
 2023-01-12 10:39:03



原文作者:Kwanta Panbanlame, Kiat Sangaroon, Maitree Inprasitha

单位:Doctoral Program in Mathematics Education, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen, Thailand.

Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen, Thailand.

Center for Research in Mathematics Education, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen, Thailand.

摘要:摘这篇文章的目的是运用课例和开放的方式研究学生在数学课堂上的直觉。所采用的研究方法是定性的教学实验研究法结合人种研究。这项研究的目标人群包括2012学年的三个二年级班的同学,他们都来自孔敬省的 Ban Bueng Niam Bueng Krainoon学校。这个学校参加过数学教师专业技能发展,课程研究与开放方式创新的项目。研究人员从二年级学生的教材书上乘法学习的单元处收集一些资料,这本教程是专门供数学教师专业技能发展,课程研究与开放方式创新的项目使用的。这项研究的结果是:在数学课上使用课例研究和开放的方法使得学生能更有直觉地学习乘法单元的一些基本概念。学生的直觉通过以下的步骤得以发展,这些开放的方式是:步骤1(提出开放式问题)步骤2(学生们通过解决问题自学)。在解决乘法问题时,学生们的直觉发现重复地加法和乘法方法。

关键词:直觉; 课例研究;开发的方式


课例研究是一个吸引全世界关注的话题。这是一个促进教学方式方法发展的研究,研究将会结合其他教师的教学技巧,促进大家互相融合。课例研究最初是在日本明治时期的教育实践,这是一项关键技术,能够让教师自我学习,提高自己的教学方法。正式通过这种潜力教育发展,课例研究已经获得了国际的亲睐 (Baba, 2007).课例研究是一个专业学习的过程日本教师将其贯穿整个职业生涯,用以监测和发展不同的教学方式方法,无论是在内容还是课程设置方面。它也用于系统监测学生的学习过程中,以达到教育目标(吉田,2008年)

泰国目前的教育体制主要采用的是死记硬背的学习指令,教师给班级学生讲课并演示例子,这样能帮助他们学习教师解决问题的思路方法。这样的教育成果是基于学生对考试测验而不是学习思路和方法。大多数教师并没有意识到,基于内容的教学,它强调的是数学公式,规则和原则,让学生练习数量繁多的问题,好让他们记住这些学习内容,这样更像是告诉学生有关的数学知识而不是教他们数学。这种教育方法不鼓励逻辑思维,扼杀学生的积极性和创造性(在Prasitha,2003)。继泰国1999年的教育改革,大部分的教师已经尝试去改善他们的教学方法,但是缺乏相应的创新机制。大部分教师仍然采用了基于内容的讲授传统的教学方法,而忽略学生学习过程的重要性,不能理解学生对此采取的 态度。(Inprasitha, 2006).

Inprasitha and Loipha (2004) 提出,课例研究是一项最有效的创新,这种创新能提高教室教学,课本教学中对基本概念的理解。课例研究中最有挑战性的部分,是如何引导教学中改变的渴望来促进学生的学习,如何跟其他教师分享课堂教学的知识经验和碰到的问题。以及如何引起教师对教学目标的注意。助理教授博士Maitree Inprasitha在孔敬大学的演讲,使得自2002年以来,泰国的数学课堂上,课例研究的创新已经被采纳和实施。该课例研究过程包括三个主要阶段。第1阶段,协同设计研究课。该研究小组与上课教师使用开放的教学方式来协同设计这项研究课程。计划中的学习单元是基于开放式的问题。第2个阶段,协同观察这项研究课程。这个学习计划会在现实中实施完成。这项课程计划的代表会作为教师课堂观察者,而这个阶段的目标就是观察学生思考的过程。第3阶段,协同做后期讨论或反思教学实际。教学观测数据将会被讨论,并反映到改善学习管理计划中。

