
 2023-08-04 19:00:23

WeChat Public Platform To Build And Develop Secrets


1.Development environment and related technologies

Recently this time, open any IT media at any time, can be seen on the WeChat public platform article in a prominent position, whether it is slightly CSDN, 51CTO and ITEYE in history, or the emerging 36Kr, Lei Feng, tiger sniffing and titanium media etc.. These media themselves are the first time on WeChat registered public account to do news push, I believe that many readers are also concerned about some of them. Regardless of these articles on the WeChat public platform is soft or small series or friends of the article, which can be sure of one thing: we are very concerned about the WeChat public platform. I believe a lot of people want to do something based on the WeChat public platform, are eager to try. But when you read these articles, hoping to learn some of the knowledge they need to find, most of them are talking about the future, talk about the views, there is very little practical guidance significance. In fact, this can not blame the author of these articles, because they should not know how to do. When a new thing comes into being, it is always the same, and the future is bright, but most people dont know where to start. In my opinion, as a developer, embrace change, and write the first line of code on new things is our first step. This chapter is the preparation for writing the first line of code.

This chapter introduces some basic concepts and Huixian public platform of WeChat public platform development model; and then explain how to set up the development environment of AppServ and zendstudio; and then explain the basic syntax of PHP in the deployment of good development environment and how to use PHP to operate HTTP, XML and MySQL; finally will introduce HTML5. This knowledge is used in this book.

The subject of computer science emphasizes the fact that the practice is genuine'. Look at the IT development of books if you do not practice, probably in a week after reading will only remember to read the book. To this, I have deep experience. So the reader is best to do while watching, so after reading also learned.

1.1 WeChat public platform

January 15, 2013, WeChats registered users exceeded 300 million. Its only 2 years since WeChat released its first release in January 21, 2011. The vast number of users with huge marketing and promotion value. In August 17, 2012, WeChat launched a public platform for individuals and businesses to bring a new opportunity. Through this platform, individuals and businesses can create a WeChat public account, and to achieve a specific group of text, pictures, voice communication, interaction.

Compared with the enterprise micro-blog, WeChat public account has the following two important features:

1 WeChat public account more emphasis on privacy. The communication between the subscriber and the public account is private, unlike micro-blog, where all the fans see your comments and broadcast.

2 WeChat public account and pay more attention to the exchange of subscribers, and micro-blog pay more attention to the dissemination of information.

From the public account and subscriber communication, WeChat public platform has three functions:

(1) Mass news. Public accounts can send a certain amount of news to subscribers every day.

(2) Use the edit mode in the custom reply message, the public account can customize some message reply rules.

(3) Using the development model, the maintenance of public accounts can develop their own unique business logic to analyze the subscribers message, and feedback to subscribers. This feature gives the public account the greatest degree of freedom, the use of it can greatly expand the capacity of public accounts.

Combined with the characteristics and functions of the public platform, the public account can have the following methods:

(1)Mobile portal. Subscribers can get the latest offers and activities through corporate accounts, such as 'haoledi KTV', 'Romance' and 'coastal city' and other public accounts belong to this class.

(2) News. WeChats own Tencent news as well as Lei Feng network, 36Kr and so on belong to this category. Users subscribe to these accounts in order to see the news.

(3) Entertainment. 'Curious' and 'scratching sister' and the introduction to this book 'meiri10futu' account belongs to this kind of.

(4) Social applications. Campus love, miss him and so on are of this type, this type of application is not yet mature, it is not very convenient to use, the main reason is that WeChat has not been open to obtain user information API. The 'findface' in this book is an attempt for such applications.

(5) Games. Most of these applications are to send a link to the user, the actual operation is still in the browser, WeChat does not use the characteristics of the public platform. This model is considered to be a combination of WeChat public platform and HTML 5, love ass is one of this type. There is not a very few games that are embedded in the book, and this book is an attempt to link the game to a non - inline game.

