
 2022-11-22 11:20:51

Designing Prototype Model of an Online Collaborative Learning System for Introductory Computer Programming Course

Mahfudzah Othmana*, Muhaini Othmanb , Fazlin Marini Hussainc


This paper discusses the design of the prototype model of the online collaborative learning system for introductory computer programming course. The methodology used involves three phases which are the data collection, analysis and design and the implementation phase. Initially, fifty respondents from the first year students of the Diploma in Computer Science in Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Perlis, Malaysia have been randomly selected to participate in the data collection phase in order to investigate the studentsrsquo; interests, learning styles as well as their learning preferences. The results have shown the need for the development of online small group discussions that could facilitate online communication and collaboration from dispersed location, hence encouraging distance learning education. A design of a structure model for an online collaborative learning system has been constructed in order to support the online collaborative learning activities in a virtual environment. The logical designs of the Online Collaborative Learning System or OCLS are being designed using the object-oriented models which are the use-case model and class diagram in order to show the concise processes of virtual “Think-Pair-Share” collaborative activities. The “Think-Pair-Share” collaborative learning technique that is being used in the design structures has been chosen because of its simplicity and relatively low-risk. Later, the physical design of the prototype model is being constructed using the Web-based technologies which are the MySQL database, PHP and Apache web server. This paper also discusses the impact of the online collaborative learning system towards the studentsrsquo; performance where analysis has shown that the t-test result had a significant value of 0.01, which is less than 0.05 (sig. 2-tailed).

copy; 2012 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of the Faculty of Education, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia. Keywords: collaborative learning; introductory computer programming; online collaborative learning system * Corresponding author. Tel.: 6049882000; fax: 6049882501. E-mail address: fudzah@perlis.uitm.edu.my Available online at www.sciencedirect.com copy; 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license. Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of the Faculty of Education, University Technology MARA, Malaysia. 294 Mahfudzah Othman et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 90 ( 2013 ) 293 – 302


Computer programming is claimed to be a challenging intellectual task. Blackwell, Whitley, Good and Petre (2001) mention that computer programming involves complex activities equivalent to other design and engineering activities. A recent study done by Mohd Norafizal, Mahfudzah amp; Zainab (2009) from UiTM Pahang, Malaysia had also showed that a significant number of 70% of the Computer Science students agreed that programming courses are considered tough. Due to the nature of the complexity and toughness in learning programming, there were solid evidences showing high failure rates in computer programming courses. Roddan (2002) reported that almost 42.2% of the students have failed in the future programming module and did not move on to the second year in Computing Science course at University of Glasgow. Guibert and Girard (2003) also mention that there were high failure rates between 25% and 80% worldwide in programming introductory courses. For many years, researchers have been striving to find the right solutions to the problem. Reducing the numbers of failures in programming courses has become their main objectives. Some studies include investigating and comparing the differences in programming languages, paradigms and environments to evaluate the ease of use and appropriateness of the programming languages (Mancy amp; Reid, 2004). Some studies have also focussed on the differences of the studentsrsquo; learning styles. For instance, by integrating the real-world problems into the classroom or during lab sessions, it will bring relevance to the class that have variety of different personalities (Woszczynski, Guthrie amp; Sherri, 2005). Furthermore, innovative ideas such as incorporating pair programming or small group discussions in classes have also proven to produce better codes than individuals, making small group discussions a preferred learning style in most of the programming classes (Nagappan, Williams, Ferzli, Wiebe, Yang, Miller amp; Balik, 2003). Recent studies have shown various ways to use the Web as the mediator to teach and learn computer programming course. SCALE which stands for Supporting Collaboration and Adaptation in a Learning Environment was a web-based system developed to engage students with an active learning environment by providing them with multiple informative and tutoring feedback components (Verginis, Gogoulou, Gouli, Boubouka, amp; Grigoriadou, 2011). Law, Lee, and Yu (2010) have proposed the used of an e-learning system called the Programming Assignment aSsessment System (PASS) to support the teaching and learning of computer programming. From the findings, they claimed that a well facilitated e-learning environment would be beneficial in enhancing learning motivation and studentsrsquo; selfefficacy. Furthermore, another web-based system named AutoLEP has also been developed to aid novice programmers to attain their programming skills. Through AutoLEP, it has been effectively helped the students to adequately test and evaluate the programs (Wang, Su, Ma, Wang amp; Wang, 2011). Although there are a lot of web-based systems that have been developed to support the learning of programming courses, ho



