
 2023-01-12 10:37:35


原文作者:Yong-Jun Wang,Jiang-She Zhang


关键词:全局优化; 连续变量; 拉伸函数技术;辅助函数方法; 填充函数





显然,1和2说明了“墨西哥帽”效应出现在辅助函数法(已填充函数法和拉伸函数法)在一个地方点x*= 4.60095.不必要的影响,即引入新的局部极小值,通过参数设置不当等引起的.新推出的局部极小值将增加原问题的复杂性和影响算法的全局搜索.

因此,一个有效的参数调节方便的辅助功能的方法是值得研究的.基于此,在本文中,我们给出了一个简单的两阶段的函数变换方法,转换1398纽约王骥,J. S.张/数学和计算机和数学建模 47(2008)1396–1410.x*= 4.60095的功能定义(3).“墨西哥帽”效应出现在两个点原目标函数f(x)迅速下降的收敛性和高的能力逐渐找到更好的解决方案,在更广阔的区域的一个辅助功能.这个想法是,填充函数法很相似.具体来说,我们首先发现的原始目标函数的局部最小.然后拉伸函数法和模拟填充函数法对目标函数进行连续的两个阶段的转换.构建的功能是在原来的目标函数值是高于获得一个在第一步区下降,而一个固定点必须在更好的区域存在.接下来,我们尽量减少辅助功能找到它的一个固定点(一个好点的f(x)比局部极小获得之前),然后下一个局部优化的出发点.我们重复这个过程直到终止.在新方法中,参数容易设置,例如两个常数可以被预处理,由于辅助函数的性质是不依靠不同的参数来实现,虽然两个参数中引入辅助函数.上一集的尺寸为50,与其他方法的比较表明,新的算法是更有效的标准测试问题的数值试验.

为了做一个公平的比较,我们执行20独立运行在复杂的函数来获取结果.在表格1中,终止条件如下:如果,精确到,是由算法得到的函数值,是测试问题的已知最小的函数值,该算法被认为是“成功的”和计算被停止.比较算法是TRUST方法,扩散方程方法(反),填充函数法(FF),多级单键方法(实验室),利维的隧道算法和SCM方法.新算法的详细报告在表格的10号和11号中被给出,预设方案精确到(记为),在20中随即搜索的成功率(记为Succ)和计算的成本(记为CPU时间,单位:秒)被列出.如果数量没有列在表中相应的列,这表明计算数量太大或本例中没有检测方法在相应的文件.算法测试个人电脑与奔腾IV 3.0 G Matalab编程代码.





A new constructing auxiliary function method

for Global optimization


A new auxiliary function method based on the idea which executes a two-stage deterministic search for global optimization is proposed. Specifically, a local minimum of the original function is first obtained, and then a stretching function technique is used to modify the objective function with respect to the obtained local minimum. The transformed function stretches the function values higher than the obtained minimum upward while it keeps the ones with lower values unchanged. Next, an auxiliary function is constructed on the stretched function, which always descends in the region where the function values are higher than the obtained minimum, and it has a stationary point in the lower area. We optimize the auxiliary function and use the found stationary point as the starting point to turn to the first step to restart the search. Repeat the procedure until termination. A theoretical analysis is also made. The main feature of the new method is that it relaxes significantly the requirements for the parameters. Numerical experiments on benchmark functions with different dimensions (up to 50) demonstrate that the new algorithm has a more rapid convergence and a higher success rate, and can find the solutions with higher quality, compared with some other existing similar algorithms, which is consistent with the analysis in theory.

c 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Global optimization; Continuous variables; Stretching function technique; Auxiliary function method; Filled function


Nonlinear function optimization problems which possess many local minimizers in their search spaces are widespread in applications such as engineering design, molecular biology, and neural network training. Although the existing traditional methods such as the steepest descent method, Newton method, quasi Newton methods, trust region method, and conjugate gradient method converge rapidly and can find the solutions with high precision for continuously differentiable functions, they rely heavily on the initial point and the quality of the final global solution is hard to guarantee. The existing difficulty in global optimization prevents many subjects from developing further.Therefore, global optimization generally becomes a challenging computational task for researchers.

