
 2022-11-08 18:40:49

Android UI Widgets:

User Interface Widgets and the View Class

In this chapter, we will learn more about the Android View class, as well as continuing our exploration of the Android Application development framework that was created for us by Eclipse ADT in Chapter 2, using the New Android Application series of dialogs that we recently utilized.

Now that we have a better foundation for understanding how those ViewGroup layout containers contain Android View UI widgets, and how to use XML file UI layout definitions to add UI elements using tags and configure those UI elements using parameters, we can concentrate our efforts in this chapter on learning about the View Superclass and all the advanced User Interface Design features that it currently supports.

View and ViewGroup instantiated objects are both complicated for different reasons. ViewGroup layout container objects are complicated because device screens vary in size and in shape, and thus to put together a design that works well across different display sizes and shapes can be an exceptional challenge. In fact, we have an entire chapter on this challenge coming up!

View widgets are a complicated topic because they have many attributes, or properties, as you will see in this chapter. The properties are set using parameters, via an XML definition in a file in the /res/layout subfolder. Not only do View UI elements have a ton of properties, but they also have event listeners that allow them to respond to user interaction, so we have a lot to cover in this chapter, between looking at all the key View object properties, and then learning how to implement your event listener so that your View object UI widget can respond to the userrsquo;s interaction with it.

The Android View Class: The Superclass for UI Widgets

If the foundation for our UI designs in Android OS is an Android ViewGroup layout container, then the structure that is built on that foundation is comprised of UI element widgets that are based on the Android View class.

ViewGroup layout containers may hold, structure, organize, and reorient the View UI widgets, but it is those View subclass UI widgets themselves which are actually used by your users to interface with your Android application functionality and ultimately create your application UX (user experience).

The View class is itself a subclass of the Java Languagersquo;s Object class, I like to call that class the Masterclass, because ultimately, everything in Java is an object! Thus, this View Superclass is about as high on the Java food chain as a class can get, its class hierarchy can be seen as follows: java.lang.Object gt; android.view.View

The View Superclass is primarily used in Android to create our UI elements that are called widgets in Android.

As we learned in the previous chapter, this View Superclass was even used to create the ViewGroup class, because the properties that are a part of this View class need to be inherited by the ViewGroup subclass, as well as by all the different widget subclasses.

There are so many UI widget subclasses that are subclassed from this View Superclass, that there is an entire package in Android chock full of them.

This is called the android.widget package, and we will be using it a lot in our Java code, via import statements that are used to declare our widgets and other Android classes for usage in our application Java program logic.

The View class has 11 direct subclasses, which wersquo;ll take a look at in the next section, as well as 70 indirect subclasses, many of which we will implement during this book, as we learn how to utilize Android layout containers (ViewGroup subclasses), such as the RelativeLayout container, which we already had exposure to in the previous chapter on layout containers.

The View class is part of an android.view package, which collects subclasses that expose user interface element classes that handle screen layout and UI elements and their interaction with your applicationrsquo;s user.

Android View Direct Subclasses:

Key Widgets and Utilities

Letrsquo;s take a look at some of the direct subclasses of the View class. Most of the 11 direct subclasses are what Irsquo;d term “core” UI design widgets or utilities, so I think yoursquo;ll find this section interesting. We will get a chance to use all these during the book, but since this chapter is to give you a comprehensive overview of View widgets, this will give you some perspective as to how far underneath View your widgets are subclassed. The widgets wersquo;ll talk about in this section are thus directly underneath the View class, and all others are at least two subclass levels under View.

Letrsquo;s start with the two direct subclass widgets that we used in the previous chapter, AnalogClock and TextView. Obviously, TextView is one of your core UI elements as Text is used more than any other element in an application.

AnalogClock on the other hand is one of the least used core UI elements, and is quite specialized as it is a full working analog clock simulation. It is a fun UI widget to be sure. It is quite robust and allows you to “skin” the clock in different ways with image graphics and color values. Thatrsquo;s why I included it in a previous chapter, as I am trying to cover as many widgets in this book as I can, and we wonrsquo;t have a lot of time to fool around with the fun ones and still get you up to a Pro Android UI Design proficiency.

Another mission critical direct subclass of View is your ImageView widget, which is used to hold and display digital image assets, which if yoursquo;re in the graphics design business is going to be one of your favorite widgets!

ImageView and its ImageButton subclass, which means that an ImageButton UI widget is an indirect subclass of this View superclass, are used to display custom digital image and animation content for your appl



在本章中,我们将更多地了解Android View类,以及继续探索第二章中Eclipse ADT为我们创建的Android应用程序开发框架,使用我们最近使用的新Android应用程序系列对话框 。


View和ViewGroup实例化对象由于不同的原因而复杂。 ViewGroup布局容器对象很复杂,因为设备屏幕的大小和形状各不相同,因此将不同显示器大小和形状的设计放在一起可能是一个特殊的挑战。 事实上,我们有一个关于这个挑战的整章!

