Control modules in the 'Intelligent building' system
Andrey Alyoshintsev, Natalia Mokrova, and Alexander Sak*
Moscow State University of Civil Engineering, Yaroslavskoe shosse, 26, Moscow, 129337, Russia
The relevance of the article consists on the use of telemetry control modules to organize the uninterrupted operation for dispatching service,including remote work. Thanks to telemetric means of dispatching control and management of the conditions of water supply facilities, the process is reaching a new qualitative level. The functionality of the water intake unit has been significantly improved as a result of the introduction of a telemetry and telecontrol system in the form of separate technological modules. The developed modules provide additional functions for water quality control,including residual chlorine, accounting for a number of random pollution factors in addition to the route technology of the dispatching system; remote control of executive mechanisms with the possibility of automatic control; self-diagnostics of the software and hardware complex, as well as planning of preventive and repair work of engineering systems.
The results of water quality on-line monitoring by using a telemetry module in the chlorination room automatically providing the optimal ratio of chlorine added to the water are presented.
1 Introduction
An intelligent building (IB) is a system of design, organizational, engineering, technical and software solutions that provide a flexible and efficient technology for servicing a building that meets the needs of the XXI century, in compliance with modern technologies. [1] Water Quality Monitoring (WQM) is a cost-effective and efficient system designed to monitor drinking water quality which makes use of Internet of Things (IoT) technology. In this paper, the proposed system consists of several sensors to measure various parameters such as pH-value, the turbidity of the water, level of water in the tank, temperature and humidity of the surrounding atmosphere. Also the Microcontroller Unit (MCU) is interfaced with these sensors and further processing is performed at Personal Computer (PC). [14]
Modules automate the work of the station, by reducing the number of accidents at sites and by increasing work efficiency.
Research and analysis of existing life support systems of IB is relevant, since the system achieves:
-the ability to control and automatically regulate complex life support networks, consisting of many parts;
- ensuring the operability of this system in the specified modes of the environment; -providing functional dependence of individual parts of the system on each other; - ensuring the maximum possible use of third-party (various) resources, for example, in alternative energy, using reference sets (packages) of parameters. [7] The control of the flow rate of the liquid entering the control and measuring tank using various flow meters, as well as the control of the liquid supply and the regulator is detailed in the source [2]
When creating automated dispatch control and management systems, great importance is paid to water quality, for example, such an issue as electro hydro-impulse cleaning of hot and cold water supply systems, radiators and boilers. [4]
In dispatching, a lot of basic actions that are the implementation of technological processing operations are well known. They are determined by the range of manufactured products and their routing technology. In turn, the set of auxiliary actions is not known in advance and depends on a number of factors associated with the main actions and resources of computer-integrated production. [6]
2 Methods
2. 1. Automated system of dispatch control and managementASDCM WIU (water intake unit) is intended for collecting, processing, archiving and transmitting data to the central dispatching point (DP) of information about the parameters of operating modes and the state of energy metering devices and engineering systems of the VCU facility.
The dispatch service controls the continuity of supply with the elimination of accidents while providing water supply,sewerage, power supply to the 'IB' facilities.