Perhaps we have noticed that these accounts are very life, those who are very popular in micro-blog celebrities are not listed here. This reminds me of two very interesting words, can vividly summed up the difference between micro-blog and WeChat: 'micro-blog open, saw a group of well-known people in the world, feel good dark. WeChat circle of friends to open, see a group of friends in the beer and skittles, feel the world good sunshine.' Readers will find that they do not account for some of the authors encountered in peacetime, it is not surprising, because the use of public accounts is still being explored. The most effective, most popular account may come out of your hand

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WeChat Public Platform To Build And Develop Secrets


1.Development environment and related technologies

Recently this time, open any IT media at any time, can be seen on the WeChat public platform article in a prominent position, whether it is slightly CSDN, 51CTO and ITEYE in history, or the emerging 36Kr, Lei Feng, tiger sniffing and titanium media etc.. These media themselves are the first time on WeChat registered public account to do news push, I believe that many readers are also concerned about some of them. Regardless of these articles on the WeChat public platform is soft or small series or friends of the article, which can be sure of one thing: we are very concerned about the WeChat public platform. I believe a lot of people want to do something based on the WeChat public platform, are eager to try. But when you read these articles, hoping to learn some of the knowledge they need to find, most of them are talking about the future, talk about the views, there is very little practical guidance significance. In fact, this can not blame the author of these articles, because they should not know how to do. When a new thing comes into being, it is always the same, and the future is bright, but most people dont know where to start. In my opinion, as a developer, embrace change, and write the first line of code on new things is our first step. This chapter is the preparation for writing the first line of code.

This chapter introduces some basic concepts and Huixian public platform of WeChat public platform development model; and then explain how to set up the development environment of AppServ and zendstudio; and then explain the basic syntax of PHP in the deployment of good development environment and how to use PHP to operate HTTP, XML and MySQL; finally will introduce HTML5. This knowledge is used in this book.

The subject of computer science emphasizes the fact that the practice is genuine'. Look at the IT development of books if you do not practice, probably in a week after reading will only remember to read the book. To this, I have deep experience. So the reader is best to do while watching, so after reading also learned.

1.1 WeChat public platform

January 15, 2013, WeChats registered users exceeded 300 million. Its only 2 years since WeChat released its first release in January 21, 2011. The vast number of users with huge marketing and promotion value. In August 17, 2012, WeChat launched a public platform for individuals and businesses to bring a new opportunity. Through this platform, individuals and businesses can create a WeChat public account, and to achieve a specific group of text, pictures, voice communication, interaction.

Compared with the enterprise micro-blog, WeChat public account has the following two important features:

(1) WeChat public account more emphasis on privacy. The communication between the subscriber and the public account is private, unlike micro-blog, where all the fans see your comments and broadcast.

(2) WeChat public account and pay more attention to the exchange of subscribers, and micro-blog pay more attention to the dissemination of information.

From the public account and subscriber communication, WeChat public platform has three functions:

(1) Mass news. Public accounts can send a certain amount of news to subscribers every day.

(2) Use the edit mode in the custom reply message, the public account can customize some message reply rules.

(3) Using the development model, the maintenance of public accounts can develop their own unique business logic to analyze the subscribers message, and feedback to subscribers. This feature gives the public account the greatest degree of freedom, the use of it can greatly expand the capacity of public accounts.

Combined with the characteristics and functions of the public platform, the public account can have the following methods:

(1)Mobile portal. Subscribers can get the latest offers and activities through corporate accounts, such as 'haoledi KTV', 'Romance' and 'coastal city' and other public accounts belong to this class.

(2) News. WeChats own Tencent news as well as Lei Feng network, 36Kr and so on belong to this category. Users subscribe to these accounts in order to see the news.

(3) Entertainment. 'Curious' and 'scratching sister' and the introduction to this book 'meiri10futu' account belongs to this kind of.

(4) Social applications. Campus love, miss him and so on are of this type, this type of application is not yet mature, it is not very convenient to use, the main reason is that WeChat has not been open to obtain user information API. The 'findface' in this book is an attempt for such applications.

(5) Games. Most of these applications are to send a link to the user, the actual operation is still in the browser, WeChat does not use the characteristics of the public platform. This model is considered to be a combination of WeChat public platform and HTML 5, love ass is one of this type. There is not a very few games that are embedded in the book, and this book is an attempt to link the game to a non - inline game.

Perhaps we have noticed that these accounts are very life, those who are very popular in micro-blog celebrities are not listed here. This reminds me of two very interesting words, can vividly summed up the difference between micro-blog and WeChat: 'micro-blog open, saw a group of well-known people in the world, feel good dark. WeChat circle of friends to open, see a group of friends in the beer and skittles, feel the world good sunshine.' Readers will find that they do not account for some of the authors encountered in peacetime, it is not surprising, because the use of public accounts is still being explored. The most effective, most popular account may come out of your hand

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