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F. Veglioacute;,B. Passariello, M. Barbaro, P. Plescia, A.M. Marabini

Drum leaching tests in iron removal from quartz usinoxalic and sulphuric ac

a Dipartimento di Chimica, Ingegneria Chimica e Materiali, Universitaacute; degli Studi de lAquila67040 Monteluco di Roio, LAquila,b Istituto per il Trattamento dei Minerali (CNR), via Bolognola 7, 00138 RomeReceiaccepteAbst摘要:A study has been made of a leaching process to remove iron from quartziferous in研究从石英矿中去除铁的浸出过程,minerals using oxalic and sulphuric acid in a drum reactor在鼓式反应器中使用草酸和硫酸的浸出铁。The experimental work was necessa实验工作是必要的,because of the paucity of literature on the use of oxalic acid in the treatment of industria因为文献中缺乏使用草酸处理工业中以minerals containing iron as an impurity.铁作为杂质矿物的原因。The positive effect of oxalic acid on the iron extractio草酸对铁的提纯有积极作用,yield is clearly observed during leaching in a drum reactor在鼓式反应器中浸出时可以清楚地观察到石英的产率。 Iron extraction yields of 35–45% ar铁提取率为35-45%。obtained on treating the quartz with 3 kg=t oxalic acid and 2 kg=t sulphuric acid at 90ordm;C for 4–5在90℃下用3kg/t的草酸处理石英和2kg/t的硫酸反应4-5h.h。Under the same conditions but without oxalic acid the iron extraction yield ranges from 3 t在相同条件下,如果没有草酸,铁提取率为3-9%, depending on the sulphuric acid content9%,提取率取决于硫酸含量。Chemical and mineralogical analyses were run o进行化学和矿物学分析the ore to ascertain where the iron compounds occur on the different mineral components.以确定铁化合物在不同矿物组分上发生的位置。These把analyses were carried out on an as-is sample and on three other samples obtained by magn原样样品和通过磁性获得的另外三个样品上进行分析separation.分离。The experimental results indicate that 52% of the iron is found in the mica fraction实验结果表明,52%的铁存在于云母部分。These results explain why the maximum iron extraction yield is only 35–45%这些结果解释了为什么最大铁提取率仅为35-45%。A flow-sheet of

Keywords: quartz;关键词:石英; iron removal;除铁; oxalic acid;草酸; leaching浸出

1 前言

1. Introductio11111 11

Industrial minerals such as quartz, usually contain some iron, indeed many major工业矿物如石英,通常含有一些铁的杂质,确实很多主要deposits are contaminated by small amounts (0.5–3%) of iron minerals (Groudev et al.,矿床被少量(0.5-3%)的铁矿物污染(Groudev et al.19781978) which render it completely unsaleable, or saleable at only at a reduced),使其完全不可利用,或仅以低廉的价格出售。Hence the dissolution of ferric oxides is a problem of particular interest to the producers因此,对于这种工业矿物,氧化铁的溶解是生产者特别感兴趣的领域of such industrial minerals.。The presence of submarginal quantities of ferric and=or ferrous iron in kaolin, quart在高岭土中,石英中存在少量的铁或二价铁,sand and clay can prevent their use in many industrial fields: ferric iron imparts an砂和粘土可以防止其在许多工业领域的使用:三价铁使高岭土变成了橙色orange tint to kaolin, thus greatly lowering their market value (Yan et al,从而大大降低了其市场价值(Yan et al., 1978)。Ferrou黑色iron is also undesirable in ceramics because it is oxidised to ferric iron when th铁在陶瓷中也是不需要的,因为它被氧化成三价铁而使products are kilne产品的价格降低。In general, iron which occurs in such raw materials is harmful一般而言,这种原料中的铁是有害的。

because: (1) it impairs the transparency of colourless container glass and flat=clear (flat)因为:

(1)损害了无色容器玻璃的透明度,扁平或者透明(平坦)glass;玻璃; (2) it impairs the transparency of high-quality glass, eg for tableware, and optical

(2)它会损害高品质玻璃的透明度,例如餐具和光学glass玻璃; (3) it impairs transmission in optical fibres;

(3)损害光纤传输; (4) it adversely affects the production

(4)对of pure silicon products, eg silicon metal, silicon carbide and sodium sil纯硅产品的生产有不利影响,例如硅金属,碳化硅和硅酸钠。

Considerable efforts have been directed towards removal of iron contaminants by 大多数情况下,大家会用物理或者化学方法出去矿物中的铁杂质physical and chemi。However, physical separation techniques such as flotation然而,物理分离技术如浮选are generally less effective for iron removal than chemical leaching与化学浸出相比,铁的去除效果通常较低。HGMS (high grHGMS(高重力magnetic separation) or blending processes are also employed in the beneficiation o磁选分离)或混合过程也用于选矿industrial minerals ( Guimares et al., 1987 ).工业矿物(Guimares et al., 1987)。Acidic reductive leaching is one of the酸性还原浸出也使其中的一种方法,best known and most widely employed chemical processes for beneficiating mineral最有名的和最广泛使用且用于选矿工业的化学方法是使用of industrial inConventional acidic leaching with sodium dithionite (Na 2 S 2 O 4 )常规酸性浸出,用连二亚硫酸钠(Na2S2O4)employed to leach industrial minerals used in the production of ceramics, glasswar浸出,一般用于生产陶瓷,玻璃器皿,paper, etc., does not always allow products of high quality to be obtained (Conley and纸张等工业领域,但不能总是获得高质量的产品(Conley and Lloyd, 1970)。Other techniques are also available such as those based on sulphur dioxide还可以使用其它技术,例如二氧化硫浸出技术and conventional mineral acid leaching (H 2 SO 4 or HCI), but these are expensive and the和传统的矿物酸浸(H2SO4或HCl),但这些是昂贵的成本和ensuing effluents are environmentally unacceptable.随之而来的污水在环境上对生产者来说是不能接受的。Thus there is considerable interest in the development of alternative technological因此,对替代技术的发展有了更大的前景。methods such as organic-acid leaching which may be more effective and environmen有机酸浸出方法可能更有效和有利于环境,因此tally acceptable (Veglioacute; et al., 1996).可以接受(Conley and Lloyd, 1970)。The use of different inorganic and organic acids, exerting complexing or reductive使用不同的无机酸和有机酸,进行络合或还原action, for



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