开放的态度是4步教学方法,包括以下四个步骤:提出开放式问题,学生的自主学习,全班讨论,概念比较,总结,通过这些在课堂上连接学生的数学思想(Inprasitha,2010)。开放式教师包括:采用开放式的问题,这些问题提供的压力能让学生他们自己创造一个数学问题。学生搜索不同的选择去解决这个问题,他们将能够运用已经学习过的内容发现解决问题的方法。开放式的问题也给学生提供充分利用自己潜能的机会,在自由地氛围中完成自己的任务。他们还促进数学思考和鼓励人们寻求个性化学习(Nohda, 2000)。开放式的问题,在设计时考虑到学生的思维方式。教师必须观察学生的思维方式。而在课堂中用这些问题来激发学生表达自己思想。开放式的教学方式很可能为学生提供表达数学思维的机会。通过为了自己的自觉去发现数学规律,公式或原理。





2.2 开放的方式

开放式的做法是由岛田繁发展而来的教学方法,强调的是更先进的数学学习和评价目标。自从数学能力在数学教育中成为最被看重的目标,开放式的问题就发展起来用以评价这种能力,并且被认为对课堂高效管理作出了积极地贡献。开放式的问题通过开放式的教学方法成为课堂教学的一种方法。(池田,2010)。 Nohda (2000)认为开放式的方式作为一种教学方法将会被很多喜欢自己思考的学生所采纳。换句话说,学生的数学思维和数学观点必须结合产生一种新的教与学的创新来创造鲜明特点的数学教育和数学教育研究。Inprasitha(2010)指出,在1999年泰国全国教育法教育改革迫使教师们提高他们的教学技能。然而,不幸的是教师缺乏提高自身日常职责的创新机制。他们中的大多数仍然坚持用老方法教学,而忽视学生学习过程和通过解决问题来理解的过程。开放的方式已经和课例研究相结合,在课例研究的过程中共同作为以一种教学方法被采纳。开放的方式由四个主要步骤组成:步骤1——提出开放式问题,步骤2——学生通过解决问题来自学,步骤3——整个班级大讨论和做比较,步骤4——通过连接大家的数学想法来总结。


Fischbein (1999)区分开确定的直觉和预判的直觉。确定的直觉是直接的,不言而喻的认知,不需要验证或证明,是一种内在本能地相信一个人的观点,并不需要外在的鼓励。在选择一个特定的假设和策略的时候,确定的直觉影响学生的推理和判断。它们是归纳的能力,学生们把他们用在存在的经验的数据里,整体认识里。它们不需要任何形式上的分析,包括学生的解释,想法或策略声明。预期的直觉是认识上的,在解决问题时隐式地出现,在为一个问题想解决策略时突然出现。预期的直觉是整体的,和综合推理或论证的论证相联系。Fischbein引入直觉地概念,他说,总的说来,如果一种结构模式促成这种认知过程,那是一种数据压缩的效果。Fischbein援引Thurston的论断关于数学推理中压缩概念的重要性,“数学是惊人地可压缩的:你可能挣扎了很长一段时间,一步一步,为了从很多方法中得到一些过程和想法。但是,一旦你真正了解它,并有精神的角度把它看作一个整体,往往存在

























外文文献出处:scientific research publishing Psychology, 5, 1503-1516. doi: 10.4236/psych.2014.513161.


Studentsrsquo; Intuition in Mathematics Class Using Lesson Study and Open Approach

Kwanta Panbanlame1, Kiat Sangaroon ,Maitree Inprasitha

Doctoral Program in Mathematics Education, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen, Thailand

Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen, Thailand

Center for Research in Mathematics Education, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen, Thailand

Email: mamkwanta@hotmail.com

Received 2 July 2014; revised 26 July 2014; accepted 16 August 2014

Copyright copy; 2014 by authors and Scientific Research Publishing Inc.

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY).


