
 2023-04-10 17:20:30

附录B 外文原文



MapReduce is a programming model and an associated implementation for processing and generating large datasets that is amenable to a broad variety of real-world tasks.Users specify the computation in terms of a map and a reduce function,and the under-lying runtime system automatically parallelizes the computation across large-scale clusters of machines,handles machine failures,and schedules inter-machine communication to make effi-cient use of the network and disks.Programmers find the system easy to use:more than ten thousand distinct MapReduce programs have been implemented internally at Google over the past four years,and an average of one hundred thousand MapReduce jobs are executed on Googlersquo;s clusters every day,processing a total of more than twenty petabytes of data per day.

  1. Introduction

Prior to our development of MapReduce,the authors and many others at Google implemented hundreds of special-purpose computations that process large amounts of raw data,such as crawled documents,Web request logs,etc.,to compute various kinds of derived data,such as inverted indices,various representations of the graph structure of Web documents,summaries of the number of pages crawled per host,and the set of most frequent queries in a given day.Most such computa-tions are conceptually straightforward.However,the input data is usu-ally large and the computations have to be distributed across hundreds or thousands of machines in order to finish in a reasonable amount of time.The issues of how to parallelize the computation,distribute the data,and handle failures conspire to obscure the original simple com-putation with large amounts of complex code to deal with these issues.As a reaction to this complexity,we designed a new abstraction that allows us to express the simple computations we were trying to perform but hides the messy details of parallelization,fault tolerance,data distri-bution and load balancing in a library.Our abstraction is inspired by the map and reduce primitives present in Lisp and many other functional lan-guages.We realized that most of our computations involved applying a map operation to each logical recordrsquo;in our input in order to compute a set of intermediate key/value pairs,and then applying a reduce operation to all the values that shared the same key in order to combine the derived data appropriately.Our use of a functional model with user-specified map and reduce operations allows us to parallelize large computations easily

and to use reexecution as the primary mechanism for fault tolerance.

The major contributions of this work are a simple and powerful interface that enables automatic parallelization and distribution of large-scale computations,combined with an implementation of this interface that achieves high performance on large clusters of com-modity PCs.The programming model can also be used to parallelize computations across multiple cores of the same machine.

Section 2 describes the basic programming model and gives several examples.In Section 3,we describe an implementation of the MapReduce interface tailored towards our cluster-based computing environment.Section 4 describes several refinements of the programming model that we have found useful.Section 5 has performance measurements of our implementation for a variety of tasks.In Section 6,we explore the use of MapReduce within Google including our experiences in using it as the ba-sis for a rewrite of our production indexing system.Section 7 discusses re-lated and future work.

2、Programming Model

The computation takes a set of input key/value pairs,and produces a set of output key/value pairs.The user of the MapReduce library expresses the computation as two functions:map and reduce.

Map,written by the user,takes an input pair and produces a set of intermediate key/value pairs.The MapReduce library groups together all intermediate values associated with the same intermediate key I and passes them to the reduce function.

The reduce function,also written by the user,accepts an interme-diate key I and a set of values for that key.It merges these values together to form a possibly smaller set of values.Typically just zero or one output value is produced per reduce invocation.The intermediate values are supplied to the userrsquo;s reduce function via an iterator.This allows us to handle lists of values that are too large to fit in memory.

Programming languages are traditionally viewed as belonging to particular paradigms, however the notions of programming paradigms and orientation are imprecise. Unlike scientific paradigms, programming paradigmsare not necessarily incompatible, as demonstrated by the success of dual- and multi-paradigm languages such as Mozart/Oz(, Jason (, and Scala ( This paper attempts to identify, define, and organize the central concepts underlying the actor, agent, functional, object, and procedural programming styles, as they are realized in practical programming languages[1-4].

This paper has three central aims. Firstly, by mapping existing programming languages to a common feature model, it is hoped that ideas for new language features and new combinations of features will be generated. Secondly, it is hoped that the resulting feature model will serve as a basis for comparison and generalization in empirical studies of multiple programming languages. Finally, the number of programming languages is large and steadily increasing. This model and its associated empirical evidence should eventually become a useful tool to help software engineers in assessing the suitability of a language for a given development project or software architecture.

With these seco




MapReduce是一个编程模型,也是一个处理和生成超大数据集的算法模型的相关实现。用户首先创建一个Map函数处理一个基于key/value pair的数据集合,输出中间的基于key/value pair的数据集合;然后再创建一个Reduce函数用来合并所有的具有相同中间key值的中间value值。现实世界中有很多满足上述处理模型的例子,本论文将详细描述这个模型。





为了解决上述复杂的问题,我们设计一个新的抽象模型,使用这个抽象模型,我们只要表述我们想要执行的简单运算即可,而不必关心并行计算、容错、数据分布、负载均衡等复杂的细节,这些问题都被封装在了一个库里面。设计这个抽象模型的灵感来自Lisp和许多其他函数式语言的Map和Reduce的原语。我们意识到我们大多数的运算都包含这样的操作:在输入数据的“逻辑”记录上应用Map操作得出一个中间key/value pair集合,然后在所有具有相同key值的value值上应用Reduce操作,从而达到合并中间的数据,得到一个想要的结果的目的。使用MapReduce模型,再结合用户实现的Map和Reduce函数,我们就可以非常容易的实现大规模并行化计算;通过MapReduce模型自带的“再次执行”(re-execution)功能,也提供了初级的容灾实现方案。




