney-Burelle and Xue (2013) describe the main principles of FC as follows:

(1) out-of-class time should be well-structured to prepare learners for class hours (2) teachers assess learnersrsquo; pre- class activities (3) class time consists of collaborative and cooperative problem-solving activities and discussions, and

(4) well-structured and highly organized impleme



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