
 2022-12-16 20:17:23

Combination Forecasting method for Ground Surface Deformation Based on Wavelet Analysis and BP Neural Network

Jialong Sun College ofMapping Engineering HuaiHai Institute ofTechnology,HHIT Lianyungang , China e-mail:jialongsun@126.com

Abstract-Some displacement and deformation for the mine shaft over past many years working may occur, which will cause heavy harm to both shaft itself and workers in well. Curtain grouting is one of efficient methods to protect the shaft and the earths surface around the shaft from the harm. The deformation caused by grouting around mine shaft is monitored with a reasonable scheme. The monitoring data is processed with the Wavelet Transform to decompose and reconstruct in order to acquire the similar and detail sequences. The detected data is forecasted separately by the suited BP model and AR model. The forecast results will be the ultimate combination of results. After comparing between the actual observation values and forecasting values, it is found that the precision of ultimate combination of results is most high

Index Terms-ground surface deformation, wavelet analysis, BP neural network,AR model, combinationforecasting


Curtain grouting by means of injecting slurry into special stratum, can fill and restore the destruct shaft [1] .Grouting is able to raise the stratum and may cause construction wall fractured by reason of raised asymmetry so that influence the normal work of raising system [2].Therefore during grouting the deformation monitoring to earths surface and adopting special method to accurately forecast the deformation have important significance [3]. Time-series analysis is a common method in forecasting the deformation of ground surface [4]. However it is inevitable of forecasting error for time-series analysis more in view oftime series instead of extraneous factors. Even the forecasting error will be larger with major changes in the outside world. The wavelet analysis has been widely applied because it has a good showing localized nature not only in the time domain and but also in frequency domain [5,6]. Artificial neural network with the specific, non-linear, adaptive information-processing capacity overcomes the defect of model and speech recognition and unstructured information processing. Therefore artificial neural network has a successful application of neural expert systems, pattern recognition, intelligent control, combinatorial optimization, forecasting and other areas. The observational deformation data is decomposed and reconstructed through the wavelet in this paper. After the singularity detection, each reconstructed sequence can be forecasted adopting suited BP model and AR model. The final forecast result is obtained with combining the forecast value of each sequence. The forecast results can be provided for the construction ofthe feasibility, safety and other assessments.


Wavelet analysis was developed after the Fourier transform of a time-frequency localization signal analysis method. Suppose rp(t) (rp(t) E L 2 (R) is a square integrable function, if its Fourier transformation If!(W) Satisfy the admissibility condition: fllf!(Wt dw lt; 00 R lV (I) rp(t) is a mother wavelet. {If!a,b (t)} , is a cluster functions which are generated by function rpV) by stretching and translating, is called sub-wavelet. The expression of subwavelet is: (2) Wavelet transform is used to approximate the signal wavelet function systems, which can be divided into continuous wavelet transform and discrete wavelet transform. For the 1 · . d si 1f{t) E L 2 (R).. 1 energy imite signa , ItS continuous wave et transform is defined as: (3) Where a is scale parameter, b is translation parameter, t is time variable. Because the time series of the deformation monitoring is discrete-time series, it is necessary to introduce the concept ofmulti-resolution analysis and wavelet transform. The aim ofdiscrete wavelet transform is to transform the scale parameter a and translation parameter b into discrete variables. The corresponding discrete family can be got by taking discrete a and b . The discrete wavelet coefficient (f,qJm,n) I h .. f d . can comp ete c aracterization un er certam conditions. The substance of multi-resolution analysis is to expanse L2(R) layer by layer to whole space based on closed subspace Vj of L 2 (R) space. Function f can be described as the limit of a series of approximately functions through multi-resolution analysis. Each approximately function is smoothness processing for function f. Suppose {qJm,nL,nez L2(R) is the orthogonal wavelet bases of for arbitrary f E L 2 (R), f(x) can be deployed as: f(x)= Idm,nqJ(x) m,neZ (4) dmn (f,qJm n) . Where, equals . Accordmg to Mallat algorithm, decomposition algorithm is[51; { C k ,n : al-2nCk l,l s., -Ibl-2nCk I,1 I And reconstruction algorithm is: Ck l,n =I (Pn-2/Ck,l q n-2ldkJ I (6) Where, k is decomposition level. In this paper, the deformation time-series is decomposed by Daubechies wavelet which is of characters of time-frequency compact support and high regularity. By choosing the appropriate decomposition scale, it not only can reduce the errors, while taking into account the sequence of localized features.


