
 2023-08-23 14:54:24



Abstract. With the development of the Internet, the development of the Internet of Things (IoT) has also been promoted. The IoT is a network of “objects and objects connected.” The IoT is based on cloud computing platforms and wireless networks. It acquires data based on sensor groups and conducts decision analysis to change the behavior control and feedback of objects, such as the greenhouse monitoring system studied in this paper. The IoT has subverted the traditional agricultural production model, from the agricultural farming model to the “smart agriculture” production-operation-sales model, which provides a direction for the sustainable development of agriculture in China at this stage. Based on the IoT and Zig Bee wireless sensor network technology, this paper designs a general scheme of an intelligent greenhouse control system based on IoT technology. The greenhouse control strategy was studied using IoT technology and fuzzy adaptive PID control algorithm. The experimental simulation was carried out with MATLAB software. The simulation results show that the optimal control of greenhouse temperature is achieved. The temperature in the greenhouse is always maintained at 16.5 °C -23.0 °C, and the humidity value is always maintained at 68.2% RH-89.3% RH. The test verified that the paper can achieve the expected effect for the greenhouse.

Keywords: cloud computing platforms, smart agriculture, fuzzy adaptive PID, Zig Bee, MATLAB software


The Internet of Things (IoT) is a new technology that connects every object in a system to make it a whole. Integrating IoT technology into greenhouse control systems can make greenhouse monitoring systems more intelligent and coordinated. The main components of the IoT have the following parts. (1) Storage analysis (Buscheck et al., 2012; Zakeri and Syri, 2015; Dickinson et al., 2017; Patle et al., 2019), the server can receive and display the collected data in real time, and give corresponding processing analysis according to different application environments to achieve effective decision- making. (2) Network transmission (Wertheim et al., 2014; Hale et al., 2016; Choudhari et al., 2018), in order to achieve remote operation of the IoT, the collected information must pass through the sensor gateway and then transmitted to the remote server. (3) Information collection (Timonen et al., 2014; Joseph et al., 2019), in the monitoring area, we should deploy a variety of sensors to collect different data information in the environment, and send data through the transmitting device to form a wireless network.

Intelligent control (Kazmierkowski, 2014; Yoh-Han et al., 2016; Li et al., 2017; Jurkowski et al., 2015) combines its module with other controllers to achieve system control. After receiving the sent control command, different submodules will cooperate with each other. (5) Environment (Yahya et al., 2018), the collection and transmission of information is usually done through the environment, first of all, to perceive the surrounding environment, and then adjust the information through the corresponding control equipment. IoT technology is the product of the development of new generation information technology, and has been highly valued and widely used in wireless communication applications.

The IoT is generally combined with Zig Bee wireless sensor network technology ( Espinosafaller, 2012), which is a short-range, low-rate wireless communication technology. The name of Zig Bee comes from the body language of the bees. When the bees find pollen, they will dance in a zig-zag motion. Through this splay, the message of the pollenrsquo;s position and distance will be transmitted to the companion. It was formerly known as “Home RF Lite” or “Fire Fly” communication technology for wireless communication at close range (Yusof et al., 2015; Hithnawi et al., 2016; Tianlei, 2019). Zig Bee has the characteristics of small size, low energy consumption, short delay, large network capacity and strong stability. It can be easily integrated into various devices and is suitable for various intelligent control areas (Zheng et al., 2018). Zig Beersquo;s network/security layer is responsible for providing LG WPAN with Zig Bee wireless network formation, network protection and information management services, and defines some common application function interfaces, defining appropriate service interfaces for the application layer to ensure stable operation of the MAC layer (Messo et al., 2013; Jang et al., 2015; Kasim et al., 2019). The application framework layer mainly contains application support layers, Zig Bee device objects, objects provided by the manufacturer, and is used to provide some common application framework models for Zig Bee applications (Fan et al., 2011; Nkwuda et al., 2019). Based on the IoT architecture, Zig Bee wireless sensor network technology has been applied to the greenhouse.

The greenhouse is also called glasshouse. Its main function is to plant crops and to maintain the function of heat preservation and light transmission. In the spring and winter seasons, there are some crops that are not suitable for growing. The greenhouse can artificially provide a growing environment for crops, which in turn increases crop yields. The variety of greenhouses can be divided into many different types depending on the roofing materials, lighting supplies, appearance and heating conditions. From the structure of the greenhouse, it should be a confined space and able to maintain temperature, while also having the function of facilitating ventilation and reducing temperature. Todayrsquo;s modern greenhouses use the computer control system to achieve intelligent contro


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随着互联网的发展,物联网的发展也被提升了。物联网是由“连接的对象和对象”组成的网络。物联网基于云计算平台和无线网络。它根据传感器组获取数据并进行决策分析,以改变对象(例如温室)的行为控制和反馈本文研究了监控系统。物联网颠覆了传统的农业生产模式,从农业耕作模式到“智能农业”的生产,经营,销售模式,这为现阶段中国农业的可持续发展提供了方向。基于物联网和Zig Bee无线传感器网络技术,本文设计了一种通用的方案基于物联网技术的智能温室控制系统。温室控制策略是采用物联网技术和模糊自适应PID控制算法进行研究。实验模拟是用MATLAB软件进行。仿真结果表明,温室控制策略是采用物联网技术和模糊自适应PID控制算法进行研究。温室中的温度始终保持在16.5°C -23.0°C,并且湿度值始终保持在68.2%RH-89.3%RH。试验证明,本论文能够达到温室的预期效果。