Many works have been devoted to the control and distribution of water supply in the city, for example (the city of Santiago de Chile [11], the city of Barcelona-Spain [12] )
2.2 The dosing system of the automated series ASDGN for disinfection of drinking water
Chlorination is a common disinfection method in water treatment. This method can be converted into an advanced oxidation process by incorporating UV irradiation during watertreatment. [8]
The use of the Automated System for Dosing Sodium Hypochlorite (ASDSN) made it possible to organize a local control room (LCR) with a reflection of the disinfection process on a mnemonic diagram of a personal computer monitor in real time.
Dosing complex is a set of equipment responsible for supplying a certain amount of chemical agents at a certain time interval.
The agent dosing complex has the main task of automatically measuring the required amount of reagent, which should be used for water purification, using chemical reagents. Many of these installations consist of several mandatory metering pumps that are metering (which task is to introduce the exact amount of reagent into the water) and control units (control the operation of the entire system), as well as a metering pump. These blocks are comprised of automated control slots. They have a user-friendly interface, thanks to which the necessary parameters are configured and set conveniently and easily. The required settings must be specified during the installation of the system
安德烈·阿廖申采夫,纳塔莉亚·莫克罗娃和亚历山大萨克*,莫斯科国立土木工程大学, 雅罗斯拉夫斯科, 26, 莫斯科, 129337, 俄罗斯
本文的相关性在于使用遥测控制模块来组织调度服务的不间断操作,包括远程工作。由于采用遥测手段对供水设施状况进行调度控制和管理,该过程达到了一个新的质量水平。由于引入了独立技术模块形式的遥测和遥控系统,进水装置的功能得到了显着改善。开发的模块为水质控制提供了附加功能,包括余氯,除调度系统路由技术外,还考虑了多项随机污染因素;远程控制执行机构 ,具有自动控制的可能性;
智能建筑 (IB) 是一个由设计、组织、工程、技术和软件解决方案组成的系统,它提供灵活高效的技术来为满足二十一世纪需求的建筑提供服务,并符合现代技术。[1] 水质监测 (WQM) 是一种经济高效的系统,旨在利用物联网 (IoT) 技术监测饮用水质量。在本文中,所提出的系统由多个传感器组成,用于测量各种参数,例如 pH 值、水的浊度、水箱中的水位、周围大气的温度和湿度。微控制器单元 (MCU) 也与这些传感器连接,并在个人计算机 (PC) 上执行进一步的处理。[14]
模块通过减少现场事故数量和提高工作效率,使车站的工作自动化。鉴于该系统的实现,IB现有生命支持系统的研究和分析是相关的,控制和自动调节由许多部分组成的复杂生命支持网络的能力;确保该系统在特定环境模式下的可操作性;- 提供系统各个部分之间的功能依赖性;确保最大限度地利用第三方(各种)资源,例如,在替代能源中,使用参数的参考集(包)。 使用各种流量计对进入控制和测量罐的液体流量的控制,以及对液体供应和调节器的控制在来源[2]中有详细说明。
2.1 调度控制与管理自动化系统
ASDCM WIU(取水单元)旨在收集、处理、归档和传输数据到中央调度点 (DP),其中包含有关操作模式参数以及 VCU 设施的能量计量设备和工程系统状态的信息。
许多工作致力于城市供水的控制和分配,例如(智利圣地亚哥市 [11]、西班牙巴塞罗那市 [12])
2.2 自动化系列 ASDGN 饮用水消毒加药系统
使用次氯酸钠自动给药系统 (ASDSN) 可以组织一个本地控制室 (LCR),并在个人计算机显示器的助记符图表上实时反映消毒过程。
在饮用水处理厂中,通常使用 Cl 2 、ClO 2或 NaOCl 试剂进行氯化消毒。[9]
活性氯的工作剂量(D) 定义为活性氯(KCL)的比值,克。到进水的流量(体积)(P),m 2:
D = KCL/P (1)
KCL = D bull;P (2)
在这个公式中,D 是一定时期内的常数值。P是由流量计确定的值。公式 (2) 清楚明确地规定了构建氯消毒工艺流程的方案(参见图 1。),它允许水与氯的接触正常化。
图 1解冻过程框图
其中 S 是水源;P——水流量计;B - 确定 K CL 值的计算器;D是加药装置,执行计算器的命令,将指定的K CL 引导到管道中;
CL 是余氯分析仪(或滴定)。
2.3 复杂的工作
该系统的设备(见图2)分散在水泵站(WPS)的领土上。位于 WPS 领土上的物体,其中安装了综合体的设备,包括:
- 直接在WPS 站安装了一台个人计算机(PC)和流量计,用于确定从井中流入PWR 的水流量。
- 纯水蓄水池(PWR),带有内置液位计,用于确定蓄水池中的水位。
- 次氯酸钠加药室,按照工艺
- 方案,次氯酸钠储存并分部分供应给CWR供水管道。
- 入口管道上的腔室,喷嘴安装在腔室中,次氯酸钠通过该腔室给药。
设备按以下顺序运行(图 2)。从运输罐中,次氯酸钠 (HH) 被泵入储罐 (1)。次氯酸钠从储罐通过泵 (2) 泵入安装在秤上的供应罐 (4)。
图 2. WPS 中次氯酸钠加药装置的流程图
消耗品容器已准备好使用。计量泵 (3) 在计算机和控制器的控制下,将次氯酸钠从其每个容器中泵入向 PWR 供水的管道中。每条 LP 供应管线上安装两个计量泵。
为了保持 LH 供应管线的正常工作,计量泵会定期切换。在“设置”菜单中设置的时间到期后进行切换。
2.4 计算所需的次氯酸钠量
Ps = (WD WF x 1000)/MCH DPC (3)
式中 Kx 为泵冲程数,WD为工作剂量,mg/l,WF为水流量,立方米。m/循环(根据流量计的读数),MCH是一升次氯酸钠中活性氯的质量数,g/l,DPC是分配泵的容量,ml/冲程。
图 3分配模块
,其中重量GNch是所采用循环中重量读数的变化,以克为单位,MP是次氯酸钠的质量数,(g/l),PV ch 是水的流量,m 2 . .米/周期。
差AWD减去余氯表示氯的吸收量,单位为 mg/L。余氯由滴定法测定。井水对氯的吸收是永久性的和暂时的。
因此,AWD决定了余氯量,其稳定的维护保证了余氯的稳定维护。为了调整工作剂量,设置中引入了所谓的技术因素 (TF),允许您在小范围内对其进行校正。
2.5 综合体的自动控制
- 个人电脑
- 剂量控制器
- 秤的二次测量传感器
- 泵 HCM 和通风的控制单元
- 与电源和稳定装置协调的机柜
点胶模块的大致组成如图 3 所示
控制器(图 4)由一组模块组成。控制器模块由MCU(M)模块控制,其中嵌入了控制程序,并通过DB-9 RS-232连接器连接调试计算机(如果需要)。
2-RS 模块从流量计接收有关进水量的信号,4-RS 通过 RS-485 通道与个人计算机通信。
PC 安装在 IPS 操作员站中。
控制器设计用于接收来自设备和传感器的信号,对其进行处理,与 PC 通信并向计量泵发出控制信号。
这里介绍的方法基于一系列测试以及空间模型 (SM) 和时间序列模型 (TSM) 的组合使用,这些模型应用于用于实时监测和感器。空间模型基于系统不同变量之间的物理关系(例如液压系统中的流量和液位传感器),而时间序列模型基于测量变量的时间冗余(这里基于 Holt-Winters(HW ) 时间序列模型[13]。
控制器包括几个测量通道,这些通道从主要传感器收集信息,将其转换并传输到控制中心 (CP),以及从 CP 向执行器广播命令。通信通过专用物理线路、无线电信道、城市自动电话交换机的交换信道、移动通信信道等进行。
水表安装在管道上。来自流量计测量进水量的信号不断地馈送到控制器和 PC。
第3章 讨论
第4章 结论
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