
 2023-01-14 13:12:59

Java Concurrency in Practice

Brian Goetz with Tim Peierls Joshua Bloch Joseph Bowbeer David Holmes and Doug Lea

Writing correct programs is hard; writing correct concurrent programs is harder.

There are simply more things that can go wrong in a concurrent program than

in a sequential one. So, why do we bother with concurrency? Threads are an

inescapable feature of the Java language, and they can simplify the develop-

ment of complex systems by turning complicated asynchronous code into simpler

straight-line code. In addition, threads are the easiest way to tap the computing

power of multiprocessor systems. And, as processor counts increase, exploiting

concurrency effectively will only become more important.

A (very) brief history of concurrency

In the ancient past, computers didnrsquo;t have operating systems; they executed a

single program from beginning to end, and that program had direct access to all

the resources of the machine. Not only was it difficult to write programs that ran

on the bare metal, but running only a single program at a time was an inefficient

use of expensive and scarce computer resources.

Operating systems evolved to allow more than one program to run at once,

running individual programs in processes: isolated, independently executing pro-

grams to which the operating system allocates resources such as memory, file

handles, and security credentials. If they needed to, processes could communi-

cate with one another through a variety of coarse-grained communication mech-

anisms: sockets, signal handlers, shared memory, semaphores, and files.

Several motivating factors led to the development of operating systems that

allowed multiple programs to execute simultaneously:

Resource utilization. Programs sometimes have to wait for external operations

such as input or output, and while waiting can do no useful work. It is

more efficient to use that wait time to let another program run.

Fairness. Multiple users and programs may have equal claims on the machinersquo;s

resources. It is preferable to let them share the computer via finer-grained

time slicing than to let one program run to completion and then start an-


Convenience. It is often easier or more desirable to write several programs that

each perform a single task and have them coordinate with each other as

necessary than to write a single program that performs all the tasks.

In early timesharing systems, each process was a virtual von Neumann com-

puter; it had a memory space storing both instructions and data, executing in-

structions sequentially according to the semantics of the machine language, and

interacting with the outside world via the operating system through a set of I/O

primitives. For each instruction executed there was a clearly defined “next in-

struction”, and control flowed through the program according to the rules of the

instruction set. Nearly all widely used programming languages today follow this

sequential programming model, where the language specification clearly defines

“what comes next” after a given action is executed.

The sequential programming model is intuitive and natural, as it models the

way humans work: do one thing at a time, in sequence—mostly. Get out of

bed, put on your bathrobe, go downstairs and start the tea. As in programming

languages, each of these real-world actions is an abstraction for a sequence of

finer-grained actions—open the cupboard, select a flavor of tea, measure some

tea into the pot, see if therersquo;s enough water in the teakettle, if not put some more

water in, set it on the stove, turn the stove on, wait for the water to boil, and so on.

This last step—waiting for the water to boil—also involves a degree of asynchrony.

While the water is heating, you have a choice of what to do—just wait, or do

other tasks in that time such as starting the toast (another asynchronous task) or

fetching the newspaper, while remaining aware that your attention will soon be

needed by the teakettle. The manufacturers of teakettles and toasters know their

products are often used in an asynchronous manner, so they raise an audible

signal when they complete their task. Finding the right balance of sequentiality

and asynchrony is often a characteristic of efficient people—and the same is true

of programs.

The same concerns (resource utilization, fairness, and convenience) that mo-

tivated the development of processes also motivated the development of threads.

Threads allow multiple streams of program control flow to coexist within a proc-

ess. They share process-wide resources such as memory and file handles, but

each thread has its own program counter, stack, and local variables. Threads also

provide a natural decomposition for exploiting hardware parallelism on multi-

processor systems; multiple threads within the same program can be scheduled

simultaneously on multiple CPUs.

Threads are sometimes called lightweight processes, and most modern oper-

ating systems treat threads, not processes, as the basic units of scheduling. In

the absence of explicit coordination, threads execute simultaneously and asyn-

chronously with respect to one another. Since threads share the memory address

space of their owning process, all threads within a process have access to the same

variables and allocate objects from the same heap, which allows finer-grained data

sharing than inter-process mechanisms. But without explicit synchronization to

coordinate access to shared data, a thread may modify v


Java Concurrency in Practice

Brian Goetz with Tim Peierls Joshua Bloch Joseph Bowbeer David Holmes and Doug Lea

Writing correct programs is hard; writing correct concurrent programs is harder.

