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Noise reduction of a portable gas generator set using an acoustic enclosure

Abstract: The present experimental study has been conducted to evaluate the effect of different developed acoustic enclosures on the noise emission of a small generator set fuelled by natural gas. The sound signals of generator without enclosure and covered by developed enclosures were measured in front of the generator exhaust at five electric loading conditions (0%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% load). The sound signal was measured according to SAE J1074 test procedure. The recorded digital sound signals were converted to frequency domain using Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) algorithm. The results revealed that the simple enclosure (SE) and modified enclosures were effective to attenuate the generator noise at frequencies greater than 800 Hz and 250 Hz, respectively. The acoustic performance in attenuating the generator noise for the semi-covered modified enclosure (SME) and fully covered modified enclosure (FME) was better than for the SE enclosure. The acoustic performance of all enclosures was reduced with increasing the generator load especially at full load condition. The results of analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed that the generator loading condition, the enclosure setup mode and their interaction had a significant effect (Plt;0.01) on the generator A-weighted overall sound. The results of Duncanrsquo;s multiple range tests showed that covering the generator with different types of enclosures reduced significantly (Plt;0.01) the generator sound level (93.2 dB(A)) to 88.4 dB(A) for SE, 87.2 dB(A) for SME and 86.1 dB(A) for FME. They also revealed that the generator sound increased significantly (Plt;0.01) with increasing the generator electric load.


摘要:本次实验研究进行来评价了不同的隔声罩对于小型天然气发电机组的噪声排放影响。发电机的声音信号分别在没有隔声罩和在有先进隔声罩两种情况下并在五个不同电负荷条件下(0%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%负荷)在发电机排气口前端测量。声音信号根据SAE J1074测试程序测试。所记录的数字声音信号转换为频域采用快速傅里叶变换(FFT)算法。结果表明,简易的隔声罩(SE)和改良过的隔声罩能有效削弱发电机的噪声频率,分别大于800 Hz和250 Hz。半覆盖式改进的隔声罩和全覆盖式改进的隔声罩关于降低发电机噪声频率的性能要好于简易隔声罩。随着发电机的负荷的增加所有隔声罩的声学性能都降低了,特别是在满载条件下。方差分析(ANOVA)的结果表明,发电机的负载条件,隔声罩的安装方式以及它们的相互作用对于发电机在A-weighted规定下的总体声量有显著影响(P<0.01)。邓肯的多范围测量结果显示用不同类型的隔声罩覆盖发电机明显降低(Plt;0.01)发电机的声音电平(93.2 dB(A)),简易式隔声罩将其降到88.4分贝(A),半覆盖式隔声罩将其从降至87.2 dB(A),全覆盖式将其降至86.1 dB(A)。他们还发现,发电机的声音(P<0.01)随着发电机的电力负荷的增加而显著增加。

Keywords: acoustic, enclosure, generator set, natural gas, noise emission


Citation: Ghorbani, Z., S. R. Hassan-Beygi, and B. Ghobadian. 2016. Noise reduction of a portable gas generator set using an acoustic enclosure. Agricultural Engineering International: CIGR Journal, 18(3):159-170.

引用:Ghorbani, Z., S. R. Hassan-Beygi和B. Ghobadian. 2016. 《关于隔声罩在气体发电机组上的使用的降噪功能》国际农业工程学报: 工程学会会刊, 18(3):159-170.


Portable engine driven generators are used as main electric power supplying in shops, greenhouses, offices and homes in cities, especially when there is a break in power supply. They are also used for electricity supply of buildings in some rural areas with electric outage problems.However, their noise is loud and can cause inconvenience to nearby people. Exposure to high noise levels can also cause temporary or permanent hearing loss, mental and nervous discomforts, loss of working efficiency and increased the risk of hazards (Crocker, 2007).



Some international organizations have developed

regulations in order to restrict human noise exposure duration due to the threats of noise. The National

Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)

and International Organization for Standardization (ISO)define exposure to a 85 dB (A) noise level for 8 h/day or exposure to 88 dB (A) noise level for 4 h/day as one noise dose (NIOSH, 1998; ISO-1999, 2013). European directive established the minimal security level at the equivalent noise exposure limit to 80

dB(A) for an 8 h working day (DIRECTIVE 2003/10/EC). Humans may be exposed to more than one noise dose per day.Therefore, some developed countries are conducting noise reduction and control programs in order to reduce noise levels to 75 dB (A) (Hassan-Beygi et al., 2009).

一些国际组织已经制定了法规来限制人们基于噪声的威胁所暴露在噪声中的时间。国家职业安全与健康研究所(NIOSH)和国际标准化组织(ISO)定义暴露于85 dB(A)噪音下8小时/天或暴露在88dB(A)噪音下4小时/天作为一个噪声剂量(NIOSH,1998;iso-1999,2013)。欧洲指令建立了最小的安全条件为在等效噪声暴露限制为80dB(A)噪声下每日工作时间为8小时(DIRECTIVE 2003/10/EC)。人类每天可能暴露在噪声中并超过一个剂量。因此,一些发达国家正在进行降噪和控制计划来减少噪音水平至75分贝(A)(Hassan-Beygi et al.,2009)

Noise can be controlled by modifying the acoustic

transmission path between the source of noise and

receiver. Acoustic enclosure is one of the effective

means to control the transmission path of sound. It can

limit the power of outward sound of noise source using

absorbers and dampers. Cobo et al. (1998) used passive control to reduce a generator noise within a rectangular steel box, which was lined with absorbing materials.Lai et al. (1999) and Becot and Sgard (2006) investigated the use of classical passive absorbing materials and poro-elastic and meso-heterogeneous porous materials for sound control in enclosures, respectively. The acoustical performance of an enclosure was evaluated with the amount of trapped noise radiated by the sound source. The enclosure walls should be thick in order to absorb the sound signal with low frequency (high wavelength).




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