20121344018吴乾泰 软件工程1班计算机与软件学院外文翻译资料

 2022-12-06 15:16:06

20121344018吴乾泰 软件工程1班 计算机与软件学院

The Evolution of the Web and Implications for an Incremental Crawler

Junghoo Cho, Hector Garcia-Molina

Department of Computer Science

Stanford, CA 94305 {cho, hector}@cs.stanford.edu

December 2, 1999


In this paper we study how to build an effective incremental crawler. The crawler selectively and incrementally updates its index and/or local collection of web pages, instead of periodically refreshing the collection in batch mode. The incremental crawler can improve the “freshness” of the collection significantly and bring in new pages in a more timely manner. We first present results from an experiment conducted on more than half million web pages over 4 months, to estimate how web pages evolve over time. Based on these experimental results, we compare various design choices for an incremental crawler and discuss their trade-offs. We propose an architecture for the incremental crawler, which combines the best design choices.

1 Introduction

2 Experimental setup

Our initial experiment tries to answer the following questions about the evolving web:

bull; How often does a web page change?

bull; What is the lifespan of a page?

bull; How long does it take for 50% of the web to change?

bull; Can we describe changes of web pages by a mathematical model?

Note that an incremental crawler itself also has to answer some of these questions. For instance, the crawler has to estimate how often a page changes, in order to decide how often to revisit the page. The techniques used for our experiment will shed a light on how an incremental crawler should operate and which statistics-gathering mechanisms it should adopt.

To answer our questions, we crawled around 720,000 pages from 270 sites every day, from February 17th through June 24th, 1999. This was done with the Stanford WebBase crawler, a system designed to create and maintain large web repositories (currently 210GB of HTML is stored). In this section we briefly discuss how the particular sites and pages were selected.

2.1 Monitoring technique

For our experiment, we adopted an active crawling approach with a page window. With active crawling, a crawler visits pages of interest periodically to see if they have changed. This is in contrast to a passive scheme, where say a proxy server tracks the fraction of new pages it sees, driven by the demand of its local users. A passive scheme is less obtrusive, since no additional load is placed on web servers beyond what would naturally be placed. However, we use active crawling because it lets us collect much better statistics, i.e., we can determine what pages to check and how frequently.

The pages to actively crawl are determined as follows. We start with a list of root pages for sites of interest. We periodically revisit these pages, and visit some predetermined number of pages that are reachable, breadth first, from that root. This gives us a window of pages at each site, whose contents may vary from visit to visit. Pages may leave the window if they are deleted or moved deeper within the site. Pages may also enter the window, as they are created or moved closer to the root. Thus, this scheme is superior to one that simply tracks a fixed set of pages, since such a scheme would not capture new pages.

We considered a variation of the page window scheme, where pages that disappeared from the window would still be tracked, if they still exist elsewhere in the site. This scheme could yield slightly better statistics on the lifetime of pages. However, we did not adopt this variation because it forces us to crawl a growing number of pages at each site. As we discuss in more detail below, we very much wanted to bound the load placed on web servers throughout our experiment.

2.2 Site selection

To select the actual sites for our experiment, we used the snapshot of 25 million web pages in our WebBase repository. Based on this snapshot, we identified top 400 “popular” sites as the candidate sites (The definition of the “popular” site is given below.). Then, we contacted the webmasters of all candidate sites to get their permission for our experiment. After this step, 270 sites remained, including sites such as Yahoo (http://yahoo.com), Microsoft (http://microsoft.com), and Stanford (http://www.stanford.edu). Obviously, focusing on the “popular” sites biases our results to a certain degree, but we believe this bias is toward what most people are interested in.