There are simply more things that can go wrong in a concurrent program than

in a sequential one. So, why do we bother with concurrency? Threads are an

inescapable feature of the Java language, and they can simplify the develop-

ment of complex systems by turning complicated asynchronous code into simpler

straight-line code. In addition, threads are the easiest way to tap the computing

power of multiprocessor systems. And, as processor counts increase, exploiting

concurrency effectively will only become more important.

A (very) brief history of concurrency

In the ancient past, computers didnrsquo;t have operating systems; they executed a

single program from beginning to end, and that program had direct access to all

the resources of the machine. Not only was it difficult to write programs that ran

on the bare metal, but running only a single program at a time was an inefficient

use of expensive and scarce computer resources.

Operating systems evolved to allow more than one program to run at once,

running individual programs in processes: isolated, independently executing pro-

grams to which the operating system allocates resources such as memory, file

handles, and security credentials. If they needed to, processes could communi-

cate with one another through a variety of coarse-grained communication mech-

anisms: sockets, signal handlers, shared memory, semaphores, and files.

Several motivating factors led to the development of operating systems that

allowed multiple programs to execute simultaneously:

Resource utilization. Programs sometimes have to wait for external operations

such as input or output, and while waiting can do no useful work. It is

more efficient to use that wait time to let another program run.

Fairness. Multiple users and programs may have equal claims on the machinersquo;s

resources. It is preferable to let them share the computer via finer-grained

time slicing than to let one program run to completion and then start an-


Convenience. It is often easier or more desirable to write several programs that

each perform a single task and have them coordinate with each other as

necessary than to write a single program that performs all the tasks.

In early timesharing systems, each process was a virtual von Neumann com-

puter; it had a memory space storing both instructions and data, executing in-

structions sequentially according to the semantics of the machine language, and

interacting with the outside world via the operating system through a set of I/O

primitives. For each instruction executed there was a clearly defined “next in-

struction”, and control flowed through the program according to the rules of the

instruction set. Nearly all widely used programming languages today follow this

sequential programming model, where the language specification clearly defines

“what comes next” after a given action is executed.

The sequential programming model is intuitive and natural, as it models the

way humans work: do one thing at a time, in sequence—mostly. Get out of

bed, put on your bathrobe, go downstairs and start the tea. As in programming

languages, each of these real-world actions is an abstraction for a sequence of

finer-grained actions—open the cupboard, select a flavor of tea, measure some

tea into the pot, see if therersquo;s enough water in the teakettle, if not put some more

water in, set it on the stove, turn the stove on, wait for the water to boil, and so on.

This last step—waiting for the water to boil—also involves a degree of asynchrony.

While the water is heating, you have a choice of what to do—just wait, or do

other tasks in that time such as starting the toast (another asynchronous task) or

fetching the newspaper, while remaining aware that your attention will soon be

needed by the teakettle. The manufacturers of teakettles and toasters know their

products are often used in an asynchronous manner, so they raise an audible

signal when they complete their task. Finding the right balance of sequentiality

and asynchrony is often a characteristic of efficient people—and the same is true

of programs.

The same concerns (resource utilization, fairness, and convenience) that mo-

tivated the development of processes also motivated the development of threads.

Threads allow multiple streams of program control flow to coexist within a proc-

ess. They share process-wide resources such as memory and file handles, but

each thread has its own program counter, stack, and local variables. Threads also

provide a natural decomposition for exploiting hardware parallelism on multi-

processor systems; multiple threads within the same program can be scheduled

simultaneously on multiple CPUs.

Threads are sometimes called lightweight processes, and most modern oper-

ating systems treat threads, not processes, as the basic units of scheduling. In

the absence of explicit coordination, threads execute simultaneously and asyn-

chronously with respect to one another. Since threads share the memory address

space of their owning process, all threads within a process have access to the same

variables and allocate objects from the same heap, which allows finer-grained data

sharing than inter-process mechanisms. But without explicit synchronization to

coordinate access to shared data, a thread may modify v



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