MapReduce编程模型的原理是:利用一个输入key/value pair集合来产生一个输出的key/value pair集合。MapReduce库的用户用两个函数表达这个计算:Map和Reduce。

用户自定义的Map函数接受一个输入的key/value pair值,然后产生一个中间key/value pair值的集合。MapReduce库把所有具有相同中间key值I的中间value值集合在一起后传递给reduce函数。用户自定义的Reduce函数接受一个中间key的值I和相关的一个value值的集合。Reduce函数合并这些value值,形成一个较小的value值的集合。一般的,每次Reduce函数调用只产生0或1个输出value值。通常我们通过一个迭代器把中间value值提供给Reduce函数,这样我们就可以处理无法全部放入内存中的大量的value值的集合。



map(String key,String value):

//key:document name

//value:document contents

for each word w in value:


“1Prime;);reduce(String key,Iterator values):

//key:a word

//values:a list of counts

int result=0;

for each v in values:

result =ParseInt(v);



另外,用户编写代码,使用输入和输出文件的名字、可选的调节参数来完成一个符合MapReduce模型规范的对象,然后调用MapReduce函数,并把这个规范对象传递给它。用户的代码和MapReduce库链接在一起(用C 实现)。附录A包含了这个实例的全部程序代码。





比如,输入的key和value值与输出的key和value值在类型上推导的域不同。此外,中间key和value值与输出key和value值在类型上推导的域相同。我们的C 中使用字符串类型作为用户自定义函数的输入输出,用户在自己的代码中对字符串进行适当的类型转换。












通过将Map调用的输入数据自动分割为M个数据片段的集合,Map调用被分布到多台机器上执行。输入的数据片段能够在不同的机器上并行处理。使用分区函数将Map调用产生的中间key值分成R个不同分区(例如,hash(key)mod R),Reduce调用也被分布到多台机器上执行。分区数量(R)和分区函数由用户来指定。图1展示了我们的MapReduce实现中操作的全部流程。当用户调用MapReduce函数时,将发生下面的一系列动作(下面的序号和图1中的序号一一对应):1.用户程序首先调用的MapReduce库将输入文件分成M个数据片度,每个数据片段的大小一般从16MB到64MB(可以通过可选的参数来控制每个数据片段的大小)。然后用户程序在机群中创建大量的程序副本。2.这些程序副本中的有一个特殊的程序–master。副本中其它的程序都是worker程序,由master分配任务。有M个Map任务和R个Reduce任务将被分配,master将一个Map任务或Reduce任务分配给一个空闲的worker。3.被分配了map任务的worker程序读取相关的输入数据片段,从输入的数据片段中解析出key/value pair,然后把key/valuepair传递给用户自定义的Map函数,由Map函数生成并输出的中间key/value pair,并缓存在内存中。4.缓存中的key/value pair通过分区函数分成R个区域,之后周期性的写入到本地磁盘上。缓存的key/value pair在本地磁盘上的存储位置将被回传给master,由master负责把这些存储位置再传送给Reduceworker。5.当Reduce worker程序接收到master程序发来的数据存储位置信息后,使用RPC从Map worker所在主机的磁盘上读取这些缓存数据。当Reduce worker读取了所有的中间数据后,通过对key进行排序后使得具有相同key值的数据聚合在一起。由于许多不同的key值会映射到相同的Reduce任务上,因此必须进行排序。如果中间数据太大无法在内存中完成排序,那么就要在外部进行排序。6.Reduce worker程序遍历排序后的中间数据,对于每一个唯一的中间key值,Reduceworker程序将这个key值和它相关的中间value值的集合传递给用户自定义的Reduce函数。Reduce函数的输出被追加到所属分区的输出文件。7.当所有的Map和Reduce任务都完成之后,master唤醒用户程序。在这个时候,在用户程序里的对MapReduce调用才返回。在成功完成任务之后,MapReduce的输出存放在R个输出文件中(对应每个Reduce任务产生一个输出文件,文件名由用户指定)。一般情况下,用户不需要将这R个输出文件合并成一个文件–他们经常把这些文件作为另外一个MapReduce的输入,或者在另外一个可以处理多个分割文件的分布式应用中使用。






master周期性的ping每个worker。如果在一个约定的时间范围内没有收到worker返回的信息,master将把这个worker标记为失效。所有由这个失效的worker完成的Map任务被重设为初始的空闲状态,之后这些任务就可以被安排给其他的worker。同样的,worker失效时正在运行的Map或Reduce任务也将被重新置为空闲状态,等待重新调度。当worker故障时,由于已经完成的Map任务的输出存储在这台机器上,Map任务的输出已不可访问了,因此必须重新执行。而已经完成的Reduce任务的输出存储在全局文件系统上,因此不需要再次执行。当一个Map任务首先被worker A执行,之后由于work



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