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IERI Procedia 4 (2013) 8 – 16

2013 International Conference on Electronic Engineering and Computer Science

Development of Android Application for Language Studies

Christopher Donga, Xing Liua*

aKwantlen Polytechnic University, 12666-72nd Avenue, Surrey, BC V3W 2M8, CANADA


Mobile devices are becoming very popular nowadays. Language textbooks with learning aids on mobile devices can greatly help students with their studies. The authors have been developing learning aids on mobile devices that can be used in language courses. This paper introduces an Android application that can help students to memorize vocabulary. The vocabulary is based on a published textbook. Students who are using the textbook in their courses can review the vocabulary of the textbook using the virtual flashcards and multiple choice quizzes provided by the application which runs on an Android device.

copy; 2013 Christopher Dong, Xing Liu.Published by Elsevier B.V.

Selection and peer review under responsibility of Information Engineering Research Institute

copy; 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.

Selection and peer review under responsibility of Information Engineering Research Institute

Keywords:Android; Language studies; Learning aids; Mobile applications; Software development


Learning aids are essential tools for language courses because they help the students to develop language skills. In the Mandarin courses offered by the authorsrsquo; institution, instructors conduct numerous learning activities and use different tools. For example, students are given crossword puzzles where they can read the clues and then fill in the blanks with the appropriate vocabulary that has been taught. In another activity, students are asked to identify the missing words in a dialogue. These tools and activities are interactive and fun ways that help students to memorize new words effectively.

Many learning tools are already available on the Internet. For instance, YellowBridge [1] provides flashcards based on vocabulary from textbooks. Online flashcards wo k like real-world cardboard flashcards

* Corresponding author. Tel.: 1-604-599-3039; fax: 1-604-599-3242.

E-mail address: xing.liu@kwantlen.ca

2212-6678 copy; 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license. Selection and peer review under responsibility of Information Engineering Research Institute doi:10.1016/j.ieri.2013.11.003

where each card has a prompt side and an answer side. Everyone can access online flashcards. The advantages of online flashcards are instant dictionary reference, interactive pronunciation and session statistics. Session statistics give a summary of how many attempts a user takes to get a correct answer. In addition, the session statistics page allows the users to save the words they got wrong or they were unsure, so that they can review those words at a later time. YellowBridge offers great tools for students to review their vocabulary, but its tools are not for portable mobile devices. As a result, students cannot carry the online flashcards or memory game wherever they go.

Study tools can be found in mobile applications. For instance, Mandarin Comprehension created by Golden Quartz [2] is a fun and free interactive application for anyone who wants to test their Mandarin skills through listening to audio clips and answer questions based on the terms spoken. IndieQ [3] has also produced a Mandarin vocabulary application for the Android platform. This application is a mobile e-Learning quiz program where users have to name the pictures on the flashcards in Mandarin.

There are already many free mobile application based study tools available. However, study tools specifically work with textbooks can be useful for language courses. Students are more likely to focus on the vocabulary from their textbooks, so it is preferable for study tools to be based on the content of a textbook. This paper introduces an Android application designed for students who are learning Mandarin using a textbook titled Integrated Chinese [4]. This application uses flashcards and multiple choice questions to help students learn the vocabulary of the textbook. The application is fun and interactive and provides an interesting way to learn Mandarin.

Application GUI Design

The graphical user interface of the application was designed using a markup language called extensible markup language (XML). There are six interfaces in this application. The interfaces are designed in such a way that they can work with phones that have small, normal and large screens. The main interface consists of two buttons called Flashcards and Multiple Choice Quiz. The two buttons lead the users to a secondary menu interface where they can select items from a dropdown list before the application can generate the flashcards or multiple choice questions.

When the Flashcards button is clicked, a menu interface appears which requests the user to select a lesson numbered 1 to 10 from a dropdown list called a spinner. There is another spinner for the user to select the type of words to appear on the front of a flashcard. The options from this spinner are Chinese character, Pinyin or Translation.

The flashcard interface has three text views at the centre of the screen. These text views are used to display the Chinese character, Pinyin and English word. Two





科伦特伦理工大学,12666-72nd大道,萨里,BC V3W 2M8,加拿大



copy;2013作者。由Elsevier B.V.开放存取根据CC - nc - nd许可证。


关键词: 安卓系统;语言学习;学习辅助工具;移动应用程序;软件开发

1. 简介





2. 应用程序GUI设计






2.1. 用例图


图1. 用例图

2.2 流程图


图2. 抽认卡的流程图


图3. 多项选择测验的流程图

3. 实现

应用程序是使用Eclipse IDE实现的。Eclipse是一个免费的开源软件。该软件与Windows和Mac操作系统兼容。Eclipse是与Android开发工具(ADT)一起安装的。ADT是Eclipse的一个插件,它为开发人员提供了构建Android应用程序的集成环境。ADT可以免费下载,它为所有平台开发Android应用程序提供了必要的工具。

根据在2013年1月3日结束的14天内收集到的数据, Android 2.3仍然活跃在47.4%的Google Play的设备中[5]。因此,应用程序的开发应该使用Android 2.3或更低的版本。本文的应用程序是使用Android 2.2开发的,所以它与大多数的Android手机相兼容。应用程序是使用Java编程语言构建的。应用程序接口是使用XML构建的。然后,该应用程序将在一个模拟Android手机的虚拟机上进行测试。

该应用程序从Java文件的数组中读取数据。在数组被创建之前,数据是使用Microsoft Excel或Open Office Calc组织的,这些数据是来自中文教科书的词汇表。这里有10节课,每节课包含大约40个中文单词。每个单词都有汉字、拼音和翻译。因此,在应用程序中有1293个数据项。Microsoft Excel将数据组织起来,因为词汇表数据是在三列中输入的。它们分别是汉字、拼音和翻译。一旦创建了三列,就会在这三列之间插入引号和逗号。图4显示了Open Office Calc中的列,然后将这些列合并到一个列中,并使用逗号分隔的单词创建一个单词列表。然后将该列表复制并粘贴到java文件。图5显示了第1课的单词数组。

图4. 一组单词,拼音,英语翻译

图5. 第1课的词汇表

4. 测试结果


图6. 抽认卡菜单 图7. 抽认卡的正面 图8. 抽认卡的背面

图9. 多项选择菜单



图10. 正确选择 图11. 在对话框中显示答案

图12. 菜单按钮可以快速访问主菜单和结果页面 图13. 结果页面



5. 开发和测试运行


6. 结论





[1] 中国的抽认卡,YellowBridge,2011年4月。[联机]。可获得:


[2] 金石英,中国听力测验,Google Play,2012年2月。[联机]。可获得:


[3] IndieQ,中文词汇,Google Play,2011年12月。[联机]。可获得:


[4] 刘玉玲等。第1部分综合汉语教材简体字,第3版,波士顿,MA:

Cheng / tsui有限公司,2010年。

[5] 平台版本,Android开发者,2012年10月。[联机]。可获得:




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