Generally speaking, the difficulty in designing an algorithm on global optimization is due to two reasons: One is how to determine that the obtai


A new constructing auxiliary function method

for Global optimization


A new auxiliary function method based on the idea which executes a two-stage deterministic search for global optimization is proposed. Specifically, a local minimum of the original function is first obtained, and then a stretching function technique is used to modify the objective function with respect to the obtained local minimum. The transformed function stretches the function values higher than the obtained minimum upward while it keeps the ones with lower values unchanged. Next, an auxiliary function is constructed on the stretched function, which always descends in the region where the function values are higher than the obtained minimum, and it has a stationary point in the lower area. We optimize the auxiliary function and use the found stationary point as the starting point to turn to the first step to restart the search. Repeat the procedure until termination. A theoretical analysis is also made. The main feature of the new method is that it relaxes significantly the requirements for the parameters. Numerical experiments on benchmark functions with different dimensions (up to 50) demonstrate that the new algorithm has a more rapid convergence and a higher success rate, and can find the solutions with higher quality, compared with some other existing similar algorithms, which is consistent with the analysis in theory.

c 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Global optimization; Continuous variables; Stretching function technique; Auxiliary function method; Filled function


Nonlinear function optimization problems which possess many local minimizers in their search spaces are widespread in applications such as engineering design, molecular biology, and neural network training. Although the existing traditional methods such as the steepest descent method, Newton method, quasi Newton methods, trust region method, and conjugate gradient method converge rapidly and can find the solutions with high precision for continuously differentiable functions, they rely heavily on the initial point and the quality of the final global solution is hard to guarantee. The existing difficulty in global optimization prevents many subjects from developing further.Therefore, global optimization generally becomes a challenging computational task for researchers.

Generally speaking, the difficulty in designing an algorithm on global optimization is due to two reasons: One is how to determine that the obtained minimum is a global one (when the global minimum is not known in advance), and the other is that how to jump from the obtained minimum to a better one. In treating the first problem, a stopping rule named the Bayes in termination condition has been reported.Many recently proposed algorithms aim at dealing with the second problem. Generally, these methods can be classfied into two main categories, namely: (i)deterministic methods, and (ii) stochastic methods. The stochastic methods are based on biology or statistical physics,which jump to the local minimum by using a probability based approach. These methods include genetic algorithm(GA), simulated annealing method (SA) and particle swarm optimization method (PSO). Although these methods have their uses, they often converge slowly and finding a solution with higher precision is time consuming.They are easier to implement and to solve combinational optimization problems. However, deterministic methods such as the filled function method, tunneling method, etc, converge more rapidly, and can often find a solution with a higher precision. These methods often rely on modifying the objective function to a function with “fewer” or “lower” local minimizers than the original objective function, and then design algorithms to minimize the modified function to escape from the found local minimum to a better one.

Among the referenced deterministic algorithms, the diffusion equation method, the effective energy method, and integral transform scheme approximate the coarse structure of the original objective function by a set of smoothed functions with “fewer” minimizers. These methods modify the objective function via integration of the original objective function. Such integrations are too expensive to implement, and the final solution of the auxiliary function has to be traced to the minimum of the original objective function, whereas the traced result may be not the true global minimum of the problem. The terminal repeller unconstrained sub-energy tunneling method and the method of hybridization of the gradient descent algorithm with the dynamic tunneling method modifies the objective function based on the dynamic systemsrsquo; stability theory for global optimization. These methods have to integrate a dynamic system and the corresponding computation is time consuming, especially with the increase of the dimension of the objective function, since their better point is found through searching along each coordinate till termination. The stretching function technique is an auxiliary function method which uses the obtained information in previous searches to stretch the objective function and help the algorithm to escape from the local minimum more effectively. This technique has been incorporated into the PSO to improve its success rate of finding global minima. However, this hybrid algorithm is constructed on a stochastic method, which converges slowly and applies more easily to the problem with a lower dimension. The filled function method is another auxiliary function method which modifies the objective function as a filled function, and then finds the better local minima gradually by optimizing the filled functions constructed on the obtained minima. The filled function method provides us with a good idea to use the local optimization techniques to solve global optimization problems. If the difficulty in estimating the



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