查看小部件是一个复杂的主题,因为它们有很多属性或属性,如你在本章中所看到的。属性使用参数设置,通过/ res / layout子文件夹中的文件中的XML定义。 View UI元素不仅具有大量属性,而且还具有允许它们响应用户交互的事件侦听器,因此我们在本章中介绍了很多内容,包括查看所有关键的View对象属性,然后学习如何实现你的事件侦听器,以便你的View对象UI窗口小部件可以响应用户与它的交互。


如果我们在Android操作系统中的UI设计的基础是一个Android ViewGroup布局容器,那么在该基础上构建的结构包含基于Android View类的UI元素小部件。

ViewGroup布局容器可以保存,结构化,组织和重定向View UI小部件,但是这些View子类UI小部件本身实际上由你的用户使用来与你的Android应用程序功能接口,并最终创建你的应用程序UX(用户体验) 。

View类本身是Java语言的Object类的子类,我喜欢将该类称为Masterclass,因为最终,Java中的一切都是一个对象!因此,这个View Superclass就像一个类可以得到的Java食物链一样高,它的类层次结构可以看出如下:java.lang.Objectgt; android.view.View


正如我们在上一章中学到的,这个View Superclass甚至用于创建ViewGroup类,因为作为这个View类的一部分的属性需要被ViewGroup子类继承,以及被所有不同的widget子类继承。

有这么多UI子类的子类从这个View Superclass子类化,有一个完整的包在Android chock充满他们。





让我们来看看View类的一些直接子类。 11个直接子类中的大多数是我所说的“核心”UI设计小部件或实用程序,所以我认为你会发现这一节很有趣。我们将有机会在本书中使用所有这些,但由于本章是给你一个全面的View小部件的概述,这将给你一些透视看下你的小部件是子类的。我们将在本节中讨论的部件直接在View类下面,所有其他部件在View下至少有两个子类。


另一方面,AnalogClock是最少使用的核心UI元素之一,并且是相当专业的,因为它是一个完整的工作模拟时钟模拟。这是一个有趣的UI小部件是肯定的。它是相当强大,允许你以不同的方式与图像图形和颜色值“皮肤”时钟。这就是为什么我把它包含在前一章,因为我试图覆盖尽可能多的小部件在这本书,我们不会有很多时间来愚弄有趣的,仍然让你达到一个专业的Android UI设计熟练程度。


ImageView和它的ImageButton子类,这意味着ImageButton UI窗口部件是此View超类的一个间接子类,用于为应用程序UI设计显示自定义数字图像和动画内容。





最后两个直接子类我要提到这里是显着更先进的,SurfaceView和TextureView。 TextureView直接子类本质上是一个硬件加速的SurfaceView,所以,我将重点放在SurfaceView直接子类,因为它支持在Android设备上,而不仅仅是那些具有硬件(3D或视频)加速功能。

SurfaceView类更适合专业的Android图形书,但足以说这个直接子类为两个重要的间接子类提供了基础。一个是VideoView,它处理Android中的数字视频,另一个是GLSurfaceView,它处理Android的3D OpenGL渲染管道。这两个直接子类都非常适合高级图形应用程序,包括实时,OpenGL 3D和流(或在App APK文件内捕获)数字视频资产。









最后,还有android:translateX或android:translateY参数,它们允许你在2D屏幕维度中的任何位置翻译或移动UI窗口部件。现在我们已经查看了所有View属性或属性,它们可以在XML中设置为参数,并且可以通过Android Animation类访问以执行过程动画。



如果你想知道GONE参数是什么,它告诉布局容器来计算布局容器中布局定位的UI窗口部件,就好像使用android:visibility =“GONE”设置的窗口部件不在那里,而INVISIBLE参数告诉布局容器,View对象占用其空间,但是不可见,也就是说,它的alpha;值可以被认为是零,或者是完全透明的。





接下来,我们将讨论UI部件焦点的概念,这是任何UI设计工作流中的关键概念,无论是Android还是HTML5或C#或C 。用户如何从一个UI元素进入下一个UI元素非常重要。

视图的焦点:哪个UI Widget有用户的注意



这通常通过使用事件监听器来完成,我们将在下一节中介绍。这个代码“监听”用于view.onfocuschangelistener( )方法及其调用,这将在视图对象小部件得到焦点或失去焦点时发生。。一旦OnFocusChangeListener()方法被调用,其中写的Java代码然后被执行。



最基本的焦点相关的XML参数是android:focusable如果设置为一个“真”值,那么View小部件将能够获得焦点。所以在你的UI部件内部,如果你想要它接收焦点,当用户访问它,你会设置参数android:focusable =“true”,那么它会生成focusChange事件,因为它会是可聚焦的。




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