To measure the popularity of a site, we used modified PageRank metric [PB98]. Informally, the PageRank metric considers a page “popular” if it is linked to by many other web pages. More precisely, the PageRank of page P, PR(P), is defined by

PR(P) = d (1 minus; d)[PR(P1)/c1 ... PR(Pn)/cn]

where P1,...,Pn are the pages pointing to P, and c1,...,cn are the number of links going out from pages P1,...,Pn, and d is a damping factor, which was 0.9 in our experiment. This leads to one equation per web page, with an equal number of unknowns. The equations can be solved for the PR values iteratively, starting with all PR values equal to 1. At each step, the new PR(P) value is computed from the old PR(Pi) values (using the equation above), until the values converge. Intuitively, PR(P) value gives us the probability that “random web surfer” is at P at a given time.


20121344018吴乾泰 软件工程1班计算机与软件学院

The Evolution of the Web and Implications for an Incremental Crawler

Junghoo Cho, Hector Garcia-Molina

Department of Computer Science

Stanford, CA 94305 {cho, hector}@cs.stanford.edu

December 2, 1999



2. 实验设计






3. 试验结果


基于我们收集到的数据,我们可以分析一个网页变动需要多长时间。举个例子,如果一个页面我们监控了50天,在此期间变动了5次,我们可以估算该页面的平均变动时间间隔为50天/ 5 = 10天。需要注意的是估计的变动时间间隔的粒度是一天(24小时),因为我们只能检测每天至多一个变化,即使页面变动的更频繁。此外,如果一个页面一天变动了多次,然后一直没有新的变动,也就是说,一个星期(图1(b)),那么,最后估计的时间间隔可能比真实的结果更长。在这种情况下,我们可以解释我们的估计值是批量变动的频率,这可能比单个变动的平均时间间隔更有意义。

Figure 2: Fraction of pages with given average interval of change


从图2(a)的第一列,我们可以看到大量的页面变动频率很高,超过20%的页面每天都在更新。从图2(b)看到,这些经常更新的页面主要来自 .com 域名。.com 域名的页面有超过40%每天都会更新,而其他域名的页面不到10%(图2(b)第一列)。还有一点,edu 和 gov 域名的页面极少变动。这两个域名下的网页超过50%在4个月内都没有更新(图2(b)第5列)。显然,在商业网站的网页,这些网页由专业人员维护,更新很频繁,为了提供及时的信息和吸引更多的用户。



3.2 一个网页的生命周期是多久?



我们的实验是在一个有限的时间内进行,所以测量页面的可视寿命其实没有我们刚才描述的那么简单。图3详细地说明了这个问题。对于实验周期内新出现,并且在实验周期内消失的页面,我们可以精确地测量出它的lsquo;可见寿命rsquo;。但是,对于之前就已经存在的页面(如图3(a)和(d)),或在我们的实验结束时(图3的(c)和(d))还为小事的页面,我们无法统计。考虑到这个偏差的存在,我们使用了两种不同的方式预测页面的lsquo;可见周期rsquo;。首先,我们用图3中的长度作为页面的寿命(方法1),其次,我们假定(a),(c),(d) 中的页面寿命为长度的两倍(方法2 )。显然,(a),(c),(d) 中的网页寿命可以是他的长度到无限中间的任何一个值,但我们相信2倍是合理的估计。


有趣的是,我们可以看到,有较长生命周期的网页的比例很特别。所有域名的网页都有70%以上留在我们的监控中一个月以上(图4(a)中,第三和第四列),并且 edu 和 gov 域名的网页有50%以上存活了超过4个月。和预期的一样,com 域名的网页寿命最短,edu 和 org 的网页寿命最长。

3.3 半数的网页更新需要多长的时间?


我们探究 监控中 p% 的网页都发生了变化需要多长的时间。


从图5(a)中,我们可以看到,50%的网页都变化或被换掉需要约50天。从图5(b)中,我们可以确认不同的域名下的页面变动频率差别很大。例如,com 域名的页面达到50%的变动需要11天,而 gov 域名的页面达到相同的变动比例需要4个月。和前面的结果类似,com域名的页面是变化最活跃的,其次是 net,org 域名。edu 和 gov 域名相对静态。同样,我们的结果凸显了对于一个爬虫来说,能够跟踪这些差异性的变化是非常重要的。

3.4 页面的变动可以用数学模型来描述吗?


Figure 6: Change intervals of pages








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