The objective of this article is to investigate studentsrsquo; intuition in mathematics class using Lesson Study and Open Approach. The research methodology employed was the qualitative research methods of teaching experiment combined with an ethnographic study. The studyrsquo;s target group consists of three Grade 2 students at Ban Bueng Niam Bueng Krainoon School in Khon Kaen Province during the 2012 Academic Year. This is the school that participated in the professional development of mathematics teachers with Lesson Study and Open Approach innovation project. The researcher collected data from a mathematics class that taught multiplication learning unit (1) from the mathematics textbook for Grade 2 students. This is the textbook used in the professional development of mathematics teachers with Lesson Study and Open Approach innovation project. The research findings are: Mathematics class using Lesson Study and Open Approach allows students to intuitively learn the content of a basic multiplication unit. Studentsrsquo; intuition was developed during Step 1 (posing open-ended problems) and Step 2 (studentsrsquo; self-learning through problemsolving) of the Open Approach process. Students intuitively discovered the repeated addition and multiplication methods in solving multiplication problems.


Intuition, Lesson Study, Open Approach

1. Introduction

Lesson Study is the topic that has attracted worldwide interest. It is a process for teaching development through collaboration with other teachers, who study and comment on the teaching technique of another teacher. Lesson Study was initially developed as an educational practice in Japan during the Meiji era and is a key technique that enables teachers to study and improve their own teaching methods. It is through this educational development potential that Lesson Study has garnered international interest (Baba, 2007). Lesson Study is the professional learning process that Japanese teachers engage in throughout their career to monitor and develop different teaching methods in terms of content and curriculum. It is also used to systematically monitor studentsrsquo; learning process in order to achieve the educational goals (Yoshida, 2008).

The current education system in Thailand mainly adopts rote learning instruction in which teachers lecture and demonstrate examples to the class so that students can follow their methods in problem solving. It is the academic achievement-based instruction system that focuses on studentsrsquo; test scores rather than on studentsrsquo;

learning process or learning method. Most mathematics teachers fail to realize that content-based teaching, which emphasizes the teaching of mathematical formulas, rules and principles, and getting students to practice extensive number of problems so that they can memorize the contents, is more akin to telling students about mathematics than teaching them mathematics. This teaching method does not encourage logical thinking and stifles studentsrsquo; enthusiasm and creativity (Inprasitha, 2003). Following Thailandrsquo;s educational reform in 1999, the majority of teachers have attempted to improve their teaching but lacked the innovation to do so. Most teachers still adopt the traditional teaching method of content-based lecturing while overlooking the importance of studentsrsquo; learning process and fail to understand studentsrsquo; attitudes (Inprasitha, 2006).

Inprasitha and Loipha (2004) proposed that Lesson Study is an innovation whose fundamental concepts reflect the most efficient measure for classroom teaching improvement and development, which is the development and improvement of class lessons in the actual classroom contexts. The challenging features of Lesson Study include how to induce the desired changes in classroom to improve learnersrsquo; learning process, how to share classroom knowledge and problems with other teachers, and how to raise teachersrsquo; awareness about the goals of group teaching. Lesson Study innovation has been adapted and implemented in Thai schoolsrsquo; mathematics classes since 2002 under the initiative of Assistant Professor Dr. Maitree Inprasitha, a lecturer at the Faculty of Education, Khon Kaen University (Inprasitha, 2004). The Lesson Study process consists of three major phases. Phase 1—Collaboratively designing research lesson. The research team and participating teachers use Open Approach to collaboratively design the research lesson. The planned learning unit is based on open-ended problems. Phase 2—Collaboratively observing the research lesson. The learning plan is implemented in real-life classroom situations. Representatives of the lesson planning team act as teacher and classroom observers. The

goal of this step is to observe studentsrsquo; thinking process. Phase 3—Collaboratively doing post-discussion or reflection on teaching practice. Teaching observation data are discussed and reflected to improve the learning management plan.

Open Approach is a 4-step teaching approach that comprises the following four steps: Posing open-ended proble



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