
 2022-11-03 21:29:57

A chain store marketing information system: realizing Internet-based enterprise integration and electronic commerce

Charles V. Trappey

Department of Management Science, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Republic of China

Amy J.C. Trappey

Department of Industrial Engineering, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Republic of China


The evolutionary trend of global retailing is to move away from disaggregate independent stores that sell a limited range products and toward an aggregation of stores (malls), larger stores (hypermarkets), or chain stores that provide wider assortments of products and economies of scale. With the continuing industrialization of countries and the increasing limitations on consumersrsquo; time, traditional and independent retail stores are ill-equipped to satisfy modern consumer demand. As a result, retailers are shifting from a singular focus on product distribution to a more complex emphasis on logistics and store management designed to satisfy the needs and lifestyles of the consumers.

A report published by Nielsen (1990) models problems with the traditional marketing channels as a deadlock in the flow of information. Communication becomes restricted when layers of manufacturer representatives and layers of retail buyers are used in the process of selecting merchandise for consumers. The use of traditional channels of communication results in the loss of data and negatively impacts customer satisfaction. When incomplete market information is used to select the target customers, to plan the merchandise assortments, and to evaluate the results of the marketing strategy, then incomplete product offerings and incorrect assortments are offered to consumers.

Point of sales (POS) systems provide a means to collect and transmit marketing channel information. However, by their very nature of providing a continuous stream of data, POS systems have a tendency to overwhelm retailers and manufacturers with too much information. The key to the effective use of POS data is to build data models to store and process the data. If data are integrated from manufacturer to retailer, and if an integrated communications environment is built, then buyers and sales representatives can use information for more efficient planning and negotiation.

The focus of this research is to build a marketing information system that can be used to communicate between stores and head quarters and demonstrate the competitive advantage of integrated data systems. The prototype information system is constructed based on an EXPRESS data model. The data model can represent much of the information related to the business of retail stores, including shelf layout and sales analysis. The system enables the retailer to trace product sales, evaluate promotion strategies, and plan product shelf layout across the chain stores. The system helps managers manipulate shelf space to attract consumers and to increase profits. Managers are better enabled to plan merchandise and to decide the inventory level of products in the store, reducing the costs of an unbalanced inventory.


In this research, current information about store products, promotion activities, and sales are placed in an object-oriented (O-O) database developed using ObjectStore (1993). Information schemes are constructed using STEP (1994), a means to develop standard market information models to represent data related to products, promotion and sales. The models are used to study changes in the market place and to develop market strategies. The objective of this research is to construct a chain store marketing information system (MIS). The system writes and retrieves data from an O-O database and communicates with users in remote sites by way of the World Wide Web (WWW). The ObjectStore database, in combination with the data models, forms a computer-aided marketing information and decision support tool. This section introduces the concepts of chain store management, retail POS systems, and the retail information systems. The standard data modeling and exchange technique, STEP/EXPRESS (ISO10303-1, 1994), is depicted in the second subsection. Finally, the concept of a common gateway interface (CGI) is introduced as a technique for Web-based system development.

Chain store management

This section describes types of retail stores and the relationship of breadth and depth of merchandise to chain store management.

Cheesman and Wilkinson (1995) depict the current trend and development of Taiwanrsquo;s retail stores, which can be viewed as the general pattern of retail evolution in Asia. Taipei City for example covers an area approximately 20 kilometers in radius. Within the city there are over two million people,five million cars and ten million motorcycles. Traffic is badly congested most of the time and particularly throughout the day when retailers attempt to replenish inventories. The demographics of this crowded urban environment necessitates the use of retail chains that allow consumers to buy products close to home and throughout the day and night. The transformation of the Taipei, Taiwan retail environment provides a leading example of the scale and rapidity of retail transition occurring across Asia. Particularly in China, the need for retail information systems is growing at an incredible rate. Even though the information needs are the same as the rest of the world, developing economies are at a disadvantage implementing costly MIS solutions seen in developed economies. Thus, the trend in Asia is to build flexible, adaptable, PC-based systems that can be applied across similar retail formats and merchandise assortments. The merchandise assortment (depth and breadth) serves as the means to c



查尔斯V. 特拉皮


艾米J.C. 特拉皮





销售点(POS)系统提供了一种手机和传播营销渠道信息的方式。然而, 由于他们本身的性质提供一个连续的数据流,POS系统有一种倾向,在过多的信息中淹没零售商和制造商。对POS数据有效利用的关键点是建立数据模型来存储和处理数据。如果数据从零售商和制造商集成,并且如果建立一个集成的通讯环境,那么消费者和销售代表可以利用信息进行更有效的规划和谈判。