摘要:本文介绍了计算机程序设计课程的在线协作学习系统原始模型的设计。所使用的方法包括三个阶段,即数据收集、分析和设计以及实施阶段。最初,来自马来西亚大学计算机科学专业的五十名一年级学生接受了调查。为了调查学生的兴趣、学习风格以及他们的学习偏好。为了调查学生的兴趣、学习风格以及他们的学习偏好,马来西亚已进入了随机选择参与数据收集阶段。结果表明在线小团体讨论的发展可以从分散的位置促进在线交流和协作,因此鼓励远程教育。一种基于在线协同结构模型的学习系统已经被设计出来用来支持虚拟环境中的在线协作学习活动。在线协作学习系统或称之为OCL的逻辑设计采用面向对象的设计方法,该模型用例模型和类图来展示虚拟的简明流程合作活动。设计结构中使用的“思维对共享”协作学习技术已被选择,因为它的简单性和相对较低的风险。然后,基于Web的技术构建了MySQL数据库、PHP和Apache Web服务器的原型模型的物理设计正在进行中。本文还讨论分析了在线协作学习系统对学生表现的影响,测试结果显著为0.01,小于0.05。





  1. 什么是协作学习?

根据Roschelle和Teasle所说,协作可以被描述为协调的、同步的活动,这是持续尝试构建和维护一个问题的共同概念的结果。协作学习技术的多样性,如“轮转”,“数字头”,“拼图”、“思考对分享”等许多在课堂教学环境中得到了广泛的应用,他们也被证明有效地提高学生的表现。为了更好协作学习,社会和行为科学的Mahfudzah Othman等人将重点放在帮助学生规划和设计他们的问题解决策略并指导他们评估学习过程中的问题。


一个以教学和学习合作为目标的在线协作系统,应该得到具体的支持工具。因此,它可以与计算机支持的协作学习或CSCL紧密相关。对Nik Azlina来说,CSCL被认为是在虚拟环境中最有前途的改进教学和学习的创新。借助现代信息和通信技术,在线协作学习现在是可能的,可以更有效地实施。CSCL也可以被描述为如何通过计算机系统支持协作活动及其协调,在以往的研究中,CSCL也被称为“群件”或“协同软件”。Gros、Guerra和桑切斯也阐述了在线计算机支持和合作学习是两种重要的理念,即合作学习的理念。在线与其他社区成员,也在一个组。此外,MadidiZADH也声称CSCL可以用来增强协作和技术使用的对等交互和小组工作。促进社区成员之间知识和专业知识的共享和分配。因此,任何采用CSCL概念的在线协作学习系统将提供更具交互性的在线学习支持和促进学生和他们的导师交互、协商和协作的学习环境。

  1. 在线协作学习系统的概念


因此,本研究采用CSCL的概念,建立了在线协作学习系统。OCL将使用于Web的应用程序例如MySQL数据库、PHP和Apache Web服务器的基来构建。其中这些应用能够同时支持多个用户从分散的位置使用,从而提供高效的在线交流和讨论。OCL已经设计了两个级别的协作工具它们被识别为通信和协作管理工具。两种工具都将是用于会议目的和在线协调。通信工具将涉及Web 2技术,如在线聊天、即时消息和讨论板。此外,选择“思维成对”协作学习技术来适应虚拟环境中的协作活动。已经发现,“思维对共享”技术是一种相对低风险和短的协作学习技术,因此,它理想地适合于在虚拟学习环境中注入。

  1. 材料与方法






对于在线协作学习系统的逻辑设计,系统需求由功能需求和数据需求两部分组成。两种需求都是使用用例图和类图来描述的。最后,利用PHP、Apache Web Server和MySQL数据库技术,构建了OCL的物理设计。


OCLS被引入马来西亚UITM PARLIS计算机科学专业一年级文凭测试组。为了分析OCL在程序设计班中的有效性,选择另一组一年级学生作为对照组。这两门课程都是针对一年级学生必修的计算机问题解决课程的基础。两组由每个班的23名学生组成,并由同一讲师教授7年以上的基本程序设计课程的教学经验。随后,在两组中,记录学生在测试2中的表现,然后比较OCL的使用是否对学生在编程课程中的成绩有显著影响。为了了解OCL与学生成绩之间的相关性,使用Spearman Rho模型的双变量相关过程来测量这两个变量之间的关联强度。另一个测试是通过检验进一步分析在编程课程中使用OCL对学生表现的显著影响。



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