
 2022-11-29 15:30:10

Visual FoxPro was a data-centric, object-oriented, procedural, programming language produced byMicrosoft. It was derived from FoxPro (originally known as FoxBASE) which was developed by Fox Software beginning in 1984. It contained the fastest PC-based database engine available at the time.[citation needed] Fox Technologies merged with Microsoft in 1992, after which the software acquired further features and the prefix 'Visual'. The database engine is more powerful than the Microsoft Jet Database Engine which is used by Microsoft Access.[citation needed] (FoxPro 2.6) worked on Mac OS, DOS,Windows, and Unix: Visual FoxPro 3.0, the first 'Visual' version, reduced platform support to only Mac[6]and Windows, and later versions 5, 6, 7, 8 amp; 9 were Windows-only. The current version of Visual FoxPro isCOM-based and Microsoft has stated that they do not intend to create a Microsoft .NET version.Version 9.0, released in 2004 and updated in 2007, is the final version of the product.

Visual FoxPro originated as a member of the class of languages commonly referred to as 'xBase' languages, which have syntax based on the dBase programming language. Other members of the xBase language family include Clipper and Recital. (A history of the early years of xBase can be found in the dBase article.)

Visual FoxPro, commonly abbreviated as VFP, is tightly integrated with its own relational database engine, which extends FoxPros xBase capabilities to support SQL query and data manipulation. Unlike most database management systems, Visual FoxPro is a full-featured, dynamic programming language that does not require the use of an additional general-purpose programming environment. It can be used to write not just traditional 'fat client' applications, but also middleware and web applications.

In late 2002, it was demonstrated that Visual FoxPro can run on Linux under the Wine Windows compatibility suite. In 2003, this led to complaints by Microsoft: it was claimed that the deployment of runtime FoxPro code on non-Windows machines violates the End User License Agreement.[7]

Visual FoxPro had a rapid rise and fall in popularity as measured by the TIOBE Programming Community Index.[8] In December 2005, VFP broke into the top 20 for the first time. In June 2006 it peaked at position 12, making it (at the time) a 'B' language. By September 2010, FoxPro and its variants had fallen out of the top 50, where it has remained ever since.

In March 2007, Microsoft announced that there will be no VFP 10,[9] thus making VFP9 (released to manufacturing on December 17, 2004) the last co


Visual FoxPro 是 以数据为中心的, 面向对象, 程序,编程语言产生 微软。这是来自 FoxPro (原名FoxBASE)这是由福克斯软件从1984开始。它包含了最快的基于PC的数据库引擎在可用时间。[引文需要] 狐狸技术与微软合并后1992,其中软件获得进一步的特征和前缀“视觉”。数据库引擎是比 微软Jet数据库引擎 由 微软Access使用更强大。[引文需要] (FoxPro 2.6)曾在 Mac OS, DOS,Windows,Unix和 :Visual FoxPro 3,第一个“视觉”版,降低平台支持只有MAC [ 6 ]和窗户,和后来的版本5,6,7,8和9是Windows。当前版本的Visual FoxPro ISCOM基和微软表示,他们不打算创建一个 微软.NET version.version 9、2004发布和更新2007,是产品的最终版本。

Visual FoxPro是作为语言类的成员通常被称为“XBASE语言,具有语法基于 dBASE 编程语言。的XBASE语言家族的其他成员包括 剪 和 独奏会。(一个XBASE的早期历史可以在 dBASE 文章。发现)

Visual FoxPro,通常简称VFP,是与自己的关系数据库引擎紧密集成,扩展FoxPro的XBASE功能支持 SQL查询和数据操作。不像大多数的 数据库管理系统、Visual FoxPro是一个功能齐全, 动态编程语言,不需要额外的通用编程环境的使用。它可以用来写的不只是传统的“胖客户端”应用程序,但也 中间件和Web应用程序 。

在2002年底,它表明,Visual FoxPro可以运行在Linux 的 酒 Windows兼容性套件下。2003,这导致投诉微软:据说运行FoxPro代码在非Windows的机器上部署的 违反最终用户许可协议。[ 7 ]

Visual FoxPro有人气的迅速上升和下降的 TIOBE编程社区指数测量。[ 8 ] 2005十二月,VFP闯入前20的第一次。在2006六月,它达到了第12位,使得它(当时)是一种“B”语言。到2010九月,FoxPro及其变体已经跌出前50名,在那里它一直保持。

2007三月,微软宣布不会有VFP 10,[ 9 ] 使VFP9(发布到生产于2004年12月17日)从微软过去的商业VFP释放。9版的支持在2015年12月31日结束。

在生命结束时宣布,在下一个版本代号为塞德娜工作(命名为最近发现的矮行星的一个 后)这是建立在顶部的VFP9代码库已经开始了。”塞德娜”是一套附加的VFP 9 XBASE的组件来支持各种微软技术包括 SQL Server 2005, 互操作性方案。NET框架,Windows Vista,Office 2007、Windows搜索和 Team Foundation Server (TFS)。微软发布的 塞德娜下共享源 许可在 CodePlex网站。微软已经澄清了VFP的核心仍将 保持闭源。Sedna于2008年1月25日被释放。[ 10 ] 于2008三月的VFP 9 SP2的所有组件(包括XBASE塞德娜)可以在CodePlex社区发展。

月下旬2007 基层 战役开始讲西班牙语的VFP社区在masfoxpro [ 11 ] (“morefoxpro” 英语)签署一份请愿书,微软继续更新VFP或释放到社会的 开源。2007年4月3日,技术出版社指出了这一运动。[ 12 ]

2007年4月3日,微软回应的请愿书,这份声明由Alan Griver:[ 12 ]


“我们没有宣布VFP的结束:显然,VFP应用程序将继续工作。通过我们的一些内部估计,有更多的应用程序运行在vfp2.6比在VFP VFP 2.6没有在多年的支持。Visual VFP 9将通过微软支持2015。

“微软要继续开发FoxPro基础,我们需要考虑创建一个64位开发环境,这将涉及到几乎完全重写核心产品。我们还投资于创建一个可扩展的数据库与SQL Server,包括免费提供的SQL Server Express版。就形成了一个有一个第三方的合作伙伴而言,我们已经听到了一些大客户,这将使他们不可能继续使用FoxPro,因为它将不再是从批准的供应商。我们认为,把环境 CodePlex开源,而平衡的社区和大客户的需求,是最好的前进道路。”



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