在本次研究中,产品存储的信息,促销活动,和销售放在面向对象(OO)的数据库开发利用ObjectStore(1993)。信息的体系是用STEP(1994)构建,一种发展标准的市场信息模型来表示相关的产品数据、推广和销售的方法。该模型用于研究市场的变化,制定市场的战略。本次研究的目标是构建一个连锁店的营销信息系统(MIS)。该系统从一个面向对象的数据库写入和检索数据,通过万维网(WWW)在远程站点的用户进行通信。ObjectStore数据库,结合数据模型形成一个计算机辅助的营销信息和决策支持工具。本部分主要介绍了连锁经营的概念、零售POS系统、零售信息系统。标准的数据建模和数据交换技术,STEP/EXPRESS (ISO10303-1, 1994)在第二分段中描述。最后,通用网管接口(CGI)的概念是一种基于Web的系统开发技术。






三组:第三组的商品范围有限,类别比较少。然而,目标类别的商品的深度是非常广泛的。这种类型的商店被称作“品类杀手”只在一个非常大的商店里卖一个或几个类别的商品。比如Tower Records专注于卖录制唱片和“R”Us只专注于卖玩具。



Lin和Liao(1997)描述了一个封闭的POS 系统建立了台湾的中国石油加油站连锁商店,最初的系统包括了几个测试商店,向顾客提供收据和自动加油卡。完全实现的POS系统,昂贵的软硬件都需要连接台湾的所有加油站。作者报告说在系统建成以后,既昂贵又很难添加功能或者改变数据输入格式。因此,零售企业寻找小型经济鼓励来投资和实施这种类型的电子(EC)商务解决方案。对于服装零售业和特别品类杀手,消费者对品类的需求使得必须不断的推出产品。如果是传统的封闭POS系统,只能提供优势在于基本的核算资料。管理者就不能够灵活和动态的做出在竞争性的消费市场中非常必要的采购决策。





EXPRESS是一种概念模式语言,定义单位和约束对象。EXPRESS有几个功能单元,包括一个编辑器和一个浏览器,规范化STEP一致性和实体约束,以及IGES,DXF和STEP之间的格式传输,模式检测和测试。EXPRESS-formatted 文档是一个独立文本文档。包含了中性模型的编译和转换媒介。EXPRESS没有输入输出功能也不能提供数据库模式,文档格式或是传输语法。因此,另一种更高级别的语言比如说C 和VB被用于辅助模型建立。EXPRESS的实体的目前信息,行为表示约束或约束与信息的组合。EXPRESS-G是EXPRESS的接口的图形表示,把数据模型转换成图形,让使用者能够更直观的浏览或者编辑数据模型。


CGI是外部应用程序(CGI程序)与服务器之间的接口标准,比如HTTP 或Web服务器。一个普通的HTML文档是一个静态的Web网页。意味着它作为一个文档的永恒状态存在。一个CGI程序是实时执行和输出动态信息。CGI程序在万维网服务器和外部数据库(或者信息源)之间提供了一种中间件。CGI定义了一种Web服务的方式,来容纳额外的程序,可用于访问外部应用程序的服务,或者是在任何一个动态Web文档内容中的数据源。CGI程序允许一个Web服务器从外部数据库提供信息给Web客户端。,否则,这些Web服务端就无法以可读的形式获取。这使得,例如一个万维网的客户端,可以以指定的Web文档的格式向Oracle数据库发出查询请求,并接收相应的回复。





EXPRESS-G在图形3中提供了所有实体的表示,商店数据模型包括用lt;store_idgt;来表明商店,用lt;addressgt; 和lt;tel_nogt; 来记录商店的地理位置和电话号码,lt;total_areagt;来表示商店的总面积,lt;drawinggt;来表示商店平面布置图。最后, lt;shelfgt;表示商店里货架的数据,lt;productgt;表示商店内商品的数据。在商店数据模型中,lt;drawinggt; lt;shelfgt; 和 lt;productgt;的属性是实体。一个lt;drawinggt;实体包括the lt;graph_idgt;和lt;up_dategt;。一个lt;shelfgt;实体包括lt;shelf_nogt;,lt;drawinggt;表和lt;shelf_sizegt;属性。lt;Layer_sizegt;通过lt;layer_nogt;, lt;lengthgt;, lt;widthgt;, lt;heightgt;, 和lt;layer_showgt;作为描述性属性定义。

第二种数据模型被称为lt;productgt;,也是一个实体。lt;productgt;实体通过的lt;producergt;, lt;categorygt;, lt;brand_namegt;和 已售货物lt;product_ batchesgt; 这些属性定义。另外,实体包括了商品应该通过lt;locationgt;属性来表示存放位置。产品数据模型最重要的属性是lt;product_batchgt;,在零售商店中,通常由成千上万的商品。每一个商品都根据他的不同运输装载批次有不同的购买价格。这种情况模型通过属性来列出运装批次,lt;product_batchgt;,通过不同单位的成本核算不同运装批



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