
 2023-06-26 10:05:28

附录B 外文原文

Production, Manufacturing and Logistics

An improved ant colony optimization for vehicle routing problem


The vehicle routing problem (VRP), a well-known combinatorial optimization problem, holds a central place in logistics management. This paper proposes an improved ant colony optimization (IACO), which possesses a new strategy to update the increased pheromone, called ant-weight strategy, and a mutation operation, to solve VRP. The computational results for fourteen benchmark problems are reported and compared to those of other metaheuristic approaches.

Keywords: Vehicle routing problem ;Improved ant colony optimization ;Ant-weight strategy; Mutation operation

  1. Introduction

Finding efficient vehicle routes is a representative logistics problem which has been studied for the last 40 years. A typical vehicle routing problem (VRP) aims to find a set of tours for several vehicles from a depot to a lot of customers and return to the depot without exceeding the capacity constraints of each vehicle at minimum cost. Since the customer combination is not restricted to the selection of vehicle routes, VRP is considered as a combinatorial optimization problem where the number of feasible solutions for the problem increases exponentially with the number of customers increasing (Bell and McMullen, 2004). Heuristic algorithms such as simulated annealing (SA) (Chiang and Russell, 1996; Koulamas et al., 1994; Osman, 1993; Tavakkoli-Moghaddam et al., 2006), genetic algorithms (GAs) (Baker and Ayechew, 2003; Osman et al., 2005; Thangiah et al., 1994; Prins, 2004), tabu search (TS) (Gendreau et al., 1999; Semet and Taillard, 1993; Renaud et al., 1996; Brandao and Mercer, 1997; Osman, 1993) and ant colony optimization (Doerner et al., 2002; Reimann et al., 2002; Peng et al., 2005; Mazzeo and Loiseau, 2004; Bullnheimer et al., 1999; Doerner et al., 2004) are widely used for solving the VRP. Among these heuristic algorithms, ant colony optimizations (ACO) are new optimization methods proposed by Italian researchers Dorigo et al. (1996), which simulate the food-seeking behaviors of ant colonies in nature. It has been successfully applied as a solution to some classic compounding optimization problems, e.g. traveling salesman (Dorigo et al., 1996) quadratic assignment (Gambardella et al., 1997), job-shop scheduling (Colorni et al., 1994), telecommunication routing (Schoonderwoerd et al., 1997), etc. If taking the central depot as the nest and customers as the food, the VRP is very similar to food-seeking behaviors of ant colonies in nature. This makes the coding of an ant colony optimization for the VRP is simple. Among the earliest studies was that of Bullnheimer et al. (1997) who presented a hybrid ant system algorithm with the 2-opt and the saving algorithm for the VRP. Other researches of the ACOs to the VRP included the work by Bullnheimer et al. (1999), Bell and McMullen (2004), Chen and Ting (2006). In the ACOs, the 2-opt exchange was used as an improvement heuristic within the routes found by individual vehicles and the pheromone updating rules mainly considered the global feature of the solution. This paper proposes an improved ant colony optimization with a new pheromone updating rule that can integrate the global feature and the local feature, a mutation operation and the 2-opt exchange for the VRP. The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents the mathematical model for VRP. In Section 3, we present the IACO with ant-weight strategy and the mutation operation. Some computational results are discussed in Section 4 and lastly, the conclusions are provided in Section 5

  1. Vehicle routing problem

The VRP is described as a weighted graph G = (C,L) where the nodes are represented by C = {c0, c1,..., cN} and the arcs are represented by L = {(ci, cj): i – j}. In this graph model, c0 is the central depot and the other nodes are the N customers to be served. Each node is associated with a fixed quantity qi of goods to be delivered (a quantity q0 = 0 is associated to the depot c0). To each arc (ci, cj) is associated a value di,j representing the distance between ci and cj.

Each tour starts from and terminates at the depot c0, each node ci must be visited exactly once, and the quantity of goods to be delivered on a route should never exceed the vehicle capacity Q

  1. Improved ACO for VRP
    1. Generation of solutions

Using ACO whose colony scale is P, an individual ant simulates a vehicle, and its route is constructed by incrementally selecting customers until all customers have been visited. The customers, who were already visited by an ant or violated its capacity constraints, are stored in the infeasible customer list (tabu). The decision making about combining customers is based on a probabilistic rule taking into account both the visibility and the pheromone information. Thus, to select the next customer j for the kth ant at the ith node, the ant uses the following probabilistic formula.

where pij(k) is the probability of choosing to combine customers i and j on the route, tau;ij the pheromone density of edge (i,j), eta;ij the visibility of edge (i,j), alpha;and beta; the relative influence of the pheromone trails and the visibility values, respectively and tabuk is the set of the infeasible nodes for the kth ant.

