LIMS 的历史 、发展与实施应用外文翻译资料

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LIMS 的历史 、发展与实施应用


(北京朝外大街 22 号泛利大厦 401 北京 100020)

摘 要 本论文内容涉及 LIM S 发展的简要历史及其应用、优点和核心功能, 同时包含帮助第一时间用户成功实施 LIM S 的一些提示。

关键词 LIM S ;实验室

中图分类号 T P182

History , Development and Implementation of LIMS

Inpro System Ltd.

(Rm .401 Prime Tow er, No .22 Chao Wai Street , Beijing , 100020 , P.R .China)

Abstract The paper covers a brief history of the development of LIMS , its uses , benefits , and core func-tions .Hints for successful implementation are also included to assist the first time user .

Key words LIMS ;laboratory

Terence Stanton has had 25 years experience w orking for large multi-national com panies .

Formerly with Nestle as Quality Assurance M anager and more recently w ith GlaxoSmithkline as Opera-

tions Director .He has extensive practical experience in the fields of Operations , Quality Management and I .T .

Terence s management experience includes the introduction of various softw are applications into new and

existing facilities .These include E .R .P.and L .I.M .

He is responsible for the GMP concept design of GlaxoSmithKline s newest factory built in TEDA .

  • History

Prior to the 1980 s laboratories controlled their workflow manually using paperw ork systems .They basi-cally used these to control sam ples , testing and collate results .As the number of samples requiring test

and demands for quicker results increased , so the systems began to fail .Initially , individuals began to w rite small software programs to control some of the everyday laboratory functions .As commercial and

regulatory dem ands increased so more and more laboratories began to use bigger and bigger programs to control administration .Automation of some lab testing began to appear but softw are lagged behind .

Commercial versions of some lab systems began to appear in the market .Although it was basic to compare to

those of today , they became popular with lab staff because they removed much of the tedium of the work .Over the years the software improved and w ith the introduction of the Windows operating system the applications be-

came more sophisticated .LIMS systems appeared in the 1980 s .Most of the early systems used mini-computers and a hierarchical database structure and a proprietary database configuration .

They had big disadvantages :

Costly , user unfriendliness , inability to move data out of LIMS .Next came PC s w ith the same database structure and proprietary database configurations .

By the early nineties Window s w as becoming more and more popular .However , few LIMS vendors could convert their complicated applications from DOS or UN IX over to M icrosoft Window s environment .

The majority of today s LIMS systems use (ISAM)databases such as M icrosoft Access for sm aller labs

w hilst larger systems are typically based UN IX on and use (SQL)such as Oracle and Microsoft SQ L server .

收稿日期:2002 -04 -05 ;Received 5 April , 2002

现代科学仪器 2002 2 21

  • LIMS Development

Firstly , w hat is a LIMS ?

Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS)are information management systems designed specifically for the analytical laboratory .This includes research and development (R amp;D)labs , in-process testing labs , quality assurance (QA)labs, and more .Typically , LIMS connect the analytical instruments in the lab to one or more workstations or personal computers (PC).These instruments such as chromatographs are used to collect data .An instrument interface such as an integrator is used to forward the data from the chromatograph to the PC , where

the data is organized into meaningful information .This information is further sorted and organized into various re-port formats based upon the type of report required .

Most LIMS products allow the laboratory to ;register w ork requests ;print analytical worksheets ;moni-tor and communicate sample/technique backlogs ;schedule work ;acquire and store analytical data ;moni-tor the quality of all analytical w ork ;approve analytical data for client release ;print and store analytical reports and invoices ;protect the security of all data ;track and locate samples in storage ;track and com-municate all quality control in the laboratory ;provide laboratory management with production and finan-cial statistics and w ith client information , e .g., names, addresses , sales figures , etc .An appropriately

designed and installed LIMS can quickly bring accuracy and accessibility to the flow of samples and data in any laboratory .The real value of a LIMS is the ability to maximize sample throughput and minimize labor costs .

Laboratory throughput is improved in a number of different w ays .The most obvious gain in productivity occurs through the ability for data entry via on-line instruments .Also , there will be a significant decrease in data entry errors .Finally , the up-to-date sample in-flow data available from a typical LIMS allow s lab-oratory supervisors and bench personnel to better schedule analytical w ork , minimize “dow ntime” and maximize batch size .Some other effects are that there are better visible quality control checks and cen-

tralized data .The ability to monitor , track and communicate data and quality control information gives the laboratory the tools to improve methods and work practices .The end result is that people in the labo-ratory are able to process more samples per hour worked .

LIMS development is continuing unabated .Demands for more specialized functions have driven LIMS in-to areas of genetic research , bioinformatics and M ES integration .LIM S vendors are developing cus-tomized modules for large corporate customers .Modules such as Customer Relationship Manager , HPLC Data M anagement , Chemical Inventory an


LIMS 的历史 、发展与实施应用


(北京朝外大街 22 号泛利大厦 401 北京 100020)

摘 要 本论文内容涉及 LIM S 发展的简要历史及其应用、优点和核心功能, 同时包含帮助第一时间用户成功实施 LIM S 的一些提示。

关键词 LIM S ;实验室

中图分类号 T P182

History , Development and Implementation of LIMS

Inpro System Ltd.

