
 2023-06-26 10:06:07

Design and Implementation of College Online Learning System Based on WeChat Mini Program


In view of the shortage of teaching resources causedby college expansion, we design an online learning systembased on WeChat Mini Program, which effectively solves thelow learning efficiency of students caused by large class system elective courses, the heavy teaching pressure of teachers andtoo much time and energy wasted in elective course examination. Users can apply online video learning, online testing, online course selection, online elective course learning,online exams, and online discussion and other functions. The development of the system uses the WeChat MINA Framework,which is implemented using WeChat web developer tools and Tencent Cloud Server. The system has an elegant interface,perfect functions and strong practicability, which can satisfy the personalized need of the contemporary university student and can relieve the stress of instructional resource. In the process of using, the system has been well evaluated.

Keywords: mini program; video courses; online learning;MINA framework; cloud server


With the rapid development of information technology, especially from the Internet to the mobile Internet, Chinarsquo;s online education has developed rapidly and has entered the age of intelligent education with vertical segmentation, diversified learning methods, open sharing of resources and knowledge converted into cash. It has created a way of living, working and learning across time and space, and diversified the way of acquiring knowledge. At present, the number of college enrollment in China has increased year by year, resulting in the shortage of teaching resources and the increasing number of large-class teaching. This has not only increased the difficulty of teaching, but also caused students inefficiency in learning, incomprehensible in class, and difficulty in reviewing classes. In addition, with the increase in the number of students, the time schedule for studentsrsquo; classrooms has become more complex. College must consider the arrangement of the courses in order to avoid conflict when arranging classes and time for classes. Therefore, we designed to record some of the elective courses into videos, and post the recorded video courses to the Mini Program, so that college students can take elective courses through this Mini Program. The system utilizes the WeChat Mini Program to be convenient, flexible, fast to promote, and short in development cycle, so that the mobile network course learning is more popular in the study of college students[1-2].


WeChats official description of a Mini Program is that its an application that doesnt have to be downloaded and installed, and its implemented the 'touching the fingertips'

dream, The user can open the application by scanning or searching. It embodies the concept of “run out and go”, users dont have to worry about installing too many applications to take up space. Apps will be ubiquitous and ready to use, but

there is no need to install and uninstall. As a lightweight application, WeChat Mini Program represents the development direction of mobile Internet applications in the future. This lightweight application will also be the main form of mobile Internet application. Currently, WeChat Mini Program is developing rapidly in China, and the development status of the Mini Program is as


  1. There are 1 billion active users of WeChat, the average daily use rate of more than 5 minutes is 7 times;
  2. Around 25,000 enterprises or businesses enter the Mini Program every day;
  3. Mini Program currently total number more than 600000, nearly 200 million the number of access every day.

A. WeChat MINA Framework

MINA framework provides a complete set of JavaScript API to the upper layer by encapsulating the file system, network communication, task management, data security and other basic functions provided by WeChat client, so that developers can easily use the various basic functions and capabilities provided by WeChat client to quickly build an application. On the page view layer, WXML is a set of HTML tags and a series of basic components. Developers use WXML file to build the page view structure, the basis of WXSS file is used to control the display style of the page. The AppService application logic layer is the service center for MINA, which is enabled by the WeChat client to activate the asynchronous thread separately. The data required for page rendering and the page interaction processing logic are implemented in the AppService. The AppService in the MINA Framework uses JavaScript to write interactive logic,

network requests, data processing, but you cant use DOM in JavaScript. Each page in a Mini Program can implement data management, network communication, application life cycle management and page routing through AppService[3]. WeChat Mini Program framework diagram as shown in Figure 1.

B. WeChat Mini Program Advantages

  1. Low development and promotion costs:Most functions of WeChat Mini Program can be called directly from WeChat without development. Compared with app, WeChat Mini Program need not be downloaded to enjoy services. WeChat, as a social software, has a strong ability to connect users. After the WeChat opens the many inlets to the applet, the promotion costs of the Mini Program within the WeChat are much lower than other platforms.
  2. Fast running speed:The main style code is packaged in the WeChat applet, so the opening speed is faster than the ordinary H5 program, close to the native APP.
  3. Do not need to install: WeChat Mini Program is a web app. It is an application based on web platform. It does n


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