In the deformation monitoring, applying artificial neural network for time series can identify trends in items from the sequence and regularity so as to achieve better forecasting results. BP Neural network is an artificial neural network widely used. It is a multi-layer non-linear mapping network, using minimum mean-variance approach to learning. In the process of evaluation function minimization, BP Neural network comple



Jialong SunCollege of Mapping Engineering HuaiHai Institute of Technology






小波分析是在傅里叶变换后发展起来的一种时频局部化信号分析方法。假设p(t) o(t)e}(R)为平方可积函数,则傅立叶变换(w)满足可容许条件: w(1)是一个母小波。s()是由函数o通过拉伸和平移生成的簇函数,称为子小波。子小波的表达式为:wo.l)-)a0,6e) 小波变换用于信号小波函数系统的近似,可分为连续小波变换和离散小波变换。对于能量有限的signal其连续小波变换定义为:Lwf (a, b) 1其中a为尺度参数,b为平移参数,为时间变量。由于变形监测的时间序列是离散的时间序列,有必要引入多分辨率分析和小波变换的概念。离散小波变换的目的是将尺度参数a和平移参数b转换为离散的

以离散a和b为例,离散小波系数(f,4ma)可以在一定条件下完成特征刻画。多分辨率分析的实质是在封闭子空间V (R)的基础上逐层扩展到整个空间(R)。Functionf通过多分辨率分析可以描述为一系列近似函数的极限。每个近似函数都是函数的平滑处理。假设m是l(R)的正交小波基对于任意f e (R) f(x)可以部署为f(x)=ZaxmEZ(4)在哪里。算法,分解算法为(poC 02 ds)。根据Mallat[Cn-Za.2C)a - b。c1(5)重构算法为:C =(poC 02 ds)(6)其中k为分解能级。本文利用Daubechies小波对变形时间序列进行分解,该小波具有时频密性强、规律性强的特点。通过选择合适的分解尺度,不仅可以减少误差,而且seauence的本地化


将人工神经网络应用于时间序列中,可以从序列和规律中识别出各项目的趋势,从而获得更好的预测结果。BP神经网络是一种应用广泛的人工神经网络。它是一个多层非线性映射网络,采用最小平均方差的方法进行学习。在评价函数最小化的过程中,BP 神经网络完成了从输入信号到输出模式的映射。BP神经网络由输入层、隐藏层和输出层组成。各层神经元数量不同,同一层神经元之间没有连接。前一层神经元和下一层神经元可以通过权值连接。前一层的输出是下一层的输入。通过误差在模型中的传播来修正权值,从而提高网络对输入模式的响应精度



1、在定义和随机分量叠加的基础上,建立了观测值的时间序列。利用自相关分析可以确定时间序列的平稳性。确定时间序列的平稳性后,可以建立时间序列模型。识别和确定建模的顺序是必要的,需要判断属于arp (MA9)和armap (g)中的一个时间序列。在确定模型的顺序之后。模型的参数也需要估计。建模完成后检查是否有白噪声。模型的识别与排序根据尾部或截尾的自相关函数和偏相关函数来识别模型的种类和排序是可行的(表1)。


模型参数估计在确定模型的阶数后,需要对模型的参数进行估计。参数估计包括粗估计和提取估计。采用矩量法对粗参数进行估计。本文的估计值可以由P对P *之间的线性关系的估计值得到



建立平稳时间序列的目的是根据过去和现在的观测时间序列样本估计未来某一时刻的随机变量。假设{x z平均平稳时间序列,预测公式为:

















3)不同的预测模型适用于不同的子序列,可以克服单一预测模型的不足,提高预测的准确性,在注浆的同时预测变形结果是非常必要的。准确的预测可以作出预警,减少或避免灾难。承认这项研究得到了国家自然科学的支持中国基金会(批准号:40774009),是国家重点扶持的专项基金山东泰山学者。中国(Girant No TSXZ0502)。国家测绘局测绘地球空间重点实验室。中国(批准号200801)、国家测绘局海岛与岛礁测绘重点实验室(2009B05、2009B06)









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