关键字:云计算平台,智能农业,模糊自适应PID,Zig Bee,MATLAB软件


物联网(IoT)是一种新技术,可将物联网中的每个对象连接在一起。系统使其整体化。将物联网技术集成到温室控制系统中可以使温室监控系统更加智能和协调。主要的物联网的组件包括以下部分。 (1)储存分析(Buscheck等,2012; Zakeri和Syri,2015年; Dickinson等人,2017年; Patle等人,2019),服务器可以实时接收并显示采集到的数据,并进行相应处理根据不同的应用环境进行分析以实现有效的决策。 (2)网络传输(Wertheim等,2014; Hale等,2016; Choudhari等(2018),为了实现物联网的远程操作,收集信息必须通过传感器网关,然后传输到远程服务器。 (3)在监测中的信息收集(Timonen等,2014; Joseph等,2019)区域中,我们应该部署各种传感器来收集不同的数据信息。环境,并通过传输设备以形成无线网络发送数据。(4)智能控制(Kazmierkowski,2014; Yoh-Han等,2016; Li等,2017;Jurkowski等人,2015年)将其模块与其他控制器结合在一起以实现系统控制。在接收到发送的控制命令后,不同的子模块将相互协作。 (5) 环境(Yahya等人,2018),信息的收集和传输通常是通过环境来完成的,首先是感知周围环境,然后通过相应的控制设备来调整信息。物联网技术是新一代信息技术发展的产物,在无线通信领域得到了高度重视和广泛应用。

物联网通常与Zig Bee无线传感器网络技术相结合(Espinosafaller,2012年),这是一种短距离,低速率的无线通信技术。 Zig Bee的名字来自蜜蜂的肢体语言。当蜜蜂找到花粉,就会以之字形的动作跳舞。。通过这个过程,花粉的位置和距离的信息将传递给同伴。它以前称为“家用RF Lite”或“萤火虫”通信技术,用于近距离无线通信(Yusof等人,2015; Hithnawi等人,2016;天磊,2019)。 Zig Bee具有体积小,能耗低,时延短,网络容量大,稳定性强的特点。它可以轻松集成到各种设备,适用于各种智能控制领域(Zheng等,2018)。Zig Bee的网络/安全层负责为LG WPAN提供Zig Bee无线网络形成,网络保护和信息管理服务,并定义一些通用的应用程序功能接口,定义适当的服务应用层的接口以确保MAC层的稳定运行(Messo等,2013; Jang等,2015; Kasim等人,2019)。应用框架层主要包含应用程序支持层,Zig Bee设备对象,由制造商提供,并用于提供一些常见的应用程序框架模型用于Zig Bee的应用(Fan等,2011; Nkwuda等,2019)。基于物联网在架构方面,Zig Bee无线传感器网络技术已应用于温室。

暖室也称为温室。它的主要功能是种植农作物和保持保温与透光。在春天和冬季,有些农作物不适合种植。温室可以人为地提供农作物的生长环境,从而增加农作物的生长产量。根据屋顶材料、照明设备、外观和供暖条件的不同,温室的种类可以分为许多不同的类型。从温室的结构来看,它应该是一个密闭的空间并能够保持同时具有促进通风和降低温度的功能。当今的现代温室使用计算机控制系统来实现智能控制温室中的环境因素,从而改善作物生长的生长环境。温室主要使用遮阳材料建造一些或全部外壳,并可在寒冷季节或作物生长不适宜的气候条件下为作物建造相应的温室(Messelink,2014;Snipen,2015年; Azeem 等人,2018)。

影响农作物生长发育的主要因素是:温度,湿度,光线,空气,生物因素等(Vakilian和Massah,2017年)。 这些因素不是单独存在的,而是彼此有密切的关系。 庄稼的生长是通常会受到环境整合的影响。 作物生长往往受复杂环境因素的影响。其中,温度和湿度等因素最为重要,通过保持温室生态环境的稳定性来控制它们以维持适合作物生长的环境。

基于物联网架构和Zig-Bee无线传感器网络技术(Zhang等人,2018a;Okpoli,2019),本文设计了基于物联网技术的智能温室控制系统总体方案。应用物联网技术和模糊自适应PID控制算法结合温室,分析温室环境因素的特点。如上所述对温度、湿度、光照等进行了验证,确定了温室环境的主要控制参数。根据控制特性的主要因素,各种环境因素的控制方案设计了温室,并建立了相应的数学模型。研究了温室温度控制策略(Zhang等,2018b; Sunny等人,2018)。实验测试证明该系统设计可以达到温室的预期效果。然后,根据温室温度的非线性和大滞后特性,建立了模糊自适应PID控制器的设计。根据温室温度的实际要求,在线调整PID参数,以实现温室的最佳控制温度(Zou,2018)。仿真结果表明该算法在温度控制过程中的有效性中具有良好的效果。







e(t)=y(t) r(t) (Eq.1)




(1) 当偏差较大时,应取较大的比例系数,以保证系统的加速度响应速度;为避免偏差变化过大引起的微分饱和,控制效果超出范围,微分系数变化应较小;系统响应过高,导致积分饱和,应消除积分作用;







隐藏层节点的传递函数为高斯函数:f(x) = exp(- x2/b) = exp(-delta;2K/b),其中参数b控制钟形高斯曲线宽度的影响。每个隐层节点的高斯函数的中心值是 ,K  1,2,...N,将隐藏节点的净输入定义为输入X与隐藏节点的RBF中心向量之间的欧氏距离(式3),即:

隐层节点的输出yK f K .表示输入模式离开隐式节点表示的RBF中心的程度。网络的最终输出层是隐藏层节点输出的线性组合。节点的输出为:

其中是输出层的权重,Z  z1, z2,..., zN 是隐藏层输出。









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