(Rm .401 Prime Tow er, No .22 Chao Wai Street , Beijing , 100020 , P.R .China)

Abstract The paper covers a brief history of the development of LIMS , its uses , benefits , and core func-tions .Hints for successful implementation are also included to assist the first time user .

Key words LIMS ;laboratory




  • 历史背景


之后,一些实验室系统的商业版本开始出现在市场上。尽管与当今的实验室系统相比,它们很简陋,但它们深受实验室工作人员的欢迎,因为它们简化了许多繁琐的工作。多年以来,软件条件得到改进, 引入Windows操作系统后,应用程序开始变得更加复杂。LIMS系统出现在20世纪80年代。早期,大多数的系统使用微型计算机和分层数据库结构以及专有的数据库配置。



到九十年代初,Window越来越受欢迎。但是,很少有LIMS供应商可以将他们复杂的应用程序从DOS或UNIX转换到M icrosoft Window环境。

目前大多数LIMS系统使用(ISAM)数据库,例如Microsoft Access,但大型系统通常基于UNIX并使用(SQL),如Oracle和Microsoft SQ L服务器。

收稿日期:2002 -04 -05 ;Received 5 April , 2002

现代科学仪器 2002 2 21

  • LIMS的发展


实验室信息管理系统(LIMS)是专门为分析实验室设计的信息管理系统,包括研发(R&D)实验室,在线测试实验室,质量保证(QA)实验室等。通常,LIMS通过实验室中的分析仪器连接到一个或多个工作站或个人计算机(PC)。这些仪器(如色谱仪)用于收集数据。仪器接口(如积分仪)用于将色谱仪的数据转发到PC, 数据被组织成有意义的信息。根据所需报告的类型,将这些信息进一步分类并组织成各种报告格式。


实验室的吞吐量在许多不同的方面得到了改善。最显着的是生产力的增长是通过在线仪器输入数据的能力而发生的。同时,数据录入错误的可能性也会大大降低。最后,最新的LIMS提供的样品提供输入流,实验室主管和工作人员可以更好地安排分析工作,最大限度地减少“时间”并最大限度地提高批量。其他一些影响则是能够有更好的可见的质量控制检查和集中数据。 监控,跟踪和数据传输和质量控制信息的能力能作为实验室改进方法的和工作实践的工具。最终结果是实验室人员能够比以前处理更多的样品。

LIMS的发展仍在继续。更加专业的功能需求驱使着LIMS进入基因研究,生物信息学和MES整合领域。LIMS供应商正在为大型企业客户开发定制模块。客户关系经理,HPLC数据管理, 化学品库存和设备校准管理等功能都能够定制。


  • 设计和实施


在建立LIMS之前的设计阶段涉及对可用软件/硬件包进行审查和分析,以及对自己实验室要求的定义和记录。这里可能出现的错误包含了工作人员被排除在流程之外。 要解决此问题,建议您与实验室中使用该系统的人员频繁的进行会议。


22 M odern Scientific I nstruments 2002 2

普通的软件通常不具备有专业程度的背景,来解释实验室要求。这种沟通问题可以在LIMS系统中表现出来,这些系统不容易进入实验室操作。通常,实验室必须按符合LIMS的顺序以改变程序和工作流程 。这种批量的需求变更极大地影响了LIMS的安装,并且可能会导致项目的交流人员和技术人员的不足。

在具有专门的信息系统(IS)和部门的大型组织中,经常会出现这样类似的问题。当IS人员推荐最新的硬件架构或软件架构时,有时可能会出现严重的冲突问题,而不管其功能如何, 是否适合以及成本如何。这种情况的最终结果是实验室必须经过重大修改才能符合所购买的产品的功能。在极端情况下,实验室可能不得不增加开销,例如更多数据处理,以便使用这个不是为实验室而是为会计或生产部门设计的LIMS系统。



所有LIMS开发的关键应该是在不牺牲系统速度的情况下实现大部分所需的功能。大多数实验室在能够充分利用其所有功能,并不需要花费额外的时间去学习系统的使用。由于这种“隔阂” 的存在,在一段时间内,更加复杂的功能通常可以推迟一到两年,而不会影响程序的成功。这种实施延迟还可能使实验室人员有机会为系统优化的关键最后阶段提供更多的建议。

  • 安装阶段

任何LIMS安装的目标都必须是获得一整个系统,这将使工作人员的工作更容易,从而提高组织的效率。LIMS系统必须被临时员工接受和欢迎,才算取得成功。在完成所有决策之后,第一批接触前线的人员经常正在安装新系统。这种情况常常导致需要重大的软件重写,硬件改装或破坏性地组织的重大软件和修改LIMS配置。 此外,如果分析和支持人员对其设计和操作特征没有什么建议,那么他们更有可能抵制新系统。


  • 结论


这些功能包括无缝集成实验室信息和通用软件的功能,如专业Microsoft Office套件(Word,Excel,Access和PowerPoint)以及其他应用程序,如WordPerfect和QuatroPro。 专业的数据库系统允许用户自定义报告,分析并以多种方式呈现其数据。一个成功运转的LIMS将提高实验室的生产力,提高数据的准确性,减少执行的常规任务的数量并提高 实验室的整体效率。

现代科学仪器 2002 2 23



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