    1. Mutation operation

Mutation operation referring to genetic algorithm (Yu and Yang, 2007; Yu et al., 2007) alters each child at a predefined probability.The operators can help the IACO to reach further solutions in the search space. The idea of the mutation operation is to randomly mutate the tour and hence produce a new solution that is not very f


附录A 译文



关键词: 车辆路径问题;改进的蚁群算法;蚂蚁权重策略;突变手术

  1. 简介



启发式算法,例如模拟退⽕ (SA) (Chiang and Russell, 1996; Koulamas et al., 1994; Osman, 1993; Tavakk oli-Moghaddam et al., 2006)、遗传算法 (GAs) (Baker and Ayechew, 2003; Osman 等⼈,2005 年;Thangiah 等⼈,1994 年;Prins,2004 年),禁忌搜索(TS) (Gendreau 等⼈,1999 年;Semet 和 Taillard,1993 年;Renaud 等⼈,1996 年;Brandao 和 Mercer,1997 年) ; Osman, 1993)和蚁群优化(Doerner et al., 2002; Reimann et al., 2002; Peng et al., 2005; Mazzeo and Loiseau, 2004; Bullnhei mer et al., 1999; Doerner et al., 2004)被⼴泛⽤于解决VRP。在这些启发式算 法中,蚁群优化(ACO)是意⼤利研究⼈员Dorigo 等⼈提出的一种新的优化⽅法。 (1996),它模拟了自然界中蚁群的觅⾷行为。它已成功应⽤于解决一些经典的复合优化 问题,例如旅行商(Dorigo et al., 1996)⼆次分配(Gambardella et al., 1997),⻋间调度,1994),电信路由(Schoonderwoard等人,1997)等。如果以中央仓库为巢穴,以顾客为食物,VRP在本质上与蚁群的觅食行为非常相似。这使得用于VRP的蚁群优化的编码变得简单。最早的研究包括Bullnheimer等人的研究(1997年),他们提出了一种混合蚂蚁系统算法,该算法是具有2-opt和VRP的保存算法。对VRP的ACO的其他研究包括Bullnheimer等人(1999)、Bell和McMullen(2004)、Chen和Ting(2006)的工作。在蚁群优化算法中,2-opt交换被用作单个车辆找到的路径内的改进启发式算法,信息素更新规则主要考虑解决方案的全局特征。本文提出了一种改进的蚁群优化算法,该算法采用了一种新的信息素更新规则,将全局特征和局部特征结合起来,并对VRP进行了变异操作和VRP的2-opt交换。论文的其余部分组织如下。


  1. 车辆路径问题



  1. 改进的VRP蚁群算法
    1. 生成解决方案




    1. 变异操作



图1 VRP的一个例子

图2 父解决方案的示例







图3a 突变程序(步骤1)。

图3b 突变程序(步骤2)

图 3c。突变过程(步骤 3)

图4 参观变异儿童解决方案

    1. 本地搜索


    1. 更新信息素信息









图5 更新增加的信息素的参数

    1. 整体程序

我们的VRP IACO流程图如图6所示。

  1. 数值分析

前几节中描述的启发式方法适用于14个车辆路径问题,这些问题可以从OR库下载(见Beasley,1990),并被广泛用作基准,以比较其找到VRP解决方案的能力。14个问题的信息显示在表1的第2-4列中,其中包括问题大小n、车辆容量Q和众所周知的公布结果(Taillard,1993;Rochat和Taillard,1995)。用于VRP实例的IACO参数为Q=1000、alpha;=2、beta;=1和rho;=0.8。然后,在Visual C 中对IACO进行编码。Net 2003,并在配备512 MB RAM和1000 MHz奔腾处理器的PC上执行。第5-8列显示了IACO的结果,包括最佳解决方案、最差解决方案、平均解决方案和平均运行时间(秒)。粗体数字是最著名的解决方案的结果。


表1 使用IACO的计算结果和著名的公开结果

图6 IACO的流程图

表2 使用IACO、ACO-W和ACO-M的计算结果




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